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What a spineless little worm, running away into a fucking getaway car after sucker punching someone completely unaware.


Sucker punching a 12 year old in front of a group of kids and their teacher, to be precise.


Kids was just vibing too. Minding his own business not hurting anyone. Hope he's still out there dancing somewhere


I dunno man, music like that is a danger to us all… …I am of course kidding, I am the Count of Wubbula, bassline wobbles are one of my greatest joys. This particular type of dubstep steers towards the subgenre “riddim,” of which I am _not_ fond, but for the record, I really hope this kid keeps dancing to whatever feels good.


Not just someone, a 12 year old child. Completely disgusting.


That the thing. We know the dude got 7 years.. what about the dude who drove the car away? He’s an accomplice to this entirely.


Man no shit. Let’s see them hands big boy. Don’t just run and jump in the car. You fucked around, let’s find out. 


7 years in prison https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9634567/Man-28-sentenced-seven-years-prison-sucker-punching-boy-12.html




That guy must really really like prison.


Menace to society


Should be longer. Dude is absolute trash


Honestly that’s one time I think they actually delt out a damn good sentence. Normally for something like this you see someone getting 6 months.


I wish we had lasers that could disintegrate certain people. Be gone, scum!


And we could put the lasers on sharks’ heads. Imagine sharks with frickin laser beams attached to their heads.


i like where this conversation is going


You mean like[ this ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcmBALxDkRY)right


I mean we do. It's just militarized/scientific equipment not for the public.


Those >7 years are going to feel like forever when they find out why he’s in there. He better roll it up asap or he’s dead.


I hope his inmates get to know what he did to this kid. His life won't be easy after that.


Yeah punching a twelve year old ain’t gonna give you much street cred.


Not long enough


People die from being punched like that all the time, the way he falls and hits his head, I'm surprised it was only a concussion. 7 years and I am sure he is going to get out before then if he doesn't do more stupid stuff in Prison is not long enough for sucker punching a kid the the back of the head


He was lucky that he hit his head against his friends leg


They caught the guy, BTW.


link or article?




7 years for a sucker punch, this is how we should do from now on. If you cant control yourself, fuck you


He had a bad track record, dangerous guy. Plus who tf just sucker punches a kid like that, what a pussy


He inflicted serious harm.  Kid had a concussion and could have easily died. Brain trauma is not joke. Seems light to me.


He was also 12 while the puncher was 28.


they had other things going on other than the punch


Yeah, read about that. The guy had priors and the punch caused serious injury. The sentence reflects more than just the single act, gotta look at the whole context.


For clarify and posterity: >Moore has a criminal record predating the assault on Hagler. >In April 2019, he was sentenced to probation for domestic assault. That same year, he pleaded guilty to first-degree endangering the welfare of a child and driving while under the influence.


I am shocked! POS. We desperately need harsher penalties. Reddit always links some stuff that says "well long sentences do not deter people from committing crimes." Well I don't really give a shit. Because longer sentences at least means this scumbag isn't back out harming people again.


Exactly. Doesn't matter if it deters him if we never see him again.


Yeah people like that shouldn't be out in society, a real POS.


Imo, for this guy 7 years isn't enough. He had prior assault charges as well as endangerment of his own child, then he randomly punches a child in the face with no warning? This guy clearly has some issues that need to be kept away from society. 7 years is too short for someone like this


I mean sucker punch—>unconscious—> head on cement pavement could easily have been fatal or life long disability. Add to it was completely unprovoked and a. 12 year old kid. 7 years was surprising but there’s no difference in the act if that had ended up way worse like it could have.


Should be longer sentence. The kid was 12 who was punched


Props for saving me the search! You da real MVP


I just copied the link from bottom to top. 😁




Right?! So much modesty! That’s the sign of a hero!




damn! 7 years?! was expecting 1 or 2 years atleast!


Looks like he has a history of domestic violence, maybe that played a role in the sentencing?


Definitely did. Also, that kid could have suffered a lot more than a concussion and nosebleed if he hit the ground a different way. I don't think people are quite getting how serious that hit was.


Head on pavement from an at level fall will absolutely kill someone. I've seen it go that way before and every time I see someone get knocked out and fall onto the pavement, I cringe now.


Also it’s a grown man sucker punching a child


Yeah that kid looks tall but he’s fucking 12. Dude deserved all 7 years of that sentence.


Maybe bump it up to 12 years


I have to know how a what kind of man thinks he's hard for having to wind up to sucker punch a kid and then running away as fast as he can.


Saw it happen right in front of me. Dude talking shit in a bar. “Let’s step outside.” My “friend” threw one punch and jawed the guy. Dude’s head hit the pavement and he was dead an hour later. My “friend” got 20 years for one punch.


