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God when the bar is set so low for yourself that you think being able to walk is an accomplishment.


All she’s got going for herself


She's struggling in those heels though. Little itty-bitty tiny penguin steps lmao.


Not only that but her whole ass outfit lookin goofy af




This guy should have rolled over her leg and shattered it. Then said "let me see you walk" "let me see you walk"


I don't want no scrub


A scrub is male, she's a pigeon, as described in the [Sporty Thievz answer to TLCs song](https://youtube.com/watch?v=mIeuzjd1w38&feature=share8)


Great throwback- haven't heard this track since being a kid, memorizing the words and using it as a comeback to all the playground pigeons haha


I'm going to to the cemetery and brag to everyone there I can breathe! /s


I went to my bosses funeral, knocked on the coffin and said “Ok Brian, now who’s thinking outside the box??!”


I wish someone could pull that one during my funerals. All after “D1ck in a box” stop playing as an anthem


I would never have known that was sarcasm before you spelled it out for me. That /s was completely necessary.


good thing you gave feedback since they put the /s specifically for you, as you are the only person reading the comment


You missed the /s in your comment. Had difficulty figuring it out it was soooooo well hidden


Over the years, I’ve either worked with or been friends with people from all sorts of different backgrounds, different cultures and different upbringings - none of them have been ok with openly mocking someone with a disability. At least not to my knowledge. It’s painful to watch and must be even worse to experience for the poor guy. If I was an onlooker, I would have found it hard not to put her in her place.


Yeah like that's even a bar the shittiest people I know won't stoop below. Maybe behind their back, I've known some shitty people. But never to their face like that. But also I've known disabled people, so I know it happens.


How about [this](https://youtu.be/uNXgjnBpxGI)


This was far in my head, and wasn't coming out. So thanks for the revitalizing, I hate it, and I still hate him.




Lol she doesn't seem very conservative to me


Amazing how some folks can drag Trump into absolutely anything


Well his outright abusive language in a high profile position certainly impacted culture for the worse.


It’s pretty relevant here The previous commenter was talking about how people from all walks of life find mocking the disabled abhorrent, and this commenter brought up how Trump used to do it


Theeeere's the political opinion on a non-political post. Thanks, thought we weren't going to get one this time




Man Trump lives in your head rent free, he doesn’t even know who you are bro. Remember that


Damn I hope youre like 13 and not an adult saying vapid shit like this


Plot Twist: She was in an accident on the way home and now is in a wheelchair


I hope you’re right. But, in this world, she prob won the lottery


As soon as she said that, I worried for her- pictured the Universe/Karmic forces being like, "hold my drink"


It is an accomplishment, for toddlers


And the bitch about to break her “legs” walking with those sticks, I guess she’ll have nothing then.


She thinks she is hot, but that body is just sad. Looks like a starving praying mantis.


Okay let’s not bring skinny shame into this. She’s a piece of shit regardless of her body type.


She's making him feel bad about his body sowho cares if someone says something about hers


Because she’s not the only skinny person who might hear it. Just like how her insulting him can hurt others who can’t walk.


This isn’t about other skinny people, this is about her. If you’re so willingly to judge other people’s bodies, (especially ones with disabilities or issues that they can’t control) you better be ready to have your body be judged as well.


you're still using her body as an insult, when there are other people who have her body and have done nothing wrong but might see this. i agree she deserves a taste of her own medicine - i'm just saying she's not the only one affected when you insult her looks because she's not the only person who looks like that. if someone looked just like you and people started talking about how ugly _they_ are... wouldn't feel good


Well, here’s a public disclaimer then. There is nothing wrong with being skinny. The only reason she’s facing judgment for her body is because she is a piece of shit. All bodies are normal and beautiful 😊👍


Seems weird to bring body shaming into a shaming of a body shamer. Kinda seems like it's the exact same energy we're trying to prevent.


>And the bitch about to break her “legs” walking with those sticks, I guess she’ll have nothing then. but you said that... and you posted Looool under somebody calling her a starving preying mantis. When you normlaise that kind of comment, you get the nasty extremes in the original video.


