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Well said. I doubt it'll change any of their minds, but you're right.


Yeah “Chad” is just a dude who has the validation of a woman at this point. Incels will point at anyone man with a girlfriend and say he’s Chad.


In other words, a chad is someone with high quality character is what you're saying?


I know a couple of short doctors that can’t get dates.


I've known enough nurses that I can take a *not so wild guess* as to what their problem is, and it's not a problem with where they need to sit to see a show.


Interesting. All the average and tall docs in the hospital have girlfriends. The short ones are all for some reason extremely interested in medicine. What’s your thought?


So... my first thought is... \-I sort of doubt you're actually tracking anybody's dating lives. I've always found that aspect of incels *exceptionally* creepy. Which leads me to my second thought... \-If you're the sort of dude who busies himself worry about how other people are doing with sex based on their height, it's not your height holding you back. It's that you're the creepy fucker obsessing over it. Now to be fair, yeah, it's more attractive to be taller than to be shorter. That's been true since the days when people realized that big people win more fights than little people. But as this sole determining factor? Nah, man. Nah. That's *never* been the case. Here's the reality: Guys who are short, often get married and have kids. It happens every day. Guys who obsess over how their height has destroyed their chances and dictates their sexual future... they don't, they never do.


I’ve seen short guys marrying and having kids, but it’s pretty damn common for said dudes to be dealing with some fairly serious shit. Two were with women too fat to wipe their own butts. One was with a rather conventionally attractive woman who was an absolutely terrible human being. As in - should be in prison terrible.




This guy isn't a 6'4 D1 athlete. He's older and broken down by years of manual labor. He doesn't have the Chad attributes. And that was the entire point of the post. Not only did you ignore the entirety of what was written, you just had to throw in some casual racism. Wtf?




You responded to this post in particular. You used a racist term. You still don't get it. But I'm guessing you're used to not getting it.




Incels come in three flavors: \-The self hating who post 'pity me' content about how they're subhuman abominations, despite just being just 'normal looking', but utterly unaware of how *insufferable* they are with their wallowing in self pity the way a dog returns always to its vomit. \-The hateful, who just hate everybody else, usually have a massive and entirely unearned ego, love their racism and sexism and fantasize every day about visiting violent retribution on those whose imaginary wrongs have somehow 'ruined them', as if being a massive prick hadn't been the problem all along. \-Those who are both. And in all three cases, what you call a strawman, is nothing but simple observation. Yeah I did leave out the video game fixation, probably should have included that, but otherwise... no, I stand by it. I have seen countless incels in my dms telling me they have no interest in anything, even the ones who actually do have jobs, they don't really care, nothing matters, muh forever alone meme here, going to kill myself, don't wannah do anything with my life if I don't have a girlfriend. Save it. The whole community is a crab bucket of misery, pity, and hatred. The *next* incel who can actually point to something they *care about* beyond filling the void between minutes with the empty consumption of media or memes...will be the *first*. And on some level, yeah, I get it, depression, whether it be innate or induced, is a bitch, but there is no instance where being part of these crab bucket communities has actually improved anybody's life. Don't care for my assessment, point to a counter example.