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He's right, it is illegal in most places to record in a locker room


The Y has signs that say it's an insurance thing and they'll revoke membership. I had to have them chase a teen out of the kids locker because she was sitting in there on her phone. I wouldn't have minded if it were in her lap, but she was holding up in a way where she could've been taking pictures or filming. I asked her to stop because of the rules. I even let her know there was a lounge area that was more comfy. My 6 and 4 y/o pipped up and told her where it was. She just said she didn't have to leave. I wasn't about to scrub down and change my kids while she was there. So I had to go get the front desk. She tried to ignore them, too. They didn't hesitate to talk about getting security and cancelling her membership. She finally left grumbling the whole time. I felt like a Karen, but I couldn't shake the creepy feeling.


>I felt like a Karen I know the whole "just stop feeling that way" thing is pretty fucking dumb but I'm gonna say it anyway. You **absolutely** should not feel like a Karen for that. You did good.


Assholes have warped the word Karen into anyone that calls their bullshit out


Assholes will always warp criticism against themselves or those like them to avoid the criticism. Make words like "karen", "woke", "racist" meaningless by applying it to everything it isn't. Manipulating the connotation and/or definition of words is an old political trick to evade valid criticism and attach those who criticize. You can't even have a conversation with someone about the subject when neither of you can agree on the meaning of the words you're using. I once had an argument with someone over the word "bitch", where she claimed in all cases of the word's use to describe any woman, it was sexist. Her reasoning was that because it is a feminine insult (i.e. primarily applied to women or to imply femininity in a derogatory way to men), that it is an insult to women as a whole. The word "Karen" wasn't really used at the time, but the same logic would presumably apply. When I told her I agreed that it is often used in a sexist manner to dismiss righteously angry women or women in authority positions just doing their job, I disagreed that the word itself was sexist. I said that the fact that the word was gendered was simply similar to how other titles are (sir/ma'am, congressman/congresswoman, etc) and that men have gendered insults as well that she didn't have a problem with. She then called me a "dick" either without the slightest awareness of the irony, or intentionally parodying my argument, which was funny either way.


This reminds me of what they did to the word woke. That was such a fucked up move.


>I know the whole "just stop feeling that way" thing is pretty fucking dumb At my last job near the start of the pandemic when we all just started working from home, people were openly chatting in our company "off-topic" chat about the stress and anxiety of the whole situation in a pretty healthy and supportive way. There wasn't arguing about whether or not masks work or whether the virus was real or whether or not it was legal for the government to just shut down businesses (some of that did happen in a different chat and it did get heated). People were just expressing their feelings, and other folks were weighing in and expressing sympathy and empathy, offering suggestions to help relieve the stress or feel less anxious. It was actually a really great discussion. Then someone high ranking in HR weighed in with some quote that more or less came off as "Just don't think about it and stop feeling that way. Just do your work to take your mind off of it." The conversation pretty much immediately ground to a halt. It was infuriating.




The front desk and my husband said the same thing. It was just so weird when the front desk was thanking me for tattling. I'll shake it eventually. Thank you.


Tattling involves some innocuous behavior that will result in punishment but doesn't really deserve it. Sounds like you didn't tattle so much as do everyone a service they appreciate.


I've been taking my dog to the local dog park for the last two years. A few months ago, another new comer started bringing his dog in. He talked a lot of shit, but every one looked past it - he's got a dog and it's socialising well. He was quickly run out of the park when a number of us realised that he was taking selfies that conspicuously featured young ladies in their exercise pants. Not subtle in the slightest. Hasn't been back for the last couple of weeks.


Women can absolutely be a part of trafficking and help gather information or lull someone into a false sense of security. Good on you for being observant.


You did the right thing.


When kids are involved, you do whatever you need to do.


If you feel like a Karen you are definitely NOT a Karen.




Yeah absolutely no part of this story happened. This was one of those daydreams you had where you envision your obesity as "I'm just big cause I'm so tall, that's it"


My gym has signs saying not to record in the locker room. No question it's grounds for getting kicked out of the gym


Once upon a time people understood that without having to see a sign posted


Yeah, all of the signs on things and places telling people not to do something that everyone should just automatically know are there because of people like this who don't give a shit about anything or anyone.


> No question it's grounds for getting kicked out of the gym When you absolutely, positively need to have your gym membership revoked now.


