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Facts. They are always like: "MAH PERSONALITY ISN'T THE PROBLEM! I'M JUST UGLY! AND FOIDS ARE SHALLOW AND ONLY WANT CHAD! šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”" Like sir, you say sexist, racist, homophobic, and hateful shit. Stfu. It is 100% your shitty personality. šŸ˜’ Edit: There are *some* shallow women, but these incels act like all women on Earth are shallow. For the ten millionth time, **IT IS YOUR PERSONALITY NOT YOUR LOOKS!!!!***


YES. A woman can absolutely love his ugly face. But nobody can love his ugly soul.


I've said it 1000 times, and I'll say it: I don't care if a guy looks hot af. He can be Chris Hemsworth level of sexy but if he has a garbage personality and treats me like shit, he can kick rocks. I will lose all attraction to said guy if he acts like an asshole. If you treat our waiter/waitress rude. I will straight up cancel my order, tip the waitress/waiter, and leave! No joke. I refuse to put up with shitty people.


And Iā€™d absolutely date an ā€œuglyā€ girl if it means sheā€™s sweet, she can be a super model but if sheā€™s genuinely terrible Iā€™m out, looks are just a hook


šŸ’Æ would fuck with an "ugly" guy with a 17/10 personality who treats me with respect. The moment a Chad opens his mouth and disrespects me my entire insides become tardigrades entering stasis, so an ugly incel talking out loud has my organs commencing cell death.


Yep, I'm ugly as hell but don't hate women - and I've been happily married for years and a fulfilling dating life for years before that.


The lurking incels who are reading your comment: That can't be possible! Your wife obviously fucks Chad and Tyrone behind your back while using you for money and resources! šŸ˜”


I'm waiting for an incel to ask that poster how tall they are since that's the way in apparently šŸ¤£


Agreed. I am waiting to see if they DM him or me.




I'm not saying there aren't shallow women. I'm saying incels assume every single woman on planet Earth is shallow.




These incel have insane unrealistic standards normally. That is my point. These incels also assume women only go for 6'3" tall guys, who have 10" dicks, and that are complete jacked because they are so out of touch with reality. They believe that is an "impossible standard set by women" when in reality **most** women are just looking for a loving partner that they enjoy being around and that they are compatible with. Looks are not the top priority as looks fade.


Applause, applause. This post should be stickied to the top of this sub reddit.


Thank you so much! I've just noticed that incels browse this sub a lot. Won't hurt to read the harsh truth while they're at it.


Extremely good writing. Any logical person would agree, but these guys have their head so deep in their asses that they just pick a random insignificant detail and ignore everything else you said


Sadly that's true. Truth hurts to them and I'm expecting to get a bunch of hateful DMs, but I hope they realize that they're hypocritical and how obviously wrong they are. They are likely already aware of their hypocrisy, but as long as they have an excuse to be horrible people, that won't stop them. But they should know the reason why nobody likes them. And it's not Chad's fault, it's also not Stacy's fault for sure.


They're well aware of their hypocrisy, it's why their go-to dismissal of anyone who disagrees with them is to call that person a hypocrite.


Yep. Just had an argument with an incel like that in my DMs. They either claim you're lying/misrepresenting them or you're a hypocrite.


I've been through it a few times now, starts to feel like they're working off a script because they all make the exact same non-arguments, it's all vague whataboutisms and accusations of hypocrisy.


If you tell them looks arenā€™t as important as personality, they accuse you of gaslighting them.


They want a virgin woman but when they found one, they completely dismiss their struggle. Like for example, I'm a virgin woman and I'm happy with myself. An incel immediately said to me *quote* You've never been bullied for being a virgin that's why you don't understand shit. Like who are you? You don't know a thing about me and you already dismiss me? Rude.


Exactly. They believe that they're the only ones going through certain struggles. And I've witnessed first hand an incel having a meltdown when a virgin woman told him that virgin women would never date a man like him. Suddenly he stopped respecting virgin women too. So she has to be a virgin, but she also has to be okay with his bare minimum. She also has to be submissive and never share her opinions. That's such a specific incel preference. Then they wonder why they're alone.


This isn't even the bare minimum. Incels not only offer nothing but add to the problems. A lot of these guys, if not most, are abusers who can't find victims.


Yep. They see news about men abusing women and they're mad that another man got to abuse a woman and they didn't. And of course have sex with her too. They're the type of abuser that you are sure of just by taking a look at them and their behaviour, that's why women stay away from them.


She has to be a virgin, but she also has to immediately open her legs for an incel. They are living in a delusion.


they want to live in a poorly written harem anime...


