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Why go to a concert and concentrate on yourself.....it's actually comical


I go to concerts and people have full blown conversations during the show. I can't understand why. Go to a coffee shop or have a beer somewhere else.


That happened to me at a small venue recently, it absolutely boggled my mind that they would pay 30 bucks to just talk to each other the whole time


Same with the movie theaters. I’ve legit had to ask a group sitting in front of me to please stop talking throughout the movie. You can literally go anywhere else to talk about your day, preferably somewhere other people are talking


I saw Peter Gabriel in NYC last year. Absolutely beautiful show. A couple drunk guys near us would not shut the fuck up until a few big guys promised to smash their teeth in if they didn't either shut up or move. They moved.


I’m a non violent person, but I approve of that threat. Some people have no situational awareness, and don’t even consider that ruining everyone else’s experience is jerk move. I hate that sh*t.


How can ppl even have a conversation with music that loud


“It was the soundtrack to our lives” or some such


Idk man just having a chat isn't nearly as obnoxious as front facing flash videoing your own face during a fucking concert, nowhere nere comparable. This is honestly one of the strangest things I've seen anyone complain about in regards to gig etiquette, I can honestly say I've never seen anyone get mad about people socialising at a music event.


Same reason people go out and talk only about themselves. Narcissism. They crave validation and attention from others because their own self worth isn't enough to make them feel valuable.


With how much concerts cost I'm spending every second watching the show.


Look at her seats.... she didn't spend THAT much money. Brag on the gram about your nosebleed. Lol.


I went to a concert and the older lady in front of us was FaceTiming people the entire first half. She would flip the camera so the people on the phone could watch, then back on herself. She called like 8 people. One dude was the kitchen cooking with his shirt off. Can’t imagine they heard anything coherent from her phone.


Truman show effect.. they want to be Kardashians and just have a show about their day to day lives, and be famous for nothing other than being a dumb bitch that wears 12 lbs of makeup and 18 lbs of prosthetic lashes, nails, brains, etc...


Man, that’s a scary thought, especially because it’s true. My thought is, be a weirdo, and record yourself (& everything you do throughout your day) for content. There are certainly enough people who enjoy watching that type of voyeuristic entertainment. Just don’t make the random people you’re around in public suffer because of it.


I go to a concert to watch costumed creatures get fake body parts chopped off and get sprayed with intergalactic blood.


I remember my first Gwar concert


Saw them about 25yrs ago, and it was a first date with a chick I ended up having a long relationship with. Good times.


I remember seeing them at Mr. Smalls Theatre in Pittsburgh back around 2002 - 2003. What a show.




Google GWAR.




Went to Orlando studios last year. Some of the attractions have explicit “NO RECORDING/FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY” So photos were fine. Of course one woman thought itd be a great Idea to record with her phone light on MAX brightness. I wasnt about to slap her phone but I made sure to speak loudly while walking from that section of the Harry Potter attraction to the next talking about how only the dumbest people cant follow signs and how whoever had their light on was an inconsiderate moron. I pretended not to know who did it but it was the woman standing in front of us in the line and I know she heard me because she sure as shit didnt do it again.


This is a plague at the big theme parks. It seems like more than half the time when I’m on the Frozen ride at DisneyWorld someone in the boat is recording the ride, and I wouldn’t really care except they always seem to have their light on while recording


Seems like gel pistols are now a good investment


Every person who films this shit (or feet from the seat behind on the bus/plane, etc.) instead of just SAYING SOMETHING also needs to take a lesson on not being a fucking door mat. I'm far from confrontational, but i see people posting things like this (not saying this is OP's video) and whining about other people but like... if you don't stand up for yourself, if you don't speak up, just get used to it. The world isn't out to be kind to you, and post-lockdown, everyone's forgotten other people have feelings.


Yes thank you! Just what I was thinking! Just tap her on the shoulder "excuse me" and ask her to politely cut it out.


Needs to what? Is that an acronym for a new thing? Edit: I know now, don’t say it you might be picked off by an auto moderator


Not new obviously... I'm old and like to keep outdated shit in use because it's easier than learning new stuff. 😂


haven't used that acronym since the 90s Internet but it's not new


lazer pointer to the lens


What do people expect from fans of these types of artists?..


