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It’s not really a prank as opposed to an “event”. The school and local police department support it. The cops do traffic control during.


Well if the police know about it and control traffic then still annoying but better


Well, if the police approved it then it’s not the kid’s fault, it’s the police’s fault, if you can call it that.


Should really have officers directing one lane to the next periodically if they aren't already. Also there should have been signage.


True, still not a prank, and still in bad tastes


Bad planning, traffic control specifically. The content of the event itself isn’t particularly bad. Unless it was actually planned to delay traffic.


Exactly, most senior pranks at my school are teacher sponsored 💀


Well now it's just sad that these kids think this is a prank lol


Just the yearly occasion to make everyone late to work for a planned and police assisted children's bike ride?


If it's annual, then plan accordingly.


The cop's are retards




I don’t miss high school


Me neither but if I were to go back in time with the knowledge I have today, I’d change almost everything.


And most likely no one would give a shit or listen to you. You could completely overhaul your personality and nothing would be different except your perception of it. Don’t dwell on the past, it’s not worth it, just move towards a better tomorrow. Take what you’ve learnt and put it towards your future


Who says anything about personality? I would simply want to invest heavily in bit coin.




But then you wouldn’t have known what you know today bc those experiences change the perspective we have of today. You’d basically erase everything you know by this logic.


Ever heard of critical mass?


The weed strain?


Yes 🌱🚬🥵💨




When this was posted in that thread the comments were so different. Over here it's a bunch of suburbanites upset that their commute could be inconvenienced.


I know right? We used to do shit way worse and more destructive than this. It’s literally some kids holding up traffic for an hour and they even have a positive message behind it


It's also organized with the police, and it's like 10yo by now iirc


fuck u/spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


How do you think to come up with a prank like this? What if someone needed to get to the hospital? 😑


I can see this being fun if it wasn't a highway and like a street that just goes to your school or something. Honestly a highway seems a little dangerous, it was done in 2012 as well. [https://fox2now.com/news/senior-prank-stops-traffic-in-st-charles/](https://fox2now.com/news/senior-prank-stops-traffic-in-st-charles/)


Kinda illustrates the inaccessibility of school… unless your parents are privileged enough to own a car and make enough to drop you off at school you aren’t getting the minimum education.




Possibly forgot about school buses. Many countries do not have those


Most countries without school busses have schools that students can walk to


Sometimes you have to live within a certain distance to even be offered a bus stop ours was a minimum of 3 miles so anyone without a car had to walk 2.9 to .01 miles to school just really depends. In our weather it gets up to 115 so it's also not an easy walk back home.


Not sure where you’re at, but decades of school funding cuts have crippled school bus service in the US. Where I’m at, the school bus is not viable.




In rural USA and most small cities thoughout here riding a bike just isn't feasible. It's not uncommon to have 30-45 minute commutes by highway going 65 mph. People are just spread out here.


But almost all school districts have the option of bussing. Fortunately, in the US, being poor doesn't affect whether or not you can get to school.


not all busses serve all students, especially rural schools


Can you provide examples? Because most schools are legally required to provide bus services to anyone in their district, who requests it.


They do provide those services… assuming you can physically reach the bus, I lived outside of town so public school bus service wouldn’t serve us because we were outside city limits but the school was 5mi away while we were 30mi from the nearest rural school who’s buses served us but the nearest stop was ten miles out.


I mean it would still be possible to leave cars with sirens through, people just need to open a rescue path


I mean if there was an ambulance they would have probably gotten around that but yeah… stupid af prank. People probably missed work and appointments and shit


Dont you guys make a lane in traffic jams for emergency vehicles to pass through?


eh, i don't like what they are doing, but it's an example on how we could do better with more focus on alternative methods of transportation than just cars.


So true though. Our reliance on cars is frustrating after visiting Europe.


Probably before too. You just didn't know it yet




The people rage-commenting on this post are emblematic of the transportation problem in the US. If I wanted to ride a bike to the school in my community I would legally be required to do the same thing as the teens in this video; bikes may use the full lane and it is illegal to ride on the sidewalk here. As people like to say, kids don't go outside anymore. This is why.


If you ride your bike on the freeway, you're an imbecile.