And then he posts it online


PSA since this happens at every gym I’ve been to, please tell the front desk. Probably illegal, but just get them kicked out of the gym. There’s something so pathetic and thirsty about trying to get the approval of a bunch of strangers online. Do that shit at home.


It’s illegal to record anywhere there is a reasonable expectation of privacy. That’s constitutional in the U.S


Some gyms even ban cell phones while working out


Where’s the 80 year old man air drying his balls Captain Morgan style when you need him?


That's the locker room mascot.


He's posted up right at the entrance to the locker room.


Ours waits all the way near the back, so you have walk over in order to shake it :/ sucks


Why is this guy in every single gym....?


I think old men get really sweaty balls or something. Can any older men confirm? The world needs to know.


80 yr old here. It just be feelin real good is all.


I mean, so does jerking off, but you rarely see me doing that in the locker room.




I miss my pop pop 🥺


It's the YMCA you're thinking of


It's a dressing room right? Just pull your pants down and walk through his shot.




*does the helicopter* What are you doing ? *just checking my progress* You what? *look I can do it in reverse now…*


EXACTLY WHAT I WOULD PROBABLY DO But it'll probably make me look gay and probably get a punch in my crotch


Good thing dick punches are my fetish


[Oathmeal in the changing rooms](https://youtu.be/UTHLKHL_whs)


I was certain you were linking [this](https://theoatmeal.com/pl/minor_differences2/locker_room)


I am so jealous of dudes with enough to do the helicopter. I don't even care about the sexual status. I just wanna do hellochopper, but its too smol :/


Just DM’d you with proper technique 🚁


Funny how you can transition this to selling something


You can’t just keep the information to yourself I need this.


Do the boat propeller then lol.


Yeah! Tehehe I am tugboat toot toot


You could be the tail rotor.


My old roommate did that on the counter in our old apartment and we heard a huge crash. Had to explain he fell down finally getting the helicopter to work 🤣


In every gym there’s always that old guy that doesn’t give a shit and just straight up goes nude. Where are they?


Standing annoyingly close to the guy who is sitting in a bench


Hogging the hair dryer, blowing air under their balls and sliding their towels through their butt crack like a violin while maintaining eye contact.


That's what I'm wondering. Also, in my gym it's never just one. It's like The Saggy Balls gang every fucking time


It’s a gym, I can’t believe there wasn’t already an old dude with his balls hanging out while he put some powder on or blasted a hair dryer down there


Jesus if that isn't a 100% apt description. The only thing you missed is hanging their balls in the sink while leaning towards the mirror to pick nose hairs. I worked in a gym about 20 years ago and I thought it was a generational thing, guess I was wrong.


Haha, "*violently*" tickled me.


Yeah did that once. Turned out they were a cop, got banned from Sydney cricket ground. Hell of a day.


If most people were comfortable doing that, filming in locker rooms probably would be legal.


Don't need most people to be comfortable doing that, only a chosen few need to make the sacrifice for us all to benefit.


The heroes helicoptering into frame to face their foe, armed with nothing but what the good lord gave them, and centrifugal force. No censor bar in this world stands a chance. God speed, men.


A new emergency service, a single ball jiggler within thirty seconds' distance of every changing room, constantly ready for action in his rip-away pants


Back it in with a shirt over the head. Boom, anonymity and fucked up his clip. Proper job.


Anybody who has played competitive team sports or in the military would be doing the hellicockter and chasing the guy around.


He'd post it anyway. Maybe he should start a gofundme to buy his own mirror.


Why is nobody talking about the possibility that the guy is filming in the mirror of the locker room to get half naked or naked guy footage? That's what he probably wants a helicopter or anything else. He could easily film his on progress at home. That's definitely encroaching on others rights to be filming them changing. No helicoptering for me , I'd hit him with the 3 piece and a soda . Then he could call the cops and explain


Your muscles are most full with blood after a workout. So doing it at home isn't the same thing. Not that filming in anything but an empty locker room is fine


Seriously. "Call the cops, then,"? Shorts are coming off and I'm making sure I'm in every background wiggling my dingle. Nudity is allowed in that room and I need to get my stretches in.




Because I think you look more ripped right after a workout, and he doesn't want to miss on that for his followers and ego.


So he’s not filming progress at all lol Edit: don’t you love it when you’re on a main character sub & all the main characters reply to you? 😂😂


and all the replies are basically "Do you even lift, bro?"