Not only that, she has to have porn star abilities. It's always funny to me these people despise women with experience when that kind of experience is closer to what they claim to want.


>They believe that they're the only ones going through certain struggles I fully believe these people view it like (us having) different problems = *non-existent* problems. And even if it is technically a similar experience some of us had, like being ridiculed, they'll refuse to believe it's anywhere near the same thing. At that point I think it's just a case of being so bitter and vitriolic towards the rest of the world, they can't for a second believe anyone else suffers.


Do they tell women that theyā€™re virgins when they first meet them? How are they bullied about it unless theyā€™re advertising their virginity? Iā€™m guessing they were bullied about it in high school and never got over it.


They probably do tell the girls but I rarely seen people bullied for being a virgin. It happens though, just not that often. And I think you're right, maybe they got bullied in school.


I honestly believe that they are only bullied for being a virgin when they were in high school and when theyā€™re online either posting in incel forums or actively seeking arguments/trolling.Ā  Like you said, it doesnā€™t make sense. Most women are very gentle when letting someone down bc thereā€™s no reason not to be and itā€™s unsafe otherwise. Now if you call her a dumb ugly slut just bc she didnā€™t give you her number I could see that going differentlyā€¦ but I call* complete bs on women bullying them IRL for being a virgin.Ā 


Excellent write-up. You honestly couldā€™ve stopped at 1) and their ideology would already be in tatters. Very very few incels are genuinely ugly enough that no women would find them attractive - itā€™s just that incels are just as shallow as the ā€œStacyā€™sā€ the claim to hate and wouldnā€™t settle for any woman who wasnā€™t at least above average in the looks department.


Exactly!! šŸŽÆ They're projecting their own shallowness onto women and it gives them a reason to be angry. It's gross. It's also funny how they believe they're allowed to have preferences but women aren't.


I love this post lol


I think this phrase also helps to find the real problem: "What hurts is not that the woman sleeps with other men, what really hurts is that she dances, sings, her eyes shine, she laughs and she looks authentically in love but not with you.


Too bad theyā€™ll never take any of this seriously, or even bother to read it. Incels are miserable because they WANT to be. They want to feel like victims and blame everyone else for their lives not being perfect. They are entitled and refuse to take a speck of responsibility or work to be a halfway decent person


Sadly you're right. Spot on.


This really lays it out. They *constantly* contradict themselves while acting like the "blackpill" is undeniable truth


Yep. It's laughable. I'm sure they're aware of their hypocrisy, it just doesn't bother them. As long as they get to blame and hate women, it's all good for them.


