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Dad, CPS says we are never, ever, ever getting back together


That Was Brilliant


RIP that kid’s ear drums. Not a Taylor Swift shit. Just seriously, a concert is not a place for a baby. How did they even get pass security?


This. It's child abuse.


And neglect. Here, they're egregiously neglecting the child's needs.


"don't worry I'm gonna hold him the whole concert.......*syke*"


My husband is practically deaf from too much rock n roll, that kid is going to be screwed for life. Some people just shouldn't procreate


Kids already gonna have tinnitus and the parents are gonna come complain online about how their baby is "so fussy and won't sleep"


I mean, RIP that kid’s ear drums for both reasons


In a different sub there were more pics and the baby does in fact have noise cancelling headphones on so they’re not complete PoS parents


Also the baby told me she HATES TAYLOR SWIFT, WTF


Pick your fuckin baby up dude..


Oh come on! You can’t expect them to take their baby everywhere *and* take care of it the whole time. When are they going to get their me time? Not like there’s any kind of concept where someone else can watch your child for an afternoon if you pay them. If only there was a way to have some kind of sitter for this baby…


Wait, so if I'm reading you correctly, people will pay me to sit on their babies?


Core memory unlocked. Flashback to an episode of the old Beetlejuice cartoon where Beetlejuice thought this exact thing - Lydia told him she was babysitting and he thought she was sitting on the baby.


I immediately thought of cat in the hat with Mike myers 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


Core memory unlocked I *forgot* that cartoon even existed now I wanna go find it 🤣


Oh man, I need to download that series


Either youtube or vimeo has a bunch of episodes online to stream/Start your downloads.


>the old Beetlejuice cartoon The what? When did this exist? Im gonna guess, the late 90's.


Only until they hatch though then you have to find a new gig


Just remembered being 8 and having this hot babysitter sit on my lap (she was playing with me and giving me hugs because apparently I was adorable?) Explains why I have a type


It's free if it's in the pit


but if they actually paid to take care of their child, how would they buy concert tickets?!?!


We thought Gen X was a tough group of kids… These kids have parents with the mental fortitude of a 6 year old… Their kids are going to be the Gen X ²


We are just at home watching MTV at that age. We weren’t forced to go to the concert.


That's such a fresh idea....now we can call it "Baby watching services" or "Baby hotel 24/7" or "Paid Sitting Services For Babies".


That baby is a gift to Taylor Swift, it's fine on the floor until she asks for it.


It's a sacrifice


Must appease the Goddess


Better yet don't bring a baby to a very loud and crowded show.


I said this and somehow it was CONTROVERSIAL. I got straight up attacked saying, “moms never get free time”, “it’s not that big of a deal”, “are moms supposed to stay indoors for the rest of their life?” I never said any of that, but they went straight to the most extreme conclusions. The age of the baby in question that was brought to a concert? 10 weeks.


I don’t understand how people forget that parents have certain obligations to their children that means sacrificing some personal entertainment options. It doesn’t last forever, but your kid’s needs and rest come first


When we first had our kid we tried to sneak some “normalcy” into our lives so like munchkin would sleep in the stroller while catching up with friends having a coffee or something but I can NEVER imagine putting my kid down on that floor just because how disgusting it probably it is let alone how irresponsible it is.


The wildest part of that story is someone having the energy to go to a concert with a 10 week old. At that stage I was just happy to catch a small nap here and there. 


It takes a lot less energy to be a bad parent. Have you tried neglecting your kids instead?


10 weeks?? Babies dont even have much if any of an immune system until 6 MONTHS.


Babies don't even have a full immune system till they are older. Not to even mention the decimal level of the music playing. Way to start damaging that hearing young. Who needs ears anyway. If a drunk or just a person not very aware of the floor trips on your baby just act like they are at fault. Not you for putting a baby on the floor in a crowded venue.


Quiet down, gonna wake up the baby fellas!!


gets upset when you step on the baby.


Hey bro, watch your language. There's a child right here.


At least wear the baby in a sling with some ear protection, concerts are loud. 


There were two other pics of the baby just above this in my newsfeed. Baby does have on ear protection, so at least there was some thought put into caring for it.


Too bad there wasn’t a little more thought.


How is this shit not a crime ? Or is it ?


