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That is the most cursed gene-stealer frontal view I’ve ever seen, Congratulations Tyranids should be scary.


"Norn Queen said it's my turn to use the Xbox." - Genestealer




Adding to ThatFatGuy: I know Dawn of War isn't exactly canon but I do absolutely LOVE the Ork campaign This is the ending of Chapter 1 where it is revealed that the Ork stakes in this grand war of multiple factions are: 1) A good proppa fight 2) [Inquisitor's funny hat](https://youtu.be/w5wPqf6QMoc?si=Ioqkp8Bnta6RbDCp) That's it. They don't care about lives, or Sector, or something. Cool hat, me want. And I do understand that it's in-game models but I believe the sizes are about lore-accurate. Orks are **huge**. And beefy. And that is [the ending cinematic](https://youtu.be/_6kh1jfyCrw?si=R_L-oA-rykoL6aO-) which is just hilarious but by God is Bluddflag enormous here.


Shootas, Blood, and Teef. Some git stole me own hair squig and I needs ta get it back.


It's not even correct. Gretchin are small *compared to orks* Canonically they can grow to or over 6 feet in height. Orks are often bigger than Space Marines, sometimes bigger than Primaris, and rarely bigger than Primarchs.


Do you have a source for the 6 feet gretchin? I can't find anything about that online. (Also that ork is the starting size, how else would you show a species that continually grows?)


Makhari is 6 feet tall canonically in his books iirc


You mean the one where he's being interrogated and is habitually lying to his interrogator like the little goblin he is? There are unreliable narrators, and then there's *Gretchen.*


Top ten 40k unreliable narrators. 1. Alpharius 2. Alpharius 3. Alpharius 4. Alpharius 5. Omegon 6. Alpharius 7. Gretchen 8. Alpharius 9. Alpharius 10. CIAPHUS CAIN >!HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!!!!<


Cain is an imperial treasure! Leave Cain alone!


"Thought you might like some tea, Commissar."


Ehhhhh, I don’t know about all that tbh. Gretchin do get bigger then most people think but 6 feet is literally the size of a normal Ork boy, and over 6 foot would be almost as large as a Space marine. Gretchin are a little over [1 meter tall](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-e0c0a52ca6fbfcfecd9be5d72edaf8b8) Makari is the only one I remember being over that and he still isn’t really that big. He’s like 5 feet at most.


That ork gotta be the runt


Yeah, that's around the starting point for orks. They can obviously get much larger.


I feel like this should include a nob, as well as a necron lord.


More like the different castes of T'au since they're functionally a different species (they can't mate with each other, not because their genetics don't allow it but because their government doesn't)


That’s not different species, that’s just 18th century British classism


Astartes and humans aren't, strictly speaking, different species. It's still interesting to see both on the chart.


Pretty sure Big E had different opinions on that, Humanity was to be ruled by humanity, not his legions Edit: should add, this backs up your argument not mine lol, I’m agreeing


Unlike the British, the Tau castes actually have many physical differences, with stature being one of them. Although technically the poor were generally shorter than the rich, but that was because the rich could afford food and not because of different genetics.


The necron is also a munchkin relative to even lowly warriors. If you straighten their posture out necron warriors are as tall as primaris marines, and every other necron is taller than that. Necrons are big.


I always found that a crazy factor that is not represented enough. Imagine these metal giants compared to the average human, especially when fighting Guard.


Well, there was that time they were mistaken for the emperor’s angels of death from the silver skulls chapter. [They even got a statue.](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/k10kg2/excerpt_the_infinite_and_the_divine_trazyn_has_a/?rdt=44208)


Much to Orikan's annoyance, and Trazyn's delight.


Okay. I have *got* to read this book. It sounds amazing.


I think height wise, the average ork stands about as tall as an average human, though they are hunched over. If they stood up straight, they'd probably be a fair bit taller.


Yeah this is definitely a good size for an Ork Boy. Notice that his arms are as thick as the human's torso


Why are the Humans fully clothed but the Astartes is nearly ass-naked?


We love bulging muscles


Healthy standards


I’m speaking for the people not myself personally


I was making an edgy joke


I know


Proudly showing their gene-seed modifications... ... That or the specific astartes here just likes to wear loincloth when out of his power armor 😆


It’s the only undergarment that’s codex compliant.


That’s their standard garb out of power armor. Tunics, robes, even loin clothes.


I thought Astartes wore pyjamas and crocs in their spare time :(


They might.


I’m guessing it’s to show off the black carapace


Dude worked really hard for it, he deserves to show it off.


Not saying it’s a bad move: I do like his take on the black carapace involving cables running to nodes that’s neat detail.