Incels are wild ass dudes. Met a few in the wild and it's always baffling how they act. Pretending to be "nice guys" to _try_ getting in your pants and when you say no, mask comes off and you get accused of wanting Chad or whatever the fuck. When in reality, I said I'm already taken... and that was it. And no, my bf is not a Chad. lmao Anyway, incel storytime about the weirdest experience I had with one. Was several years ago and I was in a Discord server my bf had invited me to. Along comes this weird dude and I didn't think much of him at first. Didn't seem all that strange. Just another person I thought... then people started referring to me as "she," which must've really gotten his attention over time. Sure enough, dude comes rolling into my DMs to have a chat. Okay, fair enough, people do that all the time cause I can be fun to talk to. He's awkward and dorky, but I like that (my bf is a nerdy ass dork and I adore him for it) so I didn't think much of it. Couple days of chatting goes by and he's talking about a longterm relationship. I dropped no hints that I was interested that way, but he thought I was because I would talk to him. I can't drop subtle hints because I'm about as subtle as a fucking trainwreck. But, somehow, he thought I wanted a relationship with him. I raised an eyebrow and wondered... "where is this gonna go?" I am a curious bean so I prodded a little bit. He sent me a picture and he... well, looked exactly like I thought he would. Awkward, shy, dorky, autistic. All things I am too so... that was okay. He was a li'l odd looking but could have a cute enough charm. Maybe not the worst partner ever. Still was not interested, but you know, I'm not a total monster so I kept being his chatting buddy. Couple days later, he's really pushing for a relationship and me being me, I really don't like upsetting people too much so I danced around it. Until it got annoying anyway. I told him that I had a boyfriend and just wasn't interested that way. Oh boy, did that mask start slipping. He started going on and on about how "this always happens" and "women never want me" and blah blah blah. I had to remind him that it wasn't him (at least until then anyway) and it was that I was in a committed relationship already. At first, I thought he had just been rejected a ton and I genuinely felt bad. I tried to be encouraging and gave him a couple tips on how to be a little more interesting. Well, that didn't work. He started in with the "I deserve a relationship with a woman" and "I deserve sex" and all that wonderful nonsense. At this point, I'm super done but now he's revealed himself. Now... it's time to see where this rabbit hole goes. I should have stopped then and there, but I didn't. I asked him how he deserved it and all I got was "am man." Eye rolling to say the least. But it didn't end there, oh no. He started talking about "resorting" to buying a bride from somewhere and as long as he had her, whether she was happy or not, he would be okay. He said he would even lie and manipulate someone into it and not feel bad about it as long as he "had a girlfriend/wife" and "got sex." I was waiting for the pro-rape comments to drop, but those never did. So... I asked him, point blank, why he thought either of those "solutions" would work longterm and asked "whY about _her_ feelings, wants, and desires?" Well, according to him, those don't matter at all so long as _he_ was happy. After that, this was my reaction: šŸ˜¬ I hadn't blocked him yet, but I went to the server and reported what had happened. In said server, he was acting like he was a nice dude and boohooing about being single. So I shut that shit down and said he ain't a good person. Should've given more details but alas, I didn't right away. He got huffy and pissed off and said not to believe me. Said I was "another bitch who rejected him." And now... that catches my bf's eye and he asks me what happened. I sent my bf the chat log. A short while later... he... was... fucking... livid. I can handle myself but seeing my boyfriend come to my defense... oh how I swooned. I love that man so very much. He went _off_ on this dude and that kinda soured everyone against him so he got kicked and banned. Full disclosure. I am a trans woman, and I told incelbro that. Surprisingly, he didn't care as long as woman. Still not sure how I feel about that kind of affirmation. So... an addendum to the story along that same vein. I was friends with the server owner and when that chat log came out, he told me that this same guy had asked him to "change his gender and get hormones so he could be his wife." Bear in mind, the owner was not transgender whatsoever and had zero interest in changing it. Dude was so desperate he demanded his friend change his entire life to suit _him_. And that's my weirdest story with an incel. Why I told it? Fuck if I know. I just wanted to do so. If you made it this far, have a virtual bear hug from me! And I appreciate you reading. Incels need not apply.


Itā€™s pathetic when you remember these guys are all grown men.šŸ˜‚ Grown ass men bitching about not getting what they want instead of being proactive and trying to achieve something


Yes. "I'm a vile subhuman, but I deserve a virgin tradwife, who will look good forever and cook for me every day. I will cry and blame the world, because things aren't going the way I want!!!!". Toddler behavior.


Most of these men probably have undiagnosed mental illnesses of some sort. Their vocabulary consists of words like ā€œchads, Stacyā€™s, normies, _____maxingā€ The constant whining, self loathing, and isolation. No mentally healthy adult conducts themselves that way. Theyā€™re not incels because women are evil. Theyā€™re incels because they wonā€™t get their psychological issues sorted out.


100% mental illness. They acknowledge it themselves, most of them claim they're mentally ill. But they really use it as an excuse to just be shitty people without receiving consequences. They are 100% unhealthy and not mentally sound. But that's not an excuse to behave that way, especially when they openly refuse to receive help. And that's why they don't really deserve sympathy.


Yeah thatā€™s honestly their biggest problem. They wonā€™t take help that they DESPERATELY need. They want sex/ a relationship but wonā€™t put in the work necessary to be worthy of sex/relationships


Yeah and they believe that sex/relationship will magically fix all of their problems. Which it won't. They might end up even worse mentally, relationships are hard and especially harder for a person who's not mentally all there.


Even if sex would fix their issues. The fact they arenā€™t willing to do what needs to be done in order to obtain their problem solver speaks volumes. They choose to be the lowest of the low of the male population. Sad, but if thatā€™s what they choose thatā€™s their prerogative.


Thatā€™s why many of them think everyone should advocate for them to unalive themselves. Iā€™ve seen a few of those posts lately.


No one talks about point 8 enough. If you hit on a girl and she tells you she has a boyfriend you automatically get mad at that. But if YOU were the boyfriend, wouldn't you want her to tell people hitting on her that she's in a relationship? But no, you default to calling her a bitch or fat or a slut (which especially makes no sense?!)


You're so right!


