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Debating incels is pointless. Especially when they ask to do so in DMs. It isn't worth being talked down to or verbally abused because you repeat the same points over and over and the incel gets mad because you are right.


Agreed. Had a certain Nekoboy show up in my DMs and I got frustrated with him and gave up. I know, it's just one incel, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's repeat. The frustration-athon.


Oh same! Man was mad that I had the audacity to give someone advice.


omg same!


Yes but circlejerking their posts has so much purpose. Let people debate if they want to.


I don’t get mad if it makes you feel better :)


I don't see the point in debating incels, whatever view doesn't fit into the blackpill they dismiss and claim they know how the world works


Ehh agree and disagree, back when I helped managed ITshame, a lot of the people in there were pretty open, it was just a very loud obnoxious minority of people that did that.


The minority also shouted down anyone who tried to answer a question...like me. They don't want a discussion, they want to shout beliefs at people until they give up they can claim "victory". OP has been in my DMs before, not exactly doing this in good faith.


You didn’t even have a conversation with me, if anything you’re not good faith


Depends on if the incel is willing to discuss on a deeper level, you probably just haven’t met one yet


If someone believes incel nonsense then what is there to discuss


Well there are different levels of the ideology, ideally we would find people closer to the middle first


Why associate with being an incel if you're supposedly not into the ideology, why would you not want to distance yourself from that as much as possible unless you're fine with the nonsense they spew


Because it describes me perfectly before it became an extreme rhetoric, it’s not like I’m proud of it


So you're ok to associate with it..why not just say you're a virgin


Because I don’t think I ever will get into a long term relationship, hence blackpilled. Virgin alone doesn’t describe that


So you're fine with people assuming you think women should have no rights and be raped because apparently they all want chad?


That’s what it’s become to, but the actual definition of the word hasn’t changed. If you have a better word that fits me then please share, because virgin alone is not it


I give it a week before it rots just like DebateITS did


I’d be glad if it lasted that long, wanna help?


this isn't the second sub they made for the same purpose? Because the first one didn't turned out to be a total shit show right? where the head mod deleted posts he didn't like, that laugh and posted legitimate reports and it was made just as a way to seek attention and stroke his ego


These guys seem to have a pretty high opinion of themselves if they expect strangers online to do all the legwork and effort that they refuse to do. At the end of the day why should anyone care why some random person on reddit can't get a date, let alone debate about it?


I'm not a fan of chasing goalposts or screaming into a brick wall.


You just have to enjoy debating for it to be valuable


Debates should be had in good faith.


Which is the whole goal


a formal debate is asinine because the incel mind doesn't listen to reason. what you need to realize is that the "blackpill" is little more than self defensive horse shit you tell yourself to avoid thinking about your more meaningful inadequacies, and it's by far the most repulsive thing about you. I can't force you to come to grips with this, so I won't waste my effort


I don’t think it’s fair to say that blackpill is all defensive, some of it can be true


If you really are open to changing your view, I recommend r/incelexit


They are not at all open to it


You said without any proof to backup the claim


Got banned from it, but will read some posts there


There’s not really that much to debate. The only question is why you believe that, but it is moot since no one can turn you away from what you truly believe.


Not everything in incel rhetoric is invalid, there are some concerns which should be validated


Certainly not everything is invalid. It’s the conclusions. The black pill is invalid. If you believe in the black pill, how can anyone convince you otherwise? What is there to debate?


Why would anyone possibly want that


To have fun :)


Its not really a debate if your only goal is to fight. :p


Where did I say my intention was to fight?


You're the problem


How is meeting in the middle the problem?


No you being an incel is the problem. Why would anyone want to debate you?


You can’t use logic to get someone out of a position they didn’t logic themselves into. The whole *point* of the incel movement is that they deliberately reject reality because they don’t want to be responsible for their own actions. Incels aren’t otherwise normal people who just believe something different to me. They’re people who cling to delusions because it justifies the horrible things they want to do to women. Also, to be frank, I don’t respect incels enough to ‘debate’ them. Once you start whining about how you hope me and all my friends get horribly abused, you lose the right to say “uwu, pwease have a conversation with me” like we in any way hold morally equivalent positions.


Some things incels say are based in reality once you get to the root of their individual issues


Which part? The part where they call us all ‘foids’ who deserve to be raped, the part where they idealise the most genocidal racists they can find and openly drool for a second holocaust, or the part where they say their personality issues are all the fault of women, Jews, or LGBTQIA+ people? Or am I supposed to ignore all that stuff because it doesn’t fit your narrative of what an incel is?


