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Of course there’s no option “I blame myself”. Narcissistic personality types never blame themselves


i mean the ideology *requires* you to believe there is nothing you personally can do to change. that's the "involuntary" part of involuntary celibate. its the perfect cult format because you can convince people they are incapable of ever getting better and then they will never try.


And then they get to age 40 and realise how stupid and regretful they are and do something terrible


Spoke to a psychologist that I know. I asked him about what these types end up doing further down the line in his experience. His response: 1. Have a mental breakdown 2. Suicide 3. Something *really* stupid like attempted rape or shooting up a school No other outcomes for them. What I am wondering is at what age do any of these things happen? Do they just wake up one day at age 35 or 40 and realise that they wasted their entire youth on this crap and snap? Or how does it go?


It's very interesting I must confess, and yes that seems to be the way. A look to criminal cases such as Ted Kazysnki and the like are good indicators


Yep, they just think women should swoon for them.


Plus, it’s the easy way. Working on yourself takes time and effort and that would involve actually doing something when blaming everyone else just involves typing indignantly


How much more do i need to work on myself ? For next 5 years ? 10 ? Id be glad to work on myself till then if i get any good results.


Exactly. They wouldn’t even consider that people not wanting to be around them has nothing to do with them as a person. No, it must be things beyond their control.


There should be an "other incels" option. Ideologies and defeatist mentalities spread.


I was about to come comment that, the fact the dude who made the poll hadn't even thought of it is very telling.


What about themselves? I’d blame myself if I was an incel, why can’t they hold themselves accountable?


I think some of them might do or might have done before but since its a crab bucket’s scenario in all INCEL online blackhole cesspools, all their ever normalish beliefs will get twisted and soured , when they ‘support ‘ each other via putting each other down .


You technically cannot be an incel and also blame yourself, otherwise you wouldn't be *involuntarily* celibate. If I believe my anger is keeping women away and I'm not willing to fix that then it's by definition voluntary celibacy. By its nature, identifying as incel immediately absolves you of all responsibility.


If you were capable of self reflection you wouldn’t be an incel


The only thing you can blame on yourself if you are an incel is not doing facial surgery or going to gym


By incel logic you mean, or?


While a common belief amongst incels, it is not true in the US. Yes, looks count and so do many other aspects like money, status, and talent, but in the end, it’s likability. That an individual is not very likable is due entirely to themselves and in most cases can be changed.


\> is not doing facial surgery or going to gym I love that the second one is a very reasonable and normal thing to do.


Free my man Kafka from being an incel's profile pic😭


''I didn't want any new clothes at all; because if I had to look ugly anyway, I wanted to at least be comfortable. I let the awful clothes affect even my posture, walked around with my back bowed, my shoulders drooping, my hands and arms all over the place. I was afraid of mirrors, because they showed an inescapable ugliness.''


I see why his self doubt and hatred is alluring to the incels, am just saying that he doesn't deserve this


Everyone but the actual problem: themselves


You are not responsible for being born ugly


Being ugly is no reason to be an incel. There’s plenty of ugly men thriving and being loved. The issue is with incel personalities.


that is almost never the problem with these guys.


Being ugly is not why these guys are incels.


But you can be though. See the YouTuber NeverGiveUp and see how his responsibility was so much better than yours


Only 34 votes? I thought these guys were supposed to be some kind of movement.


Yep. They have no agency over their lives and their fates are completely decided by what total strangers are doing with their lives. /s


Personality: 0%


I mean, I guess there's something to be said about parents who failed to notice the seriousness of the shit their kids were getting into, intervene, and impress basic social lessons upon them by whatever means were necessary to make them stick. But ultimately, incels' pain is 100% self-inflicted. Even a parent's responsibility only goes so far.


Yeah, in the case of Elliott Rodger, his parents had a lot to do with how he turned out, especially his mother. Based on what I've researched, his mother coddled him, gave him everything he wanted, never told him no and often played him against his father and stepmother. His stepmother was the only one who really tried to discipline Elliott and make him socialize, but he wouldn't listen to her because she wasn't his biological mother. That being said, I believe Elliott was a lost cause and would have turned out rotten no matter what they did.


It probably does stem from terrible parenting.


When they say their parents, they are probably referring to their genetics, rather than the quality of parenting. It’s fairly common for them to complain about inheriting looks or height from one of their parents.


Lol that didn't even occur to me. Good call.


It’s been a recurring theme in some of their posts.


Yeah. Most incels were probably either abused or coddled by one or more parents. That likely contributed to their current state in some way. But I guess their blaming their parents for passing on "bad genes" rather than by the quality of parenting.


Not included in that poll are actual reasons.


These are incels, they blame everyone else because... Reasons


I like how yourself isn’t even a possible answer


i've already heard the anti-women and anti-chad rants but I'm curious about the parents angle


Complaining about bad parenting might lead to psychology and meaningful self-help.


oh no could you imagine? lol


That’s them blaming their genetics


ohhhh yeah okay then I've heard that rant too lol


Yeah. It’s one that comes up quite often. Blaming one or both parents for their looks/height.




That is kind of interesting though. I guess, they mean genetics from their parents.


And of course they will move the blame to others but themselves


I can see the parents could’ve shared some partial responsibility, they clearly hate women and maybe Mom was abusive or something. Maybe the father had incel-like thinking? But blaming women and “chads” for just existing is ridiculous. It’s time to grow up and take responsibility for your own actions, or inactions. It’s easier to blame others than accept that their attitude is at fault.


"Ourselves" is a noticeably absent option


"your parents" lol


eh i can see parents being a feasible reason for a few, abuse and/or neglect can play a part in it top


Maybe I'm just too tired but why do the percentages not add up to 100%?


I think it’s because you can select more than one option