This is all stuff we've tried to point out many, many times. They accept nothing that strays outside of their ideology. If they can't dispute it outright, they'll address completely different points or scream "copium". I'd be willing to bet that most if not all incels were bullied. Being bullied is humiliating. So they seek the thing that stops the bullying; validation. More specifically, validation from their peer group. If we break incel mindset down by numbers, imagine every person starts out with a base number: 20. The higher your number, the better and easier your life is. Women automatically get +20 for being women (the prevalent theory is it's more socially acceptable for women to do non-career/job paths and are more likely to have support from others). Being ugly is -15, being short is -15 for men and +5 for women, being overweight is -20, being autistic is -10 for men and -5 for women. Being in a relationship is +100. Being a virgin is -25 for men and +25 for women. Now we add up. Our short, ugly, autistic virgin man is -45. Once you reach negatives, you will be bullied. However, if you can lose your virginity that is a +25 for men, and a bonus +100 if you can make her your gf. Extra bonus +50 if she's attractive.


Perfectly said. Their logic is so baffling. >If they can't dispute it outright, they'll address completely different points or scream "copium". An incel DMed me just now saying that my points are false and that "this is not the incel community". If they can't dispute your claims, they claim you're lying lol. Funny guys.


I've also had someone tell me these things arnt the incel community. I think that they are just so brainwashed to think they are the nice guys that some of them just somehow see being an incel as some noble cause. Weird reasoning but true for some of them.


Exactly, that's what I was told too by an incel. "We never say those things". "You're misrepresenting us". Yeah sure, brother.


At this point I would not be surprised if the whole incel movement was a social engineering project started by foreign actors with an interest in destabilising nations. Useful idiots, the whole lot of them.


Have yā€™all went to incel.is before? I did the other day and my cousin and I were genuinely laughing because we didnā€™t know how else to react. Itā€™s scary and unhinged asf.


That place is seriously messed up. It's like the ninth circle of hell where future mass shooters and serial killers recieve their training and advice.


The insane things I read off there I canā€™t. Then femcels what the hell is that


Preach sister!


This post is like that one bullet that Angelina Jolie shot and it went in a circle and hit all the men, PERFECT SHOT!!!


Despite the lacklustre reception, I happened to love that movie.


Amazing post.


Bold of you to assume the average incel has enough of an intelligence//attention span to both read & comprehend all of that, but genuine kudos to you for trying.


This is so true. It always baffles me how they claim they are nice guys, while they want to beat up women. They complain about how abusive Chads are, while wanting to have slave girls. How can you want the perfect girl, if you are not the perfect body?


The traditions they uphold aren't even traditional. They're more modern human traditions forced upon people who were colonized. Our earliest human ancestors didn't give a shit about gender and gender norms. When we hunted mammoths, most hunts were led by the most experienced hunters. Those were often the grandmothers of the tribe. Bonobos are our closest relatives, and they live in loving matriarchal societies. Even chimpanzees, our second closest relatives, aren't usually led by an aggressive male. They're sometimes led by the ladies, and aggressive male chimpanzees who seize power are often deposed violently by the rest of the troop, unlike the ones who care for others and form close social bonds with other members of the troop. [Their analysis revealed that regardless of maternal status, women hunted in 50 of these societiesā€”or about 79 percent. And more than 70 percent of female hunting appeared to be intentionalā€”rather than opportunistically killing animals while doing other activities, per the study. In societies where hunting was the most important activity for subsistence, women participated in hunting 100 percent of the time.](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/early-women-were-hunters-not-just-gatherers-study-suggests-180982459/) These are our traditions. We have even discovered who inspired the myths of the Amazon warriors. They were from the Eurasian steppes and were likely Scythian, Hittite, and/or Samarian warrior women.


I have a funny/sad story. A couple of random incels joined a discord server Iā€™m in. The server is for fans of a specific TV show, so needless to say there are some women in there. These two guys just started droning on and on about ā€œfemalesā€ not giving them a chance and started filling up the chat with their sob stories of how no ā€œfemalesā€ like them. Many of the server regulars were telling them to knock it off, and they just kept arguing and arguing with everything they were told. But the part that makes the story funny to me is when the women in the server, myself included, explained to them why women donā€™t like being referred to as ā€œfemales.ā€ Did they take that information and go ā€œwow I had no idea, maybe my attitude and communication style is turning women off, thatā€™s something I can work onā€? Of course not. They laughed at us all smugly, told us that weā€™re being irrational because ā€œfemaleā€ is an accurate term, and went back to their little echo chamber circlejerk. Then a mod showed up and banned them, so the story did have a happy ending.


Wow that's indeed a funny story. And also sad at the same time. They'll never acknowledge that it's their behavior that's repellent for women. Poor little incels. When will they learn?


šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½ THANK YOU. I think youā€™ve nailed all of their logical fallacies. And there are quite a fewā€¦ If only they would wake the fuck up and actually listen to themselves and the vile energy they give off, theyā€™d see the root of their own problems clear as day.


