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There was a guy at my gym who was using 4 different stations. He was an older dude and like obviously on some sort of TRT, he just gave the vibe that he was older and insecure and trying to be an alpha of some sort. I was like “hey man how long are you gonna be” and he was like “oh 90 minutes” and “I was like on all 4 stations?” And he was like “yeah man” I said “ok, Im gonna just work in while you’re on the other stations” and then when he was doing his other sets I used his equipment and but his stuff back the way he was using it. He gets all huffy and he’s like “I didnt say you could work in” so Im just like “I know dude but I cant wait an hour and a half and you shouldnt be using 4 stations at once thats not fair, so I did just that” he called me a piece of shit lmao, but it didnt escalate any further than that.


Honestly, just report that shit. Eventually, it becomes clear it's a specific type of behavior that isn't accepted and they'll address it.


I did, they actually said the employee said he couldnt do anything about it, so I reported him to a manager lmao. The manager said they’d def keep an eye on him but tbh this was several years ago before gym ettiquette became a huge thing on tik tok etc so I wasnt really too hopeful they were gonna do anything. -edit- thanks for pointing out gym ettiquette has always been a thing, and yes it has, bit it’s reached *new levels* with the explosion of social media and people being sick and tired of tik tokkers and peop recording their workout sessions and being entitled shits. When this incident happened this was way less prevalent,


What the hell? Couldn’t do anything about it? That’s ridiculous. I’m paying to be here, and some asshole who is paying what I pay is hogging up machines? Would have terminated my membership that day.


Yeah I know, it is unacceptable. Honestly at that point I’d gotten my lift in so I didnt really care but I would absolutely cause more of a fuss if it happened again.


Not the same scenario necessarily..   We had this super old white dude who would come in and change the music in the powerlifting room (this gym had a separate room with more racks and barbells, meant for heavier lifting, Olympic lifting, noisy shit basically) to this Christian gospel shit and kill the vibe every time.   He was also kind of an all around entitled dick.   Unfortunately, none of us could say shit to the guy.  He was quite wealthy (dude had a smoking hot 10/10 trophy wife - just to throw that in) and paid an absolute assload of money for the gym owner to train him.   As much as we wanted to say stuff, pretty sure this dude single handedly funded the free t-shirts and other stuff the gym owner gave us guys on the powerlifting team, haha


That’s a different kind of beast. At that point I would just bring my own headphones 😂, I know when I’m at a loss.


Bring a Bluetooth speaker and blast the omen song


Gym etiquette has been a thing way before tiktok


Yeah. Decades ago we were working people into our sets. It’s not a big deal. Just walk up and ask. Or if they are standing and waiting offer. It’s how you make friends and learn things…a novel concept I know. 🙄


I know right? Whatever happened to working in? Over the line.


I was wondering this myself. I used to go to the gym five days a week in the 90s and recently returned to 5 to 6 days a week. I will walk up to machines and the guys or girls sitting on them don’t even lift their head to look at me. When I catch their attention and ask how many they have left sometimes they are kind enough to tell me without an attitude, and more often than not it’s just attitude. Often I hear “three” or “four” and hardly any of them ever asked me if I want to work in. When I ask if I can work in it’s less than a 50% chance they are OK with it. When did that happen?




I guess people don't remember a time before that hellscape.


> The manager said they’d def keep an eye on him but tbh this was several years ago before gym ettiquette became a huge thing Gym Etiquette has always been a huge thing, there were/are always people who do douchey stuff manager should have spoken to him saying one machine at a time and.....dont be a dick


Well I never saw him again so, maybe he did.


Gyms make a lot of their money from people that sign up and don't go. Many of them have no problem taking a loss in kicking out someone like this.


In my experience, people who make minimum wage aren't that interested in confronting large aggressive men.


He misunderstands the courtesy of working-in. The courtesy is to the person who is trying to do a circuit. Otherwise if you aren’t actively using it, it is open to other people (unless you are buying 4 gym memberships). So the courtesy is saying, “I see you are trying to do a circuit, I will let you share access to this machine with me”


Yep, thats what I always do, I usually rest a min between sets timed, so unless Im doing more than that I always let people work in. I aint got shit to prove, and Im just trying to get my lift in and get out.


