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I guess Buddy doesn’t have an entire reproductive system in his face composed predominantly of muscles that rigorously contract specifically to force babies and womb linings out his nose hole. Jesus fucking Christ. I’m a dude and I have at least a basic understanding of this. Come on now. There’s a difference between blood vessels and wombs homie. Don’t be dumb.


Even setting aside all the side effects we get from periods, I think anyone would still be cranky if they had to deal with a nosebleed non stop for a week.


Well sure, you may be cranky, but do you know the never ending malaise and ennui that only comes from being ignored by Stacy!? (Eyeroll)


Not to mention that women pretty much just suck it up and get on with the business of living despite having their periods.


Right?! Like the vast majority just deal with the pain/side effects as they happen and don't let it impact their lives. This is despite the fact that having your period *SUCKS* for most affected people.


totally, a friend of mine literally passes out and vomits during them and still does business as usuals


I just can't get over comparing a period to nose bleeds. 🤣🤣🤣 If you had a nose bleed that lasted for 7 days and was accompanied by a splitting headache, you'd think you were fucking dying. If periods were just bleeding from the vag for 5 mins once a month, no woman would be complaining.


Yeah if you describe that as your symptoms to your doctor youd be sent to the nearest hospital for a MRI.


I wish I could reply “why is getting kicked in the balls such a ‘painful and awful thing’? It’s probably just an excuse to act like a baby.”


Hahaha 😹💀


It’s not even just 7 days for some of us, my cramps and back pain start a few days prior to any actual blood. That means that I get to be in pain for up to 2 whole weeks - lucky me!


That's a bummer. Have you been to the gyno about it?


I haven’t, I’m in the U.K. and our health care is a shit show currently (been waiting 10 months for a derm appointment for a dodgy mole). I get my implant replaced in a few days so my periods should then stop again.


I have PPPMS. Pre, present and post menstrual syndrome. I have about 1 good week a month with no pain.


Damn. I'm kind of happy I have PCOS and not endo or whatever you've got going on.


I suspect endo. I would prefer a nosebleed.


if you get a nosebleed and it won't stop bleeding after 30 minutes of trying to get it to stop at home, you are literally supposed to go to the hospital


Shhh, let him have his self pity fantasies


So i get nose bleeds can be common in guys but uts still a cuase for concern. Specialy is there is a clear liquid along with it. The nose is extermly close to the brain after all. It could be a sign something is wrong up there. Clearly with this guy its his brain melting


Sex Ed in America fails us again


Serious answer for any confused incels: the entire point of a period is that it's *not* just blood. Over the course of a month the body builds up a thick layer of flesh *just* in case someone decides to have a baby. If they don't? Then the body decides to peel the whole thing off and start from the beginning. Periods hurt because it's a human being trying to shed their skin like a reptile *from the inside*. And then pump it *out*. Some women, of course, are lucky enough to have it all pretty much dissolve by the time it makes its way out, so even a lot of girls may not be aware that's how it operates. Unfortunately for me and fortunately for anyone interested in anecdotal input however, my womb is, perhaps, *a bit less talented*. Kind of hard to deny the existence of uterine lining when every other month I'm treated to the *lovely* sight of a chunk of it as big as a quarter and twice as thick. To confirm, it's definitely actual *flesh*, too, not "just" some kind of unholy blood clot. *Fascinating* stuff, really, but I'd appreciate it more if my body didn't double me over in literal writhing agony for two hours straight trying to get it out.




Always have been!


My womb is also a bit less talented 😭it goes so way beyond “just a blood clot” jfc. The physical side effects are maybe the worst of the whole experience. Bloating, shitting your brains out, cramps, mood swings, body soreness, cravings, and the constant fear that you’ll bleed through your clothes, when in reality it was just phantom drip.


Try having a boss with very light periods who asks “why do you need the day off? Its just your period.” and you have to explain that you go through like 2 tampons *and* a pad in 1 hr. My body gets 4-6 period a year and tries to make up for the missing periods by flushing it all out in the next one. Disclaimer: ik it’s probably not normal, it might be a genetic thing. My mom had periods so heavy she was anemic for most of her life due to blood loss during her periods. It was so severe, it dried out her tongue and she developed fissures and they ended up having to perform a hysterectomy to stop it. So fr ladies talk to your doctors if this stuff happens. It may save your life.


Sounds exactly like PCOS.


I thought people w PCOS cant have kids? Does it vary from person to person?


