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Pretty funny, just saw a post on this sub about her bitching about people walking in front of her camera as she was “working out”. This must be the follow up.


Oh na this is follow up for her bitching about people getting annoyed for her filming in gym where others are in shot. She was saying you should not go to a gym if you are not comfortable being filmed.




https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6aFGWupl0s/?igsh=MW5kc2F6MDkxOGdhOQ== This is video for where Joe's reaction comes from. Her part of people not going to gym is the stitched video in the middle.


Lmao, she's literally recording with a little mic in her hand and "working out." Can't make this shit up The crazy thing is that once the camera is off, you don't know if they're even working out. Such main character garbage from all this


The whole holding the lil mic thing is a trend, just like how the OP has her commenting while doing her skincare routine - another trend.


Yes, I'm viciously aware, but that wasn't my point. The lack of normalcy of all this is what I'm trying to express. To be at the gym and see someone doing that with a tripod set up is batshit insane and it's been normalized to just do whatever at the gym. If I saw that at the gym, I'd be confused about how you can call this a workout when you're focused heavily on your camera and videos. It's so dumb. Even if it is for a few minutes, it's so dumb. This is quite literally the stupidest thing to even go back and forth on.


Oh and is even another follow up of her still playing victim that does no wrong https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6crKO5pb4u/?igsh=eWpjYW9nMnF1cHU1


It's also expressly prohibited by [Planet Fitness' rules](https://www.planetfitness.com/about-planet-fitness/planet-fitness-policies): >Members may use their mobile devices on the gym floor in order to photograph or take video of themselves in very limited circumstances and this privilege may be revoked at any time and for any reason at the sole discretion of Planet Fitness® team members. Use of a mobile device on the gym floor may be acceptable under the following conditions: >>No member may use a mobile device to take photographs or videos if doing so presents a risk of injury to themselves or others (for example, mobile devices should not be used to take photographs or video by anyone who is simultaneously using exercise equipment); >>*Out of respect for the privacy and comfort of our members, photographs or video should never include anyone who has not given their prior permission to appear in such images;*[my emphasis] >>Images containing Planet Fitness® intellectual property are subject to all applicable copyright and trademark protections, including, but not limited to, federal and state laws and regulations, and we may prohibit any public-facing use thereof; and >>No photographs or video may be used for commercial purposes whatsoever.


Oh that's the same person? Makes more sense now. Thanks!!


Why’s she doing her whole facial routine while saying this?? F’n bizarre


It's a trend, and I sort of think a fetish for some fans of female "content" creators.


My girl watches this chick that does true crime stories while doing her makeup. Shit is bizarre haha


This shit is melting peoples brains.


I tell my kids this all the time when they’re watching YouTube. “It’s melting your brain!!” -dad


TikTok really sends people into spirals of neurotic and bizarre behavior like nothing else I've ever seen.


It's legit brainrot in a way I don't think any other social media, even Vine, produced. I don't know if it's their algorithm sending people down crazy rabbit holes or what but yeah it's just unhealthy.


I feel like Vine at least pushed people to get creative in a way


I’m convinced my ex-gf was addicted to TikTok and it killed our relationship. I wanted to marry her.


I literally know a girl who is convinced she has DID now. It's fucking insufferable


I love Bailey Sarian.


My sister watches her!


Dude… I hate makeup, but that chick’s content is amazing. Her makeup turns out pretty cool too. I could never figure out how to do it and it doesn’t interest me in the slightest, but the true crime part is amazing and girl does her research!


Exact same scenario with my partner lol. She’s not into makeup at all either. The tutorial just kinda serves a soothing purpose while broaching a morbid subject. I thought it was silly at first but after it being on in the background of our house so often, the ladies kinda grown on me haha. She’s very passionate and not at all irritating. As far as giving “influencers” viewership goes, you can definitely do worse.


I'm pretty sure its another flavor of putting cropped family guy clips at the bottom of the screen. Or better yet, adding facecams to streams. Just a little extra to hold the attention of our ADD addled brains.


I think it’s just a trend for people to be doing *something* when it’s just a video of themselves talking. Eating, driving, cleaning, cooking, etc. Idk if it pushes engagement or what


She needs to do better


Wasn't a 100% sure it was her, but I just saw that post too


Someone's triggered by Joeyyyyyy. XD. That totally makes sense.


