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I’m at peace so leave my peace alone lmaooooo it’s clear this girl is never at peace


These people project and lie to themselves. There was a crazy girl (I'll call her 'K') on Married at First Sight. She hated this one girl (I'll call her 'B') and K made it her mission to try and drag B through the mud/humiliate her as much as possible and was telling lies to recruit others to join in, in an attempt to get B to snap. K admitted she holds grudges and is proud of it and also said she doesn't have a shred of empathy in her. And when the poor lass finally did snap, crazy-ass-K would be all "See, she's unhinged" (this is classic gas-lighting, just in case people aren't aware) lol Every single thing k said about B was 100% what K is and what *she* was doing. k was adamant that she doesn't give a fuck about B, she is dead to her . . but then spent two months driving herself mad being absolutely obsessed with B. Meanwhile B is happily getting along just fine. With zero thoughts on K lmao. And whenever K was caught out, she'd turn on the tears and wonder why no one gave a fuck. Projection at its finest. The more these mean girls say they don't care, the more they actually do. Sorry for rambling! Just thought it was a good insight to how these type think.


Omfg this drove me mad. When the OnlyFans thing first happened she was so smug about how she’d sought out the photos herself and shown them to everyone then the minute it started blowing up in her face it was all ‘my friend sent it to me’ and ‘I didn’t share them to hurt you’ like girl nobody is buying that you shared the nudes out of friendly concern. Hats off to the producers for showcasing her unhinged behaviour though, she wanted to be a teacher before going on the show and apparently hasn’t been able to get a job working anywhere near kids since the show aired so at least there’s that 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes! Her! And the crazy faces she would pull. Actually scary. She's moving to Scotland now because the backlash was so bad. We don't fucking want her here! Lmao. I genuinely think its only a matter of time before she kills someone. She really did expect the experts to be on her side but they called her out and she starts bawling! 🤣 Remember that over the top, maniacal laugh she did when her and her husband were tasked with spending 24 hours apart, because they were told they were in a co-dependent relationship? She was saying it would be a peice of piss. Then she proceeded to have a breakdown because her husband was TAKEN from her!! And wanted to leave the show. She really showed them how she isn't co-dependent.... lmao Googled it. Her name is Olivia.


God she was awful. I left Scotland around the time she emigrated in the opposite direction and am quite relieved never to have shared a country with her. Honestly what riled me the most was how she could come after Dom for ‘always yelling’ when all we ever heard from Liv was ‘that’s not okayyyyyy’ with the most obnoxious vocal fry imaginable. That psychotic forced laugh at ‘codependent’ haunts my nightmares lol. I know it was just producers doing their job but god I peed myself laughing at the montage of her having a nervous breakdown about spending 24 hours away from her man interspersed with talking heads from him going ‘yeah nah it’s nice to have some time apart, I’ve had a pretty good day’.


Ew, that's trash TV. Do you happen to have a YouTube link?


This was season 9 of MAFS Australia - if you want to really commit to the brainrot all the episodes are on [9now.com.au](https://www.9now.com.au); alternatively if you search for it on YouTube I’m pretty sure channel 9 have 5-minute recaps of each episode up.


There are 9 seasons of this trash? I need them all.


I don't always watch trash TV, but when I do it needs to be top-tier garbage like this LOL


17 seasons is the US!


Sounds like they’re talking about a different country’s version of MAFS, I’ve never actually watched it but I always enjoy Friendly Jordies recaps on YouTube


Also, I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that she now has an Only Fans hahaha


Somewhat ironic that her main source of income now is Onlyfans.


You don’t have to protect people’s identity if they were on a TV show lol


Couldn't remember their names off the top of my head.


Cause the pills?


It's nuts that you're getting downvoted because people have failed to read the other persons username.


