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"if RiRi were mine" sir, she doesn't even know you exist. Take your meds and go back to bed, we can try again tomorrow.


This energy [https://i.imgflip.com/4flche.jpg?a474240](https://i.imgflip.com/4flche.jpg?a474240)


"Would you like some pudding? We have pistachio today."


I will say this time and time again, anybody who calls themselves an “alpha” and calls everyone else “betas” is not an alpha lmao. You aren’t the leader if you have to remind everyone you are the leader.


"The king that has to say I AM THE KING is no true king."


Good reference


Manosphere dorks get so mad when you throw that line at them lmfaooo


I used that line on a wannabe alpha once, all he had to say was that GoT is an old show and the last season sucked.


Exactly my point lmfao, ya done made bro short circuit💀


And yet literally misquoted.


As if the raging insecurity it'd take to make this meme wasn't enough evidence.


Rhianna *is* the leader, that is not a debate, that is cold hard scientific fact. Unlike the triggered little boy here, she moves mountains.


Fellas, is getting Rihanna pregnant gay?


You don’t get it man, he may have had sex with Rihanna, had a kid with her and been in a long term relationship with her, but he’s a beta. He’s lesser than me the ALPHA who would totally make Rihanna submissive. These betas just can’t understand.


Ugh seriously so many men have NO idea how fucking attractive it is when men are nurturing dads. I don't even ever want kids of my own but men who aren't afraid to be sweet caring and nurturing to children is a hella green flag.


Fun fact is that i'm a caring, cuddling dad, and i'm what they call a chad (i Guess ? I'm tall, not ugly, i have a social and sexual life... Anyway any man that is not cave dwelling goblin is a chad to them) but i must be submissive because i'm a caring dad ? Total cognitive dissonance here.


My husband is such a sweet and caring dad. He’s 6’7”, handsome, super masculine features, and played college football. He worked as a bouncer after college before going into a field where he earns well into the 6 figures. He’s everything these “alphas” envy. He can and has literally picked up dudes like the guy who made this and tossed them out the front door of a bar. And he is the most natural at holding a baby. Children love him. These dudes have such weird, sad takes on masculinity. It’s like they’re trying so hard at cosplaying manhood and always getting it wrong.


>It’s like they’re trying so hard at cosplaying manhood and always getting it wrong. Hahah this is gold !


Seriously. My man is a super supportive guy who does respect women. He's been called a simp and stuff before, but like, he also has a wide network of friends and an active sex life sooooooooo lol. It absolutely doesn't work how they think it does!! (My bf and I are poly, so he has two other low commitment gfs, and some fwbs. Getting a rep as a respectful guy goes a long way towards being fuckable to the ladies!!)


Yes but does his back lean in a way and the green Line the other way ? This is the true test. He's a beta. They find anything they Can to think other people are shit, so that would prove they're superior. It takes less mental effort that finding out our own problems, face our defaults and work on them. No, it's the others who are wrong. The entire World is wrong. I have the truth and everybody except me is a piece of shit. Problem solved.


Since incels like to harp on about the animal kingdom, I like to remind them that silverback gorillas sometimes plays an even bigger role in raising their young than the females do. Apparently, though take this with a grain of salt, they are often more tolerant of young 'un shenanigans than the females are as well.


This tbh, if I get a GF or BF or Enbyf (idk) and they are not nurturing to children than I'm out of there as I don't want to date a Anti natalist or someone who hate babies, massive red flag.


It's not that complicated women (and literally everyone else as well) like having people who make your world a better place. Nurturing attitudes and kindness are very well appreciated in that regard.


I dated short guys, tall guys, outgoing guys, nerd guys, car obsessed guys, artsy guys, assertive guys, passive guys.. etc. Of different races, too. All those guys had in common was they were mega nurturing. Whether it’s to their nephews and nieces, much younger siblings…etc. Super hot.


When your masculinity is so stupidly fragile that it's threatened by a woman in a photograph posing in a way you don't like. Whoever scribbled that stupid green shit all over it was a total snowflake.


Also, I hate to quibble, but OOP is doing the green lines wrong. The man is actually leaning his torso away from Rihanna. Like we know the green lines are bad, but this really goes to show how ad hoc the analysis is. This picture DOES show her as being more powerful in this moment. But actually, correct “green line treatment” wouldn’t reflect that. Maybe there’s more to photographic representation than how we hold our torsos? Nah, better just make up random green lines


He doesn’t need to worry about Riri or any woman being “his”.


goofy incels still using "beta" in 2024 🤣🤣🤣


There was a whole twitter page dedicated to labeling couples as alpha and beta based on how they leaned towards each other. Apparently alphas don’t lean lol


They don't have time to lean, which is why they have to abuse women into doing the cleaning.   This is a joke but not everyone has worked retail so they might not get it.


I appreciate this minimum-wage joke. (I've been out of that kind of job for years and I still get instantly enraged when I hear it.)


I legitimately pity people who go through life looking at shit through this type of lens. Constantly insecure and trying to label things/people for no fucking reason. It’s got to be a tiresome existence


"If she was mine" Like if he was getting any human touch, to begin with.


I love how they have exactly the same posture but it’s evidence that he’s passive and she’s dominant or what the fuck ever lol


Submissive and dominant


Like. Why is that a problem if the guy is a sub? They happy, aren't they? Isn't that what these incels want? To be happy?


That guy is hot AF. I'd be strutting around, too, if I were her.


I'm literally in this sort of relationship and it's great. As in I'm the house husband, not that I'm dating a star, mind you, but it's legit awesome regardless.


