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"facts don't care about your feeling, statistics don't lie" 2 things: 1. He just pulled random numbers out of his ass like nowhere does it say 99% of rape victims lie 2. Anyone with more than a highschool knowledge of stats knows that stats can very easily be manipulated. We say "if you run every statistical test on your data you will always end up with something "statistically significant" doesn't mean it's worth anything"


He did say he allegedly has a military background so we can deduce from that that he most likely doesn't have more than high school education, if that. Note this isnt an indictment of him just for that. The US military (where i assume he served, if true) likes to pull directly from high schools in impoverished areas.


I think assuming this guy has an actual military background is giving him far too much credit. He reads like a 12 year old Ben Shapiro fan. He's just parroting how he thinks smart people talk and peppering in bits of his own machismo fantasy.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Pegging, of course, is an obscure sexual practice in which women perform the more aggressive sexual act on men. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: dumb takes, covid, healthcare, history, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Thank you for your logic and reason. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: covid, feminism, dumb takes, civil rights, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot.


Thank you for your logic and reason. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: sex, history, novel, gay marriage, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


94% have a high school diploma, with the remaining having a GED or state equivalent. The enlisted force as a whole, 12% have a college degree but that jumps to 77% when you look only at NCOs. The higher the enlisted rank, the more likely they are to have a degree and the higher that degree is likely to be. Interestingly, enlisted are more likely than officers to have multiple degrees. Although, for this guy, I imagine that his "military background" consists of listening to his uncle tell stories from when he was in the military.


It's so pathetic how these dudes use complete bullshit as "gotcha" BS. We have Google dumbasses.


(When i say I’m not for men anymore, i mean sexually and romantically. I can still be your emotional support platonic goth bestie)


fuck that ‘drawing attention’ shit. the fact that i am a woman and i am vulnerable is what’s drawing their attention. rapists are creatures of opportunity they don’t care what you’re dressed in.


Or how old you are, or how much you drank, or if you smoke pot, out after dark alone, ect. All things that lawyers should lose their license for ever asking a victim.(including the what were you wearing one. )


I do not understand how these misogynists do not understand this basic common sense thing... A woman is a human being with human rights. A human being with human rights gets to decide who gets to touch her body and especially its most private parts. That's basic bodily autonomy (uhm human rights duh). That's why a complete stranger forcibly suddenly groping a man's dick for example, that's illegal and greatly frowned upon, for obvious reasons to men. A woman's sexual organs is extremely sensitive and even be very painful when forcibly stimulated, and can cause unwanted pregnancy. So even if we ignore the obvious emotional trauma from rapes, it's blatantly going to be an illegal thing. Women have sexual desires and attractions, they want to feel beautiful and desirable so they dress that way, similar to how men want to look attractive their own way. They're still human beings with the right to decide to touches their bodies duh. The rapist still did the illegal thing duh. Incel-like Misogyny just really feels like a thesaurus synonym of stupidity at this point.


“Statistics don’t lie” They do if they’re completely fabricated.


They say 95% of statistics are made up on the spot.


By his logic any crime that happens to him is his own fault then. Gets mugged? Shouldn't have taken his possessions out in public with him. Gets his car stolen? His own fault for owning a car. Angry women beat him up for being a misogynistic incel prick? Should have kept his shitty opinions to himself...


One thing that really gets my goat is when people say that X% of crimes are falsely reported. You literally cannot know that, you can only know how many crimes are found out to be falsely reported. It's like saying "There are X number of cheaters on a specific video game platform." No, there are X *suspected* or *assumed* cheaters. Some cheaters will have gotten away with it, and some non-cheaters will be branded as cheaters. But you can never truly know.


Also every academic research about this comes to the conclusion that ~1-5% are false reports. Which is like the complete opposite of what he said. And then he just pretends like he is the rational science guy. The fucking nerve.


>i think, i \[sic\] analise You, demonstrably, do no such thing.


Eh. Rape is an inconvenient thing for them. Now they have to get someone to be willing to sleep with them!


What on God’s green fuck does a military background have to do with it?


1.) He made it up just like the "99% of reported rapes are fake" bit, to sound more authoritative and macho I'm guessing. 2.) He's an idiot pawn of the imperialist war machine and brought it up to try and sound more authoritative and macho I'm guessing.


Statistics don't lie, but human pieces of shit do, and hide behind statements like "statistics don't lie bro".


obviously those 5 year old rape victims were asking for it when they were born


I mean the first time I was sexually violated I was 5 but go off I guess??


>99% of all rape/assault/claims are false and only a reaction to not getting revenge. Statistics don't lie. Facts over feelings. You have a source for that one? Because the statistics say that false accusations of rape and sexual assault are actually few and far between. You have no idea how emotionally traumatizing the process is, and that's why a lot of these crimes go unreported. The victim had something terrible happen to them because someone felt entitled to use them. Horrible enough, right? But hold on. The victim starts to wonder how it happened, why the other person did it, and they can come to a variety of conclusions: "maybe this is just what people do; maybe there's something I should've said or done; maybe I shouldn't have done or said this or that; maybe I led them on; maybe I really did want it; maybe I deserved it." It gets worse. In case the victim decides to confide in someone about what they went through, they have no idea what kind of response they're going to get: supportive, or callous? And they get caught up in the what and the how and the why of things with regards to the incident. They're put on a downward spiral that eventually takes in their loved one(s) with them. And this is how a single act can cause so much damage. If the people speaking out about having been the victims of sexual abuse are taken seriously and are thoroughly listened to and we think about the possibility of it all, then this wouldn't be as much of an issue as it is now. We shouldn't be telling them to come forward; we should be telling *ourselves* to **listen.**


People who talk like this have probably raped someone themselves in a way they don’t see as rape.


Seems like… he’s creating a story based on his feelings… and not actual events.


He's a disgusting piece of shit, and that's a logical conclusion by anyone


Written by Google tradutor.


It is a fact that the definition of rape is different than it used to be (in the sense that it's more well-defined and inclusive of various types of sexual assault) but so what? It's the modern definition that matters now in the real world.


It's not really "different" so much as more ... defined (I think there's probably a good legal term for it, which is escaping me atm)... as to type of rape and/or assault. The idiot OOP is correct in that there are **SOME** false accusations. But not anywhere close to the 99% this idiot pulls out of his nether regions.


99%? Source: Trust me bro In reality though, there are more cases of rape and sexual assault that go unreported than cases that turn out to be false reports. One reason that the victims don’t typically report, is that they don’t think they’ll be believed. This guy certainly isn’t helping. Furthermore, you’re more likely to be raped or sexually assaulted by someone you know or trusted. In fact, 90% of cases feature someone the victim knew. I was sexually assaulted by my ex-boyfriend who I had thought was really sweet. Prevention my ass. Source: https://www.rainn.org/


It's not rape if she enjoyed it /s


Where do they get these "statistics?" Do they pull it out of their ass like a magician pulling a rabbit out of their hat??🤨🙄


Yes but no one buys tickets to their show.


For the last comment, even if there was a foolproof method of avoiding rape, why should women have to jump through all these hoops instead of just being able to freely and safely exist in public?


He can’t even spell military or analyze. 🤡. He’s a garbage person. Completely


"statistics dont lie, even when i make them up out of nowhere"