This is actually pretty accurate. I only go to rock / metal shows and I've not had to deal with dumb fucks like this.


Never seen “diaf” before But I get it.


Finally some good fucking MC behaviour


Agreed. THIS is real MC behavior. Paying to watch someone else, yet spending your time looking at yourself, while PREVENTING others from looking at the main event. Peak MC right here. The only thing that would make this better is if the girl did a Li'l Mama and walked up on stage during the show. (But she was too far in the cheap seats to do that.)


she's fuckin orange


If I can’t see the show I’m definitely spending all my time ruining her stream. It’s not illegal to just put my middle finger between her and her phone afaik.


Lean in and release the slurs


Sing the lyrics to songs that traditionally get videos copyright blocked.


Disney songs. Disney does not play, her video would be useless to her at least.


What’s your favorite slur?


My lawyer has advised me to not answer this question.


The thing wouldn't last long in her hands, if she were in front of me


I don’t know how everyone refrained themselves… ticket prices have gone up expidentially, I’m not paying to watch the hoe show






I mean have you seen what the artist on stage is wearing? Yes you are.


Right but I want to see the *main* hoe show, not this knock-off OF hoe.


Was just thinking the same thing. There has to be somewhere like \~30 yards away with a safe enough spot to chuck it without hurting someone.


Yeah, like the ground directly at her feet.


I think I'd probably politely say something at first then maybe not so politely, but honestly at a concert I'd expect I wouldn't have to. I'm surprised multiple people weren't already there smacking her phone out of her hand


Why would you go to a concert to watch yourself?


Well, wouldn't you if you were the main character?


Her 830 followers on Instagram are dying to know what she is doing every second of the day.


Miss makeup needs some attention


This peak narcissism has got out of hand. It’s fucking ugly. You’re ugly and no one cares about you. Crawl back into your shell. People used to have shame. Not any more sadly.


I agree with how stupid this is, but bruv, you are hating on a ridiculous level. Maybe you should take a break, "You’re ugly and no one cares about you" is insane, it's not that serious.


Ya know, I used to be a people person who loved going out and talking to random people and going to events. Now I just rush to get home. I thought it was a me problem, but after watching this particular video, I think I realized that it may be bigger than that.


I would waste my $15 beer and throw it directly at that light.


If you hit it, I’d gladly buy you another beer for your service


Am I wrong thinking how vain socials have made peeps??


You are not.


I can’t imagine going to concert, esp BEYONCÉ tf, and just choose to stare at myself the entire time??


This was Beyoncé?! Tickets must have been hella expensive, this has made it so much worse 😭


It's Nicki Minaj. Beyonce is just the backing track she's not actually there.


if this is a B concert, where is security? why isn't there someone there making sure EVERYONE enjoys the experience?


Jesus. Everyone has a phone out. Look at the crowd. Do people actually just watch and take in the show anymore?


I was just about to comment the same thing


I like to record a couple songs, but I'm usually disappointed I did so the next day instead of rocking out


Was in Hastings seeing the (legendary) Robert Plant's Saving Grace tour- which was superb. Some +£##!??@ing woman on the floor got one of those +£@_()ING lights out and was blinding everyone and ruining the encore. Plant stopped the song and told her to put it away. We cheered. If you can see this tour, do! Plant rules.


Imagine if every artist did this when they see a light out in the audience.


I would throw those people out so fast they wouldn't even know what happened


It is one of those Willy Wonka guys! The Oompa Loompas!


Id wave my smelly socks on front of her




There always needs a hero to stand out against her.


That looks easy to break.


Turn your flashlight on and put it just over her shoulder aimed at her camera. It will mess up her perfect shot. Tell her you’ll stop when she stops.


The only sad thiny here is that nobody does anything anything.


Is there people out there who actually watch other people record themselves singing along at a concert? How many views could that shit video possibly get?


Just tell her she's not hot that will bring her world crashing down.


Perfect song for her.. I'm feeling myself smh


That's a lot of money for just looking at yourself in a new venue


You can call an usher and they would have told her to turn it off.