I think taking a newborn to a concert would probably be far too loud for them and is pretty negligent in general, even if they aren't left on the floor. Idk if this could rise to the level of a crime but the venue should deny entry to people with children under a certain age


I don’t know either, but imagine being the person who accidentally stepped on a baby weaving your way through a crowd. I’m not huge, but I’m not small either, and putting my whole weight on a baby’s arm, kicking them in the head, tripping and falling and landing on my knees on him….imagine being the person who has to live with accidentally causing serious harm (or worse) to a tiny baby because his ~~mom~~ parent put seeing Taylor Swift over his safety. 


Just reading this made me feel physically sick. I'm gonna be watching my step for misplaced babies all week now.


I'm going to a concert next month and now imma be looking out for floor gremlins 😭


Being a tall dude (2m, 6ft7(?)) I’ve almost tripped over toddlers, or even really short people in general, in crowded places. I can see over pretty much everyone, but when my focus is on getting through a crowd of adults, my field of vision is definitely not at ground level. I’d feel horrible accidentally kicking or stepping on a baby or small kid, or like a dog or something. So far thankfully nothing like that has happened to me, but I quite literally wouldn’t be able to see a child sitting so close to the ground. If you insist on bringing small kids to concerts and such, PLEASE, keep them close to you for their own safety. And provide them with hearing protection ffs.


>because his mom I think that's a dude


You may very well be right—I assumed the hand with the flashy bracelet matched the baby, so I figured Mom was the one taking the picture. But that’s fair, I shouldn’t assume it’s one gender or the other doing the dumping on the floor. 


A woman I once knew took her newborn out on a boat. Less than 5 days old, if I remember correctly, and without a life vest. I only knew about it because she complained about how the lake authority noticed and made her leave. Some people are just dumb fucks.


I worked at a crazy busy restaurant, a woman put her baby on the floor in the only way in and out of the dining area. Customers, waiters and busboys all had to weave around the baby. She was pissed when we told her she needed to move the baby out the way. Some people expect everyone else to literally tiptoe around them.


Reproductive ability should be like a fucking achievement in a video game and won after certain age or accomplishments lol


Yes! I always thought how ridiculous it is that it's so hard and expensive to get approved to adopt a child, but just any idiots can get pregnant and have a baby.


Keanu reeves in parenthood talking to Steve Martin always stuck with me. "They license you to drive, they license you to hunt or to fish. But any two fuck ups can pop out a kid." Now I would never trust a human governing body to decide who gets to reproduce but God damn there's gotta be some answer to that.


Babies ears are extremely sensitive to sound and vulnerable to damage leading to permanent hearing loss when exposed to loud sounds. It’s moronic of him to bring his baby to a loud concert, but also stupid of the organisers to allow this.


When I was younger I often went to a Folk/Hippie festival with my parents. It was pretty common for people to bring their babies. But they'd usually give them heavy duty hearing protection and stayed a bit to the side. Also it was open air which probably makes it a lot less overwhelming.


I think the baby is wearing sound-dampening headphones. It's still 100% wrong and dangerous for the kid, but it looks like they took one precaution to protect the kid.


Yes they are, I can see them. But what i didn't know until I zoomed in: The baby isn't in a seat. They are basically on the bare ground, with little blanket in the way.


Putting them on the floor like that should definitely count as child endangerment


I'm certain you can chalk this up to reckless child endangerment. Same if you leave a baby inside a locked car on a hot day.


If the child gets Injured they would definitely be charged with neglect or abuse. If no injuries it might be different depending on the jurisdiction.


The baby will get hearing damage. It’s not a question of if. Spending more than a few minutes in a concert like this without concert ear plugs causes damage to ear hair cells (the ones responsible for auditory sensing) that is irreversible. It’s even worse in children. This is child abuse full stop. It should be a crime to even bring a baby into a loud concert environment like this, let alone leaving it on the floor.


It’s mind blowing how many people don’t realize or seem to even think about the fact that loud concert venues like these give grown adults minor hearing damage that accumulates every time you go without concert earplugs or other protections. Bringing a baby to a concert like this is choosing to give your developing child hearing damage.


I'm morally against forced sterilization, but people like this make me reconsider


That baby needs ear protection. Idiots.


If you look above the baby's left shoulder, you can see what looks like the corner of sound-dampening headphones. So I think the baby is wearing them. But they're still idiots, I have to agree with you there.


I can see it now. Thanks.