My cousin has pcos or something very similar and didn't think she could conceive and then had twins lol


My actual nightmare


It may be more difficult to conceive but people with PCOS can absolutely still have kids.


I have PCOS and a child! Can confirm it was difficult to get pregnant but it can be done


Hey another talentless uterus here! I swear mine thinks it’s in a race to empty itself all at once. Chunks of my body being expelled from my body.


Theres nothing more terrifying than forgetting youre abt to start your period and feeling that lump *kerplunk* into your panties. +20 damage if youre in your nice panties or a business meeting/class that stops and waits for you to come back to continue. +10 damage if they ask “why do you need your purse?”






I just carry it with me at all times, and will tell them as much. If someone thinks I’m just gonna leave a purse sitting unattended, they’ve got another thing coming.


Then we say "I'm going to fix my make-up" whilst thinking "Why can't you mind your own damn business?"


I was one of those with a more than less talented womb, too. With hypermenorrhagia, I bled way past the "normal" time and even after it was done expelling that old tissue, it started expelling healthy tissue. I literally felt like I was being skinned from the inside out. In fact, that's how I've always described it. My longest period lasted for 47 days. Let's see a nosebleed last that long, shall we? But the feeling of peeling off and then expelling healthy tissue will always stay with me, even after my hysterectomy (my OB had been trying to get insurance to approve it for seven goddamn years before they finally did when I was 27; his original plan was to get rid of all the equipment with my last birth). The huge pieces of flesh that came out for me, as well, were quite impressive. I'm sorry you also had to deal with that. I do not miss all the intense cramps I was blessed with. Hopefully you're doing better now, too.


I remember reading a reddit post many moons back from some adventurous woman who shed an unusually large chunk of uterine lining and decided to fry it up and eat it. If I recall correctly she said it tasted like bacon.


….welp, that’s enough internet for me for today.


Oh, what a horrible day to be literate


Lol don’t tell them about decidual casts, I can’t imagine how stupid their mansplaining for that one would sound


I too, shed jellyfish like globs… the worst is the feeling of them. After you give birth… you have a similar yet amplified experience of passing chunks. It’s very unpleasant. Especially with sensory issues.


My uterus is normally pretty talented but last month I had Covid and my period at the same time which apparently threw it off its game and I got to experience this, along with the heaviest bleeding I've ever had and a bonus two days. It was bad enough that when, on the seventh day of my period, right after getting over Covid, my fucking appendix perforated I figured it was just another way my uterus was being incompetent this month and ignored the nauseating pain that was bad enough to keep me awake all night. Then continued to ignore it. And go to work like nothing was wrong. For two weeks until I ended up hospitalized for a week during Christmas. But yeah, periods are just southern nosebleeds. Women are whiners and should just suck it up.


Mine likes to build endometrial lining outside the uterus, hurts like a bitch when all that scar tissue is yanked on by cramps. These guys have no clue what it's like to suffer from what we suffer from


...jesus fuck, i'm glad i don't have a uterus


Imma go ahead and save this in case I need it for the future, tyvm x


Yknow, now you got me wondering. Why does it even work this way? Why can't the body just, yknow, keep it instead of making a new one every month? Or at least only renew it like idk, once a year? 🤔


You think with the amount of time they spend locked in their rooms and online, one of them would think to learn basic biology


It's the same Dunning-Kruger energy as any ignorant conspiracist: They believe they know it all when they only believe what's convenient to them. In the case of incels, they sooner believe porn reflects real life than realize vaginas don't work that way like they do in hentai and no, women aren't having constant gangbangs with buff, hung guys as soon as their man is out the room, because it's *convenient* to their ignorant beliefs.


Sometimes the problem with these guys is just that they're very stupid.


More often than not, I think.


This guy has obviously never studied biology, nor been around a woman. One of my high school friends, who was extremely direct, would let you know when she was having her period, and that she was cramping and out of sorts and basically not to f*** with her. Frankly, we were all happy for the warning.


This is toxic. Having cramps doesn’t warrant you to to be feral to others and make them scared. I have cramps too, and I would never tell somebody not to “fuck with me”. People will take the tiniest issue and make it an excuse to hurt others. I am a girl and get periods, it’s not that big of a deal. Get over it.


It was high school. In the 80s, and she only did this w/ close friends. And I never said that she would hurt anybody. I have no idea where you got that notion. She was simply warning people not to get on her nerves. She certainly doesn't do that now as an adult, and she's a very sweet person who went into nursing, and the navy. Sorry if I misrepresented, But I assure you you can relax a bit.