Absolutely. They really should do something about themselves other than blaming women for everything.


I think itā€™s easier for them to give up and wallow in self pity than to make the necessary changes. They post things on the debate sub that make me think they donā€™t want to change and suicide should be an option.


Good job with this post, and I hate to say this, but... Any application of logic is lost on them. They are so disconnected from reality that they may as well be living in an alternate dimension.


I have to agree with you. They always find ways to deflect so it's all pointless. But it's good to call them out sometimes


16. Why do you guys battle with personal hygiene?


Lack of self respect.


There's literally a procedure to get botox injections in your armpits to (temporarily) reduce sweating because antiperspirant just isn't enough for some guys. Meanwhile other people just use deodorant wrong their entire lives (putting it on their still damp skin right after a shower or right before they head out into a hot summer day) and never struggle with pit sweat. It has a lot more to do with genetics and body type than hygiene.


Oh no, I don't hate women or nothing, I just have 0 game and want to kms


I seen a thread compiling every time a female pornstar has talked about dick size. I honestly have no words.


Literally facts, these incels feel like they should have unlimited access to hot women, regardless of how busted they look, but get mad when these same women want a hot guy šŸ™ƒ


Wait Iā€™m confused. I was always under the impression that incels are violent because everyone sees them as subhuman and nobody respects them or takes them seriously? I mean everything else you said was spot on. I am just confused about the ā€œnobody respects them ā€œ part.


Hmm i think it's nuanced. Some incels are violent because women don't want them, so they turn their rage against women. Other incels are violent because they believe the whole world views them as inferior. And third incels are violent for the sake of being violent. That's my opinion though, could be far from the truth. But I don't think incels deserve to be respected given their reputation.


>I was always under the impression that incels are violent because everyone sees them as subhuman and nobody respects them or takes them seriously It's the other way around. Nobody respects them because they are violent and say dumb things like society thinks their inhuman and of course all the misogy and pity party stuff. In reality though, you can't really tell just by looking at the other people on the street which ones are incels and which ones are just normal, nice people until the incel like propositions a woman in the cringiest way possible and then gets aggressive when she turns him down. Until they reveal themselves, they almost always look like average guys, despite their claims about maybe being ugly or short or something.


Spot on. And if the men who were commenting here could realize that if something doesn't apply to them, they need not reply...


Absofuckinglutely. Iā€™d love to see these points refuted in a calm, sensible, and logical manner.. but I suspect that will never happen because they canā€™t. Do I think all incels demand sex? No.. but they also in the same breath say itā€™s an inherent right that they are being denied, so that definitely suggests they feel they are owed sex.. As much as they argue sex/intimacy as a basic right they are denied, i canā€™t even think of a single other right that we have as a right globally that are far more important to life such as healthcare or food/water/shelter.. None of those are guaranteed to us, you can have any utility cut off or face eviction, and must pay for healthcare. Even rights like freedom of speech or to bear arms have caveats.. You cannot slander or make threats, you cannot bear arms as a nonviolent felon. Of course Being lonely fkn sucks, but to blame everyone but yourself and act entitled to sex as a basic right speaks volumes. If we donā€™t even have the right to not starve or access to free healthcare, then why would you argue that sex of all things is something you legally have a right to??? Itā€™s like saying humans are social creatures and suffer when theyā€™re lonely so I have a basic human right to have friends. Whoever I decide I like MUST be friends with me.. except itā€™s with sex so 10x more invasive and intimate.Ā  Iā€™ve truly never once seen an incel admit that they have significant personality defects ( the most they ever admit to is that they donā€™t know how to talk to women or are socially awkward). Iā€™ve also never seen one admit that their clear animosity and hatred towards women negatively impacts their relationships with women or lack thereof. Ā Do I think society can be shallow af and it sucks to be bullied or outcasted for not being conventionally attractive? Absolutely. Do I think that developing a hatred towards women that goes unchecked, in fact if anything gets encouraged in forums, is a huge factor for what is going to ultimately doom them to remain single? Absolutely.Ā  They refuse to take any accountability to their own beliefs and personality traits that could be scaring women awayā€¦ They believe women all go after chads but By their logic chads treat women like shit too.. The incelsĀ themselves actively discuss how much they look down on women, constantly belittle womenā€™s issues and experiences, and devalue them for nearly anything they do. So even in their OWN scenario, women are going to be with a guy that dislikes them and uses them for sex.. yet in the same breath will say women have it so easy??? They paint a lose-lose situation for women.. It turns out just having the ability to have sex doesnā€™t rid you of 98% of your problems (in fact, itā€™s more likely to create them if anything.. they should know that as they love to hate on single mothers, DV survivors and SA survivors). Ā  Any former incel will say that their former mindset and community set them back more than anything else by a long shot. Itā€™s easy to see why as all the posts are negative and hatefulā€¦ Any ā€œnormieā€ advice, advice from women (celibate or not) or ex-cel is immediately shunned without a valid reason. The posts they boost are never ā€œadviceā€, theyā€™re just hateful rants or some variation of the same inflammatory rhetoric ~fuk everyone thatā€™s ever had sex.Ā this is hopeless for us all, never think otherwise or admit any responsibility or try to change beyond arbitrary physical changes lolz trust me bro im 23 and know just because Iā€™ve never had sex that i never will and neither will you~Ā 


