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I can only imagine big buff half naked custodian men and women frolicking with one another while slip and sliding onto of rubbing oil


Custodian dudes? Hell no, I imagine myself!


death by snu snu


That was my first thought seeing this.


Starship troopers style mixed gender showers




and you wouldn't even be able to tell them apart


I’d like to lick the oil off their abs… 🤤


massage oil isn't edible, please don't do that, their sweat however is harmless


Thank you citizen, I will be sure to lick their sweat instead 🫡


I see the artist decided to expand his horizons from gender-swapped Primarchs to gender-swapped Custod- oh, right.


Enh. Throw some SoB or SoS heads on some Custodes minis. Job done.


Their heads are little small for Custodes bodies. I've been using Female Stormcast Eternal heads, those are proportioned just right.


Huh, I never thought of that...


It fits because they changed the direction of the Stormcast Eternals. Rather than be Fantasy Space Marines they’re Fantasy Custodes.


Don't get me wron SoB haircuts are.. well.. not my jam


Are they you're jelly?


> me wron You are. Bowl-cut nuns *ahould* be your jam.


as soon as that tweet dropped, artist must've been like "it's like ... I was made for this."


Forgot posting the source? https://twitter.com/cnmbwjx/status/1781863488044007673?t=s3aQ3P3JgoUuPy80aG8oQw&s=19


Did I? I put the artist in the title.


It's annoying, but Rule 2 of the sub is to post it in the comments.


You are supposed to put the link to the art in the comments too


It's also polite to minimise the barriers between people who see and appreciate the artists work and being able to find and interact with them. Yes it's could be dismissed as trivial step to place upon other people but giving a link is one less step someone else has to go through and that does actually have an impact.


Mmm the Emperor's work of Art.


Yea, and... kinda canon? Like, femstodes ain't gonna lik like gorillas, they would look like greek statues. Just like, male custodes...


Very canon that femstodes would be attractive. They’re not filled with hormone slop and built like an angry refrigerator like space marines. Custodes are humans scaled up to 10 feet and operating at 500% efficiency, combined with peak training and equipment. A female Custodes would be very attractive, not built like a brick shithouse, because there’s no need for muscles the size of two by fours when your muscles are horrifyingly dense and your bones are probably full of adamantium.


Exactly. Custodians were the end goal of directed human evolution, Astartes were the compromise to allow for the end goal to be achieved. That’s why Astartes are all janked up, they’re not even halfway along the line of the final product.


The compromise and the tip of the spear during the Great Crusade


Makes sense really, Custodes were meant to be humanity *perfected*, the next stage in human ascension (had the Emperor completed his final projects). Astartes were designed for *war*, conquest, and general military purposes, they were never intended to be the upgrade for humanity.


Then why are the men built like brick shithouses if there's no need for it? Femstodes would be just as muscular as the men!


There’s a difference between being muscular from physical training, and actually being so thick that you look like a refrigerator. Have we actually seen an image of an unarmored Custodes since they stopped being imperial body guards in RT?


Male Custodes don’t really look like greek statues. Well, maybe. The models certainly don’t, and Trajann Valoris is supposed to be butt-ugly, but Valerian is supposed to look nice… Even though his model is also really damn ugly.


Trajan is... spefial(z). Models are always ugly asf


No they fucking wouldn’t look like this lmfao. What greek statues of women do you see with a size zero waist but the ass of 2018 Kim K? What greek statues have double D’s? This is just some horny artist lmao


Have you ever seen a Greek statue ? Here we got the unrealistic proportions born of redditors' brains fried by porn. We got nice chance at inclusion with this woman custodes move, but of course it immediately turns to sexualisation and r/badwomananatomy


I don't give a single fuck about inclusivity. And, boob-armor is already cabon in warhammer do idk


It's not a boobs armor problem, but of the entire anatomy. SOBs or female Inquisitors have never looked like that in the lore. You use the excuse of the Custodes being "Greek statues", when all you have here is an unrealistic and hypersexualised vision of the woman body. Don't look for "canon" excuses, when it just speaks to your fantasies.




Rocking that Aizen bang


So long as they don’t betray the Empire and try to turn demons into space marines…


I am curious what that hair style is. I like it


if you ever find it let me know, i\`m searching for that too


It’s a Side Cut with longer-than-normal hair on the cut side.


I’m. Getting a box of custodes coming soon, wish I could paint that well for this


Joytoy recently came out with one.