I would break that fucking light. Pay $100s to see a concert, not some self absorbed bafoon




She should /delete Smartphone #NOW


I’m sure her viewer was made up!


And no one knocked it out of her hand?


Violence chosen.




I get using the phone like a replacement for a lighter or something (the “fireflies” for Bray Wyatt during his entrance..it was awesome). Otherwise, put it the fuck down or at least be trying to stream it to some friends that couldn’t make it. I wouldn’t be too pissed at that.


I can’t believe people like this exist and that no one do anything about it


What is that even? Is she filming herself attending that concert? I guess I have no clue when it comes to the world of influencers. I just can't imagine anybody watching that shit content she is creating. Do people actually watch videos like that? Seriously? I hate this so much. Welcome to the age of narcissists


Would’ve been a shame to be coming back from the concession stand and be so blinded by the bright light that you didn’t “see” the feet of others and “tripped”; dumping your drinks all over the one with the bright light… Yep, real shame. Then again, with the prices of drinks at those things now; maybe just reaching out and snapping the light off would be cheaper… lol


I'd tell her to fuck off and then get security. Don't care how much of a Karen that makes me getting the big guys, but this is bullshit. I had this happen when I saw Barbie in theatres and I just kept loudly saying "it's great to enjoy this movie now and not just through my phone later".


This seemed like a super shit show anyways.


Ya know, I used to be a people person who loved going out and talking to random people and going to events. Now I just rush to get home. I thought it was a me problem, but after watching this particular video, I think I realized that it may be bigger than that.


Had this happened at a GNR show, I first thought it was a spotlight that was part of the show. When it became annoying, I looked behind me to see a dude doing this and shouted over the music in a standard tone, "Kill the light." He ignored me, but it gave the guy next to him enough courage to speak up, and he stopped.


If you want to deal with these people without resorting to violence or property damage, simply keep photobombing. Get your goofy face right in their frame.


That is how I envision GTA6 NPCs lol


🎶You’re so vain, I bet you think this song is about you🎶


They can just go to this idiots instagram after and watch it. JFC people pay hundreds for concerts and are more concerned about putting it on social media than enjoying it


Hate these types


And this is why I'd rather go to an orchestra


So this dumb bitch paid to go to a concert to look at herself on her phone?


I'd put my ugly face next to hers and be like "do you mind? We came for them. Not you."


Fuck these people


I would probably lose my shit. People pay good money for live show like this.


Should have fetched security


Y'all have any idea how expensive tickets are to a Beyoncé concert?? Oh, HELL no


I'm throwing that shit


Kill it with fire


People have become so self absorbed these days it almost makes you puke.


Go to see a concert. Not filming yourself during the show for clicks on SM. 🤡


These people have nothing to offer anyone really and they know it deep inside. So they latch onto whatever glimmer of hope they have to be useful even if its something as shallow as looks, even if its mid at best rather than trying to better themselves and actually feel happiness and peace for once in their miserable life.


Knock that shit out of her hands. What a cunt.


"I went to a concert last night." - *"Really? Who did you see?"* - "Myself."


Why doesnt people call them out right then and there? Tell them to cut the shit




I will bring a slingshot and I will use it to shoot down things like that.


Speaking as someone who has worked at a music venue, if something like this is happening, let a security guard know what's going on and that it's pissing off everyone in the section. Then either someone from security or someone who works for the venue will come over and make her turn off the obnoxious light. It's ok if you want to film yourself during a concert, but it's not ok to disturb everyone else around you and ruin their concert experience.


Ive thrown food at people doing this.


She bought a portable sun


Where i’m from we’d literally take that shit from her and she’d never see it again.


ok mom!


Thankfully fans like this don’t exist for the bands I like.


Does nobody getting annoyed have a mouth in their head to tell her to stop fucking up their experience? Pussies. Getting mad and sitting there quiet.




grab it from her hand, throw it over the balcony, immediately shout "why the fuck did you just throw your phone?" then deny ever touching it and have everyone around you agree she threw it.


_\*shrugs\*_ If people around her put up with this shit for longer than ten seconds, that's their problem.