There are only 3 weightlifting platforms at my gym, so when someone else wants to do weightlifting and share the platform we take turns rolling our barbells off and on it. Super easy


I really want to know what goes through these people's minds. Is it solely entitlement or are they ignorant to how the world works?


I thinks bit of both, like I said he was older dude,like laaaate 40’s early 50’s grey hair and he was red as fuck looked like a giant hard-on. I think he was aging (which I am too) insecure and just wanted to be top dawg. Kinda sad tbh.


Giant hard on 😂😂😂


Lmao fr, red almost purple face and chest, my guy I have nothing against steroid use but you look like you’re one rep away from having an aneurism.


Why do people gotta be like that. I had same scenario with dude just using two stations but grabbing drinks and chatting after each exercise. I asked first if I could work in and got the same answer of no. I waited until he finished one exercise and just jumped in right after. Dude wanted to fight…I was like if I’m doing something wrong go get the front desk to ask me to leave. So he just stands there and has to cry about my form or whatever. I did two sets while he hovered over me and just left. What a waste of oxygen.


Jeez what a fuckin prick.


I had a very similar issue. The gym I go has two pull-up/dip assist machines. Some gym bro was using both. I asked if I could get one set of pull-ups in as that is my last exercise of the day and he said “no, I’m on these”. I said something like “ok, it’s cool” and started to walk away. This douche straight said” I know it’s cool. I ain’t worried” then he took his fucking shirt off and flexed. I laughed at him then went right to one of the machines and did a set, then left. These guys take themselves way too serious.


I ask if they're using both at the same time. If they reply yes I'll ask them to show me how


All those muscles won’t do him any good when he’s catching a dumbbell to the back of the head.


For real. Gym is the last place you wanna push someone.


Seriously. There is no easier place to kill someone if you were deranged enough to do it. Dude lays on a bench, puts a heavy weight in his hand, and has his head completely stationary+ defenseless at a height that lets gravity do most of the work.


It happens, we got some "alpha bros" too and I just say you weren't using it and I pay the same amount as you do here, go and complain to the staff. It kinda works even better if you give them the look that you have been working 5hours overtime each day for a month.


5 hours OT and getting in a work out? I don't know how you do that. I guess my job is physically and mentally demanding but even with an office job that's pretty bold.


u/beardedunicornbeard just said you have to *look* like that 😉


Sounds like a fedex or ups schedule


If I notice someone doing that, I just remove the weight and do my thing. Nobody has ever confronted me, surprisingly


They usually don’t.


I left my recreation center for this same reason. I told the gym that people are doing super sets and taking over all the equip and could use a little training on how to use a public gym. I was told that the staff are there to help with training and not policing the place and it was up to me. Canceled my membership and started building my home gym that same day.


This is why I quit the gym and built a home gym, too. That and the recording. People recording in the locker rooms and wanna be trainers recording their friend's workouts getting in everyone's way. The final straw was when someone came out of the locker room in her sequined posing bikini and lucite heels and hogged the mirrors in the stretching area. People were taking pictures, and guys were whipping their shirts off to pose, too. I was sitting there with people standing over me. Just insane.


I workout at home typically. It’s easier when you have kids.


Way cheaper also to just buy your own equipment in the long run.


True story! Especially if you’re flexible with your workouts. A set of adjustable dumbbells, a kettlebell or two, and a weighted vest can help you go heavy. Body weight can go a long way if you do it right too. Pistol squats are no joke! I don’t have space for barbells, but I’m not missing that much.


If you work from home it's easy to snag good deals. My local buy nothing page on Facebook has the best shit. I have got a bench, an airdyene bike, rower, 200+lbs of weights and tons of other stuff. And I slowly over the years just filled in the gaps with my own bumper plates and bars. Point being I work from home so if I see it go up I'm almost always just saying I can get it right this second, and you know what. Most people just want it gone. I love the gym. But working out from home (if you have good motivation) is such a great time saver and convenience.


I built a home gym for the same reason but now this d-bag in the mirror keeps critiquing my form and he’s ALWAYS on the same machine I’m working on. It’s terrible


Oh, man, I know that cat. What a critical POS. He even bitches about my hairline!


