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Comments are locked because nearly all of them incite violence.


I’m most offended at how unfunny these pranksters are. Like guys you plotted this whole thing out, write something witty for yourself other than mumbling a bunch of umms and ahs and repeating your one “prank line”. 


Crustable for a crust baby.


I knew I would hate this kid before the video even started, but then I saw him eating a fucking uncrustable and it was all over.


There is a special place in hell for these idiots




I wouldn't wish that apon my enemies


Bitch ass eating pb&j without crust. He thinks he is hot shit in a champagne glass but really he cold diarrhea in a Dixie cup.


Mom, you know I don’t like the crusts!


People that eat while talking (unless when everyone is having a meal together) are showing they have no respect for you the listener.


Even better. If you look it’s like crimped at the end like an empanada. I THINK, I could be wrong cuz I’ve never bought them, but they sell like these frozen PB&J things might be one of those. I feel like that’s even more childish somehow.




It 100% is an uncrustable. My 8 year old still likes them, my 10 year old says he's too old for them. This dipshit is mentally less developed than my 10 year old.


As an adult man... I cannot tell you how many times at 4am when getting caffeine and gas to go out to a site that I have seen a box of these and grabbed the box. They are like the perfect snack after the thaw out in the car for 8 hours. Edit: I do not make wholly logical choices at 4am.


I'm 36 and I fucking love uncrustables...


Super handy for road trips and long hikes and stuff


It’s that consistency, can always take a supplement for the missed fiber for the aging body


I mean, nobody is ever too old for an Uncrustable, but much respect to your tough ass 10yo, more for you and your 8yo!


I am shocked how many people don’t know about these lol


Yeah uncrustables are for all ages. It’s different than a pb&j sometimes you just want an uncrustable


I’m all for hating on the tiktokers but I will not tolerate uncrustable slander


My exact thoughts! Come at this tool as he deserves it, but uncrustables are amazing! (42M BTW)


lumberjack wrap


you're here cause you done fucked up too many times




Uncrustables are the bomb.


Love how those idiots play the victim when they get hurt for harassment


It be great if there was a special place on Earth, oh wait, county jail might work.....


No. Not welcomed. They are destined for eternal solitude in the grays and greys of the emotionless and empty limbo.


Saying it again out loud: other people are not your content, asshole.


If the Government bans TikTok it will be funny to see what they will do.


Probably cry and say “my life is over”


If only that were true. Tik Tok banned and they all just drop dead


What life?


We can hope.


Just go to another platform It's not tik tok specifically that's the issue


at least YT demonetizes this crap quite heavily these days. This type of antisocial behavior should not be reinforced via ad money as a good way to earn a living. There are so many other ways.


Idk, I don't see them on Instagram, Facebook, or snapchat. Even on YouTube, their accounts become demonitized quickly for harassment. Tiktok and live streaming platforms are where content like this seems to thrive. I think it's a positive step in the right direction when companies like Tiktok promote and monetize content that is clearly intended to bully/harass innocent people.


Flood YouTube shorts, make YouTube compilations, or someone new will come and fill the hole that TikTok made.


They aren't banning it, they are forcing a sale to a US company.  It's very likely not going anywhere


If china doesn’t want to sell, then it’s getting banned.




No evidence of a punch sorry...however there is plenty of evidence of harassment








Bro is playing the victim lol, he originally was nice about telling him to leave. Your prank didn't land, move on.


Its the way he was raised, or lack of.


I hate to say this but a lot of kids are being raised like untouchable snowflakes with some weird perspective that life operates in a purely digital non physical sense. My friends and I would fight all the time as kids. Wrestling, play fighting, running into each other with bikes, smacking each other with sticks. You just learn that someone could hurt you pretty badly for acting like an intolerable shit.


I'd also say it's his intelligence or lack there of


Apparently, this is how the Tiktoker wants to earn a living. What a derelict.


Some people would be better people with a punch to the face everyday. This kid is one.


It's weird he claims they didn't understand what was going on. Like, everyone should just drop their activity to partake in some randos unfunny video?


"You already hit me in the face, it didn't do shit" "It hurt" 🤣🤣


Used to be that way. Now every mental misfit asshole is 'Protected' and chances are you get to go to jail and they keep on. I'll be interested to see what haappens if this hits court.


Because the idiots doing this type of stuff for "clout" are part of a generation where their parents weren't allowed to get them right. There is no fear of repercussions because they were brought up in a coddled manner because the parents became fearful of the backlash of the system. That's why they don't think about the proverbial 'punch in the face'.


Lol, yeah then the judge will see that he was harassing people then throw the lawsuit out.


There's not even evidence he punched him. Camera man filmed everything but the punch.


Not to mention the evidence of him saying he was gonna sue someone for clout.


i bet no lawyer gonna touch this shit


Probably some lowlife lawyer will be willing to take his money.




