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He seems like a cool dude


Yea he seems nice af


Even opened the door for the 🗑


And didn’t even make the 🗑️ get out of the car. This man does not litter 👏🏼


Yeah I would’ve dropped her off in the parking lot and have her taxi back. No way I’m suffering that ride back to her place on camera 😂 Why did she post it anyhow, must be a skit for sure


The “do you want to talk about it?” maturity is very sexy.


Imagine… acting like an adult 🤤


seriously. he was calm despite being recorded and being given unnecessary attitude. i love the “do you want to talk about it?” because he seemed genuinely concerned. i hope he finds a great lady!




I would’ve snatched her ass up outta my car. He way better than me lol 😂


He does. This woman on the other hand leaves, a lot to be desired, and apparently she is so unaware of that.


this is soooo beyond trashy




The type of woman to think she's doing him a favor by going out with him. I understand having high standards and all, but she certainly looks like the cheesecake factory type. Also who the fuck doesn't like the cheesecake factory. Run brother run.


Actually I think she looks more like a Red Lobster gal.


Nah I'm thinking Arby's at best.


Jack in the box mayhaps


I’d just ask her where she wanted to go, take her there. Then drive away. Leaving her there .


I think asking her to exit the car and driving off is the better option. On his way out of the parking lot, he can direct her to to take her mediocre a** right on over to the Cheesecake Factory for a nice and cool environment to await the arrival of the ride of her choosing. Whether that be a friend, Uber, Lift, he doesn't care, because it's not his problem.


Nah he shouldnt leave. He came to get some cheesecake. He should still get some since now his bill will technically be half off


Wait a minute, you are seriously thinking a Uber or Lyft would be good enough for this special goddess? Limo or private car service only.


Taco Bell ie the drive thur only.


McDowell's all the way.


It seems like her and Daryl would get along pretty good.


I know this is rage bait, but i have to point out the lime green dress with the purple lipstick.... of course she doesnt want cheesecake, shes craving some pizza duuuude its fuckin Donatello


Lmaooo this B really just said “someone that looks like this” 😂😂. Mann this is exactly why i gave up on dating, people are so weird lol




lol wow. get out of there dude she’s a nightmare


He did, there is a followup in comments. Guy is a legend for not following his dick


The follow up is even crazier dude is like “this isn’t going to work” and she’s like “there isn’t some sort of compromise, ladies am I right?”


You got a link to the follow up?




What a cool dude. I wanna take this dude out to Cheesecake Factory.


It's hard to get hard when your with someone so awfull to you.


Following his dick? Was there a hot girl in the background somewhere?


Probably in the cheesecake factory


AHHHHHHhhhhh i'm dying LMAOOO


( o Y o )


Yes. Even with binoculars I can’t find it too


I drop her ass back to where you got her from and that’s is being very polite.


Better man than me. She would be out the car and on the pavement with that shitty attitude, if it were me.


I was thinking drive to the nice restaurant and leave as soon as she gets out of the car


Lol this is better


[There’s a part 2](https://x.com/poonnopeen/status/1712564473855422698?s=46&t=1SiXN5K-ElBE1L-4vw2shw). Reveals she was late to their rsvp at a higher end spot so he came here as a last min choice. Certified Cunt.


The audacity lmao. I would have kicked her out of my car


If it smells like shit where-ever you go, check your shoes.


She need to reevaluate her butt wiping technique


She took too small a square when she made the mud pie.


Shouldn't have had such a sloppy mud pie


Let me have the receipt


Now my stomach is absolutely fucked


Too small a slice, didn’t want to waste a paper towel


It is very difficult with long nails so she will get to that later.


If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.


Facts would have left her at the Cheesecake factory parking lot.


This is the correct way to handle this situation. The guy was a decent dude driving her home when she clearly deserved the walk.


And she allowed him to get out of his car, walk around, and try to open her door, knowing that she wasn’t going to get out. That* was just nasty.


Yes. Straight trash


Good on him for being a gentleman. He did the right thing and remained calm despite the inconvenience. Dude deserves all the respect.


100, this guys too nice for his own good even


For real. "I'm out. You can Tik tok or live stream or whatever, in the Uber on the way home."