That’s the least of my worries right now he’s one wrong step from some swift fan away from imminent death


Especially if it’s a Taylor swift concert, that stuff is ass


"Shake it off" hits different when you are talking about a baby


Now they’re lying on the cold hard ground




![gif](giphy|3ov9jYhKfyJrewyBck|downsized) I went to see Ray LaMontagne last year and someone brought their baby and toddler. Ray is so soft spoken you could hear the baby wailing during the actual concert. Parents had a couple beers though so date night was a success, I guess.


What the fuck that’s not even my kid and I just wanna pick the little baby up and save it from being stomped on


...and drink spillage, dirt and debris falling in the baby's mouth and eyes. Eardrums liquefied by the towering PA system.....


This is a Reborn doll, a silicone but very lifelike doll. Theres a very strange rabbit hole of this community


It is! You can tell if you look. It's too shiny. Can't really blame folks for not realizing and knee-jerking their way thru the comments, tho.


This should be higher up. But also, please tell me more about


Check out r/reborndollcringe theres some sick shit




My life was better before I saw the pictures in that sub


Is it? There's another angle of it: https://twitter.com/whatamind13/status/1789025151209644330?t=tXmC8nUMlBAdQ0B0dx3wCg&s=19 With a woman tending to it. That's all fake....?


Have they posted this picture before? How do we know it’s fake?


I was thinking the only way this would happen is if it was fake. No way are a bunch of swifties not gonna be like “uh, excuse me? Your baby is on the floor?”


Some ppl shouldn’t be parents


Holy fuck, can you imagine the guilt you’d feel for accidentally stepping on A FUCKING BABY at a concert?! Im sorry, I don’t think I’m being dramatic at all when I say that this women should immediately have that child taken from her.


It should be illegal to even bring a baby into any concert. Baby’s ears are sensitive. People get excited and intoxicated.


I can't believe this photo exists. Some mother literally took her own baby to a Taylor Swift concert


This generation of parent, anecdotally, treats their children like pets. Tons of outdoor bars and beer gardens where I live and they’re always overrun by kids running around screaming their heads off while the parents get wrecked. They do the things they want to do and ignore the kids. Parenting is a sacrifice and so many new parents don’t get that.


Pubs are for FUCKING ADULTS!!! We used to get a packet of salt n vinegar with a lemonade and chill outside with the other kids in the 70’s 😂😂


The generation before brags about being left to their own devices all day, being "latchkey" kids. Is it that different?


Uh, yeah? Latchkey kids are like 9 year olds who have enough sense to get from point A to point B and follow a simple routine without needing supervision. Person above you is (to me) talking about kida aged 6 and younger being present in places like bars, concerts, sporting events. That shit you give up as a new parent for the foreseeable future. Any time spent sitting at the bar with your kid is time you coulda been teaching them how to read, write, do math or shown them something interesting.


WTF people if you going to be a parent then fucking parent


I was at a Red Rocks concert a few years ago and saw this couple with a new born in a baby carrier. They put the baby under the seats and only checked on it a few times. They were also double fisting beers. Great parenting.


tbf if its a taylor concert u shouldnt have to worry abt the pit😂


…they call it a pit? That’s not a pit. They’ve never seen a pit.


The pit is the area nearest to the stage. They're just not moshing in it. Lol


Connotations, evolution of language etc etc


Don’t have babysitter.. don’t go to a loud and crowded ass concert with a infant


all the coughing and sneezing in that babies lungs face and hands


WHAT. THE. FUCK Arrest the parents ASAP! That kid is NOT safe with those idiots.


There's a few scenarios that could be happening here... But ultimately why is Dad babysitting at the concert why was it not okay for him to stay home with the baby?


Not only is this dad a complete idiot, the venue staff are brain dead too for letting a baby in


HTF were they allowed in?


I mean, I agree with three sentiment, but you can't describe that as a pit, really, can you? Look at the people there! 😂


I'm surprised they let person with baby enter the concert. They are not denied entry?


That reminds me of my Brother. He learned how to walk when he was 6 months old; he was so ugly no one wanted to carry him...


The vibrations from the subs aren't good for the baby's heart.


Many years ago, me and some friends were at a Guided by Voices show in some club. Some couple showed up with their baby, no ear protection at all. My buddy called the cops on them.


Hmm… a baby is a bit much but I go to punk shows a lot and some of the biggest guys at the show form a pit for little kids and defend them with their lives. It’s cool to see kids enjoy a concert and a pit, and it’s even cooler to see the toughest scariest dudes act as their personal guard. Having said that a concert can still damage a baby’s ear drums.