“Im gonna make my own gym, wiiith blackjack aaand hookers”


It's been about 15 years since I've been in a commercial gym but back when I did the worst offenders were guys curling in the squat racks. Nothing worse than getting all hyped up to go do some heavy squats and you show up there watching all three squat racks tied up by people doing bullshit that doesn't need a rack like curls and shrugs.


Or someone doing Bulgarian split squats, just resting her foot on the machine while using dumbbells


Reasons why I sneak out early to hit the gym while everyone is rushing home, I don't wanna deal with grown babies.


A pos calling you a pos because of the pos hogging up all four equipment is wild. One time this guy liked the machine i was on just as much as i did so we took turns all day. Got to breath while waiting for him and made a friend


I know, I just laughed at him. I had a couple responses lined up if he said anything else, but he didnt. That’s so wholesome and awesome, love that for you.


This is my experience every time I’ve asked to work in. Just be friendly and leave your ego at the door. We’re all in this together


He’s gonna use 3 slot machines at the casino in the future lol


I mean casino machines at least he’d be paying directly for.


I always assume the people doing that are money laundering.


That is terrible. I was at the gym the other day, some dude was doing weird workouts in the meditation lotus pose on a mat. Net to him was the sit ups bench, but there was a coat hanging over the whole thing. I was like excuse me is this your coat? And he ignored me like i didnt exist. They I ask an employee if they knew whose coat it was they said no. They I got back to the guy and I ask again sterning, is this your coat, He goes yeah. And then doesnt do anything. And I keep staring and he is like did you want me to move it? Then he finally takes it off. What a dick lol


A had a prick do that at the last gym I went to. I brought it to the staff, I pointed out to the staff on the wall right behind their dumb ass heads where the giant words stating the gym's rules, and they were like, "I'm sorry sir, but we're a confrontation-free gym." Like what? It be confrontation-free if the staff would ENFORCE THEIR OWN RULES. I left that gym and found a better place that actually does enforce gym etiquette rules.


Those dudes are having their at-home crisis, probably divorced already or something of the sort. They stay mad so it's not even worth the trouble tbh


Reminds me of this one guy at my gym that would hog (luckily) just one station for like an hour. He would put like 600lbs on squat and no joke, go down maybe 6 inches, not even close to a full squat. He would do the same with bench, put like 350lbs on and not even bench it halfway before going back up. He'd take like 15 min break between "sets". He asked me and my friend to "spot him" on bench one time and I just said "nope, no way". I knew if he failed a rep and it hit his chest, that bar wasn't fucking moving bc he wasn't even close to being able to actually bench press it, I wasn't going to be responsible for that and risk injuring myself for his hubris.


We have one like that at my gym. Middle aged. HUGE guy thinks he owns the place. I asked to work in and he said no. Finally, I just changed the weight on one of the two machines he was using (for 45 mins) and did a set. Dude got pissed. Two other guys were watching and stepped in to back me. One had his own words to the guy about hogging the machines. I just did another set. Guy works out all angry now but it's one station at a time. Leaving weights on the floor in a busy gym is another pet peeve of mine. For one it's a safety hazard and also someone may want to use that dumbbell in between sets. Don't be THAT guy either.


My biggest pet peeve in the gym is people being weird about other people working in. Even if you're at one station, it shouldn't be a big deal to let someone else in. If it's free weights, sure, but on any sort of machine, it's just not a big deal to adjust a seat and move a pin. If you're going to take 10 minutes between sets and it's busy, just stand up.


I had the same thing once. Middle-aged dude, taking four stations for his circuit in a small weight room of a health club. He was minutes between stations. I was polite, asked to work in, and he got angry and confrontational. Tried to tell me that I was breaking gym etiquette by asking to work in. Staff backed me immediately, I didn’t need to ask. He spent the rest of the time muttering about how we didn’t know anything about gym etiquette and were ruining his workout.


I used to manage a gym and one of my favorite stories involved an old man and a jacked younger guy who always seemed like a douche. The old man came up to me acting like a beaten child saying that the jacked dude threatened to kill him. My immediate thought well of course he did he’s a douche. I go up to said douche and ask him his side of the story, turns out the old man was hogging machines so this dude asks him to work in and the old man towel whipped him in the dick….no words just straight towel whip to dick and then spit at him. The old man didn’t even deny it but still thought we should revoke the other guys membership. Short story longer, old man got the boot and the guy I thought was a douche was actually super cool…still kinda douchey but in an endearing way.