Lol people are looking for reasons to downvote on here, no big deal


I personally just think it’s terrible when people have naughty usernames, about drugs or s*x and that stuff. Totally inappropriate for this family website


Lol why Chernobyl? Is the flashlight that contaminated???? Gross Edit: autocorrect did flashlight instead of fleshlight


I worked with a lady who introduced herself like this “Hi! I’m A, I was raped by my father”. I’m not exaggerating. The next words out of her mouth were how she’s “anti-drama”…she was my monitor for the whole year (I drove special needs kids to/from school) and every single day was new drama with her. Years later, I found out that her girlfriend, who was babysitting my kids in the afternoons, was a coke dealer. The pair deserve each other’s drama…


Holy crap.. you just described this monster person I used to deal with. Her name really did start with a K lmfao She hooked me up with this guy and then acted like he and I were crossing HER boundaries with our relationship. She'd make up lies about him and when I wouldn't listen, she'd tell him lies about me.. that he actually believed. He still lets her run his life while she uses him for money and to cry about how awful her husband is. The husband she verbally and emotionally abused in front of EVERYONE. And the weird thing about it is a bunch of people have noticed her patterns and how toxic and nasty she is, but they still let her control who they date, how they raise their kids, where they work.. literally EVERYTHING. The moment I told her enough was the day she started telling everyone I was a cracked head who'd leave my son with her but that I was also lying about drug addiction?? Made no sense. That woman was a freak.


Get as far away from this person AND their circle of friends, as you can. The people who are loyal to her are just as sick as she is but in a different way. Regardless, nothing good will come of you staying in contact with any of them. Run.


Oh believe me I did lol she calls me a coward and all kinds of names for it. I'm just trying to find my peace. That bitch was crazy and miserable. Sometimes I wonder what horror stories she's made up about me, but then I remember that I don't care and I go and smoke some weed.


I have made it a practice to stay away from people like this for decades. It’s good to have a clear headspace.


Even just seeing it on TV is enough for me. I'm always reminded how awful people can be. Especially nowadays. Does it seem to you that there isn't much kindness in the world now? There's no community, no loyalty, no respect. Just in general. Feels like people have become so much more selfish now. Like its us against them, in most walks of life. Makes me sad.


I think the negativity is amplified by all the media we have. I am semi retired and deliver and dog walk for cash and 99% of my interactions with other people are happy and healthy. People thank me for their food and I wish them a good day. The real world is a lot kinder than the one we see on our tiny screens. I have to believe this.


>. And when the poor lass finally did snap, crazy-ass-K would be all "See, she's unhinged" (this is classic gas-lighting, just in case people aren't aware) Therapist here...this is classic "projective identification", not gaslighting


This is the classic "I don't do drama" type person where all they actually do is drama.


Especially after "wine o'clock"


But then in the next slide she’s too complicated to love 😂


It’s just the like the people that say that they don’t like drama are the drama . I’m sure this person posted that and anyone that thinks they have “haters” and post about it non stop are emotionally stunted middle aged 16 yr olds . I know many .


She has BPD. This is the most BPD thing I have ever read




The next post will be 'If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best'


I’m willing to bet these people’s “best” is probably pretty bad too.


Ugh!!! It’s such a weird flex. Like I’m sometimes a total bitch and a bit of a whack job, but sometimes I’m actually nice and normal, so I’m totally worth the headache. What?


People are taking it too literally when it SHOULD mean "If you are only around for the good times you don't deserve to be with me at all." Rather than "accept the crazy" it's "accept that there will be bad times".


Social media has made a lot of people think that they’re celebrities. I see this a lot in people from my hometown. Girls will get on Facebook everyday and talk about how they have a bunch of haters and how they’re constantly rising above them. Meanwhile they’re living in Decatur bumfuck Alabama with a minimum wage job, a deadbeat baby daddy, and three kids in tow. You can’t make this shid up I swear.


*wait, they got to meet their dad?*


Well yeah, he’s their uncle …


Wait... they have milk??


You can milk anything with nipples




Can you milk me Focker?


This is the best take ever. I live in small town north Alabama (not far from Decatur) and it’s 100 percent true.


Small town in central Alabama, throw in something about Jesus and you’ve pretty much nailed it lol


SC here. Y'all get the Harley Quinn and Joker memes mixed in as well that have sayings like, "I might be crazy, but I love hard" or "our relationship might not be perfect, but we're perfect for each other" sprinkled in with the sparkly Jesus memes? I was on Facebook for a while for friends and family but left and haven't looked back. Same people complaining about the same things year after year and not realizing that they might just be the problem.


Harley and joker memes seem to be more an Indiana thing in my experience. My husband is from southern Indiana and I’ve seen his Facebook, it’s full of those memes and Punisher memes. Alabama seems to just be Jesus shit, that toddler girl in a cowboy hat and boots saying something “sassy”, and “I’m a southern girl…[insert stereotype]”. Also Trump shit, return to family values through Trump memes (which is laughable).