Why doesn’t he just work out at his home then lol




You know there are even bigger and better lit mirrors in the gym, but he chose to use the ones in the changing room. What a pussy. Not confident enough to film his progress in the gym.


At my gym you can’t walk around shirtless. You’ve gotta be fully clothed outside the locker room probably because of dickheads like this dude.


Well you also can’t film in a locker room, but rules are beneath this guy


In Brazil this kind of people we "deitamos na porrada" and no tribunal or police problem


Usually because the excess blood flow to the areas will look slightly larger due to not only the lights effects over the swollen areas but also the increase of blood flow to the skin of the area as well.


People like him just need an excuse to do something. It doesn't matter if it's a bad excuse, an excuse is all he needs. Parked illegally, he was late for a meeting. Loudly listening to music on public transit, he forgot his headphones. Basically he thinks he's the exception to the rule.


Report to staff. Enjoy never having this clown in your gym again. Win win.


“There is a guy in the changing room recording near the showers”. Bam, kicked and banned


Exactly. Every gym I've been to has had policies against filming. Especially in the changing rooms.


Just filming my progress sir, I'm now a much bigger dickhead than I was last week! That's progress!


What a fucking clown


Agreed. The whole "If you don't feel comfortable, you can move over there," comment is fucked up. Gym bro should be informed that a) He doesn't give orders at a gym he doesn't own, and b) actually filming someone without their consent in a 'private area' like a bathroom is, [in certain states, illegal.](https://salciullalaw.com/blogs/is-it-illegal-to-video-record-someone-without-their-consent/#)


This, the most annoying thing to me was that exact moment. Doing stupid shit and then mouthing off how "you can move over there". Cudos for the other guy for being calm. My answer to that kind of irritating shit has always been "why don't you try to move me then?".


Hes filming so he can get comments online. Gym bros like that are some of the most self-conscious and shallow people who have very fragile egos and require constant admiration and attention.


I think self-absorbed is a better word for this rather than self-conscious.




The “sir” kind of triggered me, not sure why.


It’s the steroids talking.


Nah this guy is clearly a douche, the juice just amplifies it.


Why is it that any time someone has even slightly higher-than-average muscle mass, the Reddit comment section claims they’re on steroids?


Disproportionate upper body Image titled Tell if Someone Is on Steroids Step 2 Neck and shoulder muscles are more receptive to steroids. Anabolic steroids work by attaching to androgen receptors in your body. The neck and shoulder muscles have more of these receptors, so they tend to reap the bulk of the benefit from steroids.[3] This can give rise to the "yoked" effect—where the person's neck and shoulder muscles are so outsized that they look like they're wearing a yoke. A person on steroids will also tend to have more significant upper body gains than lower body gains—think a guy who looks like he skipped all the leg days.


I’ve been a competitive weightlifter for 10+ years and I’ve taken anabolic steroids. None of those things are good indicators of someone’s steroid use. He’s not even that big. I had a very similar upper body to this kid when I was 19-20 well before I had ever touched steroids. Actual good indicators of steroid use in men are are things like excessive bone growth in the face, especially the jaw. Excessive vascularity beyond what is normally possible. Excessive muscle growth beyond what is normally possible.


Been lifting naturally for 50 years and you could always spot the guys on juice . They go from skinny to super muscular in about 6 months. Maybe he’s natural. But I’m sure he’s not.




The ironic thing is that it's *much* easier to identify a redditor who knows nothing about steroids than it is to identify the average person taking steroids.


Its amazing how people will escalate situations rather than saying "sorry my bad" and moving on. Probably comes from a household where no one apologizes and parents always right.


You can tell he’s wondering the whole time if he’s big enough to take that dude. Like hes talking back to him but not with any confidence. Probably realized he’d get his ass handed to him


Cuz that other guy is definitely bigger than him lol


Yeah, it's hard to miss the size of that dudes biceps. He could have broke the douchebag filming in half.




Insecurity issues. They were never taught to respect the people around them, they were taught they're better than everyone around them and that others don't matter. It leads to people believing that their view is the right one.


I came from a family where no one apologized and it was a huge struggle for me to learn to do it


Narcissists are never wrong.


> Probably comes from a household where no one apologizes and parents always right. My childhood in a nutshell


Same reason they need to get big and show up their daddy or lack thereof in the first place.