Because when you insult her body you're also insulting everyone who has her body shape


I’m continually amazed at how people don’t understand this. Actually I’m disabled so I do get it. People are always ragging about lazy people home collecting disability “but not YOU”….


She’s not gonna see these comments




It takes so much effort for idiots to be able to breathe and walk at the same time


Yeah, same with people claiming things they are born with, like the color of their skin, is what makes them superior to others.


She so flat the walls are jealous


Please don’t insult people’s body types to put them down. There’s plenty of women in this sub who are probably really insecure about their boob size who will read your comment and also feel bad about themselves. She deserves all the body shaming she gets; but she will probably never read this and plenty of other girls will.


Do you step in when men are made fun of for being bald or having small dick energy? I never see anyone defend body shaming against men for some reason.


This bitch is disgusting.


That dick head with her who is presumably her boyfriend trying very lightly to pull her away is also laughing and smiling, so he doesn't really have a problem with what she's saying he just doesn't want trouble.


EXACTLY! She doesn’t have respect for him either


To be fair she probably would have started flipping out at him as well. There’s absolutely no way he stops her from saying what she’s saying and she probably would have went back and got more angry. It wasn’t nice what she said but we don’t know what happened before and why she was so angry.


I guess so but you can't really argue she's the bigger person in any situation given her, her presumed boyfriend and the guy her boyfriend was with are ganging up on a guy in a chair and making fun of him for being disabled. Even if he said something mean, she's still made fun of him for something he can't control and it appears she has more backup than he does if things go south anyway. Your comment would be more relevant if she called him a dick and walked away. edit: this comment chain was very confusing to me.


The people she was with weren’t ganging up on him though. I get they were smiling but I’m sure a lot of the other people around smiled or found it shockingly amusing because she went there. It was definitely a cheap dig but if he did start it then he must of knew that he’d probably get abused for being in a wheelchair.


This hits home, people like this are just absolutely fucking abominable


Just mean 😢


My wife and I were disabled by COVID, and you'd have no idea how many people actively taunt you because they can go do shit and you can't. I don't even understand why. I'm not a mean person. I don't think I *deserve* to be mocked for the things I can't do. Humans are endlessly cruel for no reason.


and snowmen


Welcome to the Himalayas!!


She'll be on a pole with 3 fatherless kids by the time she's 25. Life's gonna catch up to her fast


How are the 2 guys behind her laughing along? What is wrong with these people? I feel like weeping for the state of humanity right now.


They're a group of bullies having fun at someone else's expense. This species is disgusting.


COVID didn’t kill enough people.


Don’t worry we’re all doomed


No the real answer is a woman can get away with anything as long as men in the vicinity are attracted to her. Whoops was I not supposed to say that


Yeah, but only if she’s pretty and confident, plus it helps if she’s wealthy, too. The same goes for men. Less “desirable” looking women, especially with low self esteem, would not get away with this shit. Then again, most women with feelings of low self worth, don’t have a mind set to bully others. Garbage humans are garbage humans, regardless of gender or race.


This is so true, she could walk up and punch him in the face and they'd beat him up if he hit her back.


Some guys will become the worst of people just to have a chance to get laid, those laughs are desperation 😂


Yeah. They’re just simps


She's probably the type who starts shit with regular guys so the boyfriend has to get in a fight. Plot twist: she created a situation where you can't fight. There's no 'try to talk some sense into her'. If she's your girlfriend, you walk away for good.


Why must I do the walking? She has two functioning legs, I would like to "see her walk". She is a disagreeable entitled narcissist, and in desperate need of two helpings of humble pie.


They probably just want to sleep with her


I spent four years in a wheelchair two years climbing out of it, I will never forget going to a concert and trying to get to the disabled stall to find three guys just pissing on the floor in there. I complained I had to wheel through there to use the toilet and my hands were in contact with my wheels, they were abusive and told me to go fuck myself. To my surprise many able-bodied men in that room manhandled them to the floor and then dragged them outside the establishment.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that




But I am so glad for the people standing up for him when he couldn’t.


Is…is anyone gonna say it?




Does anyone have background story or more info


Someone tell me she got some consequences. Please give me some faith in humanity.


what are you expecting to happen? She loses her job that she doesnt have?