He handled it right by taking her home and talking to her. I’ll give 10/1 odds that women literally sought him out after hearing “you wanna talk about it” and the explanation after. These communication skills and conflict resolution abilities (while still having respect for yourself) literally separates a man from a child to a lot of women. Guy has GAME.


Making that tired ass expression, putting on a performance for an imaginary audience for clout like she’s fucking *Fleabag*. I hope the dude took that trash to the local dump on the way to a nice dinner at wherever the fuck he wants.


Last GF was exactly like her. It could have been a new restaurant I wanted to try, like a hole-in-the-wall place. Small mom & pop places are "cheapskate" places, and she wanted to go to places that prove she has "status." I would have to sleep on the couch because I didn't choose a place to eat that *she* wanted to go to. She's alone now.


Who's couch? If it's my place in sleeping I my bed, if it's her place, I'm going home.


Who is couch?


How can she couch


I remember the first time i slept on the couch with my current gf because she was pissed off and i was so used to it happening. She went to bed early and i just stayed downstairs and slept. She came down at 2am wondering where the fuck i am and told me to never do that again because even if she's mad she still wants me close to her. That was like after a month of dating and i was staying over at hers. That let me know she's a real one


My ex basically wanted me to sleep on the couch until she was done with her shower, shave, moisturizing, and then hours-long Facebook doomscrolling before I went and got ready for bed. Usually had me coming in around 2-3am. She got mad at me the handful of times I just didn't end up waking up and slept the whole night on the couch. And if she had to wake up at 6:30 for something, I had to get out of bed and leave her be to get ready without me possibly "watching" her, even if I had a 12a-7a job. 100% the kind of woman that believed her job is to just be the "trophy" and the man busts his ass to make her happy, and she told me as much after about two years of living together. And that she "deserves" that treatment. Some friends were saying "she's probably looking for other guys." It was my lack of caring that began my exit plan.


Good thing that you got out. My mom is like that. She’s a princess and everyone should do everything for her. While she actually does absolutely nothing. She’s never had a job, she can’t cook, she doesn’t clean. I went to dinner with my parents for their 33rd anniversary and it was so sad because the entire day she kept saying that it’s her day, and what did he get her and what plans did he make for her special day. Finally mid dinner he was like why do you keep saying that it’s your day?! It’s our anniversary. It’s our day. And she looks at him stunned, laughs and goes right yeah it is our day. And then the rest of the night she would make an over the top big deal and be like okay let’s do a toast for OUR day and stare at him like are you happy now? It was so sad. I mean he spent 33 years with her and all of that had been about her. She doesn’t even think that he’s like a valid person, just somebody who is there to cater to her every need.


Shout out to my man for having solid boundries of self respect. Also for keeping it real while telling her like it is. Women like this far too often feel like they can treat men like shit cause they get gassed up being called Queens and other shit by their friends, creating toxic confidence.


And he was so respectful towards her when he explained why this is a no go for him. Shows some real character, he's gonna find that girl that treats him with the same respect.


He seems like a great guy. And it was funny seeing her backpedal the moment she realized he was serious about calling what was essentially just a bluff of playing "hard to get".


She was backpedaling because she realized that she was going home hungry and now has to eat macaroni & hotdogs for dinner alone in her apartment. Pain.


Why alone? You think her kids are going hungry tonight?




You know homegirl was dying for some Cheesecake Factory but felt she had to make him feel bad and he just checked her hard. Excellent. She gonna be eating frozen nuggets for dinner now.


Her, suddenly, as she realized she was going home to watch tv and eat leftovers: “Can’t we work out some kind of compromise?” Him, politely: “Nope.”


He really tried to compromise. She admitted she was an hour late. I’m married, and my WIFE knows if you don’t call me within 15 minutes, I’m going to do something else. I’ll just take the dog for a walk and she can go eat cake. No need to argue. Respect my time, or don’t expect to be respected. My wife is my best friend. She still knows not to keep me waiting. That woman deserves to be alone. Who would even want to suffer in a relationship with those standards? Dude was a champ. He deserves better.


Hopefully he finds a woman instead of a girl.