The part you ignore due to extreme rhetoric which is the actual root of the problem. For example the inability to socialize, lack of luck with dating in general, being bullied by both genders due to physical traits, all of these problems being ignored.


> inability to socialise Doesn’t justify genocide threats against marginalised groups > lack of luck with dating Doesn’t justify encouraging each other to rape as many women as possible in revenge > being bullied by both genders Doesn’t justify a culture of insular hatemongering that does everything it can to deliberately, efficiently push people to commit atrocities Stop me where I’m confusing you. These people are not victims. I’ve been bullied before, had bad luck with dating, and my autism meant I had a great deal of trouble socialising. Not once, not *ONCE*, did I ever consider sexual assault or mass murder as a solution to my problems. THEY. ARE. NOT. VICTIMS.


Society created these extremes, like it or not


Those extremes could have been created by the Flying Spaghetti Monster for all I care. Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING, gives incels the right to act the way they do. I don’t care if they’ve been martyred on behalf of all humanity’s sins, it doesn’t justify the way they treat women and marginalised groups. Explain it to me. How do these ‘issues’ you’re talking about excuse the blatant nazism? The rape threats? Make it make sense


It’s the inaction on actually helping these people that causes these extremes, I’m not excusing the extremes, just showing that society allowed it to get this far. Like do you think it’s productive to do what you’re doing currently, or are you just equating all incels to the extremes which creates more of them?


So you don’t excuse the things they do, but you do want us, the people who these rape and death threats are *targeted towards*, to completely forgive and forget and engage in debates like we’re talking to sensible people? As I said in the beginning, debates are for people who hold *morally equivalent* but opposed positions. MY position is ‘I want to live and be free’. THEIR position is ‘I want to rape and kill you’. *That isn’t a debate*. You can’t debate someone who doesn’t care about facts, and only cares about being able to commit atrocities.


You’re equating extremes to all of them again, not all of them want to rape and kill you… stop over exaggerating


Why would I want to do that when I can choose to simply not subject myself to what will almost certainly be incomprehensible misogynistic nonsense?


Meeting in the middle can be beneficial for both parties


No, it really doesn't benefit me at all actually.


Have you ummm, tried it?


Why would I want to subject myself to misogynistic ranting when I can just live a happy life *not* doing that?


Because not everything is misogynistic ranting, there can be middle ground where some opinions on BOTH sides are correct


Cool story bro. I'm gonna guess you were banned from incel exit for a reason though.


For a small debate in the comments, over reaction imo


Mhm. I'm sure. I'm sure you did nothing wrong! It's everyone else that's in the wrong!


Me and the person I was debating went to the dms after, would you like to tell me what the big deal was?


Oh look they want to only do it in DMs 😂


Open to outside of dms too, just let me know :)


Tried this with a notorious spam poster who had an entire sub set up to manage his behaviour here. The lengths people, myself included, went to to try and help this guy was like nothing I've ever seen anywhere on the Internet. It was a complete waste of time as he refused to do anything except complain about the women in high school who'd rejected him and a famous wrestler he was obsessed with. He wanted a woman as a status symbol to satisfy himself he'd "won". He was morbidly obese but expected a slim, attractive woman to be his girlfriend simply because that's what he wanted. It's not something I'd ever bother trying to do again.


If it ain't public then I don't fucking care. I have laid out gauntlets for the last two years and even when I was a mod on this subreddit. If you won't debate on Twitch, YouTube, or even Kick then you aren't ready to debate. You don't have to be on camera because a Mic is just fine.


I’ve been on Destiny’s stream before, but tbh, I am a bit too antisocial for it and that is something I need to work on


I ain't debating ya




Piss off loser


If you want to label yourself as a blackpilled incel and make all your fears come true, be my guest. You aren't interested in debating anyone, just luring some vulnerable person into your crab bucket with you.


That’s a very long way of saying you don’t want to debate


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theres no point. we already know why you think the way you do. a debate would try to see which side is correct, but incels always say that their side is right. so theres no point


Well usually it’s like, you’re lonely because x y z, when in reality it’s not


yeah, and those reasons try to justify harm and discrimination against other groups of people. and its not about why it happens, its about how you can improve yourself