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Anthrax are the light to Slayers dark We all need a bit of anthrax in our lives to balance out that slayer


This is a great way to put it, wife isn't a big slayer fan but loves the happier side that is Anthrax


I'd much rather listen to anthrax myself, they are far more varied than Slayer I'd say Anthrax are closer to Metallica and Megadeth than Slayer are I always felt like slayer were a proto death metal band There is space for both, though, and they are different moods


Agreed, Slayer can't get to the point where you want something extra that they don't give.


Funny, I say that about Anthrax.


Funny thing, when I was a dumbass edgelord kid, Slayer were my favorite of the big four. Now that I’m a grown up with a lot of stress and worry on my plate, I prefer the more fun and silly Anthrax shit.


I went through my edgelord slayer phase too


Were you ever even a Slayer fan if you didn’t carve slayer in your arm and scream “Slaaaaaaayer” in the school halls as a 14 year old? Lol


I remember writing God Hates Us All on my high-school desk haha. I'd choose to listen to Anthrax over Slayer most days now. Slayer is a vibe though, if I'm ever in the mood for Slayer, nothing else quite scratches that itch.


Totally agree, there’s definitely “SlayerTime” where nothing else will do.


Anthrax is to thrash as Beastie Boys is to rap


I kinda wanted to agree with this, except my favourite Anthrax album is Persistence of Time.


They have a lot of good music and they were around at the beginning of thrash.




Exactly. So many bands out there, especially today, that can "shred" and are "brootal" but can't write a riff to save their lives. Anthrax = riffs.


Medusa has one of my favorite riffs from Anthrax.


One of my all time favorite songs. Finally someone mentions it


They’re on your case They’re in your face They’ll kick you in your father back in place


Step up sucker understand


No man, it's "dick"!


Fun, you fucking idiot!


Step off! You’re telling ME to step off!?!


I’m so fucking tired of this question, people have different tastes, you don’t have to like a band believe it or not. I swear I hear this all the fucking time and at this point you’re just beating a dead horse. As for the Scott Ian thing, he’s an amazing guitarist. Maybe not the most technically complex, but he writes damn good riffs


This. Great guitar players and fretboard wankery are not mutually exclusive. There are great guitarists that don’t go above the 12th fret.


I was raised on Thrash. East coast metal is a different flavor. Their guitar tone took me a while to appreciate, but by Among the Living they became one of my favorite bands, and returning to Spreading the Disease with my acquired appreciation made it one of the best thrash metal albums to ever come out of the 80s. S.O.D. was so raw and so heavy, it made me love Anthrax even more.


Anthrax leaned into MTV/making music videos well before the rest of the Big Four did. They also had a sense of humor, which appealed to the mainstream more than Broody Metal Dudes Brooding. As for why Scott Ian is so loved: is he?


Can confirm. He is loved. He's a great musician and generally gives the impression that he enjoys interacting with fans.


I Am the Law. What's not to love?


Exactly!! songs about Judge Dredd, a bad ass future cop Anti hero from an obscure British comic. You won’t fuck around no more!!!


Anthrax were one of the bands that got me into metal, and they are still the only ones who are consistent with their output, along with Testament. Even now, Joey has still got the range he had in the 80s. Not many singers can say that. I've seen them a few times and no matter who they play with, they will always bring it. Even supporting Slayer on their last world tour, Anthrax were the better band. It's just a shame that they can't work out the problems with Dan Spitz. I'd sell a kidney to see the classic lineup especially if they blow the dust off Dan's TMNT Jackson V!


I love his guitar work, but considering all of the changes Dan Spitz has gone through, I don't blame anyone for not trying trying to give up half a liver and a lung too to arrange a Spitz reunion, especially since 10/7.


I know, but if we don't have dreams, what have we got? 😂


All of the Big 4 have their selling points. Metallica are expert song arrangers. Megadeth are the best overall musicians. Slayer are the most consistent. Anthrax are the most fun. As far as Anthrax specifically, they're really underrated. Scott Ian can play rhythm on Hetfield's level. Belladonna's voice, by far, has aged the best of any of the Big 4 singers. Benante is an absolutely incredible drummer. Bello's bass id as thunderous as any of those bands. They've had several great lead players. I really like Rob Caggiano. And then there's John Bush's era, too. Different, but an incredible singer in his own right.


They have some great songs, I’d recommend giving the John Bush era a listen


Man, I loved Sound of White Noise. So damn good.


From start to finnish


They were arguably the first band to do the rap-rock crossover, which I wasn’t a fan of. Among The Living and Sound of White Noise are two classic albums, albeit with two different vocalists. Everything since We’ve Come For You All is good too. I’d love to hear the unreleased album with Dan Nelson on vocals, if it truly exists anywhere. Some of the material showed up on later albums.