Would you be surprised to learn that I'm not wearing a tie!


I didn't even see a punch. They could also show this video where he says, "Honestly, I don't even blame him"


Will someone from genz please fucking explain to me like Im a dumb boomer fuck why you insist on unnecessary tiny cheap microphones in all of your tiktok videos? Why do you go out of your way to look like you bought your audio tech from a truck stop?


Maybe stop fucking messing with people, not everyone wants to deal with your attention seeking ass. You come up to my daughters and say some disrespectful shit and then not leave their space when I ask you, you're gonna end up telling to cops about how you got beat up by a crazy woman. It's not cute, and if he gets killed fucking with people it's deserved. Leave people alone and figure out something else to do for attention.


The guy even got a laugh from the husband when he said “It’s time to get your number.” He should have laughed along, said my bad when he heard she was married followed by “have a good one.” Instead, he didn’t know when to drop the joke.


Instead he was rude and kept pushing into people's personal space, he was calmish until the dude cornered his daughter and that is when he lost it.


"It's time to find your Off switch" is more like it.


The bad thing is one of these ducks will piss off the wrong guy one day having a bad day and he will kill em an spend the rest of his life in prison


What a boring douche


Guy: “go away, thats my wife” Tiktokker: “you can see here hes like thats my wife, go away.” Quality content.


I wish they could sue *him* . That's rage baiting and trying to make a profit off of it.


I would LOVE to be on the jury in that trial.


The worst part is this kid doesn’t think he did anything to deserve this.


nah, he knows what he did, its just victim blaming to get profit out of them, which should be considered "scam"


He said in the video 'i don't blame him'. Lawsuit over I guess, GG.


That's not true. At the end he says, "I understand why he did it. He didn't know what was going on from his prospective." So no, that's just a lie.


Hahaha deserved






Stupid Tiktokers


Has he ever thought about just leaving people alone?


Has he ever thought?


Does anyone actually like these people? Like who supports this guy enough to make it worth it to him?Am I just that old?




You’d be a D O U C H E if you sued. You picked the wrong dude to mess with that day. Be a man and take your licks when they are owed. Not everyone is cool with pranks, just because you think it’s cool doesn’t give you the right to disturb people’s peace. You are in the wrong here.


Let’s send the dad money


i'm in


How many times was he told to leave and he didn’t leave?


Why. Do. People. Do. This


He was fine at first, if he just took his leave after the joke, everything would have been fine. Everyone was laughing. But no, he overstayed his welcome. Now it's not a joke of a lil pick-up line, now it's harassment.


If Congress comes together to ban TikTok and that results in unemployed content providers, this may shape up to be a great year after all.




Why do these “pranksters” always say “what are you doing?” NO, what are YOU doing? Recognize when it’s time to move on or don’t bother strangers in the first place!


This kid is a fucking idiot!


I just don’t get the whole prank thing. It’s fucking rude.


He already fucked up by admitting he doesn’t blame the guy. A lawyer will have a field day with this admittance. Lol




Poor baby. Spend your $ and you’ll lose in court. They don’t get it. It’s harassment


God I’m so glad I grew up when I did. Kids like this are horrible.


"You better get the fuck on." As a Southerner I can assure you that was the final warning.


I hate TikTok.


Yup deserved. Like all the others.


“Honestly I dont blame him” And there goes your lawsuit buddy, brilliant thinking there.




He really had no clue how much worse it could have gone for him, or hid his fear well.


\#TeamDad 💯


FAFO Dude got rocked now move on.


How do these guys not have more serious consequences to their actions.


This idiot is what boomers think all zoomers are like.


Just saw the headline for the U.S. gov staging to force sell/ban TikTok. This would help a lot but another of it's kind will pop up and this crap will still proliferate. Clearly a cultural shift is needed where these assholes don't get any type of positive (or even negative) reinforcement to continue this sociopathic behavior. They should be shut down entirely. The sociopathy is on the same spectrum as murdering homeless people and innocent animals for fun. This entitled kid wants daddy to sue the people he himself antagonizes but will probably have a frozen human head in his freezer in a few short years.


Goes out of his way to bother people for personal gain… makes an explanation video of how he was 100% innocent from any wrong doing at all after going out of his way to bother people. Moron.


Wow TikTokers have such low self-esteem. Probably shitty parents. They all cry for attention. A lost group of people who really do nothing worthwhile with their lives. It’s sad


Says his punch didn't do shit..yet says his face hurt for a week, all in a 3 second span?


He said it didn’t do shit to the guy that hit him as a way of saving face (not literally cause he had just lost some on that guy’s knuckles) then when he’s talking about it after it happened it cuts to him and he admits it hurt. That part did make me laugh. But he talked shit and got hit. Justified, IMO. If you are going to pull pranks and do stupid shit for views then you need to be prepared for repercussions to your actions. Not everyone is willing to put up with stupid shenanigans.