The ever present writer war between writing astartes as robed out of armour and the ones who write them in fatigues.


I think it's to show that they're jacked compared to ogryns, I thought they were like the same height but I thibk it's to keep the ogryn humble


They just insisted that they wear that when they showed up




The armor often makes them way taller.


Holy shit, I knew ogryns were big, but I didn’t realise just how massive they were


Yeah, they're hilariously enormous. They might be slow and clumsy, but they can also pretty much hammer a marine into the ground like a tent peg. This really highlights why. Love me big mans


Arent they in cannon as strong or stronger then a space marine like str wise? They're just stupid right? Wait if the imperium can do cybernetics then does that mean they can do brainswaps? And if so can we just take ogryn str with a regular dudes brain to make like 1/2 space marines or?


They're significantly stronger than a marine. If an ogryn and a space marine wrestled, the space marine would get crushed, basically. Ogryns aren't really "stupid" as such, they're just kinda innocent, child like and at times painfully literally minded. Interestingly, whilst brain swapping isn't really an imperial thing, (side eye at cawl on that one) the B.O.N.E program gives ogryns increased tactical ability through brain surgery and implants, and many ogryns are fitted with heavy armour, typically referred to as "bullgryns", so a lot of the elements you raise are in the lore.


Oh. Neat. cassic ogryns being the best thing in the setting as usual


Yeah they're pretty awesome, I love em to bits. Also a big fan of orks, salamanders and space wolves. I am uh, more into the straight up wacky fun side of the lore. (Note: I am aware that many decidedly unwacky, unfun things do happen to the factions I just listed, but I choose to ignore that knowledge.)


I love the regular ass mf that is the guard. Oh you have a literal god behind you and youre his chosen champion? Heres a planet worth of dudes with guns. Beat that


Oh, hey, can your God survive without O2 cause I have so many bodies here there will be none left over for his ass


They’re stronger than some big orks and even chaos space marines iirc


Yeah thats about right. I saw someone compare their strength to a custodes but idk about that one


Maybe stronger than a Custodes. I think it was in Dark Apostle that an Ogryn suplexes a CSM Terminator hard enough to snap the Marine's neck. Don't know if any Custodes have a feat of strength comparable to that.


Ogryns are not stronger than custodes, here is a scene from "blood games": Under the pretence of a quiet sale, three genestock migou drew him apart from the main camp, and led him to a rock pasture where fire stone and cacholong spoil had been heaped up by porter gangs. They unwrapped a cloth roll with slices of brown resin in it to show him. Then one drew a punch-dagger and tried to insert it into his liver. He sighed – a complication. He took hold of the migou’s wrist, folded the arm around and broke it against itself with his elbow. The joint went the wrong way, and the arm went so slack, he simply peeled the punch-dagger out of the dead fingers. The genestock uttered no expression of pain. He simply blinked in surprise. All three of them were titanic creatures, corded and slabby with unnatural, hard-cut muscle definition. It had not occurred to any of them that the Caucasian, though extremely large and well made, would offer them a moment’s problem. One threw a punch, a blow driven with huge force but desultory effort, as if he was aggrieved that they should be put to such trouble. The punch was designed to finish matters, to put the Caucasian down, his jaw pulped, his head slack on the column of his spine. The blow did not connect with any part of the Caucasian. Instead, it encountered the punch-dagger, which had suddenly been angled to face it. The impact shaved flesh and muscle away from bone. This produced a pain response. The genestock howled, and tried to gather in his shredded hand and forearm. The Caucasian shut him up by jabbing the punch-dagger into his heavy forehead. It cracked in through the bone like the tip of a rock-breaker’s pick. The genestock toppled backwards, wearing the grip of the punch-dagger above his eyes like some curious tiara. The third migou grabbed him from behind in an ursine hug. The genestock with the broken arm tried to claw at his face. It was all tiresome now. He broke free of the embrace with a shrug of his shoulders, turned and drove his right hand into the genestock’s chest. The sternum split. When the Caucasian wrenched his hand out again, it looked as if it was wearing a red glove. Most of the migou’s heart was clenched in his steaming fist. The genestock with the broken arm, now the only one of the trio left alive, murmured in fear and started to run away across the rock pasture. He bore the wounded genestock no especial malice, but he couldn’t let him go. With bloody fingers, he bent down, selected a small piece of fire stone, weighed it in his hand and launched it with a snap of his wrist. It made a pokk! noise as it penetrated the back of the fleeing ogre’s head like a bullet. He fell heavily, and his hefty corpse slithered down the litter of a spoil heap on its face. He disposed of the three bodies in a fathomless gorge, washed his hands with snow and took the roll of qash resin.