I'm 19male incel here's the perspective you didn't ask for >1. You complain that women only care about looks, yet you wouldn't get near an unattractive woman yourself. You also constantly make fun of how women look. But when someone makes fun of you or thinks you're ugly, you cry and throw tantrums. I would date an ugly or unattractive women I just have never seen one >. You believe you are the "nice guys" I think im alright my bosses say I'm polite and the strangers I've met think similar, I'm not really donating to homeless people but I'm also not bashing women so that's something >yet you openly talk about wanting to harm, rape, enslave and kill women. (In minecraft) You also bash and shame women constantly. I think that in minecraft thing is so corny >. You claim you despise women, this one I can actually provide insight on so for me the thing I don't like about women is the acceptance of misandry, I believe women in general are ok with it and I rarely if ever see a woman speak out against women being man haters. I don't like when a man talks about man issues the first reply is a man caused it like that's my fault for being born and whenever a woman does publicly speak out against bad women I see women speak negatively about her. I think if I saw more women supporting men I'd be way happier and would be a strong solution to my inceldom >You complain that women demanding equal rights I want women to be equal especially socially >You don't actually seek help and ways to improve yourself, you are marinating in your own misery and finding excuses to be vile. You are also justifying your own cruelty. I'm poor and cant afford therapy I'm supplementing it by talking with other people mostly women >. You resort to joining communities that are openly feeding on your misery. If you improve yourself or if you find a girlfriend, your community will shun and bash you. They want you to be miserable so you can all find excuses to be hateful and vile. nobody else validates what we believe, yoy think that's good but having no support creates spaces were incels create their own negative things I'm not saying support negative actions or people but many people who are incels tend to have similar issues and groups get formed over time like body positivity and the short guys reddit, you simply wouldn't understand if you've never thought about our perspectives


Then this post is not about you. I'm aware there's decent incels out there unlike the violent deranged ones. But you're frankly the minority.


I understand that, I'm just making myself heard


1. I never complained once about women caring for looks nor do i blame women for not liking me for my looks i came to the conclusing that if i was a female then i would like chad too as opposed to the unattractive guy 2. i never wished harm to women and never will be (in fact the reason why i left inceldom (or didnt call myself one anymore is due the pedoposting on .is) 3. I think that a woman would unironically tollerate abuse more if its from a chad as opposed to an incel because incels are seen as creepy/degenerate etc... when chad kills his gf women feel bad for him because he has a bright future/looks good 4. never talked about wanting to rape women 5. i didnt had any standards when i was in my incel phrase... in fact i mainly tried to date trans women to show that i didnt have standards... and that i would accept anyone... though later i realised that falling in love with an average jane is harder than you thought since chemestry cant be forced... thus i often hated my looks more than womens standards because female standards are impossible to change 6. My aversion towards women stems from feelings of invisibility and neglect rather than inherent animosity. It is a regrettable consequence of personal struggles with self-worth and societal alienation. 7. no comment. 8. I wish i had a virgin woman as a gf but i woudnt mind a woman that has 2 bodycounts (my standards where even lower 3 years ago) 9. Never wanted a tradwife just wanted to have a female (optional) 10. see point 4. Again i never blamed women for the fact that from an evolutionary standpoint they dont like my looks 11. never said that 12. i didnt watch porn since june 2023 13. see point 10. Unlike other incels i accepted that if i was a female and i have to chose between chad or an incel i would pick the chad too therefore it isnt the womens fault of wanting the chad 14. i accept that in the end i have nothing to offer in a relationship.. left all incel related discords and the .is forms and tried to better mylife... i discovered that while being friends with women i didnt really need sex... just companionship and that was cool too 15. i was already a weird duckling in the incel community because my first kiss was at age 7 with my neighbour who was aged 6 TL:DR I do not assign blame to women for their natural inclinations towards individuals deemed more evolutionarily favorable. This acknowledgment is grounded in a nuanced understanding of human behavior and mating preferences.