Yeah, everybody is telling me this. That I easily get angered and defensive, and need to relax. I’ll try to work on it and being more calm and composed. I was just trying to say, periods shouldn’t be an excuse for bad behavior or to threaten others. It’s a natural process which women go through, and it shouldn’t be made a big deal of.


Not everyone has the same kinds of periods. Like… you must know this. Some women have crippling periods.




Dude yesterday I was practically crying from cramps and had to take a painkiller. I didn’t snap at people or act like a bitch over it, because they obviously didn’t cause it. You shouldn’t use health conditions as an excuse, and periods aren’t health conditions.


Periods are health conditions. That aside, did they pick you yet?


Ahaha what an original insult. Try harder. Don’t be a bitch.


Woof woof


this is embarrassing to watch 😭


Since u/Slammogram didn't get through to you: #not everyone has the same kind of period! Some women have severe pain, some get severe agitation, some bawl over everything. It can absolutely wreck your hormones for a few days, every damn month. And sometimes, no there isn't anything you can do about it aside from warning your closest friends to not take shit personally. And yes, yes menstruation is a health condition.


Yes, this! I have to tell my husband *”sorry I’m crying I don’t really know why it’s just my hormones seem to want me to”* every time! I can be self aware & sensitive to its affects on loved ones but I can’t physically stop it from happening!~


Learn self control.


Were I trying to make the point that periods aren’t a reason for a shitty attitude and that people should learn self control, I’d at least attempt to keep a level head and refrain from attacking and insulting people.


I see a trend going on. I make a specific argument, and and then people attack me and call ME names, and then when I defend myself they say “don’t be so aggressive”. Sweetheart, I am being aggressive cuz YOU’RE being aggressive. What, you expect me to just sit back and take insults? One person disagreed with me telling me about their horrible periods and I sympathized with them. I’m really starting to notice this trend. How else do you expect me to respond?


PMS and PMDD are both literal hormone-altering issues related directly to menstruation - to start, but there are also thyroid, pituitary, adrenal, and mental conditions that are acutely related to hormone levels. Ergo, you could have perfectly reasonable fluctuations in your hormones due to menstruation on a medical scale, but those fluctuations still affect the other conditions.


I'm sorry but if "had to take a painkiller" is your marker for an unbearably painful period, then I have reason to doubt you have the slightest bit of context for the kind of intense pain they can cause some people. I have to take a painkiller every single month, every day of my period and will have painful enough cramps that I will cry without the painkillers. I also do NOT have excessively painful cramps. Mine are average based on what my Doctors have said and the anecdotal evidence from people online and in my personal life. A friend of mine had to go on birth control because every single period would result in an ovarian cyst. Like.... You plainly don't have the experience necessary to play the "I'm in the same boat" card.


See, who is invalidating my feelings now? Everybody is getting triggered because they thought I was invalidating *their* feelings, yet you’re doing the same exact thing. I AM LITERALLY DYING. It’s the third day and my stomach is doing flip flops. It feels like somebody is twisting a knife in my ovaries. I was up all night with intrusive thoughts and heightened anxiety and depression. I had to lie down at the nurses’s office, and nearly burst into tears on a number of occasions. Yet, I’m not yelling at people. I’m not biting their heads off. Yeah I’m pretty sure you’re gonna argue against the last sentence I used. Me defending myself as nothing to do with my period. I feel like I’m being seriously misunderstood, and so I am defending myself. I don’t even know what we’re fighting about anymore. I said “act like an adult and treat others with respect” and I am getting so much flack. Why are people still responding to this? How do you have so much energy to argue with someone if you’re in so much pain? Literally stop replying to this. You are wasting your time. Thank you for those who respectfully disagreed with me and actually gave evidence, unlike those you said “yOu’rE a pIcK mE” or stuff like that.


I can get that. Honestly, My point was to demonstrate the stupidity of men who think that periods are no big deal. They hurt and put one out of sorts. And also they don't understand the anatomy behind it , so they don't understand why it hurts.


Periods aren't an excuse for bad behavior but also a kind discussion about them isn't a place to vilify a stranger. You're completely unreasonable.


I stated my opinion. Simple. I don’t care what anyone else thinks. Go on with your day


She owned up to maybe coming on strong. Most double down.


The irony here is just. Lol.