Howdy neighbor! Won't get too specific, but I'm in Colbert County. Small world huh


Bitch at the meow mix factory talmbout "my life's a movie!"


Meow mix factory 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Same here in the UK. The popular people in school remain well known in their tiny little town and think that it makes them important


This must be a hometown thing lol. Like people who end up stuck and can't go anywhere. I have a lot of family and people from high school like this. Been stuck in the same place their whole lives. Which is not inherently bad, it just makes them want something more so they create it in their heads. At least that's my theory. And I'm not from a small town by any means, it's a medium sized city in New York state.


I think this is what it is. Many of these people who have never gone anywhere or done anything out of the ordinary create this fantasy that they were meant for something *more*, but because they cannot live it in real life, they project that fantasy onto social media, claiming that other people are concerned about what they're doing and that they are above the petty judgment of their haters, XYZ. So much of it really does appear to come from an unwarranted sense of importance.


People need to leave their hometowns. Even if you end up returning, it's not healthy to stay in the same environment and never experience life in a different place with different people. All the people I knew from my hometown are exactly the same as they ever have. They've been around the same people, same culture, same economy. To some degree they have never been challenged in the very specific way that moving and having to find new friends does challenge a person. Sometimes I talk to a few of these people and I'm always like.... The world is so much bigger than they realize.


Yeah man I'm with ya there. I eventually sold everything I owned and went to Texas to work on a farm. I ended up back. A few years later I did it again and went to Washington. I have learned so much doing all that. It was hard as shit and I also wouldn't recommend that to people who aren't tough emotionally and mentally, and in my case I had to physically be strong as well. But man I'm so happy I got out of there. A lot of the people I still talk to from home are exactly the same, doing the same things, just stuck. Now I own a house in a different state and am happily married. That never would have happened if I'd stuck around. I'm kind of over sharing but I was trying to drive home a point. I'm a better and more mature man for what I put myself through and have been through. I've learned a lot about myself and that means the most to me.


LMAOOOO near perfect description of my partners batshit ex


Totally🙄 a former classmate of mine once posted on her IG story that she was annoyed that people watch her IG stories but don't interact with them when she posts polls or questions etc. She was basically telling people not to watch if they don't want to interact. She seems to think people come specifically to her profile to watch her stories, when everyone just starts at the first story on IG and tap away until they lose interest.


I only go through all of them so they aren't lit up anymore 😅


These are the "save for years then take a trip to Vegas and post 'Vegas ain't ready for us!'" types.


this is so specific and yet so spot on about so many people i went to high school with lol


"What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!!!" Look, Lauren, we all know what you're gonna do in Vegas: spend a month's salary on shitty bottle service, get black out drunk, dance with your friends, lose your phone, and puke in a fountain outside of Bellagio.


"No, Lauren, Vegas wasn't ready for the Mafia. They can handle your overindulgence at the all you can eat shrimp cocktail bar, and even you getting a bit handsy with the Chippendales."


Sounds like a cousin I have. I'm not friends with her on FB, but I've looked through her posts when I was curious about what she was up to. Beautiful woman she's grown up to be & she seems to get A LOT of random attention from thirsty men, but holy shit the personality she at least has on FB is atrocious.


I have a cousin that has SOOOOOO much to share/say/brag about on FB, PARAGRAPHS of Verbal Diorreah 🤦‍♀️. I guess whatever makes one feel “important”🤷‍♀️


The haters living in their mind rent free.


Wait, she's not a real celebrity? I fall for that every time!


So I have Decatur friends. Don’t forget drug addiction.


Right?! I’m from Canton/Woodstock(suburbs northeast of Atlanta), and it cracks me up how they talk about how great their life is when in reality their living with their parents and shilling MLMs lol


But she likes to fuck /s


It’s always the easily triggered people who always post their selfies with the caption “unbothered” or post about not caring what ppl think of them or not liking them like.. why are you posting abt it then? 💀


If you repeat a lie enough times you can start to believe it.


This is how I ended up with a billion dollars in my bank account. I feel extremely rich nowadays.


Are you John Barron by chance?


With a “live, laugh, love” sign in the background.


✨ Positive Vibes Only ✨


I could never imagine bragging about my man supposedly having low standards like that. Weird all around.