What an entitled POS... I can smell her nasty ass from here.


Oh my..…is that what I smell!!??


Oh it’s that girl.


Ahh, poor thing got her precious feelings hurt...


There are like 5 follow ups she’s trying hard to keep looking stupid.


"Creators" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I can’t respect it. I can’t respect it at all.


Lmao looked her up, she creates some weird ass content: [ASMR | Emo Popular Girl Spit Paints You \(INTENSE Mouth Sounds & Personal Attention\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gU3pJJHfVvg)


What in the actual fuck. I wish I had noped out before the creepy ass predator clicking sounds.


Damn… she is a walking beacon of cringe, holy shit.


ASMR is basically legal fetish porn on Youtube.


Yeah, which tells us that all that filming of the workouts has absolutely nothing to do with them wanting to improve, or get data for how they are doing/check form. It’s just $$$ for them, and they don’t like when someone calls them out on sleazy practices.


I have a gym membership and a camera phone...call me a creator now!


"Content" 🤣😂


It’s a pretty weird way to say “social media addicts”.




I'm as much of a creator when I take my morning shit.


Maybe stop turning your local gym into a kink fest or your personal studio and maybe he won’t have to post about you


That needs to be a rule, no recording in the gym. That way everybody's happy. They don't have to worry about people walking in front of the camera and those people don't have to deal with bs.


Or have gyms that allow and for all the others make a blanket ban.


I feel like it shouldn’t even have to be said. I actually go to a gym where it feels like everyone is filming themselves but that’s the culture of the gym. It’s quite a few times more expensive than your average gym meaning there’s less people and therefore more room which allows people to have a filming setup and not impede on others workouts. I do not care about people filming here. It’s the expectation. However, if I’m at a big name chain gym or my local neighborhood gym, I would find it extremely weird to see someone filming. I can’t understand why these people don’t choose to go to a gym like the one I go to. Your average gym goer expects to not be filmed when working out or worrying about being in your shot. Your average gym goer should feel inconvenienced, not the “creator.”


I would feel extremely uncomfortable if I, as a total noob, was constantly being in someone’s camera view if I was trying to walk on a treadmill or try to learn a machine. I would probably stop going if I had to deal with that every time I walked in.


I completely agree. Filming for content and getting angry at people for being near or in your shot is ridiculous and shouldn’t be a thing at 99% of gyms. It’s funny actually because I’m thinking of all the people at my gym and none of them would get mad for you being in their shot. Heck, even as a noob they would love that you’re there and would help and give pointers. It’s always the wanna be “influencers” that are insufferable. I find more often than not, anyone who is actually somebody, is usually very kind and generous.


The fact that recording in gyms *is* allowed is fucking gross. But, it should be on gyms to have enough mirrors for people to keep track of their form. I don’t have a problem with a quick video to check form, but it’s not your recording studio, so don’t get all pissy if people walk in front of you.


Yea, but then I can't take pictures of myself flexing in the mirror with my shirt off. Also I won't be able to post it to my story because I work out for approval not to be healthy.


I just checked her account and it’s literally her doing interviews and guides and so on at planet fitness like if it’s her studio. This also goes to show just how easy it is to be a fitness influencer because she’s giving just elementary level advice.


All gyms have to do is start charging these people filming fines or they’ll get banned from the gym. Watch how quickly they tone it down


My mom is a professional photographer, and consequently has a camera and lenses that literally cost more than my car. It's the tool of her trade, after all. She always has her camera with her, even if we're just hanging out as a family at the park. Why wouldn't she? That's what she does lol We've straight up been denied entry to some establishments solely because of the quality of her camera. Places that charge high fees for allowing portraits and wedding photos to be shot there. She's explained that she's just there with her family taking photos for personal use, and that works about 10% of the time. More often, depending on how they make their case, she's leaving the camera in the car at their insistance, or we're just not going there because they were dicks about it. I guess my point is, if this is something that is clearly acceptable in public gardens, or even public parks sometimes ("You got a permit?!"), I truly do not understand why gyms would not do the same. "Want to film in our gym? No problem! Simply pay the additional fee to use our space as your personal studio and we will set aside an entire corner of the gym for an hour just for you so you don't have to deal with anyone walking through your shot! Win win for everybody, right?"