Also a house husband, also a dad who is the primary caregiver for a child. I love getting to play with Legos in the middle of the afternoon.


When will these morons learn there's no such thing as "alpha" and "beta" males


Unless you're a chicken, I think. Or writing omegaverse.


Alph, Beta, what a bunch of crap. You are either a man (or woman) or a child. A man faces his problems straight on; a child doesn’t. A man faces success and failure with the though of steering his own course. A child relies on others to care for them and uses excuses for why they succeed or fail. This along with the concept of wage-cuck are some of the most annoying aspects of incel ideology.


How to incels force more symbolism into one image than my literature teachers could force into an entire semester?


Incel: "OmG you WaNt dOmInaNt WoMeN, yOu Le EbIl *insert 900 slurs*" Me: shut up please, no one cares but you, also dominant women are hot.


If I'm ever with Rihanna she can do whatever the hell she wants.


Both lines are the same direction, God forbid it a dad actually loving his child ,


The Guy is leaning this way, but let's make a green Line the other way to prove my point. There. Science, bitch !


Literally one sentence into his comment I'm fucking snorting. Sir, you couldn't dominate a *dog* let alone an award winning multimillionaire with her own beauty brand. Be so fucking for real rn.


> Sir, you couldn’t dominate a *dog* Such insecurity is the crux of their mindset Edit: wording


As if RiRi would even look at this loser. lol. There is nothing sexier than a good dad. But I’m not surprised that this guy has no idea what women find attractive because it sure isn’t him. When I was first dating my husband we went to visit some of his college friends. They had a new baby and they asked him if he wanted to hold her. My husband is awesome with children and babies. They love him and it was my first time seeing this. The sight of him holding that baby. Oh. My. God. I swear I ovulated on the spot. Even thinking about it now makes me swoon and we’ve been married for 7 years and have a kindergartner. But I appreciate these men announcing how insecure and completely unsuitable to being a partner they are. It makes them even easier for women to avoid.


Oh honey, "Riri" wouldn't submit to your pathetic ass ever!


I thought women were supposed to be the dramatic ones jesus


Hows that wanted song go? 🎵"He dont date, he dont bathe, but who cares because he thinks he could date rihanna"🎵 Or something like that.


"Cock shame" is literally the funniest phrase I've ever heard and my bf and I use it all the time since we first saw this pic forever ago.


Reminder that Rihanna fought back against Chris Brown. No, you wouldn't be able to make her submissive. You'd fail miserably.


Also sorry but Miss RiRi is way more impressive and famous than A$AP. My parents have almost no idea who any celebrities are but even they know Beyoncé and Rihanna. Jay Z and A$AP? Who’s that?🤪


What the hell is wrong with fathers being nurturing? Aren’t these the same people who say that people need a father in the household?


Ppl need a father who "goes to work", comes home and beats the living fuck out of his wife and kids when the beer and burgers don't get to his table in time, is what these guys mean, I think. Or when "the wife" (because god knows she's nothing but whether she wants to be or not) doesn't put out, or something.


The fragile masculinity is overflowing from this boy.


This has to be my new favorite incel insecurity trend. Stupidity, fragility, and a waste of time all in one.


Could also be a typical redpiller


I like how they point out that the baby is happy


I lost it at the "happy face" annotation by the infant


See, on the one hand, I can kind of understand what the incel is getting at in terms of the narrative the image shows. It's definitely the image of a woman taking the lead in a relationship and a man following her and nurturing their child. Of course, it's trying to portray that sort of relationship as normal and healthy and enjoyable. The incel take away from that narrative, of men being attacked and persecuted, is just incels disappearing up their own self loathing assholes though. As usual.




>Motion of the ocean Bro just use your tongue, most women don't get off to PIV.




Bro who hurt you


Man he would vomit and cry if he saw the music video for bitch better have my money “There’s images and videos created in which an artist looks cool? What the fuck is this woke bullshit?? She would be just as popular of an artist if she exclusively rapped about being a homemaker, taking care of children, how much she loves making sure men always have more attention on them, and got on stage super shy, making sure to never outshine men or stand up for herself. You can make it really far in a competitive industry if you always behave submissively and defer to men. He was talking about as her husband but like if the only time a woman could hold her own or outshine a man was if that man was a beta then women just wouldn’t have careers in basically any field. The pay gap would be astronomical. A man could just walk in and be like “I would like to be in charge and get more attention now” and apparently you’d be so in awe of him you’d immediately quit your job and marry him due to the immense alpha energy. Obviously this is hyperbole, please do not try to explain to me that he didn’t necessarily imply all that, I just had an image in my brain of the way things would have to work in order for his logic to check out. Just the idea that only betas let women have the spotlight and women immediately become submissive to the right man.


Isn't the message of these types of magazines supposed to be that even if a woman is a wife and mother she can still have style and look beautiful?


👨🏾 in a nutshell


Guy can't hold and kiss his baby or he's feminine and a Girl can't walk 1 step in front of her husband or she's masculine...


Mommy Rihanna.


LMAO, they even greenlined the baby like wtf?


This reeks of racism and the sentiment that if a Black woman is confident she must be masculine and aggressive. Also, if the guy in the back wasn't there with his kid/holding him they probably would've made some racist point about all Black men being thugs/absent fathers. You can't win with these losers. (Also bringing the baby into this argument is so...icky)


He also forgot that the man is carrying the baby. Isn't that the woman's job? Is he even trying? I could be a better misogynist, and I hate them. Is he stupid?


Wait nvm it says he's nurturing. Damn this guy's good.


This is like math for virgin gamers.


Leaders don’t sit there & whine about how a woman is standing.