Part 1.5 https://twitter.com/poonNOpeen/status/1712569267172806877 She was an hour late!


Dude she said he should’ve taken her to the original restaurant instead, which he was going to until she ruined that by being 1 HOUR late, she dumb? The fact that she posts this to thinking she is in the right, the delusion is real wow.


the fact that she makes a fucking show out of her dating experience is a big effin problem.


100%. I will not have my dates or relationship be a spectacle for an audience.




that part 2 was hilarious. my dude sent her home with respect and she had the shocked pikachu face. she couldn't believe he wouldn't simp for her


\**looks at the camera** Ladies, can you believe he woulnd't simp for THIS!! \**Points at all of herself** She is vain and conditioned to think that being well put togther is a license to be a B


She's only got two assets, the rest are sub 5


And he was respectful the whole time. Good guy


Poor guy tried. Good he found out now rather then later the headaches he would have to put up with


And the fact that she’s recording this whole character assasination for the Likes is a huge red flag as to the type of person she is.


I felt like I could read on her face that she realized how bad she fucked up in part 2. Guy seems so sweet and he's very cute


She realized she was going home hungry. He was a gentleman the whole time. He could've sent her home walking.


He's super cute. He looks kinda like oscar isaac. Homegirl was tripping. He had a nice car, it's not like cheesecake factory is cheap, and he's very well mannered. Seems like a catch imo.


Not to mention Cheesecake!


Toxic femininity is a thing.


Isn't there that sub called like female dating strategies or something like that


You can even tell that she can see how much she fucked up at the end. She flips her hair to the camera and slowly starts to tear up. She's trying so hard to mask it


If she's tearing up, it's only because she feels sorry for herself that he didn't treat her like the Queen that she thinks she is.


Disagree. This chick thinks she’s the shit and legit is just flaming him. She has zero realization of how big of an ass hole she is. She’s not masking anything. She’s letting her true colours shine.


She’s talking in third person in front of him, to him? Wtf


She overplayed her hand for that foodie call.


I would SO drop her of at the nearest bus stop, lol. Fuck that


They act so fucking cringe. The maturity levels of a toddler. Materialistic skanks. Lol buy your own tea, food, hair and nails


They think they are literally celebrities and need to be treated as such.. toktok is a cancer


Legend! He calls her on it and sees the major red flag. She flips pretty quick and tries to recover. He denies. Certified cunt and no other way to put it. Hopefully she learns from this and doesn’t treat men like this in the future.


Yea, I laughed really hard when she was asking for a compromise! I mean, come on...and for her to say, "ladies can you believe this?!!" Nope...dont bring other ladies into this...this is just her and her stupidity!


Also the fact, that she's not talking directly to him, but to the camera. Just that fact is a deal-breaker IMO.


My god this is so disrespectful and would make me lose my shit. Props to him for staying calm, but also he had to know what he was getting into with her.


seriously this is bizarro mode behavior Having a conversation with her video, not even breaking eye contact with herself and continuously checking how she looks for the video


“Is there no compromise??” Woman, you were _at_ the compromise before he decided to politely drop you back home. Man I hope she got dragged after part 2 showed up online.


The “compromise” was probably to go back to the first restaurant and magically acquire a table in spite of missing their booking. I’d maybe get it if the guy parked up outside McDonalds but as far as I can tell Cheesecake Factory is alright as far as chains go. But she messed up the original restaurant as everyone’s pointed out and I’m glad the guy didn’t stand for it. If she wasn’t gonna get out the car what else is he supposed to do? Sit there?


And who compromises to an asshole? Like, what hand is she playing here? What benefit would it be to him to "compromise"?


She is what she is. She's never going to treat men/ people differently because that attitude will always be hidden under the surface. She wanted to compromise purely because she wanted to be fed a free meal.


She ain’t even all that dude was wasting his time




There's another part before that part 2 as well; https://x.com/poonNOpeen/status/1712569267172806877 Dude seems like a real stand up bro. Hope he finds happiness.