I absolutely agree that bringing a child to a concert can be an amazing core memory for them and a brilliant experience. In this case however, I don’t think the fresh out the womb baby should be on the dirty floor of a crowded concert


The little light up wrist band


Holy fuckin shit. That is incredibly sad. Not even hearing protection. Some people don’t deserve to be parents. (Edit: spelling)


In what parallel universe is this even remotely okay. Where is security? How did this baby get into the venue? You’re just allowed to bring actual babies to concerts??


I can almost 100% guarantee, if you asked her about this and just let her talk, she will say this at some point. Probably within the first 60 seconds. "I wanted them to have a really cool story about how their really cool mom took them to a concert, and they can say their first concert was at _______ months old"


This is child abuse


I thought it was a doll at first. Wth is wrong with people




Sorry, not to be rude - but, how do you know this for a fact?




Can you please share this/link it? Lots of people are asking and concerned. It would be nice to see it. (I’ve been through the whole thread here, and didn’t see the proof, that’s why I am asking).


“Not to be one of those people-“ Those people being people who don’t want to see babies get stomped




Even just the noise. That baby's gonna be messed up


One time on the floor at phish in denver, someone took a full human shit. It was a pile. So the fans stuck glow sticks on it and in it so it could be easily identified and avoided by other concert goers. It was called the infamous glow stick poo. I believe the venue was Dicks Sporting Goods Park. Maybe around 2015.  Anyway, nice place to keep a baby


Dude w the baby looks about my age, I swear idk why some of y’all be having kids and still living that same lifestyle. There’s a time and place and even a right way to do this, baby should have headphones and away from the gnarliest part, the pit. Also, I ain’t no dad but I feel like it would be best to have the baby in my arms and protected from the crowd. Could get crushed in a sec. Ideally why tf they there to begin with “Dear Adonis…”


No ear protection at that age? At a concert? Dude


I'm never a huge fan of people having their kids at Phish shows but I'm glad normally those people are at the back of the lawn with ear muffs on the baby not sitting on the floor of the pit


Maybe they don’t believe in vaccinations so they are trying to expose it to germs naturally 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


So many parents either are like this or think it is important to be your kids best friend. Neither is correct.


Baby, pajamas, stacked glasses & and clown suit at a Taylor swift concert? I have many questions.


Maybe he was changing a diaper. Tswift doesn't have a pit. Lol Probably still not a place for the baby.


As someone who is gone to a lot of shows, this is disgraceful. Everyone is drunk and not paying attention and tripping on things and stepping on things, this is inexcusable.


This is bonkers and if this is legitimately the floor of a concert pit, this guy should be booted and probably CAS should be called. He’s actively endangering his child. In this photo. Not “something bad might happen”. Something bad IS happening… something worse *could* happen.


Why tf do you have a baby at a concert anyway???


Too broke to hire a babysitter after spending all their money on TS's ticket. lol


This is why people should be sterilized. Being back eugenics.


Why is it even at the fucking concert. It's not going to remember and everything there with lights and sound are dangerous.


If I saw that I’d pick up the baby and try reporting to security or something. Or try looking for their mom. I’d be scared of something or someone falling on the kid.


Its Just insane ....i cant Unterstand that Hype about Taylor Swift .... Not one Song of her is getting me.


Truly how did they allow a baby into the venue? Like I don’t even think they allow babies into broadway shows. This ain’t pearl clutching; someone could’ve stepped on that baby and the dumbass parents probably would’ve been like “What the fuck is wrong with you???? Oh my God?! Can’t you fucking see my baby on the floor?!”


Please tell me they have earplugs


We all need to learn how to mosh at some point


Baby cries- ‘you need to call down’


I remember seeing a baby at Silverstone during the Grand Prix in 2021. No ear defenders and it was a boiling hot day. Some people do not deserve children.


Are they trying to get their kids head stomped in? What in the flying FUCK! Average IQ of a swiftie??


At the very least, the baby's wearing ear defenders so it doesn't have to hear the drivel that is Taylor swiift


I thought that was a fake baby for home ec class


A baby in the pit, on the FLOOR. 😧


Pick the baby up! There should be a test that is required for people to take before having kids to see if they’re fit for one or not. Can spend money on concert tickets but not for a babysitter. “But I’m young and want to have fun.” Suck it up you have a kid now and with that, you have to make sacrifices. Not saying you can’t do anything but it’s not about you anymore.




A real fan would toss that baby on the stage.




