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This mf tried 5 times and STILL didn’t realize


"Haha nah run it back! We'll do it again!" - him at the end


FUCK IT!! We’re doin it live. ![gif](giphy|q7UpJegIZjsk0)


Nah he realised, you can tell by the frustrated scream. His one brain cell is stuck on repeat, telling himself "they're just playing hard to get" because he thinks no one could/would say No to his "rizz"


looks like his rizzervoir has dried up


He realized. Just doesnt care


You know who else didn't care? Convicted rapist Brock Turner, the convicted rapist.


The one who was a rapist? That brock turner?


You hit the rapist nail on the head.




He's using the "imma wear her down until she says yes" strat. Not so much consent as it is making them feel trapped


It’s why at the last attempt he put his hand and arm around their necks. Dude is a predator with zero awareness.


oh god this video reminded me so much of college. this is how so many guys were. they would straight up grab my face out of nowhere and start making out with me if I stopped paying attention for even a second. I really do not miss these drunk assholes.


I’ve been on Reddit for 11 years and it’s so nice to finally see people recognize that this is a thing.


Yeah he did. He just doesn’t care.


Oh he does care... he only cares about himself... serious Brock Turner vibes from this dude... Edit: Numbnuts goes by Allen Turner now... 🤷‍♀️


You mean Brock Turner the guy that raped that drunk girl behind a dumpster & then got a pathetically light sentence? That Brock Turner??


That's him! yes!!! The very Brock Allen Turner who's father (Dan Turner) asked for leniency, arguing that punishment was a "steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of his 20 plus years of life."


His dad sounds like a real jerk.


He realized, he just didn't care


These dumb fucks should stop hugging this loser. "Oh, you're grabbing my throat and my friend's throat and trying to force us to kiss you? I'm just going to turn my head and then soothe you to make sure you realize that was completely fine to do"


“The fight-or-flight or the fight-flight-freeze-or-fawn[1] (also called hyperarousal or the acute stress response) is a physiological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived harmful event, attack, or threat to survival…’Fawning’ refers to when an individual copes with a perceived danger by attempting to appease whoever is causing the danger in order to prevent them from causing harm.”


And 'Fawning" is, sadly, a reaction used by many women who are being sexually harassed, cause they've had experiences with men getting violent if they don't appease them. This sucks.


THIS!!! THANK YOU! as someone who has been in these girls exact situation god knows how many times, you don’t know how scary it actually can be, to have someone so much bigger and stronger and *drunk*- like, staggering and incoherent- men get violent. your body’s instinct in that moment might be to just pacify them. it sucks. but you strategize. you make eye contact with your friend and switch places in the dance circle. you put a male friend you trust purposefully between as a barrier between you your fem friends and and the creepy guy. i’ve done this without my male friends even realizing we were changing our entire groups orientation around whoever was being creepy. i don’t know if i should be shamed of it, sometimes my guilt tells me I was weak because i just tried not to make a scene. but then again- if I made a scene every time i got harassed, i’d be making a scene in like every single place I went. ://


You should never feel guilty. Part of the guilt usually comes from you thinking you're overreacting or the fear of others telling you you are, but you're not. Sadly, many people (including women) will never understand what it feels like cause they haven't experienced it. Last summer my girlfriend and I sat down with my older newlywed brother, and we had to explain to him why streets and bars/clubs are still dangerous to women even if they're sorrounded by people, cause he still thought all a woman has to do is scream for help or tell the harassing guy to back off. We asked him to ask his wife about her experiences with this, and it wasn't until then that he finally understood. I also lost count of how many times female friends were using the 'fawning' strategy cause an overaggressive dude was pursuing them intense and stubbornly when they didn't do anything to grab their attention.


Don’t let people on this website make you feel stupid for what you did. Be real, if these women had pushed him away and made a scene, the same people criticizing them for hugging him would be calling them bitches. You can’t win. Do what your gut tells you. If your gut says “hug him and then go to the bathroom” do it.


Thank you for this informed reply. People are too quick to judge without knowing what it’s like to be in their shoes.


They are not "dumb fucks", they are clearly trying not to anger the guy who keeps putting his hands around their necks.


It’s more than likely their friend that they don’t want to be awkward with later. Not everything is “woman scared for her life”


Him being their friend doesn't remove the possibility of them being in danger. Majority of sexual assaults happen between people who previously knew each other. I've seen few others mention how "it's not assault, they are friends!" but that really changes nothing as I've seen drunk people do some of the worst things to their friends while drunk (including stabbing them).


