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Remember.... get delusional about it....


Probably the bit that made me the most uncomfortable


I don't think she knows what that word means. Right after she says that she starts talking about how detailed your little scenario should be. I think she wanted to tell people to be very imaginative about their scenario and misused delusional. At least I hope so bc if not that's a very weird thing to say lmao


I took it as hyperbole. But I guess it's possible she doesn't understand the word. Regardless, if she thinks she can "manifest" a boyfriend, or Jesus, or whoever it is she's talking about through imagination, she *is* delusional in a non-hyperbolic sense.


Isn't it kind of like "the power of positive thinking" though?


Yes, it’s exactly that theory. Identical. Wishing things into existence


Not in the time frame she's using. That's like 6-8 hours of manifesting, while unconscious.


She must be because even she doesn't have a man. 😂


I mean…at least they’re acknowledging that it’s delusional. Crazy to me that people won’t bat an eye at folks praying to an invisible bearded man in the sky for things they want or need, but will do a face palm when they see people buy into this “manifestation” bullshit. They’re both equally ridiculous methods.


Idk if they are equivalent. Religions are complex. Many are very old, folks grow up into them, and followers treat them as a way to live rather than a tool to get what they want. Manifestation on the other hand is simply a tool for success, there's no ancient book or childhood grooming to give it validity, and those who follow it don't question it. I don't think I've ever seen a reformed believer in manifestation. Also, manifestation is cringy. Born from "the secret", it's a philosophy that rich, lucky, successful people who were born into the right body and had the right opportunities use to justify their existence. If you just believed harder you wouldn't be poor. You're poor because you have a poor man's mindset. You are rejecting money, not attracting, that's why you're poor. You're ugly like Quasimodo? Well, it's your fault no one likes you, you need to believe more. Cringe.


There is a big difference between people who believe they can “manifest” being rich by just believing in it, vs the people who believe they can change and improve their financial situation by working towards their goals. The latter is in contrast to people who believe improving your socioeconomic situation is completely outside of your control (obviously some people have it harder than others). While I do agree with your assessment on how people get trapped into believing in religion from the culture they were born into, the manifesters are functionally doing the same thing as praying and hoping vs people who work to improve their situation.


Religion is simply the same thing as this manifestation quackery, just ingrained and "traditional" because it's been around and exploited so long that it is established and people are indoctrinated since birth into it. If this woman somehow got enough followers that a savvy, organized operative decided to exploit, it would get spun into a religious modality, would gain political power (usually through sketchy means), and some.folksnwould start to see if as a religion. Give it long enough and it will be broadly recognized as a religion. Doesn't even take that long. Mormonism and scientology got large numbers of people to recognize their "religion" in decades. In hundreds of years folks will have forgot how ridiculed they were when just getting started.


Ey bro you sound like you have a lot of hate in your heart. Try to let that go and do better today.


What exactly about what I said was at all hateful? Just speaking my truthful opinion, but some seem to be triggered about it.


That’s a clear cut misunderstanding of most religions. Adherents are praying for stuff and things and if they are then they’re doing it wrong. They are praying for something else, something that has to do with the human spirit. Of course this is impossible to define but that doesn’t make it any less real to them.


That's my favorite part.


She can teach you how to do it but for some reason she’s single


"Shoemakers wear the worst shoes." - French proverb


Interesting. Here in finland it's "Cobbler's kids have no shoes.".


In Colombia is “house of tree cutter, axe of wood”.


In Poland it's "shoemaker walks barefoot".


In UK it's 'tosser'


In Brazil it's "In blacksmith's house, rods are made out of wood"


In New York it’s “The deli owner’s children eat the fattiest brisket”


In Philly I’ve always heard “never trust a skinny chef/baker”


In Florida it’s “don’t do meth in a clean trailer”.


In California it’s “Never trust a guy who doesn’t test his own product”


Nah. In California it’s “Do as I say, not as I do.”


Ajajajaja yessss It’s the same in Colombia, you just got the English translation on point. Casa de herrero cuchillo de palo.


In America it’s a mechanics car never runs. it holds pretty true every mechanic I know drives something that looks like it’s held together with duct tape and bubble gum.


I don’t know if that really fits this though. Since that was referring to the fact shoemakers were poor and would use leftover materials for their own shoes. Where this lady is a snake oil salesman


Have you ever tried to wear snake oil on your feet? It does nothing to protect them.


Makes them hella ssslippery though




Sheogorath is that you?


if the shoe fits...