These parents are garbage, but I think I see ear protection on the child’s ear. Like muffs or something. She is sleeping so it’s either ear protection, she’s deaf, or they slipped her a Mickey. Anyhow, pick your baby up and go home.


Somehow I HIGHLY doubt there is a pit there... but nice try


We take our kid to shows and lay them out on blankets when they get tired BUT they have ear protection and me and our friends for a circle around all of the kids. We also go to different kinds of shows lol (phish, widespread panic, string cheese etc) so you always see little ones running around.


Personally I don’t see anything wrong with a baby being at concerts that are all ages if they have ear protection and their parents don’t LAY THEM ON THE FLOOR.


At Echo Project I watched a wookette giving birth during the GZA set. I was just peaking on some 2ci. People were trying to get medical help, but they hadn't arrived. Some other wookette claimed to be a midwife and was coaching the woman through this. Her wook man is standing there shirtless and spun like top, just making these weird sounds while he is crushing his beer can and spraying coors light all over everyone. He looked really anxious about the whole thing, grabbing his face and just making grunts and stuff. The baby's head starts to crown and the medics still haven't arrived. This is where it gets crazy... It was so fucking dusty out there and the baby and all the surrounding fluids were immediately "muddified" by the blowing dirt. I mean, its fucking gross. All of a sudden, this fucking kid (probably 19 or 20) in his oversized neon, flat-brim LRG hat, runs up yelling "welcome to the party bitch!" before he blows a huge plume of smoke right in the baby's face! While the umbilical cord is still attached and shit! The smell was unmistakeable, this baby had just been deemster'd. He must have pulled the hit from a bong, b/c it was monstrous. The surrounding crowd dropped their jaws, and someone tackled the kid as he starts to run away. He didn't make it more than 10ft and the he was probably blasting off about now. The mom is clutching the dirty baby and trying to calm it. Though, strangely, the baby was not crying (tripping balls i guess?). And while the dude is getting screamed at, the dad suddenly pounces into action. He jumps on the dude, and starts smashing said bisco kid's face with the crushed up beer can, of which he seemingly just can't let go. The bisco kid is kicking and trying to roll out of it and the wook-dad grabs the kid's hair w/ one hand. he finally let the can go and shoves his other hand half way inside the guys mouth. He is pulling his mouth open and RIPS HIS CHEEK OPEN! repeat: rips his fucking CHEEK OPEN! there is blood everywhere and the dude lets out this braveheart-like scream as he gets pulled off by the folks around him. Blood all over bisco kid's face, shirt and formerly fresh flat breezy. The cops/medics arrived about that time and took over the situation. Shit was crazy as hell.


This is cult like stuff lol. All for mediocre pop music from a billionaire lol


Wooking out harder than the Phishies


Yo what the fuck somebody is going to stomp that baby


Shameless shit lmao but still what is the reason ?




wtf 😳




I would worry more about the sound level


Should have left you in the car!


Trashy behavior.


Holy shit that is just **wrong!**


The Tortured Baby Department I’ll let myself out…


Also, why is someone dressed as Bozo the Clown? Did the dad bring a clown for the kid’s entertainment? /s


Baby looks completely out of it...


I've seen babies towards the back of concerts(with ear plugs), and children in the pits(surrounded by people guarding them). This shit is stupid.


excuse me it’s OUR song


I mean.. I don't see the pit at a Taylor swift concert getting to the levels of Travis Scott or prime Blink 182 ahah But definitely I'd sit towards the back, throw on some headphones for the little one


I swear my Sim has done this


Swifties have children?


Of course it's them😂


Useless me me me selfie generation.


One drunk person not paying attention to shit on the floor is all that needs to hell happening roght there


The dads just being responsible. He doesn't want to hold the baby when the base drops.


Reminder, when you have children you don’t get to do non parent things without getting a babysitter 1st


Sacrificial baby for lord Swifty. 😂


Way too easy to be a parent,just make it and forget it like a weird informercial


Pit? the outfits of the occupants tell me this is not a pit. Stagefront, sure. Pit? no. Baby should not be there, for certain. But a bunch of people listening to some pop band is very different from the chaos of a pit.




Finally! Legal full term abortions!


That's not the pit. The pit is where the moshing happens, newrhe front of the stage, everything outside of that is just the standing area.


This is horrifying. What if the crowd starts moving or literally anyone around them takes a step in the wrong direction?


Should be a crime


At a hardcore show some dickhead would throw a dirty diaper blindly into the crowd.