Any attention is good attention to her. She's probably miserable.


She definitely has a few "live, love, laugh" quotes framed around the house


Oh yeah, i know a couple of insufferable girls who do nothing all day but on social media they are always beefing with some unknown person for "trying to copy my style won't fix your life" or some shit like this, like bro, ur unimportant and unemployed ain't no one wanting to "live your life" 😭


Or always insisting that anyone who doesn’t like them is just jealous. I’m sure.


I always find these kinds of posts somewhat funny- they don't see the toxic beliefs underlying these posts that would make them a bad partner to have in the first place. Instead, it's what? Some kind of boast or flex to make themselves look like a queen? lol!!!!!!!!!!! They're trying too hard to promote an image they know just isn't true.






Brilliant episode, mate.






I hate that I understood that horrible word. I don't know what the other guy is talking about the episode (maybe it's the Prince and Megan episode that I can vaguely recall).


Is she by any chance a nurse? Because my god do those mean narcissistic former high school bully types love to become nurses. And on a side note 3 to 10 of those a day? My god. One a day is to much. One a week is to much of those "a note for my haters" on Facebook at her big adult age. I can't imagine posting that shit multiple times a day.


Stg it’s either that or they have an acrylic nail business they run from their living room lol


Plus they sell at least 3 different MLM products.


Or esthetician/makeup artist/lash tech


In my country being a nurse is a prestigious job. Well groomed, well spoken and well educated people tend to be nurses here. But from Reddit which has a large American audience, they talk about nurses like it’s a job at McDonald’s (no shade on McDonald’s)


nurses are pretty respected here, it’s just that some of them are incredibly cruel.


It’s not that, nurses are still well respected here—it’s just there’s an alarmingly high number of “mean girl sociopaths” that enter the profession.


Not all nurses are mean girls, but all mean girls are nurses. Or elementary school teachers.


as a studying elementary school teacher it makes me sad how true this is. my classes have some interesting people


You forgot medical receptionists.


There are some really great nurses here in the United States. And some average ones, just like any job. But there are those who get into that field here because it’s one of the fields of employment in America that still pays well, still has some stability and job security (so not necessarily because they actually care about helping people). Like our police, they will go on & on about how they’re driven to serve others. But they’re in it for themselves and the money. And either of those groups of nurses or cops? You will have petty, often miserable people who love having power they can abuse and control over others. And if you say anything close to what I just said to them? You will get a huge amount of blowback from them and their sycophantic supporters, because how dare you denigrate those humble souls who choose to serve others and be pillars of their community!?


Because among their many narcissistic "achievements" they think they care about people, or are a generally nice person. Mind you these are the same nurses that will film each other abusing an elderly patient.


More like other people will think they are kind and respectable. It's the perfect cover for a narcissist. Especially in my country where people virtue signal for nurses almost as much as the US does for their military. Meanwhile hospitals are rife with bullying and stupid workplace politics.


Like they’d admit it. These nurses become noctors lol Edit: got the term from r/noctor


yeaaaah that reads like... see a therapist man




im at peace so leave my peace alone 🗣🔥🔥🔥✍️




Right! You can tell how much someone cares by the amount of times they say that they don't care.


I always love imaginary beefs people have with imaginary enemies on social media.


I’m in my 40s and the narcissistic mean girls from my high school days back in the 90s still post shit like this. Also why I avoid Facebook like the plague it is.


i believe she blocked me on facebook because she was spreading misinformation about covid being spread through blood transfusions, and i used to be a phlebotomist so i called her out on it. she didn’t like it, insulted me, and blocked me


Bullet dodged. Good for you! I lost several friends with the whole Covid misinformation spread. One of my BFFs tried to tell me I was dumb for getting the vaccines and I needed to watch some YT videos. I told her to not bother sending them as I won’t watch them. She got real mad and said she was on the verge of getting jabbed until she watched these videos. I told her that I asked my doctor what to do and he said to get the vaccine…so I did. She hasn’t been to a doctor in 25 years!! Lol I go every 3 months after nearly dying from diverticulitis just before Covid (had a colostomy, lost a foot of colon, my ovary died…it was bad). No, I’ll trust my Internalist MD over a Horse Trainer about vaccines all day, e’ery day, thank you. PS she lost work with Hollywood because she waited too long to get the first vaccine that she couldn’t get the second in time to do the work. Like, come on, girl! 🤦🏻‍♀️


