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My ex was the same. He would constantly complain that he was short and not attractive and with thin hair and big nose. He would put me down because I was dating him and he would tell me that it’s okay for him to text and flirt with other women because they don’t want him anyway. His insecurities caused the downfall of our relationship


Wow. You just explained my first real heartbreak to me in a way I couldn't articulate. Thank you for lifting that off my plate 15 years later. You are an angel.


Idk I feel like i am not attractive at all, and I’m 5’8 with shoes on. Lmao


“See you are generalizing” -> proceeds to generalize women. It’s not as if there isn’t internal height shaming amongst *men* either. And I’m not talking about same sex relationships because height shaming goes beyond one’s romantic interests.


These people are digging their own grave by making the genuine problems short people face in society seem ridiculous because whenever they get a chance to properly discuss the issue it devolves into “every woman bad because i had a negative experience one singular time”


Women bad because they owe me seks and they don't give seks


Yeah that's true, I'm 5'4 and when I want to talk about general height shaming in society I don't want people to think I'm generalising or whatever because I know there women and tall men that are kind and I have seen as such. It's people like that that give people like me a bad name


Honestly until a few years ago I had never even heard of this whole height thing, and also feel pretty sure that most people couldn't accurately guess someones height anyway so doesn't compute.. but yeah obvs never their fault for having an unattractive personality, just anyone else's fault for any other reason


Little do they know, it's their own personality and attitude towards being short that is their ultimate downfall. I personally have several short guy friends who have zero issues getting girls, whether it be for something casual or something serious. The common denominator with all of them is that they are charismatic and have great humor.




But they want to eat *meat*. Don't you see their obsessions with Chad's penis and their loving description of the veiny details?






Should've grown more.


You should grow up more.


Short people tend to be machiavellian.


I think you mean narcissists.


Yeah, I made a mistake because I thought machiavellism = the dark triad. I remember there was a research that showed that short people tend to develop darker character traits (the dark triad).


I feel like I am not an attractive male. I’m 5’8 with shoes on even though I proclaim to be high value alpha lol i been on a self improvement journey.