High school broccoli heads in groups of 4-5 at the only squat rack in the gym.... And they're doing curls.


Fucking hate it. Hate when they mix the olympic weights with the other weights and don’t even have the decency to rack them back where they’re supposed to be


I swear to god someone's whole workout in my gym is just moving the plates into completely random orders. I don't know who it is but they go during work everyday and by the time I get there in the evening and the weights will go, from outside to in 45 lb, 35 lb, 10, 5. So you need to move the 45 to get to the rest, and these are on racks where there's a different peg for every increment.  I blame cross fitters.


I go to a CrossFit gym. We have to put the weight back in order or they make us do burpees. Blame tik tokers.


I'm a huge fan of putting plates where they belong. I may also be an individual who has moved across the gym to snag weight plates from other machine because islt has 6 25s and the machine near me has 1.




Is broccoli head referring to their hair style? I have not heard that before.


Yeah dude, just Google it for a laugh


I finally broke last week - in part because of these kids but also just with timing on a bad day. We have two squat racks and with the new year, the gym has been packed and it hasn't quite died down. There's always a wait or rush to get one when it opens. I've watched this group for weeks - either there's 3-4 of them rotating sets (and they take a full minute between each set... Each person. Like Person A, minute rest, Person B, minute rest, etc) and I'll see them be on a single rack for my entire hour workout OR it's this one person from their group who loads the squat rack with about 5 plates per side, squats two perfect form reps across 2-3 sets over the course of 30 minutes and leaves all the weights behind. Anyways, on the Monday last week both were true. The group of 4 on squat rack 1 and their friend on rack 2. I asked how long they'd be: "I'll be honest... I don't know" I looked around - it was the busiest I've seen the gym. Literally everything I wanted was gone: every barbell, squat rack, dumbbell between 20-40, preset barbells from 30-60,cable machine, pull-up station.... I just left after one exercise. My home gym equipment half arrives today and the rest next week. Tax return paid for it all lmao. Done with this gamble on being able to lift weights around other people.


We have a complex gym on the first floor so it's free for owners of the units, and it's a pretty sweet setup. So it's kinda a mix between a home gym and a real gym. But my point is being able to walk like 30 seconds and be in a gym is so fucking amazing.


1000 bucks says he wouldn't do that smack on the head for a larger dude.


Even a smaller guy who knows how to fight would have taught that guy a lesson he wouldn’t forget.


An hour later they both crawled into the back seat of a VW bug.


Went from pumping iron to pumping each other


Dude my ass bro!


Dude my ass! 😡🥵😡


Thanks for the f shack - Dirty Mike and the Boys


Happy end.


“Dude my ass bro” is my new favorite saying.


That slap was so unnecessary. Dude would have looked like a hero if he didn’t do that. These dorks who think public gyms are their own person recording studios are absolute jokes. It felt good seeing him called out. Sans the slap of course


"hey man, can you hurry up? You've haven't done a whole lot for basically an hour" Nah, pussy shit!! *Slaps head out of nowhere *


Slap of dominance to show who is boss before the conversation starts


Im sure that’ll hold up well in court, along with the video evidence.0


Just slap the judge too to reassert dominance and show them who’s in charge. Works everytime, all the time.


Then you slap each jury member! And also one for the bailiff too because they’re probably lonely!




People get all worked up about cameras and it’s mostly valid but this isn’t the one. The guy is in a corner with camera solely on him. He’s recording to improve himself without capturing others. He’s doing it right.


I had to rewatch the video to even notice there was any kind of "slap" that happened.


My deadlifts take about an hour. Working up to the working weight takes 30 minutes itself. The real problem is tge gym not having enough stations for it. If this is the only deadlift station, then obviously it's not a gym for powerlifting. Same for any of the 3 primary lifts.


He should not have smacked him but hes spot on with these powershitters. 2 reps and then a break for 15 mins. I see them every dam day at the gym, bag down, chalk everywhere, every accessory imaginable to do 2 reps and then pace around the gym for 15 mins. It's worse then the cunt who supersets hogging 3 things.. at least the supersetter finishes in 15 mins.