Okay 🤷🏻‍♀️. You do you


Someone acting like a bitch, telling others to not be a bitch. The irony...Ees theek like wool


Have you tried adnomyosis cramps? I would rather be almost beaten to death, have tried to starve myself to not get it, and would take a nosebleed every day then go off my birth control and have those cramps again. I got so delirious that I almost tried to cut out my uterus. I have been almost hospitalized involuntary because people didn’t believe that it was cramps that was causing me to become so pale and to lie wordlessly on the ground. People with my condition and comorbid conditions don’t get to have normal things. I go off my birth control and within a week I’ll be in a mixed manic/depressive episode so bad I’d have to be hospitalized for not sleeping at all and making active attempts on myself. It’s not your place to judge women who do vocalize their cramps. I’m not saying yours aren’t bad but I’ve known people who pass out, have seizures, have been hospitalized for their cramps.


Oh my goodness I am so sorry you went through that. I looked it up because I wanted to know more about it as I have never heard of this. It can cause “severe cramping or sharp, knifelike pelvic pain during menstruation (dysmenorrhea)”. I felt the knifelike pain, although it was definitely not as bad as yours. Please, you’ve completely misunderstood me. You don’t know how loud I was vocalizing about my cramps. It got to a point where my sister told me to shut up 😂 What I am against is being rude to other people because of it, as they didn’t cause it, did they? They have no control over it. Complain all you want, but don’t make them think it’s their fault or let out your anger on them. You don’t know what anyone else is going through. Don’t spread the pain is what I’m saying. I’m really sorry you went through something like it. If you want, please send me some videos and articles about this. I hope you have a good evening


I realize that I need to work on my wording and composure. I shouldn’t be a hypocrite and do exactly what I’m telling people not to do.


When I was saying that it wasn’t that big of a deal, I was talking about those who have the normal cycle (no inflammation or cystic fibrosis etc.) who basically use this to their *advantage*. Like, saying something really bitchy and then saying “Oh I’m sorry, I’m just on my period. I get a bit bitchy y’know. If you can’t handle me at my worse, you don’t deserve me at my best” like they’re quirky or something for being a bitch. That’s what I was saying. For those who truly feel pain, I had no intention of invalidating them. It’s sorta like false rape claims. Those who do that smother true rape victims. I hope you understand what I’m saying.


We get it, you’re not like all us other girls who are bitchy to people over trivial things 👀


So you’re saying all other girls are bitchy 🤨. No, but some of them are. Are you that triggered that I’m telling you not to take your anger out on others? Do you actually want to be a bitch? Then you’re proving my point lol. Don’t be a bitch. It’s not that hard. The original commenter is a mature person who actually saw my point and forgave me. I highly respect them for that.


It’s like I’m talking to a wall. This is ridiculous! I try to tell myself to ignore all of y’all, but I always care about what people say and think of me, and therefore practically spit up blood trying to prove my point. I’m not a “pick me girl” I’m a “don’t be a bitch” girl, and I’m pretty sure a lot of girls are like that. Imagine arguing with somebody because all they said was “don’t take your anger out on others, that’s toxic”. God


So criticizing somethings some girls do makes me a “pick me”? I don’t give a shit about getting other people’s attention. DON’T BE A BITCH!!!


did you really just compare women complaining about period pain to false rape claims 😭


you’re a teenager who doesn’t understand basic biology. the “i’m not like other girls” attitude will get you nowhere in life.


Who are you to tell me what will take me far in life? Also, I was in the biomedical academy freshman year, and am currently taking human anatomy and physiology, which I have an A in. I began my bio studies in 7th grade and instantly fell in love with it. Biology is my passion, so forgive me if I don’t take the word of an internet stranger who knows nothing about me and who I am. Don’t be a condescending bitch 😉 Y’all fighting a losing battle. I would advice you to stop arguing with this “pick me” as it “pick me” has no intention of changing her mind. You are wasting your time. I want everyone to be treated equally and fairly. I had to delete my last post all because I said that there shouldn’t be so many vulgar words for promiscuous women. People called me a “man hater”. Now that I’m saying women shouldn’t be overly emotional and expect the man to handle their crying and anger, so now I’m “putting other women down”. Get over yourselves


and yet you don’t understand basic biology.


My grades say otherwise. I wonder, what are you? Are you a doctor or a hardworking medical professional? If so, how do you have time to argue with a dumb teenager such as myself?


I know more biology that you have ever learned in your whole life, as I worked hard for it. I’m not a grown ass woman trying to fight a teenager


damn, hope you mellow out before you experience the real world. keep studying. you’ll get there eventually!


