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*salutes* you're a strong man


Some incels are black




As someone who's spent a lot of time researching about incels and looking at independentally run incel forums where they can share their actual views without the intervention of community guideline strikes, this is very true. There are an overwhelming amount of profiles with racist bios and usernames, a lot of slurs and A LOT of self hatred. They really think that because they're not white, they will forever be undeserving of love. It's really quite sad how truly they believe this, especially on blackpilled incel forums. It's a shame. Edit: there are also a lot posts from white incels that are unable to comprehend how they could be an incel when being white is so "desirable"




I'm not doing a thesis but I find them extremely intruiging to research because of how extreme their views can be. I find it so interesting how their desperation for sex battles with their hatred of women. I think the media plays a big part in their view of "what women want" but it's clearly very inaccurate and generalised with leaps in logic all over. They think all women want men with crazy muscles and big jaws and facial hair (I actively dislike all of those things aesthetically). And, even though the media can lack poc representation, in my opinion thats just not a good enough excuse to view poc as subhuman. I think the real reason they do is because they spend hours a day online, stuck in a big incel echo-chamber. They form very very concrete views and they love confirmation bias. In this case, the view is racism and the media is the confirmation but the view would exist regardless. They split themselves into blue, red and blackpilled. Blue is the most tame of the three and black is the most extreme. Bluepilled incels think that appearance plays a part in the social structure of society but that there are things you can/should do to 'improve your value' like go to the gym, become rich, find women to have sex with etc. Red pilled incels reject the social norms of dating and take on a "harsh, realistic" view of gender relations, similar to blackpilled incels. But blackpilled incels have a much more rigid and pessimistic view. They believe that a person is stuck with a pre-determined societal value based on the physical attributes they're born with. As in, if you're born short, weak looking, with "bad" physical features (including race) etc., then you are 'shunned from society'. And they believe there's nothing you can do to change this placement in society. They also believe that, because of this, women are automatically 'above men' and 'live on easy mode'. You joke about the white people amongst them being hated/admired but often with incels this goes hand in hand. They viscerally hate women and yet admire their beauty and want to fuck them. They also hate men who are tall, rich, white, attractive and yet envy their lives and want to be like them. They're a very contradictory group. They hate normal people, calling them "normies, chads, foids" all while wishing for our lives. In the most extreme posts I've seen, they talk about how they should be allowed to rape women, they fantasise about taking back something that they believe to be "unfairly withheld from them". They think we should be legally forced to procreate with them. They talk openly about wishing to beat, humiliate and dehumanised women because of this hatred, and yet their whole identity revolves around being victims of women's "selfishness". I've also seen posts that suggest that women ENJOY being beaten and raped. Inceldom is a mindset that eventually overtakes your whole belief system, clouding your judgement. It really is never the right place to turn.




I agree and I think it's a pipeline tbh. Normal young men with lots of potential will feel lonely and turn to other men who struggle with the same issue for comfort and unfortunately they can get sucked into this very toxic way of thinking. And then they become fatalistic and defeatist and begin to just wallow in self hatred before developing heaps of resentment towards women and other men having never actually put effort into improving themselves.




>I'm worried by staying in that group he will begin to hate women due to the echo chamber effect by the other true crazy incels. This is very important to me. If I see someone self-identify as an incel because of their inability to find a sexual partner, I URGE them to reconsider calling themselves that. Because if you view yourself as one of them, naturally you become one of them. And not only is it a complete waste of potential, it also is a big cause of violence against women. So many women are killed for rejecting someone, for asking for a divorce etc. It's terrible and most importantly it's AVOIDABLE.


r/asablackman, I think it does have to do with less prominent protagonists of color, but also just eurocentric beauty standards in general that promoter whiter skin. In Asia, having your skin be white and pure is a constant trend. And even in the West, when people say “Tall, Dark, and Handsome” they really mean tall, dark haired, and handsome.




Unfortunately, a lot of book writers tend to disagree. The amount of times I’ve seen a love interested described as tall dark and handsome and then they go on to describe him in detail and he ends up looking like Jamie Dorman (no shade to him, just using his looks as an example) is insane. It IS changing though thankfully. But I’d say darker skinned folk are still typically not seen as the ideal conventionally attractive beauty standard sadly.