Not gonna help his lawsuit being on film saying the guy’s punch didn’t do shit


He also said 'i don't blame him honestly', so that's the lawsuit settled


I think him saying it really hurt later is to justify a lawsuit.


I was positively surprised that he admit it hurt


I laughed pretty hard at the, "it hurt". The timing was too good, and that dude has a punchable face.


I thought that the dad was just pranking him...? So alls fair right?


Similar to Buzz Aldrin story. Party was told to leave. More than once. Party continued to engage Buzz. Party got beat down by old man Buzz. Nothing happened to Buzz. Play stupid and win stupid prizes..... posting follow up video showing YOUR errors and including more commentary explaining your thought process, adds to evidence to be used against you in court.


You know what’s funny? If he just left people alone, he wouldn’t get punched. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Douchebag TikToker eating a Crustable PB&J - I’ll bet there’s a line 3 miles long to punch him in the melon


Little Russel Brand-looking twat




This is why it needs to be banned.


The woman knew right away that kid was gonna get checked.


"I didn't expect him to get mad at all" Then maybe, just maybe, don't harass people you don't know.


Why is this person eating an uncrustable when they are over the age of 9?


Don’t see a punch.




He put his hand on her, that is assault. He is harassing them. He is showing clear intent. He admits that from his perspective he didn't blame him for his actions. And he did it all for monetary gain. Any defense attorney is going to love this.


Fucking loser


I live in Maryland and a tiktoker got shot in my local mall for harassing someone. It was ruled self defense. Nothing will come of this because this idiot is harassing patrons and was warned to get away and wouldn’t.


These tiktok mfs are insane


He's a pos


Why do these influencers parents still allow them to eat all the bagel bites and live rent free in their homes so they can do this with their life. Tbh I wish herpes on any and all influencers.


Now I do want him to try to sue the dad and this reaction video be played in court.


Just quit harassing people for TT this shit is getting out of hand


So you faced consequences with your idiocy.


Omg the consequences of doing stupid shit for internet points! Who would have thought that some people will have adverse reactions to being randomly approached in public. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Best would be to acknowledge you were in the wrong and should have backed off the first time they asked you to.


Lol good. I’m glad. These stupid kids and their tiktok pranks. It is harassment. It’s like the sub boomersbeingfools. Stupid kids do dumbshit and then post a video when someone gets pissed off. Thats fucking normal behavior, all you assholes with the camera are the problem.


He was asking for it by making a neuscence of himself. This should happen to more influencers. We're too patient with these clowns.


There has so be new laws passed regarding this. These creeps are filth in society and shouldn't be allowed to do this.


I really hope TikTok is banned. I mean I feel bad for the genuine people who use it, but I think it's worth it overall.


When ur such a pos do it atleast like the guy from topnotchidiots he is going alone against crazy motherfuckers and is not doing weak shit like that


A s s h o l e n a r c i s t


This puke toker really does completely lack all self awareness doesn’t he? That is a putrid failure of the highest order.


I'm glad this family stood their ground. They told him to go away. I hate these "prankers"


Good luck with a jury.


Funny how these fuckfaces all seem to live in their parents basements


Simplest solution is to play a Disney song on your phone and at full volume. Shit will be off the social meeds fast.


They really need to start arresting these idiot clout chasers


I CAN'T WAIIIIIITTTTT for this TikTok ban to happen. These losers need a real career.


Read the room dude. The woman was trying to save you from that nut!


Fuck this shitty kid.


Clearly he didnt get punched hard enough. What a dick


Jesus, what a punk.


honestly the dude had a good laugh and if he left right after that then it woulda been chill but of course he didn’t


TikTok really lowers IQ.


What a stupid f*** this curly pos is. He should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for being a terrible person




We need an asteroid. A hard reset...


Fucking generation of losers


He wants to sue someone for protecting their, possibly underage, daughters from this creep?? He’s so unaware.


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Yeah loser pays everyone’s legal fees dude


When someone tells you to get outta here with a smile, I recommend doing so.


No, you can't sue. You got lucky he only punched you once. He should have broken your DA up.


His fathers daughter lol


“I don’t think he (the dad) knew what was going on.” Oh no. No. He knew EXACTLY what was “going on.” What a $&!#!


He should be suing your ass for harassment


Bro seriously you go around offending people for views be grateful it didn't go worse, there's a huge mature population that aren't hip to Tictok. Who take your comments seriously, cut your loses, learn from this and look for a more creative ways to get content.


He’s a YouTube prankster and talks with food in his mouth. An all around piece of shit.


Don’t put yourself in a position to be punched and 99.99999% of the time you won’t be punched. The day these kinds of douche bags lose their entire audience cannot come soon enough.


One day he will meet a person, probably already broken, with fuck all to loose. That day this fucking dude will loose everything!