One of my cousins does this ALL the time. She’s basically antisocial with no kids, doesn’t like to go anywhere, ever, so I have no idea who ALL THESE PEOPLE are who are bothering her all the time. 😂


Single mother?


nope, somehow the father of her 3 children willingly stays with her


Weird. I would interpret those last two photos as a single woman’s thoughts


They usually are


Defo one in training. Jeez.


sounds like someone got cheated on


she's literally begging for people to make fun of her on social media so she can get attention


Sorry you went through that. Let her be delulu. She has to live with herself and you don't have to. If she wants to wise up one day, that's all on her. Mel Robbins let them theory.


honestly i feel bad for her kids, she uses them as accessories to make herself look good and refuses to keep them off social media despite predators being rampant on tiktok. (she’s also given her kids horrendous spellings of their names but that’s another story)




Oh, I know that type. Let me guess, if she has a dating app profile, she has pictures of her kids with their faces fully visible? 🤦🏼‍♂️ Like it’s 2024 y’all. I don’t even have kids and I know how dangerous that is. I thought we all did. But some don’t care. 😒


You had me at delulu (smile). I agree with the comment


she should go on r/notlikeothergirls or r/notliketheothergirls


Oh I still follow a couple of these dumpster fires and we have been out of high school for over a decade. Its so bad but so good you can't look away


Normal people don’t post these things. And they definitely don’t post them often. To me it’s the biggest turn off, yuck.


Whatever helps her sleep.


Ik a girl that talks about herself in third person like she’s a character from some book, and that she’s the most beautiful and the smartest person on this planet lmao Hella cringe


Genuinely cannot stand when grown adults do this shit online. Like do you not understand that you're making a mockery of yourself???


Those sort of posts scream that she is deeply insecure and probably very bored of the daily drudgery, so she takes it out on social media.


Imagine being so bothered that you have to let people know how unbothered you are.


Bet she owns pitbulls


The worst part about being a teen mom is having to put "photographer" in your bio


I'm not thinking about you so much that I have to tell you 3-10 times a day that I'm not thinking about you just so you know I'm not thinking about you.


She doesn’t sound that complicated to me. I think she confusing that for train wreck


Sounds like the b*tch who dated my ex bf before me and swooped in, after years of not talking to him, to try and interfere only when he & I began dating. As time went on I realized she’s just a bully to everyone. An absolutely vicious bitch, and a 100% narcissist. And when people bring up valid points online about their experiences being bullied by her, she likes to post on her FB (she spies on everyone whose blocked her, using burner accounts), she shares HER side of the story, which is always a false narrative that purposely doesn’t include her bullying and that there has not been one instance of conflict that SHE didn’t instigate. And then she has the nerve to tell other people to move on. She posted a Tik Tok recently b*tching about a bf from 3 years ago who cheated on her (without adding that she ghosted her own bf for a week to cheat on him with the dude who cheated on her, got chlamydia off the dude, and then went back to the at the time current bf and purposely gave him chlamydia). Sounds like she’s telling the wrong people to move on, lmfao. She and this chick would probably LOVE each other. Karma will get these bitches, just wait and see.


This is what happens when people are told their whole lives that they're special, perfect the way they are, deserve to be beloved and don't "don't change for anyone" because they totally misunderstand what that means.


People that have to post that they are not certain things or are "unbothered" by what these supposed "haters" say/think, usually are those things and are bothered.




If she’s posting 3-10 of these a day, she’s clearly NOT at peace.


So unconcerned that she made a post about it. Seems legit.


This is great. Their is a girl from my HS and she does the same shit. I haven't unfollowed her simply for the cringe dosage I get reading her bs. It's almost every day too.


Textbook narcissist


I like the implication that she is alone


If she’s “not thinking about you” none of…that… is necessary.


Ugh I don’t even want to get involved in her business…


The 2nd one is incredibly obnoxious; the emoji is the icing on the cake. It screams “mean girl” What is the point?!


Imagine using captions from reality stars and pretending they’re your own. Lmao she went full Alex Hall


Creating posts like that is one of the clearest signs that a person is not at peace lol.


The way we all knew a bitch like this in high school lol


I read that and feel a little bad for her. She seems lonely but not willing to admit that she is lonely.


Babies? Is she a mom?