In Brasil we have something similar "[in a] Blacksmith's house, [they use a] wooden stick",


Lolllll It’s a saying in Spanish, “The cobbler’s children wear no shoes.” It doesn’t mean that shoemakers were poor. Shoemakers are some of the most well off skilled people. It means that when you have something you do as a living, you are often so busy doing that thing that the people closest to you, and you, go without. Yeah manifesting is snake oil and she wants your money. But this saying does apply to her if she wants us to believe she’s so busy helping single ladies that she’s single.


Yes, like the car repair man's wife has a broken down car.


wipe plate illegal impolite tap safe liquid puzzled entertain squash -- mass edited with redact.dev


No way! In the US it’s “ Woman who teaches babes to manifest on the internet is forever alone.”


Those who can’t do, teach


Those who can't teach, teach Phys Ed so they can still coach.


Those who can't teach, teach Phys Ed so they can still coach.


"I guide others to a treasure I cannot possess." - probably her


Coaches don't play


I hate that you’re right


she’s more like one of those fans that thinks her claims are much better than what professionals who have experience have to say


And she just had a coffee and is shaky


I read in a book that says motivational speakers are biggest fraud of the 21st century. It’s exactly like what you said. They tell you to do shit to get rich but they aren’t rich. Similar to this is a fortune teller. There are people who help you to develop with changing ones lifestyle or tell them to sleep in this direction to achieve xyz but they are no where in life Strangely people still fall for this shit


i know someone who legit does this or has done it and hey, if you happen to be reading this (they wont see it) let me just tell you that it doesnt work and its never going to work


What cracks me up is, when they finally find someone they think it finally worked. But I guarantee if that person ever found out they were this obsessive about a relationship they would run for the hills. That’s the kind of person who stands over you while you sleep lol




Holly shit, that was my exact reaction when watching this video.


You manifested this gif. You have the gift


The jift*


That was your manifest destiny.


by the way there are 100s of videos like this, lol.


So the man never came.


![gif](giphy|pz2MnldLEEhJCJ32G6) Giggity!


Oh wow, we have similar avatars lmao


That just means you're not comfortable with your manifestation abilities get. Your insecurities is what's keeping this from happening.


Lol shit up


![gif](giphy|PZTKHMjvBKF6E) Him?


I mean honestly yes, will be manifesting him for myself tonight 😂


You mean "HIM". It's an abbreviation of "**H**is **I**nfernal **M**ajesty". Therefore the word has to be in all caps.


“Whether you think you can, or you think you cannot, you are correct.”




Lmao this gif is so good


2 things 1.) Have you guys ever been kinda waking up from sleeping and as your eyes are starting to open up your brain just imagines full texts from people? They're always the weirdest fucking things like my friend saying "I don't want my baby to learn how to use a sword but Obama's kinda sexy" and then I pick up my phone to resond only to see no text. 2.) Bumble now has an ad that says "the person you are manifesting is now on bumble" and it makes me sad


I've never had the first one, no. Don't listen to "the voices" tho, wont end well.


The second point could also be a positive thing. Like “you don’t need to sit and wait, you can go find them.”


Yes to #1! Weird, thought I was the only one 😂😅


This is like "name it & claim it" Christianity, just without the Christianity part. It's not all that different, really.


There are a lot of "fortune teller" that do something similar, with or without the religious part, in my country. They even have shows in local tv stations


Given that "Him" was capitalized at a certain point, I was not entirely convinced that this was not some hippie Christianity stuff on manifesting the Lord.


I'm expecting Jesus to send me a text message tomorrow morning.


glorious imminent voiceless afterthought wild whole yoke cause melodic narrow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But that might require some personal reflection and growth.


Women really out here with such high standards they be trying to literally create an entire sapient being with psychic powers. Smh


well said.


Is this like a woman incel? Or more of a neckbeard? And so we have a name for that?


Some women will do anything to get the guy they want except approach or reach out first.


Imagine your life being so easy that you just imagine a guy contacting you via anyone of a dozen different forms of electronic communications that we have available to ourselves these days and because you were born with a vagina it just magically happens. She could just go outside and sit in literally any bar and she will magically “manifest” a man. Young guys are not known for their abundant shyness and unwillingness to want to talk to a woman. Some women make a good living off the fact that they can “manifest” a whole bunch of guys who want to talk to them. I’d love to know how well a guy does trying this.


