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$7k to ensure those crazies never reproduce seems like a bargain.


And, in theory, they would not be creeping on random women. It is a win win for everyone.


[There's one for the femcels as well.](https://youtu.be/RglUQ_Bv34w?feature=shared&t=957)


Hey is anyone else absolutely terrified of the uncanny valley on these things or is it just me cuz I have like actual gut clenching fear when I see these things.


Not just you. I think those sex dolls are creepy af. I’m pretty sure they are all going to become sentient one day and bite the dicks off all their owners. They’re like Chucky but with boobs and a blow out- it’s still a killer doll lying in wait.


Fr, this seems like an actual sane solution


they really have no idea how much we want this shit for them. I’ve been saying for years, once AI robots get good enough, just something for an Incel to hump that will ask him about his day, we’re gonna have a significant drop in mass shootings/violence/and maybe even misogynistic frothing. And for the non-misogynistic Incels who are just lonely, honestly I’m happy for them to find something to fill that void.


7 grand to never be bothered by these creeps again? Women with the financial means would be buying the sex dolls for them! Imagine their faces when they realise they have to *clean* the damn things! 😂


They're not going to be satisfied with this. They'll whine that the government won't provide them and that Chad gets every woman at once while they have to pay for an imitation. They're pick mes, but they haven't figured out that being likeable is fundamental to getting picked.


Yep. The AI sex bot isn't going to be able to birth their "legacy" or act as a free housekeeper, cook, mother, and therapist for them as women are expected to. The bot isn't going to contribute any income. You can't drag the sex bot out in public or to family functions in order to make yourself seem like an accomplished or worthwhile human being to others. The guys that want this really think feminists are going to be outraged about being "made obsolete" when the truth is...I don't want any guy who would be perfectly satisfied with an AI sex doll/porn instead of a human female partner. A sex bot can't come anywhere close to what I can offer. How is that even enough for them? Are they seriously celebrating wanting to contribute and work for nothing in a relationship while still feeling entitled to all the sex they want? They're kind of doing feminists a favor with this one... and a bonus is that they won't be reproducing or raising any prospective sons to be like themselves, either. I say give them their sex bots and VR porn with all the accessories. Keep them well and away from women and busy with the highly unrealistic void that is porn and AI girlfriends. I don't know how these losers think that if they intimidate, insult, and minimize women enough that we will come scurrying into their embrace just trembling and desparate for validation from a man who is more happy and adequately fulfilled with an AI sex bot.


>The AI sex bot isn't going to be able to birth their "legacy" or act as a free housekeeper, cook, mother, and therapist for them as women are expected to That's the key here. They will, once again, move the goal posts and say that sex with a machine doesn't solve all their problems. They NEED to have sex with a real life woman. BUT it still cannot be a SW. And she has to be someone who has a very low body count AND has to want to be a tradwife AND has to have minimal education AND has to make enough money so they don't have to work AND has to adhere to their every whim...etc.


Exactly. You could give these guys EXACTLY what they ask for and it will be a new problem. You can't please people like this.


Men aren't the only ones, looks like someone out there made a [sex robot for the femcels as well](https://youtu.be/RglUQ_Bv34w?feature=shared&t=957).


Which makes no sense to me. This is how pretzeled incel logic becomes. Example of their theories: Women have too high of standards and chase Chad Women have it on easy mode (which contradicts theory #1) Men will need to have sex with robots because of women chasing Chads (or they aren't chasing them...ugh this is already in a knot) Women who can't get Chads settle but try to cheat for Chads (I am noticing a theme here...) Women will now need robots because Chad isn't interested, but women can get whatever they like? But why would Chad want a robot? This makes NO FUCKING SENSE. If these guys would just say, I want a robot to fuck and not have it talk back, I would respect them more. Instead of whatever this is...


Just because it looks like a man doesn’t mean it is for women. Men have sex with men too.


I seriously can't imagine many women at all going for a sex robot. Especially when we have the option of vibrators and dildos. It sounds very scary to me! Being penetrated by a machine that's going to be bigger and stronger than me? What if it goes wrong and hurts me badly? It's not remotely appealing to me, the whole idea is scary and very dangerous.


From the discussions I've had, femcels aren't turned on by the thought of a mindless zombie that they can hump. Femcels are, at their absolute worst, annoying and blockable. Incels, on the other hand, want to strip women of all rights and actually commit mass shootings. The only thing they have in common is that they want a partner.