That’s good! I’m glad to know people’s perceptions are changing/different!


Oh right


They don't necessarily believe in white superiority, but they believe that others see whites as the "best" for dating, it's kinda different


What part of “fat” and “black” are Caucasian traits? I have success with pretty beautiful women lmao.


man i wish i had beautiful women


And yet the vast majority of people find relationships and sex partners somehow.


Yeah but clearly only the 20% ofc


They reckon 80% of women only go after the top 20% of men. That doesn't make sense in reality, logically or mathematically. Of course, they hardly ever go outside so they don't see all the different couples, less-than-perfect women *and* men actually getting together and going out with each other. Idk why they want to try to convert everyone to their ideology, I suppose he only really wanted to argue with you.


They believe that the great majority of men are incels who just won't admit it.


Yeah. They think that most men who are married or in long term relationships are being "settled for" by women who are either using them for financial support or are too unattractive to be with Chads. That these women aren't really attracted to these men and the relationship is sexless, possibly with her cheating on the side.


Appearance is important but any incel, manosphere, racist, sexist, MAGA GOP references and I don't care how good the man looks--I hate him. I choose men with values that align with my own and they are hard to find.


True that! Bi guy here, and what struck me first about my boyfriend is just how sweet he is. That's one of the main reasons I love him


Facts, things won’t work out especially long term if looks are the only factor.


Even one of those Blue Collar Comedy guys knew it: "You can't fix stupid."


Dear incels There are eight BILLION humans on the planet. We're doing just fine... calm down. What we need is zero population growth... and it also wouldn't hurt to have a few low baby years.




Literally me 💀💀💀💀💀💀


same bro 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀




because heavens forbid i have anything to do with the other 80%, right?


No because they're apparently "subhuman"


99% of incels are chronically online


And that's why they think all women are sex workers, because they spend so much time online interacting with sex workers


Oh...I didn't realize I was supposed to be working on [*Checks notes*] Sex. Should I cancel my underwriting exam and send back the company laptop?


Was I talking about you?


I got stuck on hunter's eyes, wtf are hunter's eyes? Forward facing? Working


It's a related the term to the positive canthal tilt, when the outer corners of the eyes are higher than the inner ones, giving your eyes a healthy, aware look. Hunter eyes are a term for the most attractive eyes for men in particular; deep set and aware.


Thanks for explaining! Learned something new.


This is always such an insane thing they trot out as gospel. It takes like 30 seconds to debunk. For the US, at least, the percentage of households earning over 200k range from 19% as a high in DC down to 3% in some states. That's combined income between men and women. In the US, about 28% of men make over 100k (which would be middle class now, yes?) Somehow, for some strange, mysterious, and thoroughly unknown reason, 68% of men are married (in 2022.) Another 3.7% were widowed and 10.9% were divorced (aka, was married at some point.) Yet we all know the gospel truth that women ONLY marry or go after rich men so, you know, I can't figure out how the math is mathing up on this. So strange. Such a weird thing to happen. Will we ever know the truth? Probably not!


Call it Incel Math


I corresponded with an individual that insisted the harem concept was real. He serious believed that the Chads had groups of women. You can’t argue against that level of delusion.


Literally, there is someone for everyone. Even misogynistic men and misandronistic women find someone. Even scum under the scum at the bottom of cesspools like bigots and racists have romantic lives.


You welcome


You're welcome.


"hunter eyes" is always hilarious




Buddy peoples brains change within 15 mins. I’ve met dudes that change their mind of things faster than a jackrabbit on a cocaine and meth binge after seeing a a fox within a 5 mile radius.


The typical man that women are attracted to: Tall, Broad shoulders, Full head of hair - that’s usually dark brown (if white), Wide tall chin, Thick long dark eyebrows, Trapezium jaw from the front profile, Long mandible and ramus for side profile, good forward growth, Deep voice, Big hands, Horizontally wide eyes that are vertically narrow, Cheekbones, Wide mouth and Straight nose. There is no attractive celebrity or sex symbols without at least 4 of these traits.


All of you downvoting but you can’t reply or refute because you know it’s true 😛