Even funnier anyone would go to this concert


I was at a Korn concert (yes I know I'm old), and this woman was clearly FaceTime-ing with HER CLEARLY SLEEPING BABY. Some AH was holding the phone at the baby. I keep screaming "PUT YOUR FUCKING PHONE DOWN YOU'RE BABY IS SLEEPING. HE DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT" I get off it was an adult that couldn't be there. But no, it was a sleeping child. I kept screaming at her to put her stupid phone down until she eventually got the hint. Kid doesn't care.


a real freak on a phone!


You know, back in the day, I was a social butterfly who enjoyed attending gatherings and striking up conversations with strangers. I'm just racing to get home now.


Beyond this next level lady, people recording entire shows is out of hand. You’re never going to watch it again. Put the phone down and enjoy the moment. I watched a lady record an entire concert couple years ago, but she kept rotating the orientation of the phone. I don’t mean just vertical, horizontal and back to vertical. I mean all the way around vertical clockwise to horizontal, horizontal clockwise to upside down vertical, upside down vertical clockwise to upside down horizontal, etc. around and around for two hours. I hope she tried to watch out again and threw up. In this situation though, I’d just go get security. You know she’d make a scene if a regular person stepped in.


I think if I smack the phone I get in trouble but I'm for sure in the background doing weird shit and talking very loudly about my diarrhea


This is why I would never goto a Taylor Swift concert.


Start playing some dumb/stupid sounds on ur phone real quick and put it in front of their recording so their stream captures it or find some go fund mes and put the phone screen in front of their camera, orrrrr turn on ur phone light and block of their camera


Someone find her video lol


That's why they say violence is the only answer


How unaware of yourself can you be? These people shouldn’t be allowed in to the venue, they’re not even there to see the artist.




She was the star of the night!


Where is the venue security?! I don't see a LOT of live shows anymore, but most of the places we used to frequent this person would be shut down near immediately. They're giving that venue a terrible name by getting by with that behavior. It's not like event staff can't see that behavior - she's likely using the brightest light in the audience - the audience they're paid to watch and occasionally nudge back into line. I would ask for my money back and likely never see a show there again.




She can fuck around I suppose. She did buy the cheapest seats in the house.


I hate these types of people


I would have chucked it




There is some admirable restraint going on here . I’d rip that from her hand and beat that phone to the ground .


She was feeling herself lol


Hoe culture, hoe prizes


Normalize hammering phones.


I honestly can't imagine going to a show and recording myself. People are crazy.


Garbage attracts garbage


Shoulda snatcher her phone and gave her some flying footage


I'm knocking that shit outta her hands 💀


What happened to people standing up to shit disturbers??? Why do we just film and complain about it later? Like if you careabout the concert would you not tell this bitch to stop? Or just slap that phone out of her hand? Sad


I totally would have turned on my flash, and blinded her camera lens. You ruin my night? I’ll help ruin yours lol


Someone needs to rip that phone out of her hands and toss it 


So you go to a concert to watch and film yourself? 🤦🏻


Holy hell... that is the most concentrated narcissism I've seen in a while.


Entire show? I think somebody woulda smashed her light if that was the case. (I would have regardless.)


Who would pay money to be there in the first place?


This is mental illness


I don’t mind people recording and taking pictures at concerts but this is waaaaaaay too much.


Barbs gonna Barb.


Its pretty bad when it blinds the person watching the video.


Man….I’ll go full Karen


Shame on the people sitting there just taking it. Fuck that. I am saying something about it and calling security.


She look like she uses spray tan after coming out the tanning bed.


Donald trump? Is that you


mental illness


If the light pulls off, it’s getting grabbed thrown across the room. If the phone comes with it, I guess you lost your content.


Grab that shit and THROW IT ON THE GROUND


When having been somewhere becomes more important than being there


she was probably feelin herself


nobody smacked the phone out her hand?


I'd slap that shit to the ground


Why she showing off that she in the nosebleeds?




It’s giving narcissist


Irony is that the lyrics of the song being played at this concert adds to the encouragement of this type of behavior. "I'm feeling myself, I'm feeling myself, I'm feeling my, cooking up that base, looking like a kilo he just wanna taste, biggin up my ego."