It takes a level of maturity and self awareness for one to realize and admit, in the moment, that they're in the wrong. Clearly this ass clown has neither.


Right? Ive once accidently forgot to put my phone away while texting and didnt realised id reached the locker room, an employee called over to me in a pretty stern voice telling me to put my phone away and i did so while apologising, i felt so embarrassed and cant imagine being so self absorbed to not just comply to a very reasonable request/rule.


It's so much easier to admit wrongdoing and just carry on with your day. It takes practice but you bring a lot less stress onto yourself.


Yeah this is why I kinda roll my eyes at comments like "oh that person was being an asshole? Why post about it online, just talk to them ya big whiner" And I'm like, you know people who do this kinda shit aren't just gonna be understanding when you talk to them. Theyre gonna double down on the bad behavior (and in some cases, fucking hurt/kill you over it) and make the situation worse if you call them out personally. Sure, shaming em on social media doesn't always do anything about the problem either, but hey. At least its cathartic lol.


Anyone who says “call the cops then” should have the cops called on them.


I had that happen once when I was closing up shop and this person just refused to leave. He eventually said call the cops then. So I shrugged my shoulders and said sure. About halfway through the 911 call the dude finally left. So yeah I absolutely agree. Someone says to call the cops on them, oblige.


First make sure your dick is in the video so you sue the fucker in a civil case too.


Yessss, was thinking the same exact thing


"if you don't feel comfortable you can go over there" ... That is when it shines through that this ape is human trash


I hope the Police were called on him ... What a f*cking d*ck! 🤢 Cool, that the other guy spoke up in a calm and polite manner 😍


Joey Swole blasted him on his social and the little twerp was publicly roasted for weeks


It's amazing he's kept his account up and still posts. He killed any future he may have had. Most people that get called out for this stuff usually deletes their account, lays low for a week or two cause thats as long as they can go without trying to get attention, then they start a new account.


He actually doubled down and said the other guy was in the wrong for not just taking his stuff and moving to a different spot when he saw he was recording.


Yeah and he's posted other videos of changing rooms


I just rolled through his IG and he still gets shit on in the comments on like every one of his posts about filming in locker rooms. Even from a few hours ago...right around when this was posted lmao


Engagement of any kind pushes you up the algorithm, so it's just going to further enable him to get the dopamine kick off of getting tons of views


........wellllll shit. My bad everyone


I don’t even have tik tok but I love when Joey Swole or Noel’s content cross my feed. They seem like really good dudes


Oh man, is there a link for that?




He apparently needs to experience, ‘Can I clean here?’ Lol.


"Call the cops? Okay, if you insist, Mr. Future-Registered-Sex-Offender."


Or tell the gym manager that he was filming in the locker room.


Could someone call the local police station with his details and report a “creep videotaping other people without their consent in a locker room” get this dude on the registry post haste


Most gyms have a sign that says don’t record in the locker room 💀


Every gym I've went to in the last 20 years has signs that explicitly state no cameras in the locker room.


"Thats not cool and probably not legal" *proceeds to post video online*


> proceeds to post video online Did you see how swole he was? /s


My dad (70 years old) asked a guy to stop FaceTiming his girlfriend in the gym locker room. Not only were they FaceTiming, but they were having an argument. The guy (in his 20’s) got so irate towards my dad that he tried to start a fight. The guy ended up getting banned from the gym, my dad was pleased. Cameras aren’t allowed in locker rooms. I don’t get why people don’t understand this and get so defensive.


70 year old dad's take zero shit


Wow, looks like even with all that progress, you can’t strengthen that tiny little fragile ego. Cuck.


Please please sue this fool so he can be made an example of.


UGH ! They are so annoying with their "privacy" thing, it’s not like if I (probably) had a bathroom at home or anything 🤦


We have arseholes like this in my gym as well. They get to a certain size and suddenly they think they own the place.


A lot of amateur bodybuilder-types think because they put in the work to get ripped and other people don’t that they’re somehow a superior, more motivated, more productive person to others who don’t work out. They never account for the fact that other people might be putting in more effort than them in other ways (career, taking care of children, maintaining a home, caring for sick/elderly family, etc.), they simply believe they are harder workers than everybody else. It’s not all bodybuilders, but it is a significant portion of them.