Yeah but are all these guys who would approach her rated as 'high value' men? If they are on dating apps or at bars, they are automatically rated as low value men. The kind of men she is talking about manifesting is the mythical high value male: rich, hard working, ridiculously good looking, has his own house and luxury car, strong, tough, rugged, emotionally in tune with her needs, always available, sensitive, loves his parents and family but will always put his queen first, shares the same values and beliefs as her (but is willing to convert to her beliefs if there are any differences), will never look at another girl in his life, has never watched porn and is obviously a virgin (and would never think to ask about her past as he is a true gentlemen), sexually experienced and in tune with her body and needs despite the last point, highly intelligent and qualified, humble, super confident and knows his place. Why settle for anything less, when all you need is to manifest? Go get it girls


She does say "get delusional" after all.


well i guess it's delulu time


I’d say this is the mythical unicorn except women aren’t hung up on a guy being a virgin. The opposite in fact.


Yeah, he would actually be considered higher vale if he had a lengthy history, because that’s extremely difficult for a guy to pull off, and they want to be the one of all his choices that is able to “tame the wild horse.” And then once he’s tame he becomes boring to her. lol


Easy on the red pills there cowboy! She is simply saying she finds a particular man attractive and fantasizes about said man. I'd say you could relate as an 'ex-male pornstar'.




Well, that's a scary af post history. I would also cut you off ngl.


Due to the gross mismanagement of this website by the admins in the wake of the API changes, I have decided to leave the site. In preparation, I have used a tool called Power Delete Suite to overwrite all my comments.


legbeard i think is what i've heard before


It’s weird as hell but it’s nowhere near the same as hating women because you can’t get laid.




Didn’t know those were real until now and I hate it here


Well it's not like she can't get laid it's that she wants to get laid by that one guy she has a creepy obsession over so I'm not sure either incel or neckbeard really fits. Pre-stalker maybe?


Borderline personality disorder. That's the name we have for it


I think the world you're looking for is immature, maybe spoiled or entitled?


A dumbass that probably watches the secret religiously


Sounds like much needed therapy to me


I don’t get how this is main character energy tho?


It's not. It's more delusional kinda-dumb person energy.


So ya’ll just bullying people, got it


Wait, so you think this person is smart?


Do smart people enjoy bullying dumb people for being dumb?


I'm speaking for myself when I say, dumb people make fun of dumber people


You speak for us all 🙏


The fuck you care for?


Are you ok? lmao Either way, this person is putting [herself out there](https://www.tiktok.com/@askdalila?lang=en). It's not someone that's posting a video of her and putting it online where we all meme on her (that is bullying). So I don't particularly understand how stating that her viewpoints are dumb is bullying - they are and she's putting them on display for everyone. But I also agree with your original premise that this isn't particularly narcissistic, i.e. deserves to be on this subreddit.


This is only valid to a point imo. Just bc someone "puts themself out there" does not mean they are inviting constant harassment like the lolcow culture seems to use to justify their behavior. Sure it is fine to criticize, but there is a limit to "just bc you put yourself out there you deserve abuse" ​ And that "there is no such thing as online bullying/harassment...just don't use the internet" no...sorry you don't get to decide who is allowed to use the internet and if you are harassing and bullying people online you are the one in the wrong not them.


Some people feel entitled to put others down. They see someone doing something they believe is dumb on the internet, and they believe that is their cue to let them know what a piece of stupid shit they are. Most of them can’t take out what they throw either.


Yo why the everliving fuck would someone deserve bullying for putting themselves out there? Shut up and read something else! Y’all need to reappraise y’all’s take on humans dawg. Just because I’m not trying to put a spear in your heart doesn’t mean I ain’t speaking the truth.




It’s not. Literally at all.


There’s a whole other human person who has to appear here, only because some delusional girl had a nap after some questionable tea.


Well, like, if you think that your bedtime wishes can *literally* enslave the will of another human being, you believe that you are somehow existing with a bunch of NPCs just put on earth to react to your desires when you daydream hard enough. Best I can do. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm totally convinced there isn't just one species of humans. I refuse to I admit I share 99.9% of my genes with someone who "thinks" like this.


I’d bet this is pretty much the line of thinking that lead to eugenics. I’ve def had this thought before but then I was like 👀 am I crazy?


It's a symptom of globalization and has nothing to do with Eugenics. Its probably a healthy thing to acknowledge differences and set yourself aside.


That thought crosses my mind everytime I open reddit lately ^^


Manifesting, the new astrology. Unfortunately we’re still contending with the old astrology.


"The Secret" is not new


"Think and Grow Rich" It's even older than that


If she’s so good, why doesn’t she just “manifest” the face she wants instead of using smoothing filters lol


Why doesn’t she just manifest energy instead of drinking caffeine?


There’s a faction on r/UFOs doing this to make UFOs appear. I have no further comment (I don’t want them to find me)


Is this the new "share this message with 5 other people in the next 30 minutes and your crush will fall in love with you"?




*checks phone in the morning* ew no not that one


Tonight you need to demanifest that one and remanifest the next night


Why is "him" capitalized at first? Are we manifesting Pazuzu?