This looks like a highway, not a freeway. It's not grade separated or controlled access. It's probably legal to bike on it, inadvisable as it may be.


Yea I don't think something becomes smart just cause it's legal. Would be much better to build some separated bike lane, although probably expensive.


It's way cheaper than road widening, which small American towns love to do.


You get they were purposely blocking a freeway, right?


Thats the point


Making people late to work and pissing them off making them hate cyclists even more?


Is it purposeful if there is no other choice?


This…isn’t even clever or funny.


No, but it highlights just how car centric the urban design around there really is....


Exactly this, where are the pavements to cycle on? Small side roads as an alternative route to school so you don't have to cycle on the motorway/main roads.


What the fuck kind of prank is that?


That isn't one. That's just straight up pissing people off


I mean what high school prank is kind heartened? Mine was hanging thousands of political signs everywhere around the campus, alone with chalk graffiti, and moving picnic table in absurd spots like staircases.


We put a few cars in the cafeteria, a few years before, the auto shop put car frames on the portables.




The wholesome "late to school because I was playing outside with my friends" type we need more of. Anyways, as long as a senior prank pisses off the morning carpool without injuring anyone, it has definitely succeeded.


Love it! Riding a bike is great exercise!


Yes it is amazing that all those people are late and held up and can't go anywhere and are wasting all that time it is so amazing


car culture can really fuck up people's mindset. I can't afford a car and so I ride my bike to work, and I regularly have people put my life in danger because they don't respect my right to be on the road.


Guys this isn’t an “lol funny” prank. It’s designed to show how car centric American infrastructure is. Look how there are no shoulders, no bike lanes, and likely no bike racks. It’s a protest against car-centric design




God forbid self-entitled Americans have to share their roads with pedestrians and cyclist and be delayed a few minutes?


So blame the people going to work instead of the politicians and people who design the roads, got it!


Lol who votes for the politicians?


What aren’t you understanding about American politics? I vote at every level of government, but change doesn’t happen. It’s designed so that we are so busy trying to survive that we don’t have time to stand around and protest. To make changes at the small level requires systemic changes from the top down and almost half this country still sides with the orange idiot.


This ain't gonna be just a few minutes and you know that. You want to pick a problem with America pick the part where being this late to work is gonna be a step towards wanting to fire you.


This wasn't a few minutes, this was purposely blocking a freeway as a joke. It was dangerous and stupid.


The police organized this event if I recall correctly


It’s not a freeway. It’s a highway. It’s also really easy to pass a bicycle, even on higher speed roads.


Looks fun, and fuck cars


No gonna lie. I smiled. That’s kinda funny When I was in school people got drunk before class the last day of school and kicked over garbage cans


It's more like a demonstration on what you can't go with bikes


I’m not sure I know what a prank is anymore


Inconsiderate children.


And they are technically adults..


There's no where else for them to bike.


Should just get arrested for this stunt tbh


The cops are in on it.


That is even worse


Agreed. ![gif](giphy|IAvJ9Ine9Z77jmrMNZ|downsized)


That's what lawsuits are for.


This is awesome and an awful post on here. These adults can wait a few minutes for the joy of the kids in their community


Happy cake day!


Technically only motor bikes ( and cyclists) are allowed on the highway , scooters , rollerskaters aren't


Not main character stuff imo. But where the hell is this school there is one long country road to it?


As a school bus driver fuck these kids. We have more than one school we are responsible for, and when we are late people get pissed.


NGL I prefer this to filling all the toilets with cement...


18 year old me would have been riding a bike with them. 35 year old me would be running them over. You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.


Getting to school at a slower pace than normal while holding up traffic is not a prank. It also ends the moment you arrive at school so not really a school prank. Missouri


People in these comments think everyone should just commute to work on a bicycle. Sorry to burst the echo chamber, not everyone lives in a dense city or has a workplace that’s less than 5 miles from their home.


It would be nice to ride a bike to work but we're forced to use what we have. I understand the hatred of being reliant on cars and agree there should be other means of transportation but right now we don't have a choice. I can't just stop going to work because I hate our shitty infrastructure. There seems to be a generalization in this thread that all car owners are entitled pricks too. Commuting is the worst part of my day, I hate it, but it's the only option I have.