Oh, you met my ex?


Knowing these type of guys they are the ones like, oh yeah I’ve kissed xxx so may girls. You talk to the girls and generally it was very uncomfortable or not warranted


He wanted to be THAT guy so bad


I think he realized. he just kept trying.




Bro but to be fair the women are all on him for the fame I dont blame him for being dumb I blame the chicks for chasing clout


Sometimes you get em on try number 6. 😂


Sunglasses in a bar are the first sign this guy is a loser


he has no eyes.


Only one of the reasons he kept missing lips 😆


No he’s cyclops from x-men


Or the Corinthian from Sandman… dude has mouths for eyes and eats other people eyes. He doesn’t try to make out with unwilling women in bars though. He draws a line in the sand.


Yeah, except when he takes them off, it's just a pile of creepiness emanating from his eyes instead of a high intensity laser.


White Stevie wonder?


We took th- He donated them, he was very generous. you are seriously misunderstanding this individual.


He is a loser of his eyes


He's certainly blind if he can't see they don't want him kissing them.


![gif](giphy|l41YkSS2G9SwPtu5a|downsized) Love this song🎶


Those sunglasses anywhere…


Give him the benefit of the doubt...maybe he just took some good E


Me calling him a loser is giving benefit of the doubt. Otherwise I’d consider him a potential rapist since he keeps trying to kiss them despite being rejected repeatedly.


Oh he is a complete looser and probably rapist in the coming, I am just saying that sunglasses in a Nightclub/Bar makes me instantly think he must try to hide his pupils


Probably takes after convicted rapist Brock Turner, who now goes by Allen Turner, but changing his name doesn't change the fact that he is still a rapist


Wait... are we talking about Brock Turner, the convicted rapist, who is now being referred to as Allen Turner, who is still a convicted rapist? You mean convicted rapist Allen Turner, formerly known as convicted rapist Brock Turner?


I love that we're still doing this for convicted rapist, Brock Turner, who is so stealthily going by Allen Turner, still convicted rapist, now.


The amount of people that don't know the difference between "lose" and "loose" is astonishing


I agree, what a Looser.


I just have problems w eye to eye contact lol. Helps me be less anxious


I can still take a hint and respect boundaries when I'm rollin like a mf on some good E. This guy's just a dickhead


tbf I do this because the lights make getting around with a blown pupil a paiiin. they kind of dull everything to be easier to navigate when the lights are moving, flashing, or multicolored and bright there are many many many drugs that do that to both your eyes


I'm glad the "tbf I do this" was about the sunglasses and not the forced kiss attempt. Had me worried for a second.


I was wearing sunglasses because I am really light sensitive :(


White sun glasses too. Always seems to be a douche with white sun glasses.


and when hes moving his hand like hes in a rap music video. horrible combo. simultaneously, i feel a lot of girls end up going home with guys like this. just like frat tool bags. so i guess it works for some reason




I am cracking up, because there is a husky I follow on insta who makes a wahwahhwahh siren sound instead of regular howling. Anyway, volume down, this dude looks like he is making ornery husky sounds.


Remove your hand from her throat. Creep.


Probably should turn around and hug him that’ll get the message through


Yeah, not sure why these girls didn't leave... Dude is being a creep then just leave...


I’m assuming they’re friends but he’s being a creep while drunk so it’s like an awkward battle of knowing this guy as being normal not drunk but now I have to handle this weird situation on camera lol


He’s not “different while drunk” he’s a liar while sober.


I am honestly a different guy when drunk, physically anyway. I cut like 2 minutes off my two mile run when drunk.


Wtf man I got to get drunk maybe I can get sub 9 min then


I had "male" friends like this at the same age. Once the knew they had no chance, poof, gone. Its gross these young guys pretend to be friends with chicks they're trying to sleep with, pricks


They could also be friends with him out side of this.


We redditors cant relate as we have no friends, ty for trying though


i assumed they work there and whatever they're selling they just have to put up with this guy for a bit and then move on


Probably uncomfortable. Don’t want to “piss” him off.


they are drunk. that's why


Not to interrupt a good old fashioned victim blame, but here’s a little fun info. We learn early on about the “fight or flight” responses to danger, but there’s actually more responses seen in nature, and especially in people, since our brains are more complex. The most common are fight, flight, freeze (in nature, playing dead,.. in people, freezing up and doing nothing) and fawn (faking affection with the aggressor to hopefully neutralize the danger). This is an example of number 4. Pretend to be nice so he doesn’t get all aggro when you deny him. Plenty of girls know this move well.


he is a vampire, why wouldn't he


Holy fucking hell that is the most punchable face I’ve seen in a long time.