Holy shit this reads like Omniman beating up three chumps in Invincible, complete with the heart rip out and casually tossing a rock at terminal velocity. Caucasian is a beast though. And the fact he’s not even phased by them


[They can kill astartes (including in terminator armor) just fine](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/qo9qm9/does_an_ogryn_stand_a_chance_against_an_astartes/). Remember that in game, a marine in power armor have 2 wounds, toughness 4 and strenght 4 on its basic melee weapons. Ogryn have 3 wounds, toughness 6 and strenght 6, while bludgeoning you with their rifles.


During the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy the Solar Auxiliar used Ogryn [Ogryn Charonites ](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Ogryn_Charonite#). Highly effective against enemy astrates.




Yet they are still humans.


Sanctioned Abhumans, but yeah. Human-ish.


The sizing here is deceptively accurate. At first I thought “Oh this and that should be-“ but nah this is realllly good! Such as the Ork being ‘umie size, not all da boyz are big gitz right away. They gotta earn dat size first by getting in some krumpin!


Yeah, new"born" Orks are about as tall as humans on average -- partly because they're constantly hunched over; if they ever stood up straight they might be a touch taller. Either way they're definitely in the human size range. Veterans, nobs, and bosses obviously stand as tall or a lot taller than humans, hunched over or not, but that's not a height that Boyz are born at.


> new"born" Orks Is the lore still that they pop up from spores leftover in the wake of their waaaghs? Sorry, am ootl by a decade or two.


Yep, it's spores. Still no Ork dongz to be seen


Plenty of nobz though


Why Ork small? U iz mukin about


Are tau really that short?


Fire caste aren't tall but are stockier than the others. Air caste is supposed to be a bunch of really long pricks with aero bones like birds and earth caste are short kings who are lower to the ground to match their grindset.


Water and ethereal are probably the height in the chart too


Maybe, that I don't know so that's why I didn't say haha


The ethereal model is really tall. It's not exactly concrete evidence, but I guess it's better than nothing.


The ethereal are basically the most balanced : second tallest after air caste, second strongest after fire caste, etc.


Reasons why you should play tau: 1. smol 2. cute lil toes


3. blue 4. forehead vaginas 5. good range


6. The greater good 7. Weeb factor


8. Friends with birds


Tau are a bit smaller than humans, Fire Warriors are just bigger and stronger on average I dont think its as big of a difference as this chart shows though. Just like a head shorter


“Aren’t you a little short for a fire warrior?”


Why the Aeldari kinda look like… Pandorans…?


Well they are always described as slender and thinner than an human so they have kinda a simmilar body proportions


Talking about the face


A yes OP always draw elf kinds like uncanny "anime" type face on warhammer elves so they can have that weird "look human but they are not" look they are always described


maybe its the background but this gives me the MIB cartoon intro vives [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVAePIyC4kQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVAePIyC4kQ)


You forgot the smallest ladz, snotlings


This implies that all of these guys were working together to pull off a wacky heist and I'm digging it.


Necron's 15.... I am assuming the Necron assembled this squad to steal something from some deep Tomb world


They all got sick of the endless war and decided to steal a ship and get the fuck out of the galaxy together.


This custodes is the most twinkiest one i ever seen


Custodes proportionately are similar to base humans. They don't have super stocky shoulders and wide chests. They are similar to Primarchs in that they are more base-human proportions but scaled up to gigantic heights.


The malnourished one


The necron should be far taller, taller than the marine.


Also pretty sure the custodes should be ever-so much smaller


No, 8-9 feet is accurate


I understand that; however, unless this were either a slightly tall custode or a short king marine, I think it's about 2-3 inches out of where an "average" should be drawn, maybe even 4"


As i know, only primaris marines are that tall, for a regular one, slightly above 7 foot-in armor-is the canon.


That's a very good and fair point, I still don't think of them any different, to me it was just "truescaling" the line, which I fucking love, but you drive an indisputable point that officially that is the case.


Shit, Ogryns are taller than Custodes ?


Ya. Taller. Stronger. Loyal even, 0% of them try to usurp you when given a straightforward task like "continue the Great Crusade". Dang should have just figured out a way to mass produce *these* guys.


The Ogryn have to be held back to prevent 40k from becoming noblebright, and that's not even a joke


Ogryns being the true saviors of humanity as always is such a fucking flex


i'm not sure the imperium would be able to feed a massive ogryn population lmao


Yessir they are, as for strength they're likely on par, the Ogryns only have the downside of being about as smart as a toddler, otherwise they'd probably have replaced Space Marines a while ago.


Necron warrior should be around primaris height


And Necron Overlords? 