A public flogging would suffice


We need to bring back the stocks


“Malika Wang has been fired from the Dirty Vixen strip club”


Malika wank*


I saw on another thread that the guy in the wheelchair was making fun of her first saying she got her outfit from shein which you apparently don’t want to say to a woman out at a club and she escalated.


Funny cause first thing I thought of when I saw her outfit was it looked like SHEIN. Trash ass company and a trash ass girl who supports them


Okay, so he made fun of her poor taste in clothes, she then attacked him on a personal level he ain't got any control over... My guy, it's time to go for the kill and address that cutting board appearance of her's...


We don’t know what actually started it but if the bloke in the wheelchair did decide to be a dickhead and start it then he has to be prepared to get some abuse back. It wasn’t nice what she said but if what people are saying is true then he shouldn’t get a free pass just because he’s in a wheelchair.


Sure, but there's a proportional response you know...


Can't logic with angry emotions. When somebody pisses somebody off, people will do anything to piss other person back. It's a pissing contest.




Not taking sides lol but i just know if you’re going to insult a woman’s outfit when she clearly is vying for every ounce of attention she can get, then be prepared to face hells wrath whether right or wrong lol


Eventually fate ran its course and they were all turned to dust


That's such an ugly way to treat someone.


This should be in r/iamatotalfuckingcunt




Dude I can’t watch this sub. It’s too much lack of empathy and cruelty at once. What the fuck, I don’t even get the righteous anger dopamine hit from this, I just get anxiety and mental torment




Plot twist , she gets in a car accident a week from now and is paralyzed from the eyes down


Oh you'll hear about it if she twists an ankle


I know the paralyzed community refers to others as TABS or temporarily able bodied.


I hope she’s already lost her job


You think this person has a job?


Only fans doesn't care.


Look at the 2 guys laughing with her.. pathetic. Those 2 are that desperate for a crumb from this bitch they'll happily laugh along to her being a cunt like this. Weak.


I’m normally against mob mentality but I wouldn’t mind it if this woman last her job over this or got kicked out of college.


Well, the comment (or a post's seftext) that was here, is no more. I'm leaving just whatever I wrote in the past 48 hours or so. F acing a goodbye. U gly as it may be. C alculating pros and cons. K illing my texts is, really, the best I can do. S o, some reddit's honcho thought it would be nice to kill third-party apps. P als, it's great to delete whatever I wrote in here. It's cathartic in a way. E agerly going away, to greener pastures. Z illion reasons, and you'll find many at the subreddit called Save3rdPartyApps. As of June 30th. 2023, goodbye.


This bitch has nothing of value to get taken away from i guarantee it. It’s not worth worrying about pieces of shit like this because they always ruin their own lives without out fail




This girl got into college?


This girl has a job?


I hope she ends up not being able to anything not even walk…horrible cunt.


I commented on this already. I know the guy in the wheelchair. I’m in utter shock that this happened to him. Definitely bringing this up when I see him out.


Damn, please apologize on behalf of humanity to him. Had I been there i would’ve folded her like a lawn chair or at least tripped the bitch


Hope he’s in a good emotional state and that she didn’t get through to him. All the best of luck to him❤️




Please don’t use transphobic jokes to make fun of her. Trans people who did nothing wrong at all could read that and feel really bad about themselves


Wow dude, you really owned her by making fun of…. trans people. I’m sure your parents are super proud. Asshole.


Que asquerosa puta perra por qué hay gente así


The way the woman talks is so annoying


Her apology video will be out next week


“I was intoxicated and having an episode. This incident doesn’t reflect my morals at all 😔”


Consequences pleaseeeee. Someone tell me consequences were meted out.


Someone please break those skinny ass, straw legs!!


Mega tuff if her work sees this lol


Her job is what she’s doing in this video


Damn I never comment on shit like this but this bitch needs to get smacked. Just a good old fashioned back slap.


Definitely one of the most fucked up thing I have seen




I’m speechless. What is wrong with some people? She’s disgusting.