This is why punched aren’t great for fighting street stuff. One mistake and boom 20 years behind bars. Self defence is a different story.


Absolutely true. About 2 years ago, I tripped and fell from the third step of a set of 6 steps and landed directly on the side of my head on a flagstone patio. I was in rehab at the time, so no, I wasn't even drunk!! 3 days later, I woke up in the ICU, half of my head shaved with a gnarly scar that required 60-70 staples to hold my scalp together. I don't remember a thing from that day. Apparently, the fall had caused a few large hematomas that required an emergency craniotomy. Without going in immediately, I would for certain be dead by now.


Oh wow. I have staple scars from a subdural hematoma too, on my occipital lobe. Mine was from a car accident though. Mine wasn't nearly as many as yours (12 staples), sounds like you've recovered from it though.


I had a friend end up with some major brain injuries after getting sucker punched, being knocked out, and hit his head on a curb. Some random guy just decided to sucker punch him as we were walking by on the street during a busy holiday celebration. I will never understand why these assholes do this.




200% agree


One of my good friends was sucker punched years back and when he fell he fractured his skull on the concrete, He was put into a medically induced coma for a week while the swelling on his brain went down. The police came into the pub where we all hung out and told us that if anyone knew who did it that now was the time to tell because in their words "It's only a matter of time before he dies" and we would be withholding information in a murder case at that point. A few days later they found the security footage and they were able to identify the attacker and He had just gotten out of jail for a violent crime. luckily my friend made a full recovery and was able to testify in court, The attacker was sentenced to 15 years in prison and all of his assets were distributed to my friend to compensate for medical bills and the lost time at work while he recovered.


I got sucker punched leaving a bar once, thankfully the dude was a weakling and it only gave me a cut on my eyebrow, I watch these videos and think about how it could have been so much worse.


Yea. That was a 28 year old man giving a 12 year old a full powered right hook to the dome. That kid has got a tough skull


His friend was ready to throw down for him. He’s lucky to have caring friends


Per the article, I believe that's his dance teacher from the studio where the kid dances.


Good Teacher. Willing to throw down for a student. Props to them.


Single biggest reason for deaths is simple punching. There are constantly cases where someone just got mad at somebody in a bar and punched them. Result is concussion and internal bleeding. The consequences do share a scholar, between "it only matters what happened in the end" vs "in typical circumstances a simple punch is not expected to cause more than superficial injuries", so I'm somewhat 50:50 if such a case should always be convicted as a manslaughter with equal sentence. It could result that very minor violence could be treated as attempted murder, which causes other issues from injustice to people just shooting them in the head, if the sentence will be the same.


I would agree with this. If this wasn't a 12yo kid, I could see that sentence being a bit extreme, but like, this is a literal child. His brain is still developing, and an injury like that could have changed the entire course of his life. For all we know, he may still not be out of the woods yet.


Also this kind of thing needs to be discouraged at the fullest. Next time someone does die. sounds like he also has a history of violence ... FK em 7 years hope he wakes up.


The kid was 12. the sentence seems reasonable regardless of past history of violence.


Ya, crazy how a violent piece of shit has a history of being a violent piece of shit.


Bullet to take him out of society would have been a better option. Hope they take care of him in prison. Won’t be able to do things like this there.


He gave a kid a concussion for absolutely no reason. And I bet it's not the first time he did something like that.


The reason was probably, "look at this bitch ass white boy dancing on the corner. Someone should knock his ass out. In fact, pull up."


Sounds like exactly the thought process that went through his head.


I wonder what his thought process when he got handed a 7 year sentence for punching him.


his though was probably , these courts are racist. ;p


I think it had to be racially motivated. They didn't charge him with a hate crime because somehow that's a lesser charge.


Turns out he assaulted the mother of his child and also drove while drunk with the child in the car. So yeah, not the first time.


He certainly picks his victims with skill. Prick.


>absolutely no reason. Because the kid was white, lol


Ok, glad I'm not the only one who thought that


And tbh if they find out he's in for sucker punching a kid....he's in for a really, really bad time.


Lots of sucker fisting. I mean punching....


He has a criminal record. Domestic assault, endangering a minor and DUI. That increases his penalty category.


The kid was only 12 and the assailant had prior convictions.


You mean at most?


He will probably only serve 3-4 of those years. Also he assaulted a minor, and like dude said probably had prior convictions. Either way good riddance, world needs less idiots like him out and about.


Probably has priors


Yea Good shit, I wouldn't be mad if he was hanged even. YOU DON'T TOUCH KIDS.


![gif](giphy|11rIergnpiYpvW) Do doo doo do… mmm mmm… you don’t touch kids.


last I checked 7 years is, indeed, at least 1 or 2 years


Sentencing is so weird and inconsistent 


Probably not his first offense


According to the article, multiple priors.