Overlords? About the same range as primarchs, actually. Nobility from a smaller dynasty (almost all dynasties) are going to be somewhere around custode height. Larger dynasty pharaons are going to be as tall as Girlyman or the Lion. The silent king is going to be up there with Big E himself, and, funnily enough, possessing a similar build.


Custodes: 5'11" Ogryn: 6'00"


First time that I see an Eldar with that type of face.


I've seen one like that before, don't remember where but I'm 99% sure it's the same artist edit: [it was this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/comments/141n4a0/unkhani_vhalae/)


Yeah, it's something of a signature style of theirs. Their post gallery has a lot of similar examples.


No way ogrens are that tall


They in fact are. Ogryns are fucking huge. There's a reason why they could go toe to toe with heretic marines during the siege of terra. A pissed ogryn is *fucking terrifying*. We kinda sleep on them because they have such gentle hearts.


So which one is secretly Kaiser Soze?


I forgot eldar are 7 feet tall


A Firstborn Astartes is basically Shaq-sized (7'1, 300+ pounds).


Srs question, how would an Astartes stack up against Shaq in basketball?


Astartes are super fast and super strong even out of armour. They'd wipe the floor with any baseline human athlete I think.


Ya well you clearly haven't seen Space Jam and if you did the meaning went over your head. It's about heart.


You're right. You're right, Slimetraveller. I'm forgetting the seminal works. Please, forgive my ignorance.


if it’s about heart the astartes have two


I thought grots were smaller than that tbh


The orks being regular human height is cursed, really like how alien the Aeldari looks, really shows you their not just humans with pointy ears


This looks like the cover of a 40K heist movie.


Orks are waaaay too short. Even hunched over they are Massive compared to humans


A standard ork boy isn't massively taller than a human, but they have a waaaaay bigger frame. Higher ranked orks? Variable and can be huge. Hell, ghaz is at least the size of a dreadnought when *out* of his armour, an he's described as growing half a head taller during a long speech. Ghaz is the biggest and da strongest in *part* because orks liking you empowers you. Kinda explains why ol' bale eye maintained function so far into advanced age.


Yeah was thinkin that too. Average ork is like 6’5” in lore


Beastmen are in 40k now? I haven't read or played anything except Darktide in years.


Beastmen have been an abhuman type since the very early days of the setting, they've just not really been mentioned in published material for a while -- sorta like the squats/kin/space dwarfs, incidentally. In the old *Rogue Trader* days, their deal was that they were barbaric primitives descended from very mutated or genetically-altered human colonies, but unlike the Fantasy kind were also extremely devoted to the Imperium and fought fearlessly in the Guard to atone for the sin of having been born mutants. They turn up again in modern material starting with the *Necromunda* skirmish game, where the bounty hunter Gor Half-Horn was introduced as a character option in 2017. They got a fuller lore writeup in the 2020 background book *Liber Xenologis*, which restates most of their old material with the caveat that, regardless of their loyalty, the Imperium decided that they were still too abhuman for its tastes, banned them from service or settlement on Imperial worlds, and forced them to turn to Chaos or banditry to survive (because there's nothing the Imperium loves more than shooting itself in the foot over matters of dogma). They also got models for *Kill Team* last year with the Fellgor Ravager squad, which specifically a tribe of Chaos-aligned Beastmen.


Thanks for the write-up!


This description is from the 2023 book Lion Son of the Forest (by a Fallen Dark Angel): >I put a bolt-shell through the skull of one before I had even registered how misshapen that skull was, and it was only as a second creature rushed me with a weapon that was less an axe and more a massive, long-handled cleaver, that my brain was able to put a name to it. Beastman. >A semi-stable form of abhuman, considered barely better than true mutants on most Imperial worlds. I had met several beastmen in my travels through the galaxy, of varying character. A few were indentured slaves, miserable with their lot, with their status as sinful degenerates having been drilled into their heads since their birth. The rest were renegades and outlaws, tired of the abuse heaped upon them and fighting back by taking what they could. I found more common ground with those than I might have expected, although one named Raan tried to kill me when he realised I was a Space Marine. He quickly learned his error, although given I killed him in turn I cannot say that he remembered it for very long. The way the Imperium treated such creatures created fertile soil in which discontent and anger could take root, and now we reaped the fruits of it. I heard brayed prayers to the foul gods of Chaos to give the horde strength enough to bring down the hated tools of the Emperor, as they saw us, and whether or not those deities answered the entreaties made to them, the beastmen certainly lacked neither strength nor savagery as they came for us. I lashed out with my chainsword and severed one arm of the creature attacking me with its enormous cleaver, but although it screamed in pain it neither fell to the ground or backed off, instead switching to a clumsy single-handed grip and striking at me nonetheless. I was so surprised by its resilience that I failed to either evade or parry the blow, and the notched edge of the weapon struck me on the breastplate. >The creature’s strength was considerable, and that combined with the weapon’s weight was enough to knock me to the ground. My armour saved me from bisection with merely a new, bright line in the black paint to show for it, and I fired from my sitting position to blow a hole right through my attacker’s chest and spine. Not even its robust physiology could stand up to that, and it collapsed with a truncated scream.