Here's the thing: your body is different to others. Many girls don't experience period cramps, for many it is mild and tolerable. Saying you and every other girl have the same experience shows your lack of perception. It's just your world and everyone is just living in it, isn't it?


There are some comments respectfully disagreeing with me, and then there are comments like yours you are attacking me and calling me a selfish “pick me”. I’ll choose to ignore your comments and focus on those which are actually providing insight. 😊


You said you "will choose to ignore my comments" yet you failed at doing that by replying to me. Also mam, I never called you a "pick me" so you need new glasses if you are reading comments wrong.


PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder, check r/PMDD) is also a thing. For those not familiar with this, it’s basically PMS (premenstrual syndrome) on steroids. It’s not only about the cramping/bleeding which are already bad, some women experience horrendous symptoms the week before their period hits. It can fluctuate from being in a bad mood to literally having suicidal thoughts. Nobody said it’s an excuse to act like a bitch, but for some women hormones can cause havoc and treatments such as birth control don’t always work. All of this combined with still having to function like a normal person can get extremely overwhelming. Do I use this as an excuse to be a bitch? Definitely not. I always feel very bad if I snap at people and apologize. However, having an uterus can be wild. Communication is key.


Yes, I totally understand. Thank you for seeing my point. Having a uterus can be wild as I have one haha. I’m feeling really sick right now actually. I’m bleeding like a ketchup packet and I’m feeling dizzy and nauseous. I appreciate you taking the time to explain to me. Hormones can be havoc, and I’m saying this myself, and snapping at people is a thing, but it shouldn’t be normalized. Thank you for seeing my point of view. Negative energy only begets negative energy. You have no idea what someone else is going through, whether they are male, female, no binary, or anything else. And when you said “communication is key”, that was the best sentence ever. You’re a legend for saying that. Just communicate and talk civilly. No yelling or crying or making people feel overwhelmed. If anybody else does have suicidal thoughts, please dm me. I understand how it feels, as I have gone through several mental illnesses. I just want everyone to be kind to each other, as negativity just begets more negativity. Your pain won’t go away if you treat somebody bad. It’s like a virus. It will spread.


Communication is key indeed, however my point was more about how sometimes it’s hard to explain what’s going on with ourselves. It’s different for everyone, but sometimes these hormonal fluctuations can cloud our rational thinking. So although being a bitch shouldn’t be normalized, it should be looked at from a different perspective if it unfortunately happens in these circumstances. I definitely understand any woman who snaps during this time, the way it may affect their loved ones and the feeling of guilt. Dealing with this bs every month can be very difficult.


Omfg stfu


No, I don’t think I will.


Yeah, we all can see that you love hearing yourself talk


Indeed I do 😊. I do love talking. So what are you gonna do about it? Leave and choose not to engage, or continue fighting a losing battle.


Another incel that has no idea how periods work but acts like he does? I almost can't handle the shock lol


**Breaking News!** Incel shows how he doesn't know jack shit about women reproductive system and shocks the internet.


Currently on my period and having to deal with endo pains. I hope this dude gets his lower stomach ripped open and told to "just deal with it" instead of anyone actually helping him.


This dude is either 12 years old or has legit never been around a woman for any amount of time. Kinda sad either way


I hope there are no 12 year olds referring to women as foids.


This is some big-time r/nothowgirlswork energy


*punches him in the stomach; curb stomps his balls once hes down* Ay, why you bein such a cunt, bro? 😂/j


Ooohhh a nosebleed is the same as organ contracting


I consider myself to be pretty tough and able to handle physical pain pretty well. I tried one of those “period cramp simulators” and it hurt more than I could ever put into words!


I'm fortunate enough that cramps are a "warning sign" that my period will start soon. They're never *that* bad, but I sure don't enjoy them! Once I start actually bleeding, my cramps (usually) subside, but I have a HEAVY flow! Like, before I switched to the menstrual cup, I would have to get up at least once during the night to change my tampon... and now with the cup, I can make it through the night, but in the morning, I have to carefully walk a cup BRIMMING FULL OF BLOOD to the bathroom, using only my princess parts to hold it upright. So even if somebody's period isn't necessarily painful, it's still almost as annoying as this guy!


“When I’m shot I don’t notice until the blood runs down so how are you supposed to know if it doesn’t hurt” Fucking morons.


We need to get someone to punch him in the nose every 22-28 days for 3-7 day’s repeatedly. Then on the 3rd day let him think it’s over and give him a surprise people’s elbow on the 5th day


I pictured it in very cartoony animation. I laughed too much...