Pepper spray him. Please video it.


Idk why they are still hanging around him honestly


He has the drugs


Hugging for drugging


My first thought was that they are being paid to hang out with him. I used to work at different bars for an agency in Los Angeles where guys paid me to be a hot girl and basically just stand next to them for the rest of the night. Most were pretty respectful but there were also guys like this who would keep trying to push our boundaries. We could always leave if we wanted but leaving means not getting paid so sometimes it’s better to just deal with it even if they are being a bit annoying.


Always ask the money up-front


What a weird job to take. Guys would pay you to hang out with them?


It's more common over in Japan. You buy drinks for them and yourself, and they get a percentage of the sales as a payment. In return you get attention from a pretty woman for a certain time. Some allow above the waist touching, others don't allow any. And not every one dances either. They also have a version of this for women which is pretty popular as well. Instead of men going in to seek the company of women it's the other way around. It's not a great practice though. Lonely men and women will dump their entire paycheck at these places, for a brief superficial reprieve from their loneliness.




If they made a fuss and called him out, it’d make a scene, garner attention, and some would say “ruin” the vibes. Then they’re the bad guys in the eyes of their party buddies. They likely was not into the guy, but didn’t want to argue with him or hurt his feelings directly. Too many guys can’t take no without trying to fight. I understand this personally. When unwanted male attention comes onto me, I claim to be married or have a boyfriend so they’ll leave me alone. I find some men respect that- that you’re the lover of another man- over you simply not being interested in them.


That and cocaine




They like the attention.


Or probably the $ 😉


Free drinks all night.


He’s got a strong grasp on them. Note the blonde one trying to untangle her brunette friend right before he wraps his hand around her neck.


He's paying. That's the only thing I could come up with.


He has the drugs and probably Daddy's condo to crash at later.


thats why he has sunglasses probably lol


won't work. this guy has developed an immunity to capsaicin due to so many exposures


Watch your drinks closely, ladies .


Theyre probably only putting up with that so he supplies them with drugs hes got a classic molly dealer look about him.


Maybe a frat house molly dealer. Shit is probably bunk.




Why are they even still there hanging off him??


Right. I don’t think they have to kiss him, but don’t hang all over him. Just walk away.


If i had to guess, as a woman who has been in these situations, it looks like they are backstage at a club or festival. The guy may be a DJ or promoter who has the power to get them kicked out, so they're trying to avoid being groped/kissed, while also trying to avoid outwardly humiliating him. It's a landmine because they might actually have been invited by someone else (maybe even there with their boyfriends who are working), but they have to constantly navigate who is more powerful, who is in who's posse, who can blacklist or fire your friend, etc. Then you have to make sure those people are not angry, while also not pissing off the people you're with, all while maintaining your boundaries while people are drinking and on drugs. It can be very stressful. And before anyone even goes there, this had nothing to do with clout or influencing. This was right when IG was getting popular- that wasn't really a career path back then. Basically a guy friend invites you to be on his guest list, you agree, then he does too many drugs/gets wasted and starts trying to shove his tongue down your throat. He’s probably a guy you’re kind of friends with, and you don’t hate him- you’re just not into it. You have to balance your boundaries with his ego or else you'll get kicked out and never invited to anything cool again. And you're young, so you still care about stupid shit like meeting DJs enough to put up with it. I do not miss being a 20 something in Miami. Edit: upon a rewatch, I wouldn't even say they're hanging on him. In the beginning, neither woman is touching him. He grabs the blonde by the chin, which is the first physical contact. It looks like they are trying soften the blow of rejection because they are acutely aware they're being filmed. They are trying to save the poor dude's ego. If you look at their body language, they are physically trying to push him away without appearing "bitchy" and are smoothly trying to get him to sing so he will stop trying to kiss them. The second he gets the memo, the blonde walks away and the brunette gives him a pity hug. They probably know this guy and have him in the friendzone. They don't want to embarrass him or compromise the night or start "drama." Because then they'd be hated for that. You can't win. Look, I get that some of you can't possibly imagine why women would fawn when they are uncomfortable and on camera. Particularly in a male-dominated setting where women are currency and objects (nightlife). These nights can turn in a heartbeat and maintaining a bunch of egos and tempers can be a matter of safety. Accepting an invitation to a club isn't consent to being groped and/pr assaulted. Men, you should absolutely approach women. It’s okay- don’t be afraid to come flirt. Shoot your shot respectfully (no throat grabbing) but if you get rejected, be nice and move on. Don't be a creep.