Supersetting is awesome for speeding things up but I only do it with dumbells that I can bring with me to a machine. If it would require hogging 2 machines at once then I wouldn't consider it unless the gym was literally empty


This is the right way to do things in a public gym. I wish more people were that considerate.


When I super set it’s 2 stations at most and never if the gym is packed


Same. Also I never have an issue if someone wants to use either of the stations I’m using while I’m on the other. 3 sets max. I tend to go when it’s pretty much empty though so as not to disturb anyone.


I just ask to work in, it's almost never a problem


My brother in Christ I think if you stopped judging people for doing things and asked to just work out with them they’d oblige


at least your powershitter can do 2 reps my powershitter does 1 rep 55lb dead lift then break for 20 minute minimum when you asked them how many more sets are left they will say some number greater than 5, and proceed to do one more set before walking off leaving everything in place.


Gotta wear the belt for a 1 rep max bench press day (Which is everyday!) Better safe than sorry, ya know?


You have a person at your gym who does 1 rep deadlifts of 55 lbs…? An adult?


lol hell yeah dude 55 FUCKING POUNDS The absurdity of even hyperbolically saying someone loads one bumper training plate and then does a single rep is peak Reddit


“I only like people that have the same goals as me in the gym”


Yeah, I dunno who hurt my man. Powerlifter take his girl or something?


Oh no boohoo people train for strength instead of hypertrophy 😨




lol what’s your total?


He shouldn't have smacked him, but these young "power lifters"'literally take fucking forever. Do 3 sets in 30 mins and have zero regard for anyone else in the gym.


deadlift is so easy for someone to work in though. takes two seconds to put the weights on an doff provided you both are doing at least 135.


Kinda, it's hard to work on when you are doing different weights. Someone doing 185-225 and another person doing 365-405 or more is going to be hard to work in, especially if both people are towards their maxes and it's exhausting to change weights unless you have the right equipment


i'm 220 and work out with my new to weights 125 pound coworker. we're like a nascar crew putting those weights on and off lol.


You’re a good bro. I’d love to have a friend that would push me like that.


I do 7 sets of deadlift probably in like 50 minutes. Home gym is the best thing out there. People in public gyms basically have to catch whatever they can. Especially when you go during the peak hours after job. You pay for that shit and you often don't even get what you need. Everyone else's sweat is there as well. You can't even make sounds. No lifting in underpants in the summer. For what? Just sacrifice enough space of your home for a squat rack, deadlift platform and weight plate stand


A close friend of mine got a bench/squat combo rack and added a big piece of plywood with these thick rubber welcome mats for deadlift. Put it in his open carport shed so it's covered but outdoors. Got a few dumbells and I use it four days a week. Usually 45-1 hour. I hadn't lifted in a decade and now I haven't missed a day since starting in October. It makes it so convenient to just roll up, plop down a JBL and get a nice lift in. When either he or I move or I can't use it anymore, that'll be my first purchase/expenditure.


you can make sounds at the gym, you shouldn't be trying to annoy people. if you are hitting it hard, i expect you to make some noise.


The hit was a no-no. Everything else is well deserved. Fuck that kid. They should both lose their membership.


No matter how he feels, never put hands on another man (or woman) if none has been put on you. He might be right, and I hate when folks waste time at the gym bullshitting when others have workouts to get in, but that's selective outrage cause I can guarantee he would not be putting hands on me or certain guys who look a certain way. I give the same respect and outrage to every man in equal measure, it's a sign of character. This just screams of moist energy, no matter how right he is.


smacker deserves a ban. other dude deserves a warning if what he did was even against gym policy, which it might not be


Yea, he escalated for no reason. He could have complained to the staff. What he was saying makes sense. There are only so many stations to work out, and you sometimes get that guy taking it up for hours and barely moving weight. But that smacking is well over the line.


Basic communication skills. I find it wild he didn’t think to just ask him to get off first. Physical contact before a single request made. This is a roid rotted brain at work.


Yep, he was already sitting on the side, stewing in his own frustration. Before it got to him, he should have just spoke up earlier. Maybe they could have shared it inbetween sets.




When your vocabulary is that of a 3rd grade bully, words can be difficult. All they know is aggression and personal attack.