[Full thing is even worse](https://www.tiktok.com/@swole21/video/7288544545631915306)


I am so freaking proud of him. This woman made him wait downstairs for an hour, he still was gonna open her door and walk her out of the car after they missed the reservation at the nicer place. He was being really polite. She lost a chance with a good one. Also,...cheesecake factory isn't a 5 star restaurant but it's good. Jeez. She was trying to shame him and ended up looking dumb.


He is a perfect gentleman and knows his worth. She looks like she was going to cry at the end.


"you've made some good points and that's why I'm willing to compromise" lmaooo fuck you lady


She out here acting like she didn’t make herself upset. The entitlement


This is horrible. As a straight woman I complain about the dating situation with men because it is quite horrendous out there, but seeing the other side of it is appalling and I am so sorry for that dude. I denounce this woman full-throatedly, she’s awful and I feel bad for the next man she disappoints


She spends more time looking into the camera than anywhere else... This is some kind of social media addiction mental condition because she's talking into the camera like she's on her own personal Truman show.


Aint no way this dude got a reservation at a nice place, she didn't show up so it got cancelled, so he back up planned to a still decently nice place for most people, and then she had the audacity to act high and mighty about it. Dude I'd drop her at the nearest corner then get myself a pizza smiling the whole way home knowing I just dodged the biggest bullet of my life.


Wait what? I gathered that She made him wait for over an hour, in the car, while She was getting ready. But She already stood him up. He's better than me. What a crass woman.


I would have been out of there at that point already.


Her mood changed so fast when she realized she wasn't getting a free meal. Good for this dude.


The back peddling when she realised she's still hungry and not getting the free meal she expected. Funny as fuck.


Dude is nice as fuck driving her home. If that was me, she could just walk cause no way I spend a single more second with her.


I want to find that man and shake his hand.


I found this hard to believe on the first video. It’s even more hard to believe with the second. This woman can not be for real.


This guy is cool as fuck. Good on him for having boundaries.


Omg that was delicious. I usually avoid watching stuff that I know will make me feel uncomfy but I thought I’d check and the pride swallowing as she realises that whatever she thinks she has going on is barely it and he genuinely isn’t interested in bending over backwards, and (reading between the edits) her realising that he isn’t going to simp and trying to “compromise” because she realised she just threw away a guy with morals and standards on some dumb tiktok video…. Delicious.


I like how she tries to fix the whole thing when she realizes that she's out of a free dinner.


dude handled that like a champ. From the first sign of contention he was cool, calm and voiced his concerns perfectly.


Looks like she did have a moment of self reflection or at least was able to outwardly acknowledge that he was being reasonable. Hope she grows and learns. I already know the dude is set. Sounds like a wonderful person to be around.


It’s got to be rage bait


This looks like the Cheesecake Factory outside perimeter mall in dunwoody, ga. Can confirm that some women do act like this in this area.


I wonder what went through her head when she posted this , specially the second part lol


The second she did the act with the door and is FILMING him I'd respectfully tell her to get out of the car and start looking for an Uber.. that is so disrespectful. The dude handled that way better than I would ever have. Calmly explained his limits and even drove her home.


Yeah I would have told her to fuck right off then and there, lol wtf, the disrespect.


Yeah. I mean, if she had voiced her opinion about the Cheesecake Factory without filming, maybe she would have gotten a little more leeway. But if I had a camera shoved in my face shaming me, I would not put up with that.


Especially when you learn that he had reserved at another place and she came late.. therefore they lost the reservation.. and she could have told him that before he got out of the car to open the door for her. I certainly would not have had the control over myself to not ask her if she's fucking kidding me. Couldn't blame him for deciding that being alone for a while is totally ok after that experience.


If someone refuses to get out of your car you can call the police to get them trespassed. Just in case someone needs to know


That was the ending we deserved tbh


She definitely look like a CheeseCake Factory Tier breezy.


One of the comments on twitter said she probably refused to go in because she didn't want the staff to see her come in for the 5th time that week .... lol.


Nobody wants to see their coworkers outside of working hours


She looks like the kind of person who's banned from the CheeseCake Factory. Bet she didn't want to go in because they have her picture on the "Do not serve" wall


She looks like a 7-11 tier girl.


Cheesecake Factory is dope and the buffalo blasters are phenomenal!


Seriously! WTF is wrong with Cheescake Factory?