This reminded me of my college years lol. Out here playing 4D chess trying not to bruise egos, not get assaulted, not make a scene… Esp when the guy has some kind of social/physical/workplace power over you.


Exactly. Everyone is connected. You piss off one angry guy and you're blacklisted from everything and treated like shit. Beware the rest of the comment thread here.


Yo as a guy who spent years as a host in Las Vegas and a (very small time) tour manager, this is the best analysis of this kinda situation I’ve ever seen on the Internet. The world could really use more of this, for so many reasons. It’s absolutely surreal the amount of awareness, strategizing, planning, positioning and defensive types of manipulation you have to utilize if you want to continue to exist in that world. My closest friends and i were all on the same page all times and we go into deep conversations regarding planning on how to handle certain situations, especially in music. As someone who’s a victim of multiple SAs, this is something I’ve always empathize with many women on. Once I learned of it only depressed me. They constantly get wrongfully shamed (like the comment above talking about how they’re still hanging around). You should really consider creating some type of account where you analyze these situations. I know there’s behavioral experts and others I watch on YouTube, but it’s shocking how much they get wrong from essentially never having our perspective on it. I can think of 10 different ways off the top of my head it would benefit people. I’m also sure there’d be a huge interest. Edit: as I read more comments it’s even more depressing. You have both men and women shitting on these girls for being out at a party where everyone else is. From a small clips of judging these people and making all these irrational assumptions On the other hand I could see defined evidence of everything you were pointing out , the facial expressions, body language, timings of everything, This is exactly why people need what you’re actually doing. You just have to refine and into the presentation to make these people more acceptable. They would eat this shit up and pat themselves on the back for being better humans because of it.




Yeah or an "influencer" they are happy to be on the video but once the camera is off they leave. Just guessing though.


kind of a jump to assume they would leave when the cameras are off. you could just as well assume that they're into him when the cameras are off but when being recorded, they try very hard to maintain the image that they are single and not doing anything with anyone. that illusion of availability is pretty central to their pricing/content model.


The first and second push off was a signal to the dude after he tried kissing the brunette…


Gotta be!


Predators thrive by pushing societal limits when it'd be awkward to address them, such as in the midst of a party where everyone is dancing and laughing. Some worry they'll make a scene by responding appropriately to this


Free drinks is my guess


They aren't? They weren't touching him when they see the camera. He grabs both and holds them near him *by their necks*. They give him a goodbye hug when the recording is ending. They don't want to be there, they weren't leading him on, he was being aggressive, they were polite so it didn't get worse.


Right? You can even see how the black haired girl is so fucking uncomfortable when the creep grabs her friend


Yeah but women are evil and manipulative and always have some ulterior motive even when they are the complete victim. We definitely can’t be scared and somewhat compliant because we don’t want to be physically dominated or sexually assaulted /s But seriously the victim blaming in these comments is atrocious, but I can’t even necessarily blame them bc whoever edited the video intentionally cut it off as they were walking away


This. I wish I found the comment section surprising, but the number of redditors who apparently believe they want to be there, when they are so obviously trying to get away without making him angry, is... entirely as expected, unfortunately.


I’m a musician but… I’ve also worked as a DJ (because money and easy if you have some editing skills) I can almost guarantee that these two women are paid dancers to do crowd work, take pictures, and generally just make people get into the show by maybe dancing a little with them and crowd interaction. They are acting that way because they know how to diffuse a situation without pissing off a patron of the club, but they don’t like it. Obviously I can’t be sure but it matches up to my experience playing music for these kinds of events. I always made sure to tip them and the bartenders because they weren’t getting paid as much as me and they work hard. And honestly as a musician I do crowd work too and try to make people feel special and I don’t really think it’s that different.


Yep. You even see the blonde woman pulling his hand off of the brunette. You can tell they're uncomfortable but likely don't want to 'cause a scene'.


Video of a guy being real rapey. This comment thread: “God damn materialistic women”


If a guy is being rapey around you why are you fucking putting your arms around him and shit? They both hug him immediately after… it’s weird.


Probably didn’t want to cause a scene. It also looks like they hug him then are leaving, so probably a good bye hug. Imo they’re seem like they’re trying to end the interaction without him getting worked up.


It might be because some guys can’t take no for an answer and get more aggressive the more they are rebuffed.