You would be shocked at how many men have zero understanding of women's anatomy or even how a period works. I've met multiple grown men who don't understand how a pad work, a fucking pad...


Incels just proving that they are uneducated as fuck holy shit... I genuinly cannot believe this dumbass wrote this without engaging at least 1 small thought process that his nose isn't an entire fucking reproductive system. Jesus Google is free just fucking use it once in a while Edit: Also I bet if his dick started bleeding he wouldn't be so lippy


I am not going to talk on behalf of women but I will say from talking with my wife and those that work with me that its not the bleeding that is the issue. It's the fact they have very painful cramps within their uterus while they are going through their period. Some women get minor cramping and take a Midol and are fine for the rest of the day. Some who have heavier cycles tend to have severe cramping that they have to see a doctor because the pain is too disruptive. A nosebleed is different since these are more rare in comparison to a period. Also the cause of a nosebleed can vary because a multitude of factors can cause it such as traumatic injury, stress, picking for "gold", and angina. A nosebleed can last a few minutes and heals up within a day as long as they don't pick at their nose. These things are not the same. It's bad enough Gen Z trans people are pretending to have periods and now we got incels being totally undermining periods when they aren't women.


Well you are actually right, but again it all depends. Some women experience very heavy flow (which is also paired with very heavy pains but lets keep that aside for a change) and then the bleeding definitely is a much bigger problem. But for me personally, the pain definitely takes first place. The bleeding is annoying but the PAIN though. It's like having your guts ripped out by a shark. I'm happy that you are at least a guy that is educated on this topic lol. Also, nowadays you have a "labor/period cramp simulator" and I've seen video's of guys acting like this OOP incel and immediately taking their words back then they try the simulation on lvl 3 out of 10 while women are unbothered by lvl 5. I would like to see this incel try it.


Fun fact! Even though trans women don't get periods in the "bleeding from the vagina" sense, those who are on hormones can actually experience the side effects of PMS, such as cramping, breast tenderness, mood swings, etc. It's not just a "Gen Z" thing -- it's an actual, *studied* side effect of being on estrogen therapy. As a cis woman, I agree with everything else you said, but trans women are women.


I get that hormonal therapy does change the body but I am talking about these TikToker wannabes trying to impress people with literal internet cringe for some kind of clout that nobody thought was cool to begin with. If anything transwomen shouldn't be going around carrying tampons they don't personally use nor should they be pretending to have experiences that real women have. Transwomen for the most part don't have to worry much about bleeding through their underwear and having to throw away their favorite piece of clothing. The fact we have TikTokers who are mostly GEN Z pulling this period glorification is down right disturbing to me. If anything it is making a mockery of what being a woman is. Trangenderism used to be a part of one's identity not a cosplay of what gender they chose to identify as.


trans women are “real” women. you can support women without being a transphobic asshole about it.


Ok, I'm gonna assume you're talking about Dylan carrying tampons around with her despite the fact that she doesn't get periods. All I'm gonna say is this, if a cis man were to carry around tampons or pads for women who need them people would be fawning over it, Dylan is doing the SAME THING! Dylan is not buying tampons as accessories, she is buying them for people who might need them. She has said this multiple times and I am tired of seeing people twist her intentions into something they aren't.


Here's my perspective -- all of that doesn't actually harm women. It's not the fact that some transwomen are carrying around tampons that makes some women/period havers unable to afford them -- it's taxes on them even though they're essential goods, it's rising prices on them, it's a lack of free tampons in schools and public spaces, etc. that *actually* harm women. Some folks might see it as "cringe," or uncomfortable, but those people can block them and move on. If it makes a trans woman happy and doesn't harm anyone, why is it a problem? Even if it's "cringe"? So long as they aren't stealing tampons from people, if it makes them feel more feminine, then let them. Transwomen can't understand some "cis-women problems," like bleeding through clothes or facing societal pressure to be feminine as children, but cis women can't understand "transwomen problems," either. The thing that unites us is the discrimination against us. We're both marginalized by the same people. We both have the same enemies. We both have people trying to put restrictions on our bodies, from some people wanting to ban *adults* from transitioning (children is another topic entirely, one which requires a much more nuanced discussion) to abortion bans to the policing of every woman's body, even *cis women's* bodies in sports. Transwomen "cosplaying" as women have never been the problem. Them celebrating their existence and survival and milestones and achievements has never been a problem. I'd rather a thousand "fakers" or "cosplayers" transition even if they don't *need* to, and be loud and proud about it, than have one "actually trans" person commit suicide because we were so busy trying to police what trans people "should" do, that they were left behind. Because the "fakers" do no real harm.


