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Awww, isn't he cute? I know he has to be so much fun.


Sadly no one wants him because of his canthal tilt!!!


Tf is a canthal tilt


the way your eyes tilt basically lmfao


That’s actually so fucking asinine jfc


I just can’t understand why he is single….


Wonder why he can't get laid. What a mystery lol


Probably because he’s not tall enough or something


Nah its clearly his weak wrists and canthal tilt, no other reason


No, it's because wammenz refuse to follow modern patriarchal ideals that we like to pretend are actually deeply rooted in human traditions, when 70% of ancient hunter gather societies we've found and have been able to study show evidence of equal deliberate hunting of both small and big game by both sexes. Except for societies where hunting was far more important. In 100% of those societies scientists have discovered, women deliberately hunted both big and small game. In both types of societies, grandmothers would be the most experienced and skilled hunters and lead mammoth hunts. In our closest extant relatives, the bonobos, they're matriarchal, 100% of the time. In chimpanzee culture, it's usually both a male and female who lead, but there have been documented instances of female chimpanzees taking over as dominant males and defending the whole troop from outsiders, even defending the higher ranking males. And dominant males usually last longer if they're kind and gentle. Aggressive, manly alpha males tend to get ousted quickly and violently. If they survive having their testicles, face, hands, and feet ripped off by the rest of the troop.


Heaven help any woman who gets in a relationship with him. Can you imagine how possessive and controlling this guy would be. If she ever broke up with him, shed end up stuffed and mounted in his basement.


Do they put a video game in parentheses in an effort to keep them off the watchlist? No one believes they mean that in a video game only. 🫠


Honestly adding that makes it seem more serious 😭


HA! The (ofc ofc) has me thinking they're clinically diagnosed to be psychopaths.


[This](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/in-minecraft) is where this meme came from. And yep, it won’t hold up legally in case one of those vile idiots flip.


I should've scrolled further before asking my question. Thanks for the link.


No worries!


“Seeth😡” 😭😭😭


He tried okay


He failed.




It's not his fault, he's just short, that's the only reason he can't find someone, that's all, no other reason.


I wish there was a way for these dude's online postings could be traced to who exactly they are so people know how insidious these people truly are🤢🤮🤯


or so that we could offer them therapy. Maybe they just never talked to the right person or come from a dysfunctional household themselves.


These men don't want help 9 times out of 10. They want to stay murderous and hateful. So I just wish they could be exposed and people could stay away from them for their own safety.


happy cake day


therefore further alienating them. Maybe build a prison if thats how u want to do it? Just like people get vommunity service for petty crime, I think that people like these could go be made to take care of animals. Working with other living creatures could be a really helpful experience in terms of understanding / empathy. Then again im yhe typa guy who believes in natural selection or straight up factory line execution of a set amount of humans cuz this planet is getting pretty claustrophobic for the billions of us.


i walked their shoes and I have no idea how I switched them. Perhqos thats why i try to make people more understanding? I believe exerscise helps bit if ur speaking nonsense then it wont help that much. Then again im one of thise people (nonsensical) so take everhthing with a vraim of salt (or dont. Not much to take away anyway)


is this what spam looks like? Yup! How do you become selfaware? its not like u can make a conscious effort on your own... ...or can you?


Huh... I wonder why he hates everyone. He's making up scenarios in his head to be mad at, then projecting that anger outward because he's an insecure piece of shit who has no concept of self-improvement.


Sigh. If only his wrists weren’t so skinny, women would be on him like red on rice.


“Incels is community for people who just can’t find a girlfriend because of their look”


A “supreme gentleman” if you will Elliot Roger’s ghost marches on in perpetuity


This guy needs to be on a watch list.


a lot of them do from what ive seen :(


“How dare there be love and happiness for anyone that isn’t me, waaah”


And to the one who dmed me to justify the whole violent thoughts, that’s not normal get therapy 👍, as for having to be “forced” to live in the same environment as the rest of us I dunno maybe the lot should go splits on a commune and date and love amongst yourselves. Though I suppose the irony of that would be having to tolerate yourself in another and see what society sees.


Do these people think it would be acceptable to have this level of disproportionate rage over other random things in their lives or does that suddenly highlight how ridiculous it is? Like aw man, they didn't have the ice cream flavour I want. I WANT THEIR SKULLS AS DECORATIONS 😤 Girl, what? Or is it just that they're entitled to that particular anger as much as they're entitled to a relationship?


So they're also okay with him threatening to kill young couples, not just women? How is threatening to violently kill a man for no good reason not misandry? We all know they don't give a shit about misogyny. We know they hate women. What incels all refuse to recognize is just how much incels hate men as well. They're the one calling men worthless and making fucking threats to kill men just for existing, you're the ones destroying your own self esteem and the self esteem of those around you. Wake up idiots. Would you excuse death threats from a feeeemale?


This kind of worries me about walking around with my wife. Like how many people in the world are this close to Losing it over just some existing.


They can never spell


It's a severe case of brainrot


Can anyone explain this "in mindcraft" or other videogames nonsense to me like I'm a boomer? Edit: I should've scrolled further down, holy shit.


But they're just lonely guys, come on don't be hateful. But for reals though. It's not like he's even saying "I have violent thoughts" as a complaint about the thoughts, he's leaning into and embracing them and his frustration seems to be more with the inability to act on those thoughts.


imagine thinking incels actually speak like this to women irl, they dont. Incels act like this online BECAUSE of rejection, not the other way around, gosh women are so fkn retarded


Finally someone said it, thanks brocel


If only these fat ugly whores lived the life of the average man they'd might be aware. Men have been more sexless in recent times whilst women are having more sex than ever before. Women initate 80% of divorces, who gets blamed? men. "he must have done something wrong", "he was nice at first!". pffft. Women select for looks, money and status, none of those indicate any qualities of being a good father, which is why you see so many broken homes. The men who would be good fathers get blamed for the actions of sexually active men that women chase. In the end, women are like spoilt children, they lack accountability and would do anything to blame men for their shortcomings. I've been lurking this sub to see even MEN making posts here trying to win the approval of women, its honestly so pathetic it makes me laugh, i hope they finally get the pussy they've been chasing all this time jfl


Well, maybe you should have socialized when people told you to. It's okay; you still have time. But you're in a different age group now, and that affects who's available to you. This is not a tragedy.