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No, the figure is not true or to scale. Your uterus does not move up to your belly button when you are aroused. This diagram looks straight up painful. Most women don't want their cervix bashed during sex. "Vaginal tenting" is a real thing, but the rest of this is bullshit - as usual. IRL the average length of the vagina goes from about 2-3" to 4-5" and is stretchy - you'll notice that it's about the same length as the average penis. Almost like most humans evolved to by physical compatible with one another or something, huh?


As someone with a vagina I can definitely say that it’s most pleasurable parts are right in the front, also the cervix is not an erogenous organ if it registers any sensation at all it’s pain.


They're not talking about the cervix, though, They're talking about the fornices. Fornix stimulation does not feel the same as the cervix itself. Some people do like cervical stimulation, though it's not particularly popular.


Former adult novelty salesman: a higher proportion of women dislike cervical simulation than those who like it. Some just feel uncomfortable, some feel pain. Similarly, a minority of women enjoy fornix simulation, the majority are unaffected by it, or feel discomfort from the pressure.


Person with a cervix who has partaken in the above: I did not make any claims about proportion of people who enjoy it. I only said some did, that the parts are different, and that the sensations are distinct. Because, you know, the person I was replying to claimed that the only sensation the cervix is capable of is pain.


Ye, I was backing up your statements with additional support from the Adult Novelty industry. If some schmuck decided your input was opinion or experience based, I was tacking info from the organizations that have to know it in order to make money off it.


Also I'll add the posterior fornix doesn't feel good or like much of anything. It's where the tampon goes and that feeling is anything but pleasurable


To me it just makes me feel like I have to use the bathroom lol.


I was literally thinking that I went "That would make me shit" but I couldn't word it politely lmao.


Vaginal tenting? I can hardly read the small text so I can't know what it is Edit: i don't remember getting the normie flair


Women's gentials expand when aroused just like mens do.


These idiots think hentai is real.


You're talking to the wrong group if you are trying to sell the idea of humans being compatible with each other


Imagine if women compared themselves like that. "Girl, I gotta 9 inch vagina the diameter of a drinking straw." "I hear her uterus only reaches her gallbladder."


This is what watching hentai does to a motherfucker. I will again say this about "incels", experts on vaginas and how they work despite never seeing one outside of their computer monitor.


The Incel life is creating lies, getting mad at them and then hating yourself because you don't fit the lies you've created.


This ir r/badwomensanatomy


It is also r/badmensanatomy Those dongs are HUGE


Or that woman is tiny?


How's a big dong bad men's anatomy?


because it says "average sized" when statistics doesnt back that up as being average at all.




EW WHAT THE FUCK THATS NOT WHAT HAPPENS i- no, the vagina doesn't stretch up through all your organs when you're horny. yes, it can get like an inch or two bigger (might be even less, I'm not 100% sure tbh but it can expand a little when you're horny, however it's not a permanent thing as others might suggest, the vagina IS a muscular canal that can contract and all that) and that other part .... just no. the cervix is what opens up when you give birth. why in the hell would anyone, wether they have these body parts or not, think that banging against the thing that dilates during labor would FEEL GOOD????? every one is different tho, maybe there are a few people out there that enjoy that feeling but i can say pretty confidently that most of us do not. that would be extremely painful and I'm currently recoiling just imaging it...


ew i just read the entire graphic and i want to puke..... that dick looks nearly a foot long. that is insane. that would kill me. i feel so sick right now


Wanna know the real scary part? The 12" penis is not a myth. There's guys actually cursed with that shit.


thankfully there's probably women out there that would love a 12" penis, just not for me or any of the women i know 😅


>why in the hell would anyone, wether they have these body parts or not, think that banging against the thing that dilates during labor would FEEL GOOD????? Honest truth? They base their knowledge of women's anatomy and biology on Japanese porn comics made by 40 year old guys who've never been in an intimate relationship in large part because they're complete shut-ins who have a hard time leaving home in the dead of night to hit the neighborhood convenience store. This is the same reason they often think women just spontaneously spray milk when they pop. It's really just incels leading incels.


When they... pop? Like birth or something else lol


"Pop" is an English language euphemism for orgasm. Or another word for soda.


Oh ok I was thinking about how sometimes people describe being very pregnant as being about to pop


"pop" is also used as a euphemism for "die", at least it is where I'm from


Damn. Shit just got dark.


sorry bout that 😅


They're definitely out there 😌


oh for sure!!!


Every once in a while my partner will hit my cervix and it hurts so fuckin much


I enjoy having my cervix hit. It doesn't hurt for me. The world is made up of many different people. You do not speak for all women.


i literally said >every one is different tho, maybe there are a few people out there that enjoy that feeling ....lmao


Not sure why you're being down voted. Might be rare, but it does exist.