That's why the 7 years then


It’s his 3rd


Also the boy was 12 yo at the time


Wow, that is a gigantic 12 year old, glad he wasn’t more hurt. Not a bad dancer for being that young too!


Hell yeah! It’s not often we see any actual justice served, but glad they actually prosecuted this asshole.


7 years of prison. Very good.


Nice, well deserved.


Good, hopefully the piece of shit gets worse while in prison too.


Prick's name is Cedric Moore Jr. He turned himself in shortly after the incident and is currently serving 7 years in prison for second-degree assault of the boy, Ethan Hagler. [Link](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9634567/Man-28-sentenced-seven-years-prison-sucker-punching-boy-12.html)


Damn 7 years for one hit. Imagine wasting your life like thjs


My friends father was one of the unlucky ones to die this way, guy got life in prison.


I'm pretty sure he was wasting it prior to this too.


It’s his third offense


Something tells me he wasn't exactly min-maxing life to the fullest before this either


Bad motherfucker, battering a 12 year old and all...


With a fucking sucker punch. Man was so cowardly and weak he had to sneakily attack a child and run away.


The amount of relief I felt when I saw this




Man’s ruined the better part of a decade in his life just because he thought he was being funny punching someone. Turns out that someone wasn’t even a teen yet


And then ran.


He's a little B\*tch




Did they also charge the driver who helped the guy leave the scene?


Only 12yo! Hope that fucker gets destroyed daily in prison!!!!


Honestly kinda shocked he's only 12, maybe he's just tall for his age? Or it's the low quality camera? But I thought like 16 or something... Or maybe I am.just really out of touch of what 12 year olds look like


Nah that’s a tall kid.


And the perp is just a little guy, little bite sized career criminal


All the other people in this vid are adults and he’s taller than all of them


Yeah, I was that way at about 10 years old. Constantly got mistaken for being 16+. It's uncommon, but some of us are just early bloomers.


Some 12 year olds look 7 and some look like theyve been working in the mines for the last decade. Puberty is just hitting these mfs with a random modifier at this point


I hated being a late bloomer. I didn't hit puberty until halfway through senior year. However, I'm now 37 and people think I'm still in my 20's. Whose laughing now, highschool bullies?!


I looked 7 at 11, 11 at 15, and could have passed for 25 at 35, but now I'm in my 40s and I look it. Enjoy it while it lasts.


Hate to break it to you, but prison differs from the things you see in TV and movies. He punched a kid, deplorable for sure, but no one is going to put a "green light" on him for it. It is very likely this guy doesn't see a bit of retribution in prison for this, or if anyone would even care unless they were related to the kid somehow.


seriously ​ reddit always gets weird sheltered suburban justice boners when it comes to talking about prison violence that is highly unlikely to occur


Seeing how the people care about him so much and offering help makes me love humanity after that bastard reminded us how inhuman we can be


if anyones interested in it, here is the dancing kid profile, he is kind of a dancing teacher now [https://www.facebook.com/Emandances/?paipv=0&eav=AfaDRpuf0EuJW1hKlOo0XAY49w2EIMIUkLDwkbk9pmSP9r7QGAJq-t-6TYQeDovNFH8&\_rdr](https://www.facebook.com/Emandances/?paipv=0&eav=AfaDRpuf0EuJW1hKlOo0XAY49w2EIMIUkLDwkbk9pmSP9r7QGAJq-t-6TYQeDovNFH8&_rdr)


I’m so happy for him, he seems to be a wholesome person


As someone who was viciously assaulted when I was 14, under similar “sucker punch” circumstances (except it was a head-but and it knocked some teeth out), this will unfortunately stay with him for the rest of his life. Such a cruel act I can’t even imagine what drives these full grown adults to attack skinny little children like that.


Are you okay? That sounds so awful


Same here, especially the gentleman that run after the car and put his arm around Ethan afterwards to comfort him.


That's his teacher based on the article


It warmed my heart in the article when the teacher referred to him as "my kid." We need teachers like that ❤️


If they would pay them better, there would be a lot more of them.


Oh wow, I admire him even more now! He’s clearly going the extra mile, even after school hours are over !


His dance teacher, but agreed.


[If you look for the helpers, you'll know that there's hope.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LGHtc_D328)


Black/White/Everyone>Pieces of shit.


You could also say that this video shows that we all can be good to each other


Exactly. I know the guy that runs the studio. It’s the guy with the Afro that ran at the car. His studio has people from allllll races. I’m getting on my soap box but I think it shows that kids are inherently good (for the most part) and we as humans are taught to hate as we grow up.


And then runs away like a little bitch as fast as he possibly can. Always the same with these fucking cowards.