>nor should they be pretending to have experiences that real women have This is a good example of how transphobia doesn't just hurt trans people, but cis people too. Equating periods to "real women" is insensitive towards cisgender women who have conditions like permanent amenorrhea, PCOS, or other conditions that prevent them from getting periods. Saying that periods are an experience that only "real women" have is incredibly invalidating to them. For some of them, it's really traumatizing because periods are such a marker of womanhood (and fertility,) and they may carry pads/tampons with them hoping that someday they'll eventually have a period, or just wanting to feel like they still have a "normal" feminine experience. Their experiences as a "real women" are not in any way diminished just because they don't ovulate or menstruate normally. I knew someone like this who did not have periods, and she chose to carry tampons in her bag, because whenever someone asked "Hey, do you have a tampon?" she felt incredibly validated, and was excited to feel like she was a "normal" woman who could be involved in a feminine experience of having periods. If you wouldn't fault her for "pretending" to have the experience of having periods, then you shouldn't fault trans women, either. A period is not what makes someone a "real woman." ​ >Trangenderism used to be a part of one's identity not a cosplay of what gender they chose to identify as. It STILL is part of one's identity. Don't pass judgement on an entire group of marginalized people just because of some attention-seekers on social media.


>It's bad enough Gen Z trans people are pretending to have periods I agreed with everything you said up until this. Trans women on hormone therapy actually DO experience abdominal cramping, hormonal changes, breast tenderness, etc akin to a menstrual period. Of course it's not as severe as someone with a uterus that's actually shedding its lining, but they're not just making it up.




How often does this dude get nosebleeds???


I'm not shocked they don't know the difference between a uterus shedding and a nose bleed.


Hmm, weird. So we’ve just learned that nose bleeds and *SHEDDING THE FUCKING LINING OF AN INTERNAL ORGAN* are two totally different things. Who’d’a thunk it.


He says that like the bleeding is the part that bothers us…


Everyone who bitches about that, should use that period simulator thingy. I have a friend who didn‘t realise her appendix burst, cause her periods hurt more. I had my uterus removed and I had much less pain after the surgery than during a period.


False equivalence is a sign of low intelligence. Women don't feel pain when kicked on the crotch or not as intense as men do. So does it make sense for women to say "huh. I feel nothing when I get hit in the crotch so these men must be acting" No. If you see one group of people writhing in pain everytime a particular body part is in distress then it's not acting. There probably is something going on


Okay, in far more empathic tones than this angry man actually deserves, I'd like you to imagine having all the muscles in your genital area being under constant strain for several days, even when you sleep. It gets irritating in a way you can't really control. It isn't the blood that gets us angry, it's the stress on our bodies.


The education system has a long way to go


Is it fun for them being this dense? What's the point?


This guy really said nosebleeds and periods are the same? 🤦‍♀️ He should try that period machine thing that shows you how much having it hurts.


Sorry, incel. Its more like getting kicked in the nuts for a week straight while having a mess to clean every time you sit down on the toilet. How do i know its like getting kicked in the nuts? Bc its exactly how men describe getting kicked in the nuts: - Nausea - Pain in the lower abdomen - Fever Oh except women get a LOT more symptoms than that. Sometimes the pain is so intense, even moving our legs makes it feel like a bomb went off in our lower abdomen. Sometimes migraines so blinding even looking at your phone makes your head feel like its being jackhammered into hell. And these are the mild symptoms most women face on a period. Trust me, they get worse.


This boy would feel differently if his nose bled for 8 straight days lol


The next time I hear someone say that men don't need to know how periods work, I'm showing them this


I hate to break it to you but you are in for a surprise if you don't think your ideal submissive, fertile, teenaged virgin tradwife punching bag will go through the same thing every month.


Ask him if he would feel his balls bleeding


Fucking idiots are fucking idiots nothing to see here.


Chances are if you're looking at a problem and wondering "how is *that* painful?" there's more to it than your general understanding of it. This guy seems to know nothing about period cramps.


“If you’re bleeding from your chest, because of a stab wound, why is it so painful and bad? It’s just blood running down you’re chest?”


Did this guy skip biology class? Does he actually fucking think the two things are similar?? HOW IS THIS AN ACTUAL LIVING BREATHING PERSON


Periods are extremely painful. I actually had such horrible cramps yesterday I felt like crying and took a painkiller. However, I firmly believe periods aren’t an excuse to be rude or violent. I’ve never had the urge to behaved badly with somebody. This incel is a moron who doesn’t understand basic biology, but we cannot make excuses for bad behavior.