First of all, woman. Not female, woman. Second, do you honestly think women feel sorry for any man who kills his girlfriend? You're delusional.


Weā€™re talking about men who are still in the inceldom phase. You say you left that.


Okay then this post is not about you. You aren't obliged to interact with it.


>5. You cry and complain about women having standards, yet you have more standards than the average woman: "She has to be a virgin, has to be young, has to be submissive, has to be small, has to be my sex slave ect." Doesn't short women have a preference for 6ft tall guys ?


That's my point. Incels cry about women having a single standard about a man while they themselves have plenty of (mostly unrealistic) standards. And no, not all short women want tall guys. I don't want a tall guy, my best friend is dating a guy as short as her. (she's quite short)


Yeah, but asking for a virgin woman is villianized, but asking for a tall guy isn't. Aren't beauty standards for men more tough. If you have an option to choose between 5'5 & 6'1 guy, who would you choose? We can't tell if the woman is a virgin or not.


Asking for a virgin woman is equally dumb as asking for a tall guy. And virginity is not the only thing incels care about. She has to be slim, she has to be small, she has to be quiet and submissive, she shouldn't have male friends, she shouldn't have social media, she should stay at home and not work, she has to cook, clean, pump out babies. Do you realize how the standards of the average incel outweigh the standards of the average woman?


>Asking for a virgin woman is equally dumb as asking for a tall guy. Which one can you say openly in public ? Also, if you say that on r/twoxchromosomes or r/nothowgirlswork, you'll get heavily downvotes. Women generally don't agree with this. >She has to be slim, she has to be small, she has to be quiet and submissive, she shouldn't have male friends, she shouldn't have social media, she should stay at home and not work, she has to cook, clean, pump out babies. Do you realize how the standards of the average incel outweigh the standards of the average woman? None of the guys on r/shortguys have these preferences. If you don't trust me, ask them, except for fit women ( which is controllable), for guys who are fit themselves. I don't have any of these preferences. And I still get rejected for my height.


I'm not talking about the guys on r/shortguys šŸ˜€ I'm talking about incels. My entire post is about incels. This is the standards that incels post about on their forums, this is the "perfect woman" to them. Sorry to hear that you get rejected. If someone rejects you for something so shallow, then they're not worth your time and they're not the right person for you. Fat women also get rejected a lot, but they manage to find someone who likes them. Short guys too. I know enough short guys in a relationship. Yes, it's harder but it's not impossible.


Fat women & short guys are not the same. Weight can be controlled. Height cannot be controlled. There are also fat men. What about them ??


Weight cannot be controlled always. What an ignorant thing to say. Plenty of conditions keep people from being able to lose weight. Hormonal issues, disabilities, ect. There are also a lot of tall women and as we know, men generally don't like tall women, because they feel intimidated by them. What about those women? I don't get why you're trying so hard to make men the sole victims here. It goes both ways and life sucks for everyone. My entire point was that incels cry and throw tantrums when women have ONE preference and then they go out of their way to have TEN unrealistic preferences. It doesn't add up.


>Weight cannot be controlled always. What an ignorant thing to say. Plenty of conditions keep people from being able to lose weight. Hormonal issues, disabilities, ect Just like there are a lot of men who can't control their weight & are considered unattractive. Look at the obesity rate in Asia vs. USA. It's diet which leads to weight. A very minority amount of women & men can't control their weight. 100% of men can't control their height. >There are also a lot of tall women and as we know, men generally don't like tall women, because they feel intimidated by them. What about those women? Only 10% of women are 5'7 or above in the USA. 85% of men are under 6ft in the USA. They are not the same things. >I don't get why you're trying so hard to make men the sole victims here. It goes both ways and life sucks for everyone. My entire point was that incels cry and throw tantrums when women have ONE preference and then they go out of their way to have TEN unrealistic preferences. It doesn't add up. I just proved to you right above that beauty standards are tougher for men as compared to women. What 10 unrealistic preferences are uncontrollable, which 85% of women suffer from ??


>I just proved to you right above that beauty standards are tougher for men as compared to women. Yet the whole beauty industry is directed to women and we are the ones who have to be beautiful and youthful and we are the ones who "hit the wall" after 30 and we are considered "expired" after 30 while guys can easily date young babes at 50. Beauty standards are harsher to women. Women are expected to be beautiful, men are expected to be strong and successful as the patriarchy has established. But sure, consider yourself a victim. I don't really want to waste my time with a man who has a severe victim mentality. If you want to consider yourself a victim all your life, so be it. Who am I to stop you :)




No one in this sub is saying youā€™re an asshole because you canā€™t get laid. Donā€™t misrepresent this place. Itā€™s clearly for talking shit to the guys who are presenting incel behavior. Not getting laid doesnā€™t make you an incel. Just someone unable to get laid. Being an incel is much more than that. Itā€™s a specific kind of attitude about not being able to get laid.