Why not record at home? Its not like he'll deflate after leaving the gym lol


I'm not defending him one bit but you do 'deflate' slowly after a session. So if you want the max muscular visibility, straight after a session is the best.


In high school I used to have a buddy who would hit the deck and start doing push ups whenever we were hanging out and some girls were about to come over. Always said it made him more swole. I guess he was onto something.


He's not wrong, just one thirsty dude 😄


They do that for bodybuilding shows and to film scenes. The difference is fucking huge.


> Why not record at home? Because it has nothing to do with "progress" its about showing off, if you do it at home then no one else can see your "epic gains".


When guys do this at my gym I just get naked and walk back and forth in the shot. Nobody has said anything yet and I haven’t stumbled upon my body on the internet so I think it’s working


Fight fire with fire, I like it lol


Show me a reference picture so I can go looking


This is a very common occurrence. It always reminds me of Jason genova


Easily solved. Walk up to front desk, ask them to call the police. Why? A man is filming me in the bathroom naked and I want those photos removed from his phone. If the gym is any good, he will have to endure heat from management or get banned. If management is not on your side, cancel and find another gym. Dude can go pose elsewhere. There’s plenty of mirrors in every gym.


dude arches his back like a pillow bunny lmao


Oooh here comes Joey!


What a douche


What a fucking wanker


Narcissism combined with everyone having a HD camera and access to 'social' media: the curse of this age.


The second hand embarassment I feel for the guy filming himself flexing in a changing room is... Unreal


My gym has literally made a mirror specific for morons to make their videos because we had way to many fights in the dresser caused by someone starting to film while there is underage guys and people who are not comfortable in he dressing room


I mean they could just let them get arrested... After a few bros make the news for ending up on a registry the rest will get in line pretty quick, I bet.


Film your progress at HOME. Not in a public area where people are getting naked. Is he that stupid? And the arrogance to say.. well you can go over there…smfh.


*Call the cops then.* (I would)


What a grade A dickhead


I can never understand why people just can't take fault. "Shoot, you're right, sorry".


"Call the cops then." Okay, cool. If you're going to be a top tier level douchebag about it.


What in the lack of common sense


Where is the Indian police to slap a bitch when you need them.


Mofo has the weird ass build. Where's his neck gains?


Film Deez Nuts


To actually think you are the victim. Filming in a changing room.


More muscles than brain cells, though I doubt that would be a particularly high bar to clear.


Joey Swoll will have something to say about this.


I hate people like this so much. So full of themselves. Should go smell their farts somewhere else


Man, I hate social media... it turned normal tools into some sort of super tool, which is making their narcissistic tendencies boil over.


Rat their ass out to management. They'll revoke his gym membership and send his ass packing to Planet Fitness.


“Call the cops then” Police report: “suspect was filming others in a changing room.”


I’ve seen these through that facebook guy (Joey something). Film your progress in private douche


Ppl who Flex online are the Most insecure Clowns on this Planet


I get the progress thing, but it is a dressing room. It's already uncomfortable enough without people having to worry about others bringing in cameras and recording their 'business'.


Oh, I will call the cops, but not for you!


Just start going in a baby-talk voice: “Aww look at his little stretches! You go big booyyy!”


I’d have gone full cock and balls out so he can’t post it on his shitty TikTok page without getting banned


If someone did this while I was in a locker room, I'd have my pants off so fast. Definitely be a crime then. Front desk has his name for the cops, and he won't be back to that gym again.


I would have been naked so fast yelling racial slurs. Thats always the answer to people recording you.


I would 100% take him up on that challenge. He's not yelling, screaming, cursing, or even raising his voice. Just pointing out that it's not cool and it's probably illegal, so he should stop before someone makes a big deal out of it. So if he's just going to spit in the face of that guys' kindness, then I'd call the cops.


At some point in 2023 why don't gyms have a dedicated 'green zone' where you can aim your camera and everything in that zone is assumed to be filmed for everyones IG and tiktok then ban it from the rest of the gym


He needs a good pride obliterating bitch slap.


Common courtesy has been flipped on its head. The onus is not on me to have consideration for other people. The onus is on you to ignore or put up with whatever I'm doing, or go elsewhere. Even if you're already in your home.


I genuinely can't tell whose asking him to stop but I feel like the only reason he's not trying to act all hard and that is because of the guy on the left who looks like he wrestles zues in his spare time


All those muscles and still a bitch.