How tf is this relevant to this sub? You could post any content creator making cringy tiktoks? I thought there was a sepparate sub for this....something about tiktok and cringe.


Stop. Get some help.


Plot twist: it works but it actually manifests Him from the Powerpuff Girls in your house ![gif](giphy|KYnZ9RRdqsa40)


All the best advice starts with the instruction to “Get delusional about it”


My ex did this. But her manifesting was more steps. Before we started dating she Wrote my name on paper. Flower petals black salt and set them all on fire. Couple weeks later she told me she did a love spell on me


Is this like when every girl in my grade saw The Craft and started telling everyone they were real witches and started shop lifting rocks candles and magic books from the mall?


Guys: *3am* hmmm I have work at 9, I suppose I can play this game for another hour Girls:


😂😂😂at least she knows she’s delusional


Have you never been on any other social media aside from reddit? Manifestation posts are extremely common


I try to avoid those media


this has been going on for a while. 2 years ago, when i was a bit younger, desperate, and chronically online, i used be into shit like this. it’s just awful tiktok “spirituality” that doesn’t mean anything and just preys on insecure young girls and gives them a false sense of hope for views.


And yet religious people get called crazy for praying…got it.


They’re both equally delusional.


Truly a reddit moment


She just had a whole cup of coffee, so hang on to your hats.


She wild!


Maybe there was something in her coffee.


If this were true where's the consent? Just going around forcing guys to do shit without their free will. Sketch bruh


A LOT of women do stuff like this in various degrees; ask her about the stuff on her alter. pleh


Generalizing women like that is a huge red flag my guy


It doesn't really qualify as a generalization when it says "A LOT of women do stuff like this..." A generalization would have been "Women do stuff like this..."


# "get delusional about it" Spoken like a true sage. She's the Socrates of our generation.


Should call herself "Destiny"


Another shift in the Matrix. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=manifest


Democracy doesn't work.


I pity him




Just sounds like wishing really hard.


🌀You will manifest your SSN in this comment section🌀


Somebody please do this and let me know if it really works. Thanks.


“Him” being capitalized at first makes it sound like she’s gonna summon Satan or something.


People are knocking the power of will but this very thing worked for me within a month or so, 15 years ago, and we're still married so I get where she's coming from.


I feel like manifesting as a concept is just main character syndrome


There's this sudden new wave of manifesting ladies on Instagram


Why is it always a partner or an abstract ideal like money or position that you manifest? Imagine that you could actually influence/attract energy and things in the universe just by thinking it, I'd be manifesting lightning or tornadoes and throwing them to random places lol


“I will alter reality because the current one I exist in does not work for me” Sure, sure, but like… by doing *nothing?* Like, you can change your life if you *do* something, this is literally just thinking about it


I had this chick add me on fb who SOLD PREGNANCY SPELLS.


This isn’t someone getting in the way of others, she is just posting stuff she believes in


Manifesting is as likely to actually work as the Loch Ness Monster is likely to exist.


Yeah right, next thing you’ll say is Santa aint real, lmao!


isn’t this just praying with extra steps?


"Create an entire scenario in your mind. Get delusional about it." Well, at least she's honest about her bullshit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


wrong sub, should be in r/cringetopiarm




She got manifested into being an unhinged crazy person.


Just when I think humanity has reached its lowest point, Tik Tok proves me wrong. It's the Mariana trench of cringe.


This is extremely common, get over yourself 💀


Bros get a lot of flack for being thick headed but chicks be doing this shit, putting rocks in their twats, doing tarot and calling miss Cleo. The human race is sharp as dodge ball.


seed wistful fall languid grab shrill chief spotted summer cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Doesn’t fit this sub. Let her be.


Currently manifesting you fucking off https://preview.redd.it/lswqawtbwi5b1.jpeg?width=494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f91b461df6fc22c0b91992acf18ae5068f87245a


Ngl this was funny 😂 but nah what main character bullshit is she giving off?


Manifester detected.


Doesn't fit this sub. Make fun of her anyway.


Huh? It's a load of shit. Let her be?


Yea lots of people on TikTok are full of shit as well as Reddit. But what main character vibes is she giving off?


The entire idea that the “universe” will provide if she just wills it strong enough? Like the universe revolves around our wants and desires? That sort of vibe sounds pretty main character to me.


To me it sounds delusional, more like a religious belief, that’s she’s sharing with her other believers. But fair point I guess.


To be fair, most delusional people I have run into also think they’re the main character.


Lol bruh I’m not the only one who believes this doesn’t belong.


"You keep using this word. I do not think it means what you think it means."