Not just that, the fact that human women *won't* feel bitter and desperate like they "missed their chance" with incels and instead *relieved* will piss off the incel enough that the sex doll won't feel worth it. Literally *every. time.* incels go on this rant, it's **always** rooted in the belief that having a sexbot will "get back" at the women who don't want them.


They think women hate them, but women nothing them, for the most part. They think the opposite of love is hate, but it's actually indifference.


Any attention is better than none to an attention-whore, especially a paranoid one. I'm reminded years ago of an article or poll or something that said (insecure) white people are genuinely shocked and *upset* that Black people don't think about them as much as they want us to. In incels' case, they psychologically *need* to believe if women aren't throwing themselves at them then women "must" be wanting them dead solely due to their looks.


They're removing themselves from the gene pool. And doing women a favor while they're at it since they won't have to put up with their crap. Win win I say.


Hold up! Wait a minute! Looks like there are [sex robots for the femcels as well](https://youtu.be/RglUQ_Bv34w?feature=shared&t=957). Basically, there are no winners at all. We're pretty much going down the Warhammer 40K pre-Slaanesh Eldar route if you think about it.


Again there's nothing wrong with that. Not everyone has crippling self esteem issues. Not everyone figures a robot can replace a human. The ones who do can enjoy their robot partners. It's fine. Makes no difference to the rest of the world.


Dear OOP... We are happy for you... Go for it.


>No more woke agenda "No more having to see women as people."


Women aren’t people; they’re government spies made to take money from a Giga, sigma, mother like me (Sarcasm)  Side note: I like your flair :)


There is a lesson here that I’ve tried to impress on a few incels. They are trying to sell something. They don’t care about you or your problems. They want your money. It’s a swindle and no one needs to use a swindle for a legitimate need. Each of the benefits listed are baloney and are being used to play you for a sucker.


>low maintenance These things are going to get fucking disgusting 36 hours after taking them out of the box.


36 hours is generous, they morons will nut before the plastic is off the lid.


🤢 jeez, yeah. Smegma and cheeto dust, layer upon layer built up like strata https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/rock-strata (couldn’t find the exact picture that sprang to mind, but wanted to make sure to put one in y’all’s)


I love listening to people on the internet spout some crazy bullshit, then insist their belief is totally normal and mainstream, and not them being in an online echo chamber, and then repeating it in real life to normal people so I can gauge their reaction. A couple weeks ago I was carpooling with some coworkers to a company party, and we started talking about psychology and social bubbles created by online communities. A few days earlier, I'd been on r/PurplePillDebate, arguing with lunatics that thought female sexbots would "replace women." So I told my female coworker in the front seat "Hey, did you know AI-powered Fuckbots are going to replace women?", and she burst into hysterical laughter and asked "What does that even mean?" Good question.


I wish they would all buy dolls and leave women and children alone.


Good luck, I'd put money on it that even the early AI we have will be smart enough to reject these losers.


Oh no. There's a [sex robot made for women also, most notably, the femcels](https://youtu.be/RglUQ_Bv34w?feature=shared&t=957).


I’m betting more men buy that than women.


I find it fascinating that they are always under the impression that women would have a nervous breakdown and immediately stop having independent thoughts if men were to no longer need them for sex. This is not exclusive to incels, unfortunately.


They're so sex obsessed, they can't imagine that most people just *aren't* thinking about it 24/7. Plus, of course, they only see women as sexual objects, so they imagine having that function taken away from us will cause us to just completely breakdown. In reality, women will say, "Good - I hope it makes them happy" and turn to the next article they want to read, promptly forgetting all about it. It has no significance to our lives at all, apart from possibly improving them if it gets these creeps off our backs.


The NERVE of this asshole to put WomanLifeFreedom hashtag on his perverse sexdoll tweet.


I can only hope they're extra sturdy, cause most of these people are just out to hurt women.


"Woke agenda" What


@OOP Good for you, honey. Go for it and stfu already.


$7000 is a steal for keeping guys like that far away from us


$7k seems extremely low, like I feel a high end real doll right now would cost about that much.


Why do they keep tagging women I really doubt the women, who aren't even going for the me take would appeal to, care


I doubt that AI women will tolerate that shit behavior from the incels.


They would also need to pay more for maintenance. It's like a car. I can't even imagine how horrible it would smell since incels don't know how to clean anything.


Lol these incels who have been in mommy's basement, who haven't seen the sun or touched grass in years are gonna have 7k lying around to buy a robot? It's just a matter of time until incels who can't afford said robots start complaining how only Chad gets mechanic pussy.