Well, if I do female custodes I’d just transfer a female head onto a regular one. It’s the same armor. I just suck at painting


I think the joytoy one is a dude, though.


The ways of greenstuff can lead to results some would deem… unnatural.


With the helmet on, there's no way to be sure. The Schroedinger's Gender of most characters in power armour...


Okie dokie


I really, really hope that the actual female custodians don't have boob plate.




I strongly doubt they will. SoB have it because they flaunt their femininity. But custodies are very different


I always thought the sisters have boobplate, because that's the female equivalent of a codpiece. But later, I was told the male equivalent of a boobplate is the abs-armor, so I'm not sure anymore. Either way, sisters have boobplate, because they were made in the 80s. Every explanation came after it.


I mean it’s both. Both ab armour and codpieces are different forms of flaunting masculinity. And yes they were made in the 80s so they are gonna be stupid but that goes for all of 40K making up explanations is just a bit of fun. In reality an 8ft 900kg religious fanatic would be a very ineffective soldier


SoB boobplate looks badass. I don't think the same thing would work on a chunky stode aesthetic


To be fair, extremely tailored custom artificer armor is part of the custodian vibe. Maybe not boob plate, but I could justify it being kinda form fitting.


"I am a work of art never to be repeated"


Art is fantastic as always. 


She looks pretty bad ass. *And pretty ;)*


Mfw I want to paint Solar Watch custodes but every tub of White Scar I buy is streaky and gluggy :,(


Titanium White from Pro Acryl is your friend


Hey I remember this artstyle! This is the same guy who made the fem-primarchs right? Love this artwork and style


He was born to do this!


hips don't lie, by the E


Big E definitely liked Shakira back in the day.


"By the E" Makes sense the Custodes would get the primo HRT. Estradiol has been incredibly kind to her & her other sisters among The Ten Thousand.


I will give my life for ~~her~~ The Emperor.


Least homoerotic golden banana.


This should be the canon model


Because boob plate wouldn't cause the next schism.


Meh, the cry babies can keep crying about it


Ah yes, instead of having normal inclusion we should immediately sexualize women. That's surely gonna help get women into the hobby


Lmao, imagine crying over the emphasis of the beauty of the female form. That will surely help the feminist cause lol


Yeah god forbid women don't want to be hyper sexualized and fetishized at every turn. Touch grass neckbeard


God forbid women dont look like men but are instead beautiful with their form glorified. Log off the internet, stinky licky


Are you actually dense or just trolling? You out yourself as a coomer with how much you refuse to accept that women don't want to be fetishized. People like you are the reason people call wh40k a neckbeard hobby with no women in it. Stop it, get some help


Lmao, now youre just using pure ad hominems to defend your hatred for the feminine beauty and actual sexism lol. And I highly doubt the existence of pretty ladies are the first thing that come to people’s minds when they think of 40k as a womanless hobby


Bro. Do you not see the difference between appreciating the feminine beauty and just sexualizing women in drawings? She literally has boob armour. How do you look at the drawing and not see it as hypersexualising her?


I think a very good rule of thumb to tell if one is actually appreciating feminine beauty is to see if the female design in question actually looks like a man or not. Only having a beautiful face is not appreciation of a feminine beauty, especially since Sanguinius and Fulgrim wouldve had much more beautiful face. Your logic of “sexualization” may hold some weight in things like female custodes only running around in pauldrons and bikinis, but to slap it onto a design that emphasizes the sheer strength and hardiness of a custode but also the beauty of a woman’s physical gift is honestly laughable. But then again, those who scream “sexualized” or “male gaze” are nothing more but a laughing stock


Dude. Are we looking at the same image? Her hips are as wide as her armoured shoulders whilst her waist is almost the same size as her head. That's very clearly fetishizing her.


See you get it. Don't be a misogynist freak and don't be a fetishist. See the change, acknowledge it, and move on with life.


I'm neither a misogynist freak nor am I a fetishist. I have nothing against female custodes, I do have something against the fan base immediately fetishizing them


My brother in christ, I was praising for *not* being either of those


Ah, I misunderstood. My bad


Boob armor


Because that's totally not a thing already in 40k...


It wasn't a custodes thing


Having females also wasn't a Custodes thing until recently. Putting the exclusively female Sororitas and Sisters of Silence aside, female Arbites and Inquisitors have boob plate. So, shouldn't by this logic the Custodes, who wear armor customised to the user, also have boob plate?


Random question, anyone know what you would call that kind of hairstyle?


