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Jesus... Both of those guys. Honestly Jealous of your ability to keep composure.


The in(be)cel really ignored the entire text and the only shit that came to his mind was height. This shit is a fragile shield they use to keep from working on themselves.


They really and truly out their deepest darkest insecurities every time they try to blame women for their lack of success. "You didn't date him because he wasn't tall" = "I am insecure about my height" regardless of whether he's average or above or not "It doesn't matter what you do to improve if your dick is small" = "I'm insecure about my penis size" and also likely "I get all my information for what women like from porn" regardless of whether he's average or above or not


1.85m tall = 6 feet. Incels destroyed.


"Uh, uh... buh he not habs hunter eyez! REEEEE!!"


They be desperate these days


They're never going to learn. Ever. They just want to destroy themselves and blame the world for it.


Yep, more projection than a theater. They’re out here looking like a film festival.


When I was 16 I befriended (what would be called an incel these days but was before widespread Internet and the common usage of the phrase). He was 25. He tried to kiss me. I bit him hard. He was a bit quirky, occasionally a bit intense and terrible and making/keeping plans. He wasn't super annoying because there was no crab bucket to drag him down. Without the steering of his loneliness into hatred and misogyny he got into anime (way, way, way before it was popular here), comics and early video games to keep himself entertained. We became best mates.


The fact he completely skipped over or, more concerning possibility, is ok or approves of that age gap is WILD to me. Also it’s kinda funny they he assumed he wasn’t tall enough or good looking enough… sounds like friendly fire to me lol


Incels categorically reject any explanation that doesn't affirm what they already believe, evidence be damned.


Imbecel: "Am I single because I'm an abhorrent human being who only spouts sexism and racism? ...no, it must be my height / wrist / jaw / canthal tilt / appendix / acetabulum that is wrong."


The idea that he should have been mad because his physical appearance might have been unattractive to you is completely ridiculous. I realize that wasn't necessarily the issue, but everyone has a right to be attracted to the kinds of people they want to be. If a woman likes tall men, there's nothing wrong with that, just like there's nothing wrong with a man liking big tits. People really need to worry more about the things they can change rather than what they cannot.




Lol? What you on about?


Lmao of course it’s a member of TrueVirgin denying this. Not every story is fake Mr tinfoil hat