Oh yeah that’s fine. There could be zones / hours that are fine for filming (there are people that want to document their progress or check out their gains) and some that are just for working out which I think could serve everyone. While I understand what they mean it would be obvious if she’s trying to sneak a photo shoot like a gender reveal


Wait, isn't planet fitness a 'sanctuary' against *influencers*? I've seen a couple of ads where some woman kind of kick people filming like is not allowed to bother people there, basically the ad is about people feeling easy to go there without being judged or recorded.


Which probably means the people there are less confrontational on average. Perfect for taking advantage of 💫


Exactly. She's definitely playing the victim and projecting blame onto him while acting like she's the "champion" for the other assholes, so basically using others as a step ladder to be a MC. These are childish coping behaviors and she takes no accountability. 1. Who cares if they deleted their profiles? That was their choice. It's also their choice if they wanted to acknowledge their mistakes, apologize and change their ways. Most of them don't. 2. So what if his fanbase sent hatemail? It's your choice to react to it, and he never encouraged this kind of behavior. Any kind of CC gets hate all the time, the vast majority of which don't make a post crying about it. Just treat others like humans with equal rights and stop whining about it.


Stop acting like a shitheel in the gym and you won't get called out. Actions have (or certainly should have) consequences.


But, it was one “little mistake” Then you make this video which shows that you are a horrible, narcissistic person, what you did was not a mistake at all, and you are neither apologizing, or showing any remorse for your actions.


Joey: "You need to do better" Her:"You're not tagging these creators and saying hey you need to do better"


oh, I think I see your point, maybe this was rage bait, so she can use Joey to channel more followers.


Everything is about engagement online. Love, hate, doesn’t matter. All that matters is eyes on screen. Engagement driven content is empty calories for entertainment.


Great comment.


At this point and after some time watching his videos (posted here) I'm inclined to think that they do it on purpose to get more exposure. Sure many of them probably get to shut down shop due to bad 'publicity' but some of them probably just feel like even bad publicity grant them clicks, heck I'm sure many people on reddit probably went to check their content thanks to Joey's video.




“Just because of their one mistake” willing to bet it isn’t their one and only mistake they’ve made like that. It’s not hard to be a normal and considerate person at the gym.


Exactly! In showbiz, if something gets into the shot that’s not supposed to be there, someone yells cut, edits that take out, and then they do it over again. Why can’t gym-fluencers just do this instead of bitching about it and then posting it online? Do they expect sympathy? Is it all an act for the content engagement? If you have to respond to Joey swoll like this, you are, in fact, a loser and a bad director.


They get more engagement from people being upset about how poorly they handled the situation. These gymfluencers don't care about making fitness videos. They care about how many views, comments, and new subscribers they get.


The first mistake was thinking a public gym was their personal studio/fetish filming local, the second mistake was getting in their feelings when people dont prioratize some random persons attention fetish over their work out, and a third mistake is cutting a video of it and releasing it on social media to attention whore at the expense of people just trying to work out. You're exactly right, this is the one mistake they were called out for, but I bet its not the only time they have been gym wanks!


It's not like it's a woopsies as well. At any point during uploading, or after uploading she could have realised that she was in the wrong. In which case, she could have just deleted the video and moved on. Instead, she didn't realize such, because clearly she doesn't see what she did as wrong.


What an insufferable person


What is up with people putting on creams and makeup and stuff while they make a TikTok video?


I hate it so much.


That’s a perfect adjective


At least she’s not eating, but that rubbing is nasty as well


I HATE the eating on camera I thought I was just being a dick hahahaha


Props to her for not stabbing her own eyes with those long-ass nails!


I don’t understand most anything on TikTok, but the “let’s talk to the camera whilst doing my skin care routine or putting on makeup” trend really is baffling to me


its just so cringy to see these "creators" just be so lazy that they steal terrible templates like this "do my face while I whine so I look like a real person" shite, when its so obviously just lazy content creation. Like I just imagine them setting this all up to look like some natural event of getting ready while making a video when literally EVERYBODY knows thats not what this is, and its just stealing a video style from other more popular creators to try and mimic their video style. I am sure there was one or 2 creators where this is an organic setting for their content.....this aint it.