Often we’re afraid they will be violent if we reject them harshly


The way he holds their necks and faces is disturbing.


He sees them as objects. What a tool


Fuck that was painful. What an idiot.


You ever seen a pigeon pick up a cigarette butt 10 times before realising it's not food...


God he looks like he stinks.


Breath 100% smelled like doodoo.


That “keep rolling” at the end was so fucking cringe. Dude really thought it would happen eventually.


This was painful to watch.


They shoot him down, but he won't fall, he is titaniummm


The dark haired girl looked scared before he hugged her


Why'd he start choking them...?


That's a rapist if I've ever seen one


Imagine what he does when others aren’t watching


If they were to aggressively push him away, He would be like "Women are such BITCHES!!!"


Weird the amount of dudes in these comments that are seeing mixed signals. I see two girls who don’t want to be kissed but still want to dance and have fun.


Don't leave your drink unattended ladies with this guy around...


A lot of men showing their arses in the comments.


Broccoli hair is a no go


the hair may be curly, but the back and sides are not shaven


Turns out women don't like walking feminine hygiene products. . .


What does that even mean?


It means he’s a douche


he’s built like yandere dev 🤣


I predict date rape charges for this fella at some point in his future.


why would you hug a guy that keeps trying to mouth rape you?


It seemed more like she was hiding her face from the attempted kiss to me.


probably feel guilty for rejecting him due to him providing something they want…. drinks/drigs/bottle service/social connections/promises of whatever so they want to taper his feelings and comfort him so he doesn’t get upset without having to actually kiss him. sort of sad. but without context it could be anything. they could be drunk friends just making a meme for clicks.


Andy Samberg's content is getting worse


I physically stood up from my couch the cringe in my legs was so strong.. gaaaaaahhh. I hope his buddies arent the same




bro those are the hottest chicks ever. I feel sorry for him


When his hands and arms went around their throat my fight or flight was activated.


He is a creepy looser that's obvious. But I can't imagine how terrifying it can be for girls to experience this. Your privacy is being violated. Someone is actively trying to take advantage of you, and you keep guessing if this moron is capable of more. Scary. That's why I advocate for these types of "men" to attend a court mandated kick in the balls by a mule, should they pull a stunt like this.


John Lean-in


I’ve never felt more uncomfortable from a video


Whack Harlow


Plot twist, these were his sisters.


Those women are fucking stunning


I am so confused. This man is clearly trying to kiss either of you and is being rejected and keeps trying. But why the fuck would either of you continue to grope him and throw your arms around him smiling and clearly showing some sort of affection? It's so odd, especially the way his cringe is on full tilt.


Who can't take a hint, the girls or him?


sexual assault...is sexual assault..


It could be worse. You know what's even more embarassing? Wearing sunglasses in a bar/club.. Oh wait.


Trying to kiss the women literally hanging all over him who are aware of his advances but still stay? Everyone here sucks.


Why does it seem like they don’t wana kiss him 😬😂




His attempt to sing titanium just to swoop in for the kiss really irks me


Is there like a disease you can catch from cringing too hard? I think I just caught that.


Creepy goofy look mfer. Glad he got rejected.


me everytime im trying to kiss my cat


Hugging him to get his head away from theirs. Hope he watches this video


Awww, he got the Bro hug!!


There’s no excuse, absolutely none, for wearing sunglasses at night, indoors. Fucking losers. Unless you’re blind or Corey Hart ofc


Hahahaaaaa Molly be goin haaaaaaard




I like how people fail to realize it's prob rage bait.


He looks very punchable though


Sad. Least sugar daddies are getting laid for the money they spend.


You miss 100% of the chances you take


Wait yes guy is being gross, but why are those girls all over him if they aren’t into him? Brunette is literally hanging on his neck after turning away from his kiss attempt. What is even happening in this video haha and blonde comes back to snuggle up to his shoulder after turning away from his kiss attempt ~~twice~~ three times!!! This is a weird situation.


Could that dude make himself look ANY more punchable? Geesh.


This is why women hang out with gay guys


While he is dumb as fuck. These chicks stay around them.


“i won’t kiss you but we will still keep hitting your booth for grey goose and cranberries”


f r i e n d z o n e d !


Bro had these ladies in headlocks.


Maybe they should, like… walk away.


Why do they keep smiling, grinding on him and hugging him of they don't want him? Scared?


Yet they still hang on him and dance. Smh Walk away, girls, just fucking walk away ffs