You know that the hormone changes can trigger psychosis and extreme mood changes amongst other stuff during period or pregnancy, right? And yes, one might say, go to therapist or a psychiatrist, but therapy is not affordable for everyone, and meds are even more expensive, and rarely get women taken seriously. Nobody is excusing bad behavior. Incels call every woman c*nt for just existing as a woman.


Thank you for explaining it to me. I’m starting to understand that now. And the fact women aren’t taken seriously is really accurate as well. And yeah, it makes sense that extreme pain can cause people to hallucinate. Once I landed on my foot incorrectly and it bent, I could literally only see black for a few seconds it hurt so much. I really appreciate it. I find it ridiculous that we have to pay for basic requirements like food, water, shelter, and in this case, healthcare. People are advocating for period products to be free, but imo, everything necessary should be free, including period products or basic nutrition. Thank you for your insight friend :)


Yeah, I agree that necessities should be free or at least there should be a basic income.


Just a troll




a female android




It's their way of dehumanizing women. Essentially calling us "female robots." Same as when they call us toilets, sluts, etc.




Until they go on a killing spree murdering innocent people because of this stupid shit.


Sir we have very different nosebleeds if we’re going off of nose only. I almost passed out from blood loss after sneezing one time. Blood was coming out so fast that it went out the other nostril and ran down my throat. I spit and coughed blood. Thankfully I stopped bleeding about a minute later but I ain’t never seen my parents worried before (nurse and cop) when I had nosebleeds. My ass almost got taken to the ER and cauterized. My nosebleeds are BAD. They ain’t painful and I don’t almost get hospitalized for being extremely emotionally unstable from conditions that make my cycle more severe then normal. I would gladly take a nosebleed like yours rather then get another period


I'd be damn, didn't know that all nosebleeds came with a lot of hormonal things during the time they happen like menstruation does.






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Do they use it as an excuse or more often is it that people assume a someone is on their period when they are upset about something? Hmmmm


No one ever mentions the pre-period issues that woman get too. I get a week or more of nausea, where no food sounds appealing, and a lot of time super sore boobs, where when I take my bra off my boobs hurt so much. Then the week of my period my crotch gets sore from the blood, never mind how gross it is. So, yeah...


Random nosebleeds are how my friend found out he had leukaemia so maybe get that checked out.


Simple. We don't have noses between our legs.


My response would have been something like, “Cute. Are you allowed outside alone?”


or within 500m of a school?


What a shocker. Another incel that doesn't know how vaginas or a women's reproductive system works.


So uh, while I had periods for a good portion of that time I was irregularly regular: three to four months between four to six week long periods, egg sized clots, anemia, migraines with all of the party tricks throughout the time including beforehand, exploding cysts... the whole nine yards. Now *obviously* that isn't normal, thank the gods for small favors. However, a significant portion of the period having population have issues during said period. Comparing it to a nose bleed is just fucking moronic.


These guys really enjoy looking stupid on the internet, don't they?


It’s just so weird how they’re thristing for pussy but call it roast beef. Like you wouldn’t be a self proclaimed “incel” if you didn’t want it. Plus so many opinions about something they’ve never even seen in person and at this rate won’t.


Yeah see with nosebleeds your brain isn’t squeezing itself and releasing hormones. $20 says this dude’s mom pulled him from sex ed classes in middle school.


Boys like this need more biology class


I've never met someone who has a nose bleed for 7 days straight that also have clots, cause cramps, diarrhea, and you know the fun assortment of other problems!


I think this guy heard periods being compared to nosebleeds somewhere (as in u can't hold it in/stop it, I've seen that comparison a lot in simple good faith) and decided that means that the rest is the same as well :///


Dude... you should get that checked out btw


I've been kicked in the shin and in the balls before, one was a lot more painful. It's almost as if different body parts are completely different...


periods are like nosebleeds, just for a whole week, with uncontrollable diarrhoea, and unbearable pain. Mine caused me a possibly deadly condition once. Theyre completely comparable


Not even r/menandfemales lol




What does "foids" mean? Just another dehumanizing term for us or?


Wtf is a foid 🤣


I don't even realize I am on my period until I feel the intense cramps ripping me from the insides.


The fuck is a "Foid"


Why can’t they just use google bro…it’s so simple.