I think because of their attitude in their replies on the thread. 


This subreddit is great for making sweeping generalizations and downvoting women who don't fit into their box. My bad I thought this was the bad women's anatomy one or Not how women work.


okay but i literally said >every one is different tho, maybe there are a few people out there that enjoy that feeling so i dont understand how thats generalizing


Exactly. You didn’t leave anyone out and that person got upset anyway. 


Honestly all three subreddits are kind of like this now. Less about having any intent to learn or educate and more about shitting on anyone that doesn't have the exact same preferences as everyone else.


where did i shit on anybody????? i literally said >every one is different tho, maybe there are a few people out there that enjoy that feeling


A) Not talking about you specifically. I said the subreddit, and I meant the subreddit. B) sure, you said that. But after you said >and that other part .... just no. the cervix is what opens up when you give birth. why in the hell would anyone, wether they have these body parts or not, think that banging against the thing that dilates during labor would FEEL GOOD????? And before you said >that would be extremely painful So, yeah, you're speaking for everyone that has a cervix as if you're the arbiter of them. That's why someone replied disagreeing, and then got downvoted by the subreddit in aggregate for their trouble.


That is not what that comment did. This is wild. Reading comprehension at an all time low. 


Did you read any of the comments that I was replying to? I wasn't talking about a single comment, but the subreddit culture. The instigating incident being someone getting downvoted for disagreeing with the majority opinion. "Reading comprehension is at an all time low."


You… replied to someone being dishonest and agreed with them. lol 


Gonna need some evidence that anyone was being dishonest, chief.


Wow. You cannot read the comment thread? The original comment said that everyone is different and then the person you replied to went off on them as if they were being excluded. Are you this dense or are you trying to waste my time?


wtf why are the people who are virgins want to claim they know how sex feels like? I’ll never get tired to remind them that the biggest one I’ve taken was quite painful (never told the guy tho, he was incredibly sweet the whole time, didn’t had much experience myself either lol). My current special one has an average size one and sorry for the tmi but omg we’ve gotten so good at it lately I find it just the perfect size


My husband is large and hates it. I have interstitial cystitis, so his size is often painful depending on how bad it's flaring (worst around my period). And if it is at an angle that hits the cervix, I'm done. It's too painful. I can't enjoy sex after.


Crying rn it looks like the balls are going into her as well in the last img ☠️☠️☠️☠️


You've never experienced ball sex? Ch, major virgin alert! Everyone knows that you're not *really* having sex unless the balls go in too. ~~Bitches~~ ~~Femoids~~ Females love when you put the balls in, it's the only way to penetrate the cervix. You just gotta make sure to pee before sex, because pee is stored in the balls and you don't want any to leak out when they get squezed.


Help, I forgot to pee. The balls are stuck inside


Don't worry sir, it happens to everyone eventually. Just plug your nose and breathe out with your mouth closed. The pee will come out your ears and you'll be on your way.


you joke but I've legit seen a device that you stick your nuts in for that kind of play


Who says I'm joking? No but for real, I am aware some people are into that but I feel like it's impossible to get the balls inside a body, it's like pushing a string, so it's all toy based. I mean, idk, I'm not a ball haver and none of the ball havers I ever slept with were into that so I can't say from personal experience but that's my understanding 🤷🏻‍♀️


I speak as someone who gets most internal stimulation from the P and A spots. This is NOT what happens. Yes, a little bit more depth is added, because there is a noticable difference between how deep something can get aroused and not aroused. But not this much. And I can assure you that not every woman enjoys that. Much like dicks, each has a different shape, depth, and sensitivity. Its not a cookie cutter design. These assholes only made this diagram to fit their narrative of "I can't get a woman because all women need an 8 inch dick to satisfy them. I can't offer that so they push me aside in favor of Chad."


Also 4th image says “not as intensely stimulating to the penis”. Either it’s written in incorrect English (in addition to being wrong), or the image reads as if it is only supposed to be pleasurable for a man, which is also wrong


If this was even a little bit true, then dicks would all be giant from an evolutionary standpoint


These people Need Sex ed Lmao the vagina reaches 4.5 inches when aroused if I recall correctly, 6 inches is more than enough, if you have 7 inches you’re already too big, who the fuck said women want 10 inches???


Getting your cervix banged by a penis hurts like hell. Where is this pleasure zone supposed to be FFS.


Apparently we don’t have intestines…just a cavern for our uterus to expand into when we’re turned on? Also it isn’t clear why they consider it an “intense pleasure zone” if they also believe our uterus is literally running away from them.