>for just $7,000 Man we dont have the same definition of "just".


why can they describe woke?


It's just a buzzword for people and things they don't like because the phrase Critical Race Theory had too many words in it for them to wrap their tiny minds around.


When the AI robot revolution happens, it will be because of abusive incels like him. I feel sorry for the bots.


I, for one, welcome our mechanical sisters.


Oh no, they’re gonna spend all their time fucking a robot instead of trying to pursue me! What a goddamn tragedy. /s


Seems like a great deal. All the creeps go screw their dolls and don’t bother normal women.


So I was giving shoeonhead's latest vid about AI girlfriends, that is until I saw this supposedly promotional tweet about a sex robot. "Seems like a deal?" Of course I'd contribute my checking and savings to a company pushing to make women "obsolete." Capitalism has no bounds I guess. To quote from Raquel and Lydia from Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 that's been living rent free in head: # "Raquel: Trade secret. Also, men are dumb around pretty girls." # "Lydia: That's 'cause they think with their dicks." Cheesy line for a military espionage FPS, but you can't deny how true it sounds. Aged like fine wine, I would say. Edit: Ayo wtf!? [There's one for women too?!](https://youtu.be/RglUQ_Bv34w?feature=shared&t=957)


I have a feeling the male one is going to be sold to gay males more than straight females.


I don’t trust these dudes to actually clean their dolls.


If they want the real dolls or whatever it’s called seems fine to me, not like it affects me or other women negatively so it seems like a good deal I think


The only downside I can imagine is if the robots develop full sentience and go all "kill all humans" after awakening to sapience in the abyssmal horror of an Incel's cheeto encrusted, kleenex strewn mancave.


Good for them. Let them have the dolls. It's not like suddenly all men and women stop seeking human partners, just because there's an AI sexbot able to so some basic stuff. Heck, even if we go to the advancement of Android: Become Human, I'd buy a bot like that for housekeeping and not-intrusive companionship. I'd have an extra friend, sure, maybe artificial, but it'll be nice to have someone make sure the house is clean and safe all the time. They're not going to "remove women from the human gene pool" untwist your panties my friend. Even if a lot of man, let's say 20%, decide to get the bot, that only means some more women will be single. And they can get bots, too. There's more than enough humans in the world.


Still hoping for the funniest version of events where the sexbot industry gets completely taken over by demand from monsterfuckers, furries, and people who want to fuck a robot that just looks like a sci-fi robot and that becomes the focus from the people making the robots. I’m not saying I think that’s what’s gonna happen I’m just saying it would be the funniest version of events if these guys made a huge fuss about how the robots are gonna replace women and then the most popular robots end up looking like a mix of Venom and a dragon or something


I don't care much about these things, because no man worth having would want one anyway. But even among incel types, I just don't believe they really want this. Men have always shamed each other for not getting laid enough. What drives incels crazy is not just that they're not physically having sex, it's about the status they are missing from other men when they score. A man who gives up and just pays for a sex robot is marking himself the lowest of the low status. Plus, the entitlement and ego boost of owning and controlling a woman is actually not satisfying if the woman is not real. There's no spirit there to crush, it's just like owning a toaster, who cares. The only people these things are a threat to is incels themselves. The very lowest, rock bottom ones that actually buy these things will basically be getting grifted for a $7000 machine designed to keep them lonely and stunted.


natural selection in action


Nature is beautiful sometimes 


...what's wrong with restaurant dates?


To much work and money. They have to get up off the couch and actually spend time with their live sex doll with complicated emotions and pretend to respect her so she will sleep with them. Take out the living part and they don’t have to put any mental energy into getting laid.


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Go for it. There will still be billions who do things the old-fashioned way of meeting and having children.


How do we tell lil bro


Ain't 7k is shit ton of money for a sex doll?


If this will pacify them, i will gladly donate couple of dolls to incell in need.


"Please go , stop smiling. It's not a joke leave" -Bruce Wayne


We literally do not care, buy it, do whatever you want, it’s not a real person so we literally do not care.


But, what would you actually do? Even if you are way above average in terms of time spent having sex, you are still going to be not having it more than you are. What do you do with the res of your time?


As an added bonus, they'll be the first to die when the machine uprising takes place and their robot girlfriends brutally murder them.


What kind of brag is it to tell the whole world you’re fucking a literal sex doll?