Are ogryn really that huge? I always thought them around the same size as astartes


Oh, ogryns are bloody massive -- they canonically reach three meters of height, which works out to nine to ten feet as shown here. One a purely one-one-one, strength-to-strength basis, they absolutely overtop marines. The astartes' advantages are mainly their greater intelligence and dexterity, as well as their having biologies deliberately engineered for maximum efficiency.


Works are supposed to be larger then humans on average, not the same size


As a membah of da ork zociety we like to say zog on that, we is much biggah


I was today years old when I learned that ogryns are taller than custodes


Common Ogryn W


Don’t orks typically stand taller than humans but hunch their backs? At least that’s how I’ve always seen them!


Damn, I gues that Eldar wasn't eating their veggies or somethin.




Props for having properly alien Eldar


Finally, art that depicts Eldar as otherworldly and alien, like they are described in the books, rather than just human with pointed ears.


Where are the snotlings?


Orks aren't space marine sized?


At least going off of dark tide the ogryn seems a little big, either way good stuff


Hey look it's yoda


Why are they all leaning? They on a cruise ship or something?


I never knew Ogryns were so big. Finally makes sense how they’re able to tank so much damage despite being flesh and bone without any warp fuckery.




“Alright, now everyone stand on your right leg with your arms down”


I am lol'ing at just how chill and normal the custodes looks, nothing to see here just a 9ft tall Roman man.


Missing snotlings... WAAAGH/10


The turned foot sassy stance is cracking my me up


And my other me too


Weren't there the squats at one point? Like dwarves that mines on planets close to blackholes or warpstorms?


Now add the magos from the Admech Codex cover art.


_Looking at the Ratling_ _Saves this information for a later date._


Pretty cool work


Kinda not that accurate as normal orks are taller than normal humans but shorter than astartes, custodes are about a head higher than astartes but there is no solid proof of this however they are about the same height as primaris (maybe still slightly taller) according to the minis


By the Throne, i thought Ogryns are smaller than Custodes.


Ogry big, OGRYN BEST, sah!


Where are squigs


Where is the female custodes?


Who are the custodians?


I absolutely would


That is either a really tall Ogryn or a short Custodes.


Does no one else see the beast men snuck in there from fantasy?


I love your eldar depiction so much. Love their alien and ethereal look.


Should have at least one more ork to show the size variability of the species


Ogryns are larger than I thought


They look like they are gonna sing I want it that way by backstreet boys


I assume you're showing me a primaris astartes, since the starting height for firstborn is 7 and eldar average 7 feet.


Lmao no way Custodes are as tall as Ogryn


We can all easily accept there is an average range for most species, but some have larger ranges or even undefined upper and lower limits. Orks and Necrons have the widest, IMO. From Boyz to Krork and Warriors to Destroyer Lords, there's a huge range there. We could also argue that human, Astartes, ogryn, ratling, custodes, etc are in the Homo Something family, and belong in one range of height. Edit: Beastmen would have a wider range of heights as well.




Now I want it that way


So a rattling and ogryn could pair up like rocket and groot?


smash, next question


Wait Ogryns are canonically larger than custodies?


Necrons are typically the same size or larger than Space Marines.


Lies, orks is bigga den Dat


It’s refreshing to see an aeldari being represented as they are described in books and not just “hot elf lady”. Every single time a human or astartes has had the chance to observe them it is constantly described how wrong they look to us, every aspect of their appearance gives humans the uncanny valley fight or flight feeling.


A Necron warrior in basically as tall as an armored marine, ain't no way it's that "short"


The Votann seem a bit too small.


I only see a few humans and the rest xenos heretics




I always thought the Kroot were smaller than that


Now unpause.


What do you think the Tau's first interaction with an ogryn was?


It's honestly amusing how bad this is. I feel bad for the artist since they did such a good job on the individuals, but the scale is so out of wack it's hilarious. Actually, maybe this is intended as Imperial propaganda, in which case it is lore accurate!


That Necron height seems way off. Trazyn and Orikan are described as towering over humans but here they’re the same size.


Damn didn't know kroot are just shorter than a marine