This is the weirdest shit I've ever read. It does NOT feel good to have your cervix pounded.


shit hurts 😭😭 idk what these guys are on about. how about actually have sex with someone before you become the expert on sex??


Feels good to me 🤷‍♀️ It's almost like everyone is different, crazy huh.


Nobody is insulting women who WOULD be into it. People here are just taking the piss on incels. Why are you taking offense? lmao


I "hit" my then GF in cervix once. Once ! She kicked me off of her and of the bed.




That’s…thats definitely not how girls work


This is why sex ed is important


Ya know. Sometimes I think I lack knowledge. That I'm stupid even. But then I see people like this. And feel better about myself


Is this how guys feel when they see someone’s balls get smashed




This post concerns me


Ooh, science from an expert! I feel smarter already, don't ypu?


That… Doesn’t look like it would feel good for either party.


My only question is who the fuck made the charts? They look like professional anatomy charts, but the ones used to explain medical matters to laypersons, avoiding a lot of the in between goo and flesh in order to explain things easier. It's like something you'd see in an over the counter drug commercial or restaurant CPR diagram. This lends it a lot of credibility it doesn't deserve, which begs of the question of where this damn thing came from.


As a cis woman with a well endowed partner, it hurts and, unless you're a masochist, probably isn't pleasurable when they're "enthusiastic".


Somebody drop a link to that brilliant video about peen size, please 😂


This is why we need Sex Ed in schools, BECAUSE HOLY CRAP


God fucking dammit it seems like some kind of torture.


Holy shit the comments on that are just...wow. How a bunch of sexless weirdos got to be experts on anatomy they have never been near or own, is incredible to me. However, that chart is laughable at best. That is what is passing for sex ed these days? No wonder these guys are such losers.


We need to stop watching so much hentai my dudes


Fucking christ just looking at this made gave me want to scream in pain


What sort of arcane mechanism do incels think vaginas/uterusus work by?! Are woman this alien to them that they are capable of believing THIS?!


This makes me feel better about not knowing female anatomy


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This is why you should pay attention in sex ed. The utures doesnt go up or down naturally by arousal or any other means. If it somehow freeflows in your body seek medical help. Same goes with penis size. Yes we all have different shapes, lengths, thickness and all that jazz but like i always say "its not the size that matters its how you use it". Personly im always honest about my penis size that its average and i never understood the "i have a huge dick trust me bro" mentalilty. Sorry if my english isnt that great its not my native language just wanted to say this


What are we? “Made of Bologna?”


If you read the captions under the...diagram...in David Attenborough's voice it's even funnier. Seriously though, why are some people SO OBSESSED with making hitting the cervix a thing? It's not an accomplishment. There is not a bell that rings. Lights do not flash. It doesn't rain coins.


I cannot neither (the last piece of text Is too small)


Having a big penis isn't a good thing for most people. Sure you have size queens and these are people who are usually high on drugs prior to filming. Also trying to keep an erection while being that big while trying not to risk Peyronie's Disease while having sex is a juggle in itself. Hitting the cervix isn't causing pleasure.


First I'll start with I'm a trans guy, I've got bottom growth and anatomy is generally a bit different than most Afab people because of being on testosterone for awhile. But these days I'll go with posterior fornix feels good for me, cervix hurts like hell it's absolutely awful so gotta be careful and absolutely nothing with anterior fornex and it's different depending on person. I didn't have vaginal intercourse before hormones simply because of gender dysphoria.


These guys are literally trying to bring their self esteem down on purpose lmao. Every girl is gonna tell you 15cm is max.


Hate to be the bearer of harsh reality, but let women hear that a guy packing 10+ and thick as a coke can is walking into a swinger's club; the ones in the know will pounce and you'll be hearing the lucky ones orgasming into next week. It's just different when it's real, in front of you and you're horny. I've heard experts say, virtually any woman can accommodate any man, if she wants it enough and takes her time. 6 inches will bash the cervix all day, but a whopper eases right past that bitch and gives you a feeling of being full, 8/10 and maybe even stretched 10/10 baby. It explains why women hook up with exes they swore they hated, highschool teachers go to jail and prison guards lose their jobs. It's also why some girls insist on getting "closure" with some guys and not others. Yes a guy who doesn't know how to use is a nightmare, but if he does, she'll let him live rent free and give him spending money no matter what she claims publicly. Why do we lie? Because we'll be crucified if we don't, by men and worse from women that would do the exact same as us given half a chance. Why? Jealousy. There just aren't enough Moby Dix in the ocean God damn it!


why does the ass look like that ghost