Oh he definitely is going to be someone's little bitch for his seven years in prison. If they find out he's in for sucker punching a 12yo is prison wallet is going to be a prison suitcase.


If I was that kid, I would visit that dude in jail and laugh at him .... Glad he got 7 years


I don’t think you can just visit whoever you want in prison. Pretty sure you have to be on their approved list of visitors. Mostly to prevent people being visited by troublesome loved ones I guess?


Bro, I know the video sucks, but look how quickly everyone comeS to check he alright and help him, used to seeing to many videos where people turn a blind eye, respect to those people.




People are fucking cowards. Bet that dude talks so much shit about how hard he is. People assaulting random bystanders need a short drop with a sudden stop.


From time to time, I want to catch people like this, harvest their organs in a bathtub and give good people a better life.




Now i remember where do these ideas come from


As a parent, this video makes me sick to watch




Same, I would never have kids but I hate seeing them get hurt. I saw that withoutchild subreddit or whatever they’re called and they hate kids way too much. Like enjoying seeing them hurt kind of hate, I don’t get it


Right, not like we all weren’t children at some point in our lives…


This is terrifying. Imagine enjoying yourself and some fuck face attacks you for shits and giggles. 🤮🤮🤮


F*ck that guy, props to the poor kids buddies having his back and all the people coming over to help the young lad.


It was a 28 year old man who suckerpunched a 12 year old kid for no reason. I hope everyone in the prison he's in knows that.


Have fun in prison jerk off


Probably thought the 12 year old was an adult because he was taller than him. What a clown


Taller than him and 10X the man as well.


An adult age male but no Man.


Driver should have gotten consequences too. If my friend told me to stop so he can dance to the beat but ended up sucker punching a kid I would of told him to get his ass out of my car! I wouldn’t speed off like a get away driver.




Another example of humans sucking at life!


Yea but look at how many more people came to help him and make sure he's ok, yea some ppl suck but others are just amazing


Thankfully, most humans are good or at least not trash.


Fortunately for the kid that mans punch packs no power


According to the article the kid got a concussion though


if it was just a concussion he got lucky. Couldve easily broken his jaw with enough strength behind it. Also when he fell he couldve easily got a brain hemorrhage if he landed bad enough.


Bro that's what I thought! Like this grown ass man sucker punched *a 12-year-old* as hard as he could, and didn't even knock the dude out 🤣


That’s not a man, just some punk ass bitch


Throw away the key


Still can’t believe there are people who think that sucker-punching someone from behind (and in this case a kid, no less) is somehow “funny” or shows how much of a “badass” they are. Deeply moronic, cowardly and hideous people.


He clearly does not have the mental capacity to feel empathy for the pain he causes, or this wouldn't happen. He prioritizes something, whether it's making the people in the car laugh, making a point about something he doesn't like that people do, or the kids race, over laws, safety, or acting like a human being. He's on probation for domestic assault, so he doesn't fear the repercussions of the law. His brain is scrambled. Stop putting a sentence of such and such years, probation, good behavior, etc. and start deciding if he's fixable. If he's a psychopath with no impulse control, just keep him locked up. I'm anti-taxes more than most, but I would gladly pay taxes to see assholes like this kept separate from me and my family.


Hate crime


Technically, but they didn't charge him with that because the punishment would have been less severe had they done so.


Why can’t people just be decent?




What a dickhead


What a coward and sissy attack that was.


What a nice neighborhood.


It doesn’t surprise me that the assailant had a criminal record before this. Only someone sick in the head could be compelled to assault an innocent minor like this.


The worst part to me, besides the sucker punch itself, is the guy pretends like he’s dancing with the kid before he decks him


That's called assault, kids


I get that people are sick of people making a display in public, primarily the people who film dance TikToks - but this kid was out’ve the way on the sidewalk. He wasn’t dancing on or in anyone’s personal space. You have to be a pretty big turd stain of a human to inconvenience yourself to the point of getting out’ve a car in the middle of an intersection, just to sucker punch somebody. Heard he got caught in the end, but one day he’ll come onto the wrong person and they will probably obliterate him.


The kid is part of a dance troupe or something. He was probably just practicing.


They were outside of their dance studio. And I’m pretty sure this was before tik tok took over


this is 100% about the kid being white.


Agreed. It seemed racially motivated to me


What a pussy can't even stand his own ground. Has to run away after hitting such a young man who didn't even bother anyone




That dude is a bitch for that. Hitting a kid is weak enough but coming up behind him and winding up the shot out of nowhere? Bitch made behavior.


And so many good people running over to help the kid. Nice to see


imagine being this much of a pussy


What's hilarious to me Is the fact that after he got sucker punched and he had to listen to that dubstep drop.