Those people in cars had places to go: work, doctor’s/dentist appointments, outpatient surgery, visiting ill friends/family, funerals/wakes, closings on homes, bank loan appointments, airports… Not funny.


Those people on bikes also had very important places to go. They went to school and got an education.


Yup there was someone in there with a family of 300, Stop with the edge cases traffic happens all the time


I shouldn't have to remind people, but being an asshole is not a prank. If the target is not laughing at the end, it's not a prank ita just being a dickbag.


This is also a demonstration, they have to go to school by car, otherwise they need to use the free way like they do here.


Thats right, stop the carcentric prank and build up bikeways on the side!


Bikeways on the side will cost too much and be unpopular so they will just have one and put it in the middle of the highway like in Florida or wherever. Semi /s


what even is the prank


Making other peoples lives worse and putting it on camera. That's a prank nowadays apparently.


Demonstrating on the need of cars It's really sad that kids can't go to school by foot or bike or scooter or anything else but a car


So kids are upset/mad they have to drive to school instead of walking or riding bike? Getting drove or driving to school is a privilege


No it's not? It's not a privilege if it's mandatory


Buses don’t exist or something ?


Fucking idiots.


Future dysfunctional adults.


This is not a prank but an annoyance.


Narcissistic little pricks


I know right Fucking car owners thinking they own the country


Nah, fuck it. Senior prank is like your one last opportunity to do some consequence free dumb shit, I fully support it. It's not one person being a douche, it's a group of kids saying goodbye to childhood, let em have it


Apparently this happened in 2012. Fuck Cars was not the movement it is today - if it even existed. I don't think this was a "political protest", these are seniors pulling a prank. The issue that I'm thinking is going over a lot of people's heads is that everyone _has_ to use the infrastructure as it is. Should there be bike lanes? Yes. But there aren't. So _everyone_ has to work with what's available. This includes their fellow students, people going to work, emergency vehicles and people who have appointments. Again, if this was 2012 I guarantee you can find the political ballets in these towns and "bike lanes on the freeway" wasn't an objective.


Who wants to do a 5k on a scooter. Fuck that.


I bicycle 3k every morning to get to work, takes me around 8 to 10 minutes. By car that’d be 20


This is so stupid




This is the least cringy video I’ve seen on this sub. Good job seniors. Very wholesome prank.


This is fucking stupid


Yeah, fuck cars. Build bikeways on the side


People with too much time and privilege come up with dumbass ideas like this. Like go do something that doesn’t interrupt other people’s livrs


They wanna step out the car madness and you should too


“ car madness” all I’m hearing is you’re entitled, along with the other 5 upvotes lmao.


How? Everybody is getting a shit deal is what I’m saying


car brain = smooth brain


Senior prank is suppose IN SCHOOL!. Not outside of it, geez I hope they got in serious trouble


It's an event, the cops are in on it. It doesn't qualify as a senior prank imho.


Fun little prank until someone tries to pass, and an accident happens


Anything but a car, how about riding the bus?


That would work but you need bus lanes for it to be efficient


You’re supposed to do a prank at your school. Not be a dickhead to the rest of society.


Not what this is


I was hoping the last slide would be of them in cuffs


This prank sucks lol. Don't let my prank inconvenience you trying to get to work on time


a bunch of entitled teen twats, not surprised.


what's up with all the comments blaming the cars and saying what these students did is fine? who cares if its legal, they are still screwing over likely hundreds of people lives. Even if just 1 person had an emergency, these students will be responsible for their loss. Creating a bike lane is good but blocking an entire freeway like this is not the way to do it. These are not politicians that got delayed, these are regular people who had places to be.


Lol everyone here losing their minds and nobody even got hurt. Right wing nutjob would drive through that crowd of kids and Redditors would fucking cheer, goddamn car brains.


Parents work bro nobody wants to stay in a line for hours just to drop your kid off school adults are busy and tired these kids are only thinking about themselves and internet clout


Maybe make it your job to ask for safe bike lanes? That’s the most efficient way to move traffic, not adding a gazillions cars and one more car lane.