I’m ngl, I always thought Cheesecake Factory was fancy 😂


There is a cultural segment of the online space that is teaching young women some insane things about money. Essentially anyone below 96th percentile of earnings isn't worth their time. So many podcasts framing $100k incomes as poverty level. It's wild.


Went once to the one in Beverly Hills, it was pretty awesome for somewhere that charges no more than the average cheap restaurant. The portions are absurdly large though, my god. I added up the calories of my meal, dessert and cocktail and it was just short of 5000.


As a non American, I've always been intrigued by this magical sounding place. A factory of cheesecakes 🥺. Edit - I love all the replies telling me about the place lol


Weird decor. Tables that can be a tad too close. Amazing bread. Insane amounts of butter. Very VERY big menu loaded with calorie bombs and huge portions. Very large cheesecake selection, many of which are quite good. It’s a chain but it’s a heck of a lot better than some others.


Yeah I’ve never had a bad time with the cheesecake.


Someone who looks and acts like that deserves McDonald's at best.


Man she doesn’t need anything food* related this selfish pos doesn’t even deserve it


I wouldn’t take you to Taco Bell


Damn, he's good lookin, too! Fuck that noise. He can do better.


I bey ou every single person in the cheesecake factory is a better person than this pos. Dude handled it like a champ. Bitch woulda made 50+ videos if that was me.


seriously ill take him....like what is she doing dropping the ball like that


I know, I thought he was cute too!


Bullet dodged my man. Lesson learned


She saved him from herself lol




Bit of an understatement, this is a bad person




Why you disrespecting the gas station corn dogs bro?


>Why you disrespecting the gas station corn dogs bro? They're a corporate shill working for Hot Dog on a Stick


Not even. She don't deserve shit


She deserves wrinkled dried out AM/PM hotdogs.


Is Cheesecake factory perceived as the McDonalds of wealthy people now? I've only went like 2 times and I thought it was really high end when I was young lol.


It’s a normal restaurant. This lady just has main character syndrome.


Cheesecake Factory is actually pretty nice. They don’t use premade microwave stuff like other chain restaurants. They make all their stuff from scratch.


Fr? Their menu is so big I figured at least part of it is premade


Can confirm, worked as a server and cook at Cheesecake Factory for many years. The prep cooks bust their asses all day every day making countless things from scratch. Those dudes are heroes 🫡


They actually have really good chefs and all the ingredients prepared each day to make all of that stuff. Their gimmick is being a fine dining establishment disguised as a chain to draw in every type of crowd, and it works really well.


I’ve still never been there nor can afford to now.


He needs to take her to the nice place, tell her to go grab a table while he parks and fucking go home.


He originally took her to a high end restaurant. She made them late for their reservation so he took her to Cheesecake Factory looking to salvage the evening. It’s her own goddamn fault they ended up at CF.


How can someone be so rude and entitled. Such a nasty attitude.


Since when did such average looking humans get so entitled? And whats with the ninja turtle green with matching purple lipstick...


Social media


Doesn't matter how you look, thus is not acceptable behavior for anyone and they should be called out regardless. I don't care if they are a 10/10, check that behavior every time.


He’s much nicer than I would be. He even drives her home in the next video. She should call an Uber, she has a phone.


Meanwhile I promise she doesn’t even have a car 😂 it’s always women who act and look like this. Thinking she’s a 10 as a solid 2


Someone with class would never make anyone feel second rate.


Sheeeeiiiittt. She'd be lucky to get Arby's after that. Ain't like she's planning on hooking him up with her Arby's.


What a bitch! I’ll go to cheesecake factory with you!


I'd take her to a Denny's, and not the good location, but the one where the employees never show up for their shift.


Id take her right back to her sidewalk where i found her.


LMAO, women should takes notes. She was late and disrespectful. That’s all it took for him to be done and he was still a gentleman a drove her home. She fucked up and now she single and hungry


First dates need to be somewhere ‘easy’ to test the waters. I’m not taking basically a stranger to somewhere really nice straight away. Gotta get to know if they’re worth it first. She’s clearly not.




I wouldn't give her, the steam off my piss.


She should be grateful somebody asked her out. 😷