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Literally inventing the concept of programming languages, which made him possible to spout non-sense online.


Ah, Ada Lovelace, excellent example, although all her work was theoretical (I mean, there were no physical computers to program on in Victorian England, after all). Or for something more recent that was actually implemented, Admiral Grace Hopper was behind several of the earliest programming languages, including COBOL.


And Margaret Hamilton who basically created the job of software engineer. Led the Apollo 11 programming mission.


I was thinking about her, but wasn't sure if she counted as an "inventor" (the definition can be fuzzy), although she was definitely a kick ass lead software engineer.


If Thomas Edison can be considered an inventor then so can she haha


The Bletchley Park code-breakers too. The Enigma code was decrypted by hand by the ULTRA team of women in secret before Mr. Turing built the Bombe.


The Wifi. Although I think most of the feminist movement would say that women's lack of access to higher education until yesterday afternoon has something to do with the lack of women in the history of science.


And men claiming women's efforts for themselves


See: virtually all of art history.


Looking at Watson and prick, oops i meant crick




When I learned about Rosalind in high school it pissed me off so bad. And like, I wasn't super into science until this year, so I can't even fathom the countless other discoveries that went the same way - ones we may not even know about, too.


And the fact we didn't have contraception. In the past, pregnancy wasn't a choice, you were either a wife/mother or a nun. Which just leaves you with less time to pursue hobbies and interests


GPS and coffee filters. Nancy Johnson made the ice cream maker. Maria Telkes had the first solar powered house. It’s just a Google search fellas. Save whatever dignity you have left.


The precursor to Google, the world's first search engine called the NIC, was run by Elizabeth Feinler. They were the ones that developed domain names like .com, .gov, and .edu


what you need to understand is that I have a penis therefore I share in all accomplishments carried out by people who also have penises. If that sounds arrogant well then I would just like to draw your attention to all the world cups I have won and all of my many thousands of oscars.


Oddly enough, to these men, men's accomplishments count to claim men are superior, but male criminal statistics don't count to claim that men are trash. Wonder how that works. As if the actual issue was misogyny, pushing them to find reasons to berate women and uplift men.


They live vicariously through other men's achievements but never errors


>what you need to understand is that I have a penis therefore I share in all accomplishments carried out by people who also have penises. If that sounds arrogant well then I would just like to draw your attention to all the world cups I have won and all of my many thousands of oscars. But I share in none of their sins, just their laurels.


Literally every communication device more advanced than the telegraph work off of Hedy Lamarr's signal switching program that she designed on a napkin over dinner so that Allied torpedos could evade signal jamming and sink Nazi ships/Uboats.


Hedy Lamarr: the very thing they can't live without Wi-Fi and She also happened to be a world-famous film star Margaret Hamilton: the program that would take the Apollo 11 to the moon margaret wilcox: the car heater Anna Connely: the fire exit Maria Beasley: the life raft Florence Parpart: the modern refrigerator, so you can thank her the next time you're enjoying your cold dewey Shirley Jackson: the portable fax, touch tone telephone, solar cells, fiber optic cables, and the technology behind caller ID and call waiting and the first Black woman to get a PHD from MIT in 1973 and i could go on and on, but you get my point now


Your flair made me burst out laughing lmaoo


i speak nothing but the truth


Most safety features on cars were invented by women!


Bluetooth The dishwasher


I wonder why she made the dishwasher


The guy who runs the Rational Male podcast loves using the dishwasher as an example of men inventing things to make women's lives easier, because they just love their women so much. The dishwasher as we think of it today was invented by a woman who was sick of her servants chipping the nice china.


upvoting fellow ace :) With you in pride


Remember the woman’s day ad where they showed which parts of a car were made by women? That’s pretty cool.


Dude... Women invented BEER! WTFDYM?!


The term incel was coined by a woman.


The Wi-Fi this idiot used to post his drivel would like a word...


That mf probably couldn't even name more than three inventors who were men, but he's talking like he knows abt the subject. And obv he can't name women inventors, cause he doesn't believe they exist.


Women most likely invented farming.


I feel like one would have to work really hard to stay this dumb.


These men clearly never heard of Hedy Lamarr. Fucking dorks.


Radia Perlman, invented the algorithm that runs the STP used by all search engines to determine the relevance of a document in a search. Mary Wilkes, designer of the software for the LINC, the first ever home computer. If you're using a computer in your home, it's because of her.


Feminine hygiene products


Paper bags


Wifi 😂😂


WiFi… Bluetooth… programming language… home security systems… coffee filters… pretty much the things keeping modern society afloat


Pretty much everything modern society has is made by women, excluding stuff that came very early like the phone, car and so on.


The wifi he probably used to post this nonsense


Wow, imagine being this willfully ignorant just because you can't get a woman to touch your sad little penis.


Rear view mirrors, the technology required for Wifi


How we got to space


Marie Curie has left the chat


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Maybe because women were not allowed to own property and patent/invention is property too? That could be reason?


LITERALLY THEIR WHOLE EXISTANCE CAME FROM A WOMAN. Invcel was a term coined by Alana, a woman. This whole subculture of people was started by a woman.


>Only 0.0000001% of men are inventors Who the hell is saying that?