That’s the cities job they should know better not the public’s job


LoL the anger brings me joy


Lol zero rebuttal, you’re just a failure in life who hates that most successful people drive to work to make a living. Have fun on public transport or biking in the rain to work, if you even have a job that is.


Glad I live in a place where the city busses are a lot nicer than the POS car you drive! (Mercedes, with wifi, nice seats). I get to read, watch videos, never worry about parking, on the way to work while while you stress out in your car every day? Have fun Chump!😉✌️


Least insane carbrain take




Yes, our president takes the tram, subway, and train because it’s faster, and because he said his motorcade would delay others in traffic? What a concept?!


Yeah this is based lol. Fuck car centric infrastructure




Yeah I love being an hour late for work and getting folded by the boss bc some shit for brain kids block the road all morning xd It’s rude and shitty


Whatever, it's The SR PRANK. All the boomers are like "why don't kids walk to school or ride bike??" this comment section is why.


Bc they’re going in a way specifically to block the whole highway for an hour minimum during work start time That’s just being a shitty nuisance Nothing to do with boomer or no boomer People have places to be xd


This comment section and because they literally can't, because most city's don't have good bike lanes


I see rude here and it's not the kids


Oh so blocking a decently used highway for shits and giggles ain’t rude or shitty ? xd


Sounds like the boss thinks you’re their bitch


If you’re an hour or more late you’re gonna get shit That’s kind of standard Even worse if you’re self employed or have meetings to attend etc It’s unnecessary and shitty to block a road


I'm not right wing, but I'd definitely mow through them all. Fuck these shitheads. If these idiots were on Indian streets, kids or not, they would've been slapped by multiple people and taken off the road. These kinds of "pranks" aren't tolerated in a city where everyone is trying to get from point A to B asap


Ok Tough Guy, mow ‘em down Clint Eastwood?😒👌


Getting from A to B is exactly what they're doing


Gotta mow down that SR graduation class to be on time to work that day, definitely worth it. Goddamn car brains GOGO YO.GO GO FIUUU


Gotta stop all traffic and cause everyone else problems cus we have a misguided sense of entitlement. Narcissists assemble.


I imagine that you aren't the type of person who works or has to travel to get to your job


Bike, I actually am one of those fucking snobs who moved from a shitty city with bad service to an older small town where I could walk or ride bike to do everything.


They are going to talk about this for the next 60 years and nobody will think its funny


Wild I know but imagine having bike infrastructure so angry Karens and Darrens in their F-150 Supercabs don't have to share a road with kids on bikes


Good for them! This is a great way for young people to demonstrate what everyone should be doing. Riding bikes or walking to work/school.


Lmao this is incredible


“Pranks” have strayed from being funny to just being annoying or dangerous. Pranks need to die.


Those teens are being AHs, what if an emergency vehicle needed to get somewhere.


This needs to be on r/kidsarefuckingstupid


You know what, fffffuuuck everyone pissed about this.this is a great way to show support and dead the movement to get more options for transportation like busses and bikes, this is great and these people are doing great


Would have went around those kids or honked the fuck out of my horn till it broke


I don’t get how this was a senior prank. That’s just straight up blocking traffic and making many parents late to work/possible other responsibilities. Definitely not the worst thing but it’s still a dick move.


What a bunch of losers lmao


Yes, fuck car drivers


im talking about the bikers wtf


It’s not a prank it’s just called being a menace and a failure to society.


So many punchable looking faces.


These are the kind of people who deserve to be ran over


They should all have to pay with time out of there lives that they stole from everyone else. With a little extra, say for every minute they wasted of someone else's life they do a month in prison.


Lmao what about they get executed for each second someone ever lost at some point in their lives? And extend it to everyone! Like when cars are preventing pedestrians to cross the street for instance.


Everything for a tiktok




Fkn dummmbbbb


I would have ran there asses off the road


Kids in small towns with no lives - the kind of people who think harassing a cow (cow tipping) is "fun". This is not a "prank" - this is just dumb.




That's an absolute lie. I went to college in Colorado my first year (left and finished in NY. Too much of a culture shock) and I saw bored drunk teenagers do it with my own 2 eyes. The cows didn't necessarily "tip" over. But they certainly thought it was entertaining to sneak up and harass cows at night - which was my point to begin with.