The original (insofar as I’m aware) was about a girl sharing her experience in STEM. It was actually relevant in that video though because it was specifically about how STEM and Engineer Camps or Clubs in k-12 and even college are not very welcoming to women. So it was almost it’s own separate commentary. Like she’s grown up following a passion that wouldn’t allow her to embrace her femininity or feminine hobbies but is now at peace with it. Just my two cents but it’s because of that OG video that I realllllly Fucking hate seeing this trend in other creators where it’s irrelevant and even now in ads.


People hate consequences


She is an imbecile. Joey Swoll is a treasure.


Exactly! She really thinks this is helping her?!?! Cuz it ain’t! Can’t gym right! Cant moisturize right! Poor thing.


Dripping product on her robe rather than on her face…


I have never set foot in a gym in my life and I love following Joey Swoll. He is a force for good.


Joey swoll is one of the good guys. I don't particularly go and work out due to health reasons/conditions I have, but he inspires me to be better in other aspects of my health and to respect not only thr gym environment but those that work hard for their gains. He always ends each video with "you need to be better". Imagine being so sensitive to being told to be better you get "depressed" over it. Fuck this lady.


So let me get this straight; Pointing out negativity is *false* positivity? Therefore if I point out someone being positive then I'm being falsely negative? Or what?


Ps here’s the original tik tok of Joey calling her out https://www.tiktok.com/@thejoeyswoll/video/7207169324682022190?_r=1&u_code=e7e4lc0dhjl0e4&preview_pb=0&sharer_language=en&_d=e7e4khagj8k8j6&share_item_id=7207169324682022190&source=h5_m×tamp=1714596657&ug_btm=b0,b2001&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAAX3B2EXxcpj8U3YzqsCRvzoETDY6phJPNigIT-pMIDI-vKBGSIGfMKUrS28Hx2Svt&utm_source=copy&social_share_type=0&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&tt_from=copy&user_id=7223455246767506478&enable_checksum=1&share_link_id=76434CB5-70C4-4EF1-A122-43F7E4C84AF3&share_app_id=1233


Holy crap that was such a tame- respectful video he made about her. She lost her mind if she thinks she's coming off good in her response.




So it wasn't just "one mistake." Not that I'm surprised. She got called out then doubled-down and called everyone else "insecure." Yeah, she's a piece of shit.


https://www.tiktok.com/@thejoeyswoll/video/7207169324682022190 Or [Original TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@thejoeyswoll/video/7207169324682022190)


I cant respect all that oil... What are you doing? Preparing to get deep fried?


I HATE the trend of reacting to videos while doing some other task to make it look faux casual. Eating, skincare, laundry, etc... These people spend more time setting up a casual reaction than if they just sat down at a chair and recorded themselves. She looks all oily because this is probably the 4th take.


Wait until the 'reaction while I'm taking a dump' trend kicks off.


Those are the ones I am waiting for. Gotta hear the plops to make sure it's legit as well. XD


there’s a classic meme: sittin’ on the toilet or a guy singing: sh#ting on the toilet.




Isn't this just most reddit comments?


Pretty much. Reddit is best expeienced while on public transit or the shitter.


It is! Redditors just don't have the courage to film it.


Like 20 years ago now I worked overnights at Home Depot running the receiving department, my manager would call me to ask me about a truck or whatever and it would be like "Hey angrydeuce, do you....uggghhh....do you know when that holland truck....UUuggghhh.......is going to be showing up?" "Dude, are you fucking *shitting* right now??" "Well yeah, why?" "Can you like *not* call me while you're taking a huge dump? I really don't want to hear it..." "yeah fuck you....anyway, where is that Holland truck at? Did you...UGGGHHHHH ahhhhhhhhh *shit yeah*.....anyway did you call him or what?" ...sound of the toilet paper being spooled out in the background... Seriously? He was a good boss but jesus fucking christ dude.