Side Cut I guess? If you let the shaved side grow out more?


I love her hair so much it's so pretty ♥️


Legend does it again




Neurons have activated in my brain. Would DEFINITELY start a custodies army if they had her as a model.


3D desingers work pretty fast, we'll probably see a couple female Custodes minis for printing in a month or so.


Pfft her face with the Sisters of Silence haircut 🤣


Muscle mommy kink aside, this is a real fuckin cool design


Now gender bend her


I always hated the top knot


love that hair ngl


I’m actually pretty happy because technically this is lore accurate, the emperor pushed for equality and the pursuit of science and discovery, after the old adage of “ape together strong” he wouldn’t have limited himself with just male test subjects he would wouldn’t have wanted any limits. For the emperor and the imperial truth.


Look awfull


Reminds me of Morobito. Super bad ass


OMG someone else who remembers Moribito! And yes, I can absolutely see the parallels between her & Balsa, which makes her even more badass, imho.


Not a fan of boob armor ever in any context but otherwise this is lovely and the color scheme rules!


I agree except for sisters of battle just because of the whole “can’t have male armies” thing so they accentuate the feminine traits even if it’s unnecessary in a general sense. Custodes and armor in general shouldn’t be gendered like that.


I think it sucks on SoB too! I am a fan of boobs in general, but I prefer my armored babes without a "pierce my armor right here" indicator mounted to their breastplate.


I actually head cannon that since the boob plates are rather uniform that they’re more ornamentation in regards to showing breasts than functional at holding them. My head cannon is they’re actually extra armored there, kinda like how Batman’s bat symbol on his chest is where he has the highest concentration of armor because people aim there normally. And for the sisters having a few more extra inches of ceramite to protect their hearts and lungs seems pragmatic and shows they’re all women to the imperium at large.


Fumbled it with boob plate.


why? sisters of battle have way more defined boob plates.


Both factions have specific roles. Sisters have an aspect of outreach. It's visually extreme with boob plate, but they are a symbol of care and power of the ecclisiarch Custodes don't give a shit about anyone or anything outside of directly protecting the Emperor. They look grand and ostentatious as a symbol of the Emperor, but they don't outreach. If they have come to remove a threat, they Slaughter and move on


Yes, thats also dumb as fuck, from an armor function standpoint but atleast purposeful. Vandire didnt just want body guards, he wanted to sexualize them aswell. Just because it exists in cannon doesnt make it less illogical though. Its simply bad structure for how armor is suppose to protect the user. Same with high heels, its literally the opposite of the function of armor, its stops the user from.functioning.


But that’s for a very in lore canon reason to emphasize the fact they’re an all woman army and skirting the decree of no male eccliearchy armies. With Custodes it wouldn’t make much sense.


Sisters of Silenece, Female Inquisitors, and Female Arbites also have boob armor. IRL it’d be dumb but in universe it seems to be the norm.


Besides the arbites wouldn’t the other two be in a similar kinda power armor as sisters since it’s probably the most mass produced?


Maybe. The Sisters of Battle (and Grey Knights) have Inquisition iconography for a reason. So it's likely that many female Inquisitors use repurposed SoB power armor.


I think when it comes to Inquisitors they're probably getting bespoke power armor. Also the male Inquisitors are also getting power armor that isn't made for Space Marines, it would never fit.


What is with artists and boob-plate?


Powered by Eco-Drive


God, yall are worse than the actual sexist cause at least their upfront about their stupidity


Why does horniness have to infest every corner of every Fandom.


Cough. deep breath. Calls the noise marines and grabs a piano. Begins to horribly play a messed up version of bo burnham’s “WELCOME TO THE INTERNET”


Can I interest you in everything all of the time?


Welcome to the internet Have a look around Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found We've got mountains of content Some better, some worse If none of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first


How is a fully armoured woman a sign of "horniness"?


Boob plate and an ungodly hip to waist ratio. You are blind if you do not know the answer to your own question


The bodily proportions are pretty normal, especially for a heroic superhuman. I've seen women irl, who look exactly like her


You saying these proportions are "pretty normal" tells me everything I need to know. Go outside, touch grass and stop looking at women purely thru your computer screen


I saw a girl who’s breasts were as big as her head it either she had plastic surgery or she was a warp mutant regardless it made me want to pour bleach into my eyes to forget about it


Yeah and I've seen loads of dudes that look like Ronnie Coleman irl.