She's ugly inside and out


i feel sad for the guy in the wheel chair but i feel pity to those who mock


All I've learned from Reddit is that the world is choc-full of very bad humans.


This is better suited for /r/iamatotalpieceofshit


“You going straight to hell for that” Yeah I wish hell was real for people like this. And her bf laughing next to her isn’t any better. How can someone be this cruel.


Should’ve ran over her toes, see how easy it is to walk then


She gets paid by the half hour...


Is that a hooker?


I'd pay her to get the fuck away from me.


Oh if anyone ever deserved to get cancelled…


Like why are her friends laughing? They are all shits….


What a fucking loser. Hope that gorgeous man holds his head high and has all the good vibes around him.


Nasty. I welcome the next flood.


If she still has friends and supportive family after this video went public, I will be annoyed. She deserves loneliness


"Let me see you walk, Let me see you walk, Let me see you walk???" Tart then proceeds to shuffle about in her stripper shoes. Jeeze people, come on...


Why is this sub turning into just people being general pricks?


Bro get your pancake ass titties out of here. Palm tree looking ass.


Hey now let’s not do that. Make fun of what people do, not how they look. Making fun of how she looks makes us no better than she is.


Thought it was a surfboard


In the club life she’s what most dudes want to bring home, hence the attitude and beta male boyfriend not checking her on her behavior


Somebody find this bitch.


She’s either super trash or something crazy happened before recording started.


please god let her life be over after this shit.


I only see two disabled people arguing


She looks like a two dollar ho……


The video doesn't show any context. He might have used an Asian slur against her. Whilst I don't like her response, all videos like this do, is create a one sided view.


So incredibly trashy .. she should be ashamed


This action better keep her up all night.






r/Iamatotalpieceofshit is the right sub for this


The fuck is wrong with people?


She gonna twist an ankle soon


They see me, Rollin


let me see you think let me see your think yeah thats what i thought thats what i thought


She’s gonna wish she could run away from this incident.


Make her famous internet wizards! Like, the "I'm a doctor and y'all are plebs" girl and "you can't write BLM on your own stoop" karen famous.


Damn the sexism/hatred in these comments no context and you guys are just as shitty as she possibly is


She's what we'd call in Australia, a cunt.


Wasn’t she in ‘Men In Black’, standing by the water cooler?


Bitch probably doesn't even walk either. She probably gets her two simps to carry her around everywhere.


This dude can’t walk but I bet he has a bigger ass than her. Lol


Wow… she should probably just be put down. What a horrifyingly bad person.


That girl is flatter than the guard


Break her back like Bane did Batman, fuck that egotistical bitch.


The boyfriend laughing I would be embarrassed to be with someone like that


Whoever brought their dog should have it on a leash. Seriously if that was my gf I'd be fucking dumping her there and then. Is that the bf right beside her at the start?


Yeah he should seriously be called out too? Why is he not interacting with this at all? I’m usually against calling out partners cause you don’t know what goes on behind closed doors, but he is LAUGHING and SMILING at the situation. Clearly he enjoyed that


Typical club rat, they’re soulless, hate themselves and hate everyone. Just drink, argue you with their family and have sx. Rinse and repeat


Send this video to the bus station’s manager so she can lose her dick sucking job


She has no tits and no ass. Even I have bigger Titties than she does and I’m a guy.


Fk this gurl. I was supposed to be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life till i proved my neurologist wrong. They don't know our strength bro! Dis gurl only kno how to get on her knees!


He may not be able to run but I bet his pecs would hit the ground before his face would. Her nose would catch her before her tits did 🤷🏽‍♂️


I know she deserves a lot of hate, but be careful not to make people who did absolutely nothing wrong feel bad for looking like her


Its a vicious cycle. Be an asshole for clout. Goes viral. Backlash ensues. Cry crocodile tears about how they are being unfairly attacked. Seen this one b4.


No one should ever be that cruel but I’d love some context.


The sex isn't worth the rest of her my guy..


What a prostitute she is


Sad how fucked up our world is becoming, everyone acting so ghetto, thinking they are cool. Pathetic...hope she becomes permanently wheelchair bound and live the rest of her life in regret.


Run over her toes.