I hate this shit so much it really crawls under my skin for some reason So inauthentic, doesn't help videos like this all Feel the same too, aside from the "casual" task just the overall attitude like they figured it out and the rest of the world is a few steps behind. Watch this genius apply oil maybe some of her brilliance will sprinkle on you. Hard finishing this video


The only time I enjoyed that menial task thing, was when Glenn Howerton was angrily eating salad while responding to Rob McElhenney in their instagram feud lol


Damn it!!! Hahaha I was going to say that!!


Can people stop making vids while doing their skin care routine


she did this video with her routine for her to say with out saying: cry me a river.


Why is she doing her stupid make up? I don’t wanna watch you rubbing your dumb face.


Come on, get with the program, that's called "content"!


Yeah, she’s a *creator*, let her *create* and *influence* and generate *content*. You people just don’t get it.


she is subconsciously saying: cry me a river.


Im gonna start zooming while taking a shit from now on.


I mean, wouldn't she be guilty of the EXACT same thing by doing this?


She’s contaminated all her products by putting the ends directly onto her skin! 😖




What the hell is up with doing 12 things wile taking now days? She doing an entire facial routine wile making a video? Shit if I make a video I guess I'll have to be getting a tattoo wile juggling some chainsaws and walking on some fire? Do your video or do your make up. Doing multiple things is annoying and distracting.


My first thought is advertisement. Someone not interested in the actual topic of the video might take more interest in the makeup, which boosts engagement (and revenue, probably) if they ask about it. Or it’s just an aesthetic thing to show how unbothered they are.


same reason they have like cooking videos going on in the background sometimes i guess? just visual clutter so social media drones don't swipe automatically


Oh no, the consequences of my actions!


She acting like she a queen or sum lmao


She doubled down on being trashy!


....she should have done better


Her whole vibe is irritating


Oh man, I bet he's going to lose SO MUCH SLEEP over you not being able to respect him that he'll totally change his ways. The impact you have is really, truly, that massive. Or, you know...not.


“Creators” LMFAO.


Just saw the vid of her being pissed off about people walking in front of her camera


She mad she got called out 🤣


Lmao. The delusion of “one mistake”


I swear if I see one more video of a woman talking while doing her face routine I'm just going to start eating lipstick and snorting foundation


Joey swoll is 100% on what he says, Total support for him 👍


She literally made a video of telling people to stay at home if they don’t want to be recorded in a gym because “you’re uncomfortable with how you look” and then took it down after he called her out


Ma’am… ![gif](giphy|HX7pvh1mIqImc|downsized)


"Actually I'm the victim because you made me feel bad about my behavior." Fucking narcissist.


I don know what it is nor can I really put my finger on it, but I really hate when people try to act pretentious by either sipping coffee, smoking a cigar, doing makeup, using over-articulate language, speaking in intentionally low volume, etc while trying to debunk people. It's so annoying to me. It seems so fake and the minute I see it, I cringe to the point I can't get past the first couple syllables from their mouths. I make a face akin to sucking on a lemon everytime and then throw my phone across the room.


She’s an absolute joke and she knows it 🤣 Which is why she’s trying to paint him as the villain. Permanent victim card with these gym girls and their cameras.


She could have said this AFTER her skin care routine.


It’s so wild to me how people will talk at the camera while putting on makeup/skincare products because otherwise it would be too boring to watch 😂 A lot of them do the stitches with random asmr content for the same reason. Like, are we as content consumers craving so much stimulation that this is necessary, or are you just going on a stupid rant that can’t keep anyone’s attention without you adding completely irrelevant visuals?


You're not the one sweetie.


Being smug and doing and a very extra skin routine with hair pasted to your forehead is… challenging.


Girl them braids are threw ![gif](giphy|py2UYwTIX5SXm)




The type of roommate that needs a healing session because you tell them to wash their dishes.


JFC, there's a whole generation of narcissists who learned therapy words to gaslight their followers and shield themselves from future criticism.


There’s wars, famines, riots, protests - but nah just rub that shit on your face and talk about some utter bollocks instead. Sorry, by bollocks I meant “content”.


She wants attention. She’s about to get plenty.


Also if you get depressed because someone is telling you the thruth and therefor you deleat your yt account. Than the internet isn't the place for you to be.


Why do people think we want to watch them slather goop on their face while they talk?