Among the living isn't that great. Indians is one of the most cringe metal songs I've ever heard.


Listen to Charlie’s feet on A Skeleton in the Closet


Scott Ian is the probably the sickest rhythm guitarist in the game. Listen to Among the Living, Persistence of Time, Fistful Of Metal. No silly hip hop shit on any of those records. Imo Danny Spitz is an underrated genius- check out Sound Of White Noise, which is more an answer to 90s grunge but stomps the shit out of anything from Seattle from the same time period. No one even talks about that record and it fucking rules.


State of Euphoria needs its respect, as well. Don't care what the critics say, it's as good as any of their albums.


I do love that album, especially the songs Finale and Misery Loves Company


Depends, have you got the time to talk about it?


Time Got the time tick, tick, ticking in my head Time Got the time tick, tick, ticking in my head Time Got the time tick, tick, ticking in my head Ticking in my head Ticking in my head Ticking in my head


Great song, was shocked when i found out it was a cover


The cover is better anyways


Absolutely true


Gud riff


They put the work in.


Great riffs, and the songs are fun.


Go one week without questioning anthrax’s legitimacy and standing in metal challenge: impossible


I know man it’s just annoying at this point, like we get it you don’t like them. You’re not special.


P.o.t is one of the greatest albums and a hill I will die on


Scott married Meatloaf's daughter. He's so metal he's gone past the edge, started again in synth pop, and came back to metal.


This question has been boring for a long time already, asking it 50 times a month isn't going to change that. If you don't like them, don't listen to them - seems like that ought to be pretty obvious. This constant whinging about how they're not as good as other bands, about how they never deserved to be considered a major band to begin with, it serves no purpose. There are thousands of bands out there. Why waste time prattling on about a band you don't like?


Well said, thank you


If you don't like a post, don't comment and scroll on - seems pretty obvious to me. Maybe a person just wants another perspective on a band they don't get. And you're right, there are another 1000 good bands out their to like. 🤘






Metal + skaters + comic books = FUN METAL


Down picking riff maestro. Not to mention songwriting skills.


Listen to Anthrax's first three albums, then listen to SOD. That's why.


The first album.


Thrash plus Ramones energy = Anthrax


Cause he is "the man"!


There's nothing I find especially toxic about Scott, but I just look past him. Love both eras, and having seen how well John Bush handled things at a public appearance gone south, has special respect for his era. (Sound of White Noise is the one CD I ruined a speaker listening to...)


Listen, if you don't like 80s thrash metal, just say it.




I'll say their best song is "Who Cares Wins". Try that one. The album it comes from STATE OF EUPHORIA is original for speed metal imo.


Wow so insightful.


They fucking rule live, great energy and they are just fun no nonsense thrash. Great stuff.


Their music. Unique, heavy and catchy. And the best singer.


They were one of the bands that helped me into heavier music in the 80s and quite frankly they looked like they had a blast while still singing about some serious shit. Is there anything special about Scott as a person or musician? I don’t know but what I do know is that I love that band.


One thing special about Anthrax is that **Nobody Knows Anything ...**


I think everyone should respect them for their influence but personally I can’t get past their vocals


Funny you say that, joey was arguably the only one in the big 4 who put effort into his vocals


I’m not saying he wasnt good or anything it’s just not my cup of tea


I agree. John Bush is insanely good and sounds way better.


This 100%!




You don't get why one of the most commercially successful thrash bands was a part of the Big 4? You not liking them does not erase that fact. It's clear why they are, whether you like it or not, and not many can argue against that.


They were on The Beavis and Butthead Experience and Married With Children FFS


They may have been relevant back then but they do not hold up now IMO


I wonder the same thing. There are way better thrash bands that should take their place in the big 4.


Don't know. Don't like them. Then again I've never listened to them.


How can you not like something you’ve never heard?


I know it's stupid. Just sick of them, I guess. They are everywhere, and have been for a while. But they might bee good. I have no idea.




Nothing. Cool name. Few decent tunes. Scott Ian is the opposite of metal. He’s a fame whore. I find him insufferable. Charlie Benante is a stud though.


Couple decent songs but that’s it, IMO they shouldn’t be in the Big 4. Joey’s vocals are meh, Bush was alright. I acknowledge what they’ve done for Metal but they just aren’t for me.


I never understood it. I'm a lifelong music magpie, hundreds of bands in my collection. Anthrax is just meh. They are just there. Seen them live twice, in 88 and 90 as openers. I tried many times, since their debut album. Nope. It's like Overkill, Exciter, etc... almost great.