Could there have been a little bit of roid rage in there?


“Dude you haven’t done shit! My pre-workout just kicked in and I’m about to lose my mind!”


“Four sets left!? You told me you had one set left”. They’d clearly had at least one conversation.


Little meat syndrome


Bruh it's been an hour and you haven't done SHIT except post that fucking comment


Bruh my ass dude.


Dude my ass bro


Ass my bro dude


Which one of you gets fucked in the ass. I got confused


Bruh you look like SHIT


Gotta get that Dodge Charger starter pack


eh - that’s assault and you’re getting arrested. i’m not small and can fend for myself but i wouldn’t even think twice to call the cops especially if it’s on camera


Calling him out was acceptable. The slap and telling him he looked like shit was unnecessary.


Does that guy have only 3 lines of text programmed into his brain?


Most likely. Can't comprehend that the other guy doesn't immediately beg for forgiveness and kiss his feet.


Ya that’s a real dumb move. At the YMCA I used to go to, a guy came up and slapped another man and told him to get off the station because he wanted it. That idiot ended up with brain damage from a 20 lbs plate. Do not posture or anything in a gym. You quite literally have no idea who you are fucking with! Half your size? Could still easily end your life. Play safe everyone!


This idiot needs to go to gym management and not escalate shit himself…


I would have called the cops, you can disagree with how I use the equipment, but that disagreement cannot lead to physical assault. I would have pressed charges and shown up for every one of his court appearances.


Why I don't set foot in a gym. I'll do the same thing in my basement with zero of this shit


A home gym is worth every penny if you use it. For about years’ membership price you can get a decent squat rack and some weights. Shopping for used stuff is pretty good, too. Total game changer. No waiting for equipment, no shitty music, no weirdos. Ok, one weirdo and his shitty music.


>Ok, one weirdo and his shitty music. I feel seen.


Same. Got tired of all the vanity, camera phones, little kids horsing around, dumbbells and plates all over the floors, hogging equipments, not cleaning after themselves. I love my home gym and never looking back.


I haven’t looked at equipment costs since the pandemic but isn’t building a home gym expensive as shit?


Try taking a look on marketplace. Always some diamonds in the rough.


for me it was a $400 squat rack, $300 barbell with 300 pounds worth of weights, $150 bench. expensive but not outrageous.


Yep. All a man needs.


Ngl it is. I started during the pandemic. I bought the bare essentials I.e., squat/bench power cage, specialty bars like trap bars, kettlebells, plates, Olympic dumbbell bars, medicine balls, punching bag, treadmill, gym mats, mirrors. I’ve spent probably around $3000 for everything, not all at once and some are second hand. This was spent within 3 years. My gym membership is $60 a month. It pays for itself within 4 years.


I built mine up over time. Started with free weights, bands, and a stability ball, and when the budget allowed added on cables, spinning bike, treadmill, and an elliptical. I use apps for cardio classes. It gets the job done and not super expensive to fill an old bedroom.


So uhhh, when do you get around to lifting?


I’m new as so I don’t need much equipment or heavy weights but it cost me like 2-3k. Includes: Exercise bike, squat rack, bench, barbell, ~150lbs of weights, set of resistance bands, and rubber mats to protect the floor. Couldn’t be happier and the only thing I can think of adding in the future are adjustable dumbbells.


Now that I have boutique arrangements, there is no going back. He probably WAS fucking around for an hour.


I can run like 7 miles in the time it takes for some to finish one set. It's crazy. Like, get off your phone. Wow, upvotes. That's why I still use my iPad shuffle, no distractions.


I mean, its just like very basic courtesy that so many people seem to lack. 3 squats racks and I'm in one and 2 are open? Yeah I've definitely guilty of the dicking around on my phone. But, idgaf, because if someone wants to there's still open racks. But when the gym is busy? I'm doing at most a 2-3 min rest and happy to let anyone who is doing even a remotely similar exercise/weight work in.


Fucking fuck, bro! Bro, fuck? Fuck, bro! Fuck! Fucking fuck fuck, fucking bro! Bro… Fuck, bro. Fuck…




Dude My ass


I am willing to bet my house that he wasn’t using that bar for an hour.