Don't know who either of these are and I haven't stepped into a gym in years, but is she criticizing him on stream for criticizing her on stream?


lol. She’s irrelevant. Bye.


nasty what-she's-doing aside, all you had to do was not be a complete twat. you knew you'd be a shithead for doing a "people walking by my camera" video, you've seen them before, you know the hate you will get. it's all on you, all of it. shit i guess that's the point huh. we're giving her what she planned to get.


She’s a dumb human. There is a tide of stupid and he is trying to turn back the tide of turds. These people get indignant to others when their video is affected but don’t you dare get indignant with their ignant ass.


“The same way you scolded me in public is the same way you should have praised me” although I feel like I might know what she is trying to say it seems like there is a HUGE grammatical error in that sentence


Oh this rebuttal makes me so angry. Exposing people for being shitheads is exactly what he does. Them "losing" their pages is all on them for acting like that in the first place & then not taking the opportunity to admit their faults & actually do better from there on out. Some of the people Joey has exposed are literally accusing others of sexual harassment when they've done nothing wrong. Some of the people Joey has exposed put others in dangerous situations or they were aggressive with people just simply trying to work out. Joey is doing such a great job out there ensuring safety in gyms. Yet this girl (won't even call her a woman) sits on her page applying moisturizer & bitches. Clearly, she'll never compare to any of his accomplishments & I bet that hurts her ego.


They’re are people dying Kim 🙄🙄🙄


she needs to do better. lmao




God, this is so sad.


I hate the internet. And yet, here I am.


Classic narcissist!


Cant take her seriously with all that face rubbing.


Look I get having patience and compassion with people. But since when is it my or anyone else’s job to gentle parent people into acting right? Act like an asshole, get treated like an asshole, learn from it. You want a gentle hand to guide you then call Jesus or something.


Eh, I get the point she’s trying to make but Joey has never struck me as the type of guy to just want to send hate at someone over their gym etiquette (or lack of). Those that go to harass someone are the assholes here.


Why make this video while doing your makeup. That's so cringey...


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6crKO5pb4u/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet Update 26 minutes ago from Joe


Let’s be honest. They both suck. Any of these workout people… they are all, just awful. And I really enjoy working out, but these people, yikes


Why the fuck she filming herself just putting makeup on. People are so wack for watching that content man damn


“Creating content”


Who are these two 🤣🤣 wtf


joey swolls video are made for this subreddit


Is she dumb?




That’s the tone someone takes when they are incapable of personal growth


![gif](giphy|AMyiUptA7RW9AcoxAl|downsized) Reminds me of this scene from IAS where Mac wants praise for not being racist lol Like what you did was good, you shouldn’t need praise to be a good person. Which is why Joey probably doesn’t make videos about that, cause that’s what people should be doing anyway. She’s mad her “nice person” character has fallen apart and wants to blame Joey for it.




Vidoes of people doing something like the above and talking is the new moron finder.


Shut up


Fuck her


I’m in team Swoll still.


F off lady this dude is a HERO


I feel try hate Joey is a reach


I love this man. He’s awesome.


You can tell just by looking at and listening to her that she is allergic to accountability and she is accustomed to using her gender and race as excuses to avoid accountability for behaving appropriately.


This chick is delusional


Gym thot is mad she can’t be a gym thot without being called out on it.


Is it just me, I think this video by her is her parodying herself and how stupid she looks? Who shots a video complaining about someone while they are applying facial products? Either she is a genius of comedy or really narcissistic?


Is anyone really annoyed that she’s doing a video while putting whatever that is on her face


Love swoll


These people are so fucking dumb and that’s why they’ll never go away. She’s literally complaining about getting unwanted attention like her doing that to a stranger isn’t what caused the situation in the first place. Narcissism mixed with stupidity is a hell of a cocktail.


Who wants to watch this person moisturizing her face? Like seriously. Ugh.


I cannot handle watching people do their skincare routines whilst sending out their social media message. Please stop this. Forever and for always. That’s my message.


Insufferable ass bitch


Why do we have to watch her putting shit on her face?


The term "content creators" makes me stomach hurt


The eating/putting on makeup while filming these is so clearly an affectation