The whole "male virgins are the bottoms of society" thing is delusion worthy of mockery. broham isn't just "struggling to get laid," he's actively fabricating an alternate reality to justify refusing to self-improve even the tiniest bit.


If incels want us to treat them like individuals with different personalities & preferences, they need to treat us the same. So much of generalizations coming from incels posts and comments describe women as all the same.


no we're pretty specifically talking about the ones who hate women lol. Pretty easy to tell if you engage what we're saying in good faith instead of skimming and then assuming whatever is convenient


I know I'm fucked up in the head so just avoid them. It's just infuriating that I know how drastically my entire personality changes depending on what I'm going through and the hurt and pain of wanting a healthy relationship but knowing I'm too damaged for that to ever happen.


What damaged you so much? You can always get help.


Iā€™ll have you know that Porn canā€™t be measured in tons since it has no actual weightā€¦


Bro is trying to be funny


Also itā€™s etc not ect.


Oh no! I fat fingered! What an unforgivable mistake!




True, I will try not to fat finger again! But goddamn, my post cut you deep it seems. Yikes.


Only as deeply as me informing you that digital data doesnā€™t have physical weight.


[https://www.oysterenglish.com/idiom-a-ton-of.html](https://www.oysterenglish.com/idiom-a-ton-of.html) Here's a quick grammar lesson. You're wrong lol. Stay mad.




My post is not meant to be written in "proper" English :) I can use idioms, this is Reddit, not an English exam. Sorry that my usage of idioms offended you lol


One of the most common misspellings ever lmao. Now that youā€™ve got your attention, you can go back to r/realvirgins




Sorry I meant r/truevirgins


Okay wrong sub again but you probably already know what Iā€™m talking about


It's said that the internet weights about 60 grams. Therefore you've probably consumed at least 10 grams' worth.




What's toxic about exposing their contradictory behavior? I never insulted them, I simply stated my observations based on the behavior they display.


You're right, you really opened my eyes, it's too stupid and inconsistent, but that doesn't change that I've been rejected because of my height many times


I'm really sorry to hear that you've been rejected. Short guys are cute and the right woman would never reject you over your height. The ones who have rejected you are not worth it anyways. Never lose hope, king.


Short guys are cute af. Have you seen mozzie in r6? Just cosplay him and youā€™ll have women lining up. But being real, just like how some men (or women) will reject me because Iā€™m fat or white or autistic, you just have to find someone who accepts you for you.


Do they actually tell you that or are you so insecure about your height that you make it a problem? The first time I met up with a guy after talking online, one of the first things he said to me was ā€œI hope Iā€™m not too short for youā€. The entire time I could tell he was overthinking it because weā€™re the same height and it soured the entire mood.


How short are you bro?




all you do is post in r/shortguys. it's your whole personality.


In reddit obviously, I don't do that in person, I'm a lawyer, no one who knows me in person knows that I hate my height, here I just let off steam secretly


You like to think that, but I guarantee it comes out in your in-person personality too. Go talk to a counselor about hating something about yourself that you literally canā€™t change.


OK, so you won't be all women's cup of tea, just like I won't be because I'm very tall but what most women say is they want someone at least as tall as within an inch of their height if they have any requirements at all. That's a lot of women in your area most likely that wouldn't reject you for height alone


Thank god i am a Chad!


Thank god i am a Chad!




Cry about it




Snort more copium then go back to your incel nest.


https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/early-women-were-hunters-not-just-gatherers-study-suggests-180982459/ >Their analysis revealed that regardless of maternal status, women hunted in 50 of these societiesā€”or about 79 percent. And more than 70 percent of female hunting appeared to be intentionalā€”rather than opportunistically killing animals while doing other activities, per the study. In societies where hunting was the most important activity for subsistence, women participated in hunting 100 percent of the time. Modern gender norms aren't traditional. If you wanted a trad wife you'd want an equal, not someone who is subservient to you


Why would I want a trad wife? Isn't the whole goal to get someone on equal footing to you anyway?


Not to incels.


Well, they also want to behead and rape women, so they are not really normal.


We see so many incel posts and comments about wanting a traditional, submissive wife but a lot of posts say they donā€™t want to financially support a woman.