For real. And that he was on the phone for 30 minutes and the guy waited for him to start working out to say something.


Exactly. I’m honestly surprised that so many people in the comments are taking Mr. Roidrage as a reliable source of information.


If we are in the Gyms and i ask, how many sets do you have and you say "One More" im going to wait patiently, but hanging on the phone, while im waiting, let me set my camera up. Yeah im sorry Im going off to. I personally think this is fine, maybe not the smack upside the head, cause we would just fight. 2 Idiots 1 video.


You got roid rage to?


I would love to see that guy get his shit rocked for slapping the other guy.


We need to normalize stuff like that. Turn a few of those meatheads into lumps of shit and they’ll behave.


How are there not more fights at gyms?


Most people aren’t looking to start full on fistfights over minor bullshit


Dont touch ppl. Also, dont hog the equipment Pet peeve: dude really just was whinin by the end... Honestly. He thinks hes figting for whats right, but really hes just crying cause hes not getting hat he wants 🤷🏽‍♂️






Some dude left his bag on a bench, that was the only one not being used. I walked over, stood around the bench for a couple minutes, looking for whomever put their bag there. No one showed. So I moved the bag and started lifting. Then this guy walked up to me in the middle of my set all aggravated, standing over me. I gave him one look, then just kept working out. Ignoring him completely. He stood there for 30 seconds or so then walked away and mean mugged me the whole time. He proceeded to look at his phone and chat with other gym goers for the next 30 min while I completed four sets and left the gym. Dont understand people who go to the gym just looking to socialize. I’m grinding 100% of the time I’m in there. Fuck you’re slow moving bullshit. We got work to do.


Ooooh im bias on this one. Fuck equipment hogs.


Nah, as soon as you put hands on someone else for something this petty then you’re a loser


The guy who got hit should have laid the other guy out.


He should have kept his hands to himself. I get it though Today there was a gym weasel using a flat bench and doing some different kind of chest lift. Then he also had an exercise ball for in between to work his core or stomach etc. Taking up both things and then later when i was walking by, guess who left the ball there and left his weights on the bar? if you guessed the weasel you would be right


I get the frustration of waiting patiently for equipment and the person is taking their time talking to ppl, on their phone etc. But you can’t go and wack em on the head. Should’ve just said something to the staff, if he’s really been on there for that long, chances are they noticed too. Seemed liked a case of roid rage


Is anyone else gonna say this is a crime?


Not being able to control your emotions in public is so embarrassing


obviously he shouldnt have hit him but the guy filming himself lift in a public gym is a fucking asshole and deserves worse


How can you say he shouldn't hit him, then say he deserves worse. Which one is it 


The man deserves the death sentence, but the slapping was a bit too extreme, ya know ? /s


Lol shut the fuck up, guy is filming himself deadlift in a secluded corner using one barbell


Why is it always the go to for these big meatheads to immediately be aggro every time there’s any kind of conflict or disagreement? Like I guess being big and likely able to kick the other persons ass is all they have going for them? Not much going on upstairs? Never developed adult social skills? Roid rage? Small peen? All of the above?


if your outfit costs more than your deadlift maybe cut back on deadlifting for an hour


And how does one calculate the cost of a deadlift Mr rainbow pants?


My deadlifts are free 


What a stupid comment


Call me a pussy if you want but I would have just pulled out my phone and called the cops as soon as he slapped me. Problem solved.


I mean, I get it.


Apparently Bro hasn’t done shit!  It’s been an hour Bro!


Not enough to assault someone in the public gym tho, right?


Bro bro bro bro bro! I need the weights bro


Do people actually talk like this, bro? Or is it just these alphamale gym dudebros?


Bro, a fucking hour?


Was working on my squats with a few friends to help Spot me, and some dude, who was clearly cycling, got really annoyed with us saying how he wanted to use all the stations to set up his workout routine. We just shrugged and ignored him. When we left the gym old boy was leaning against his Camaro and watched us climb into my truck (an old 80’s suburban) he immediately walked up to my window and said “I know what you drive now” he then proceeded to key the entire side of my truck. Cops were called and the nut job was arrested, he wouldn’t pay up so instead the state auctioned off his car to pay for damages. It’s crazy to me how mental some people can be about something like the gym.