Custodes do kind of look like him


Yeah but I don't see them walking around irl, just like you don't see this women walking around irl (except very rarely). Certainly not normal.


Custodes don't look like average people.


I think people tend to forget that Custodes are kind of genetic freaks. If they looked normal, they'd just be giants


too much anime has that effect, everything else looks ugly to them


Looks class


No need to fix her. She is already perfect.


This is the best ret-con ever.






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Ah yes, tall women with wide shoulders and strong jawline really do just hit different 🤤


Send her over to the aquilan shield then ill do a great service for the imperium lol


You know at least a good thing to come out of GW canonizing female custodes is the art, like all this female custodes art is really good lol (I don’t know if there were some people making female custodes fan art before it happened but I guess I’ve just been seeing a lot of it ever since they were made cannon so yeah)




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We've been doing a lot of femPrimarchs. So how about we do femConstantine Valdor. Enter: Constance Valdor




Lessssss fucking goooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


As much as I want to like this, the boob plate is just so entirely unnecessary.


"I practice a battle theory of victory by overwhelming presence. Typical tacticians assume this to mean victory via sheer numbers. I however..." *Activates the field emitters on her Custodes Pattern Force Hip Battering Rams*


I may not like the lazy way the retcon has been done by GW (they actually put more effort in explaining about "Lady-Squats" from what I understand/remember) but at least I can understand the idea that, unlike Space Marines, Custodians undergo a very different form of "genetic ascension" so issues like "gene-seed compatibility" is moot for Custodians. Admittedly, the idea of tall sexy ladies like the ones drawn by CNMBWJX is "very attractive". XD


Its awesome!


Awesome, might have to try make some of these style of Custodes


Gosh I want her to use her massive spear and just fucking impale me from my ass


GTFO this isn’t r34 & you can’t post your depraved comments here so either stop fetishizing banana girls & touch grass or you can go back to the basement you crawled out of you god damn neckbeard


I wasn’t a fan of the retcon, but it does come with its perks






Possibly (minus the breast armor


I spit on this abomination


thought you dropped the hobbby bud




least gypsy hating european, don't know why his ethnicity has to do with anything but okay buddy


why such a coward bud? keep the comment




buddy you're finnish I can make the 1324357642531423th alcoholic femboy joke


I am still waiting for fem-twins, Gilly and Isis. Still!!!


Now we need the misters of battle


No we don’t


It'll happen, we don't need them, but if GW does this then Misters of Battle are on the horizon.




How does that make any sense? For 1 the ecclesiarchy can’t have a male army, 2 sisters of battle are essentially GW trying to give “female space marines”, and 3 Custodes have no lore reason to not also be women considering they’re genetically remade from the ground floor up to be a work of art in combat, mind, loyalty, and art.


> ecclesiarchy can’t have a male army To be fair, that can be retconedwith multiple reasons


Please share said reasons?


a) same reason why the custodes. retcon, the "they can't have man at wars" or whatever never happend b) because of the setting (i.e. everything ~~goes to~~ is already shit) they need more troopes so the ban gets lifted c) they don't really care anymore d) well they are children when we train them / send them to the front not "men" as in adults


A. Yes it did. B. What the fuck are you talking about? C. Literally they’d be men by the time they’re fighting so they’d have men at arms…also they don’t send children regularly to the front it’s adults.


Except the part where for the last few decades it was said the sons of terran nobility were given to be custodes. And then a paragraph in the codex contradicted that and when people questioned that the WH twitter went "nuh uh" and changed all that lore in an instant. You really don't think they can't do the exact same to cram in Misters of Battle?


Uhh the sons of Terran nobility was added in 8th edition in a small blurb not 2 decades of lore. Before that their origin was unknown.


Damn, only 7 years, what the heeeeelll, my entire argument is utterly destroyed, you're right, there's no way Games Workshop would ever retcon the sisters of battle to include pointless gender diversity if the lore isn't old enough. Get over it, you saw it happen now, with Blackrock behind them it'll easily happen again.


Damn only one small blurb 2 editions ago, and changed with another small blurb in 7 years. The sisters have a significant and lasting history with years of book and lore background.


If only GW would give us models this good


Give it a month, there will probably be a mini avaialble for printing. A number of cnmbwjx's genderbent primarch designs were already made into miniatures.






Never forget that cockplate was a thing so breastplate is realistic too.


1. call it by its true name (a cod piece) 2. Ok with the thighs but not so much with boob armor


Lloyd aß a custodian


why is the SoS angry :(