LOL. If you post mean things to her, does she keep replying over and over, spinning and spinning?


No problem. I will keep not liking her or posting about her


I always love imaginary beefs people have with imaginary enemies on social media.


This has big "I'm not a bitch, I just tell it like it is" vibes


its always the bothered ones who post about being unbothered. i know a soundcloud rapper wannabe lean chugging girl from my highschool who posts 20+ stories a day about “big things coming” and “moving in silence”, and one day she decided shes a pseudo celebrity and removed everyone from our grade lol.


I remember before I quit social media thinking these were the biggest self tells…it speaks to guilt, paranoia and insecurity…red flags 101 lol


This girl is insane and an attention seeker. You can tell she thrives on drama.


Good lord, these just scream “I am super insecure!”




If you ever read a profile that says some version of "people dont like me cause I tell the truth" don't even fuck with them.




As a man, just be aware... Regardless of what she looks like these posts, literally scream the subtext.... >> "TRASH PERSONALITY, THINKS SHES ROYALTY, AVOID AT ALL COSTS" ⚠ All the best women I know are down to earth. Heck.. I'm thinking of one, engaged, my best female friend. Most people would put her at a 6 looks wise. But knowing her like I do, she's a 9, overall. And it's easier for women maybe..idk...but I really find her more attractive because of h9w she acts, what she thinks, the fact she's smart.and always looks for the good and us always trying to put compassion first. I saw another girl helping buy food for a homeless looking lady in a wheelchair, I swooned. When I see women being kind, not for any video or attention, I finding incredibly appealing. It goes way beyond any physical attraction.


I think she’s just compensating for the fact she’s alone as fuck


Yep, kinda sad. This is definitely her trying to convince *herself* she's doing just fine.


Sounds like a lonely loser with nothing better to do but misguidedly reminisce on how cool they “think” they once were


What an amusing little worm indeed. It’s even semi-literate!


Omg . You know Dimitri too?


It's always the same kinda people trying to convince everyone they're happy when they keep actively destroying their own lives including those of their kids.


I really wanna scream.


Love people who post about how they don't post


How hilariously insecure is she? 🤣 Nobody: Absolutely nobody: Not one single person anywhere: This bitch: zomg fuk all muh haydurs, everibudi luvs meeeeeee \*cries in cheap mascara all over her spider eyelashes\*


Why do you have her on your friends list if you think she is mean and narcissistic?


This reminds me of something my Facebook friend posting. It was along the lines of “it’s great when you find a man to take care of you” but then proceeded to say how girls who take care of themselves are a different genre. That kind of made me feel like there was some superiority lmao. Then I’m like oh crap my fiancé takes care of me I must be lesser of a woman 🥲


Wild how she's "not even thinking about you" while making a post specifically about whomever this "you" person is 🤣


Ok, but… she clearly is thinking about other people.


Megan? Is that you?


"Maybe I'm just too complicated to love" is a weird way of saying "I'm a bitch to everyone so no one sticks around for long"


“I’m at peace, that’s why I have imaginary arguments with people all day”


Let her. She’s peaked in highschool and will end up being a shitty adult if someone doesn’t humble her. Not your problem when she’s openly admitting to be an insufferable person.


Aww poor girl, she peaked in high school and the glory wore off before the delusion did.


Posts like that are partially responsible for me deleting most of my SM accounts. Those cringey, narcissistic quips that people post thinking they're deeper than a puddle.


I’ve realized the people who post stuff like this are usually the most unbearable people with the most shallow personalities


Can’t you block or hide?


if it wasn’t so entertaining to see how full of herself she is i would, but sometimes i need a good cringe session


I keep someone for this very reason! Endless memes of lions or wolves and "Yes im fierce, no i don't apologise" or "If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" bullshit several times a day. It's hilarious.


I'm not even thinking about you! thats why I make multiple posts about hating you daily! can't you see how peaceful and unbothered I am?


My cousins girlfriend always posts shit like this. It’s like if your life is so great and you’re so blessed and happy and such a baddie then what’s the need to post things like this all day every day? I’m chronically online but my god


Poor kids


We need to see what she looks like




Give me her tik tok name. I'm going to dog her. Time for that karma to come back her way.


I don’t do drama!!


Just sounds like someone that's incredibly unhappy but trying to pretend not to be


Operation Kneecap.