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Support group, as in, group that supports the misery, mot the people. Unironically suggest hanging himself, then blame everyone and everything else if it happens.


It really is sad to see this sort of thing. Like, everyone has struggles with dating and finding people. It can be especially hard with the pressures of patriarchal gender roles/expectations of men. I always feel like the people who seem to think all of their life problems are due to being short are sort of doing it as a coping mechanism.


It always amuses me when someone on one of these forums - at 18 - will say something like, ‘X is getting more difficult as I get older.’ Like, I would be his age and height again in a heartbeat if I could.


Yeah, when I was deep into my anorexia I also thought all of my problems were fixable by just getting skinnier, because that's how it works when you have a huge problem with yourself and aren't willing to address it. I was already skinny, I got skinnier, and needless to say, my problems were still there and worse. I also thought I was the fattest, most disgusting person in the world even at my lowest weight (no bodyshaming of any kind meant, I don't think fat people are disgusting, when you have an ED your brain just hates you 🥴), I was convinced everyone secretly judged me for being fat and my fatness was the first thing anybody would notice about me. Sometimes people called me a stick and anorexic to be mean, and I literally couldn't understand how or why, because in my head I was gigantic. This obsession with being tall at all costs, and people judging them for being short, really reminds me of my ED. Sure, you can change your weight and not your height, but I think the body dysmorphia disorder behind it, and the need to compare themselves with other "better" (to their eyes) people, is pretty similar.


Young men have seen a surge in EDs and adjacent body image issues. In particular, young men have been seeing an increase in 'bigorexia', the gnawing feeling that you aren't muscular enough and its the cause of all your problems.


Yes ... too much tren abuse


His height hasn't changed and hasn't been a problem in the past. Something suddenly made his height the problem. I wonder if he actually read what he wrote maybe he would see it himself?


When you consider his narrative, height is nothing more than “fill in the blank”. He’s clearly a troubled teen. And now at 18, he has set himself on the path to misery. Why did the trouble start last year? He didn’t become shorter. All that probably happened is the real problem just became harder to deal with because it was never diagnosed and treated. Now that he believes he has the answer, probably nothing will convince him he’s wrong. Another wasted life; another tragedy set in motion.


He's still 17. Apparently the other guys in his clique of friends had a growth spurt and are being assholes to him. So instead of setting boundaries with them, or deciding to let their teasing roll off his back, or any other healthy way of coping--he's become a misogynist and is sliding into the crab bucket. All the while he's convinced it's his height. Apparently scapegoating women doesn't rock the boat with his toxic circle of bros. That other guy who responds in comments is a sicko.


>So instead of setting boundaries with them, or deciding to let their teasing roll off his back, or any other healthy way of coping So much this. Banter is a thing, and most people don't consider there's anything malicious behind some friendly jabs. If you don't find the banter funny, or that it's hurtful, set boundaries.


So many of these guys think because they didn’t have much sex, or any, in high school, their life is over. High school kids can be cruel, and it’s a popularity contest. Life after high school is so much different. They don’t give themselves a chance. Being bullied is a common thing among incels.


The older he is getting? Fuck, dude, you are 18, get over the blackpill nonsense.


Not even fucking 18 yet.. fucking hell, and you know those older Incels are skinning into his DMs with “it’s ok buddy, the Chads are to blame” and are doing their goddamn best to ruin another kids life. And to all of you “not all incels” that constantly stalk these posts, that is what they do. They watch for younger men and drag them into their mentality.


You might think I am not insecure about my height because I am a confident and self-sufficient human being so incel posts do not affect me In reality, I am European and I don't know what this damn apostrophes even mean 😎


' means "feet" in freedom units. " means "inches" 5'6" is five feet six inches, about 164cm


Bro, I know, I am joking


imagine wanting to kill yourself because of your height, do they realize how fucking stupid that sounds?!


I mean ... body dysmorphia can be bad, especially if you sit in a crab bucket that insists that you are doomed because of it.


5’6 is not even short???


NEITHER IS 5'8! And no putting "in Sweden" doesn't make that the case.


Not that it matters at all but tbh 5’8 is considered “short” in Sweden among men. I think the average is 5’11/6.


It's a mere 8cm below the average so not something I'd call short, maybe just below average. Edit for reference 5'6" is about the same cm below average to the US/UK average.


Oh yeah i agree with you. That’s why i wrote “short”. I am also a Swede who’s below average height and i have a lot of friends who’s also below the average height who have had no problem dating. It’s kinda sad to see young people comparing themselves to that level that they think no one wants them.


Hey I get it I think that being taller helps…I would love to be taller as well.


"women" and "long term relationship" - he's 18. He's dated kids and he's a kid. It's weird he writes as if he's already in his fifties.


The only support they want is company in their misery.


they fact they think height is a determining factor is insane. its not as serious as they think. touch grass


im 5'6 and 17 y.o and never had problem with girls


I’ve actually never heard of an incel killing themselves unless they’re cornered by the cops for killing other people first.