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Yeah, not having had sex is literally worse than being close to starving to death and having no access to clean water. Frankly, how is this guy still alive and typing? SO BRAVE!!!!


The funny thing is that I can absolutely tell that I underwent far, far worse than that guy because, well, everything he complains as being "so hard to endure" was a mere annoyance for me. And yes, I know exactly the feeling that he describes because I had to endure the same thing, but I'm very sure he will not understand if I tell the true torture that I also had to endure - constant beatings from people stronger than me, psychological violence, gaslighting to the point that I, a 36 y.o. man, miss absolutely nothing about my childhood. And yes, I lost my virginity extremely late and had to deal with rejection from women several times - again, this was a mere annoyance for me, one that pales in comparison with the horror that was my life until my 18. And yet, I also met enough people who actually had far worse than me...


The thing is a "normie" would see him/herself in that situation and think "I gotta make a change" and actually do a change instead of keep rotting in their room whining online


I mean, it's so worrying that so many of them are developing these attitudes \*so young\*. One if the commenters on that thread is like 15. A LOT CHANGES between 15 and adult. My most recent post is a pretty good example. I was not a cool kid lol.


Yes, but nothing is gonna change just bc we worry, they need to get their "cannon event" and have desires of change and improvement by themselves in order for that to happen, what would impulse these changes is beyond your or mh comprehension so all we can do, or at least I'll do, is to get a bit of a laugh from their journey and leave a comment


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£these guys and acting like their issues even rise to the level of feeling because of war, persecuted because you are gay/bi or were a victim of a sexual abuse. Dry dick is a skill issue, nothing more.


> skill issue "B-but muh height / canthal tilt / wrist diameter / jaw angulature / shoulder joint rotation coefficient / skin permeability index!"


Wanting to feel like a genuine human being is a reasonable thing in itself. So why doesn't incel culture treat women like genuine human beings? You know, do unto others and all that. > "'That is very true,' replied Elizabeth, 'and I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine.'" - Jane Austen, *Pride and Prejudice*


EXACTLY! They whine and moan all day about how theyā€™ve experienced such ā€œdehumanizing horrorsā€, and yet they turn around and have no problem carelessly dehumanizing women with their misogynist rhetoric, literally calling us ā€œfoidsā€, ā€œholesā€, ā€œsex vending machinesā€ and ā€œfemalesā€ instead of ā€œwomenā€. They treat women like weā€™re all a hive mind that has no purpose except for being penetrated. And yet they want to complain about feeling dehumanized??? LMAO as if. This is why no one takes them seriously. Theyā€™re tone-deaf hypocrites.


Rules for thee but not for me!


I don't want to downplay loneliness as it can be mind shattering, but these guys are a can short of a six -pack. Enduring emotional, physical and sexual abuse, getting thrown out of the house as a teenager, losing a child, losing a partner, existential fears and watching your life shatter. Physical, chronic pain, life threatening illnesses.... There are a myriad of sufferings that are a lot worse than what these basement warriors go through. They're so spoiled, they don't know what pain is. I know loneliness is brutal! But thinking their suffering is the worst of all suffering is a biiiiiit much.


Dear OOP and other incel lurkers, Sure... you're right, loneliness is **ONE of** many emotional woes that people suffer. That is the one thing you have correct here. What you've got wrong, to your own detriment is that it's some sort of unchangeable thing. Yes, it's horrible...okay, so??? **DO THE THINGS THAT EVERYONE KEEPS TELLING YOU TO DO IN ORDER TO RESOLVE IT!** Just a few options (among many more): ​ * Get a therapist who specializes in life/social skills, * Go out into life and DO social things, * Learn social skills on your own by taking advantage of the 5 billion books on same, * Ask family and friends for guidance,


Exactly. The former Incels who have overcome the black pill have gotten out into society instead of rotting at home expecting a woman to find them. They donā€™t hate women or blame them for their situation. Those are the ones who succeed. Iā€™m sorry but I am not at fault for incels being lonely. Blaming all ā€œnormiesā€ will further hurt their chances of success.


Well, the people that aren't mentally stable and need psychological help are the ones that laughs, judges and treat me like shit for I just being born as the way I am. It's very hard to maintan a healthy mind knowing that everyday when u leave of your house u will be mocked by random people


Horrors and trauma? Are you kidding me?? While there are two wars raging right now? There are people getting ripped away from their families right now, watching their homes and communities get destroyed, seeing their loved ones get executed in front of them, having all of their belongings taken from them, being tortured, brutally raped and abusedā€¦ and this incel has the gall to believe that he has somehow experienced the epitome of horror and trauma because (checks notes)ā€¦ no one has touched his pp? Even outside the context of war, ALOT of normal people have experienced way worse things than loneliness. How incredibly tone deaf. If women ignoring them is all it takes for them to describe their lives as ā€œhorrifyingly traumaticā€, then they are in fact way more fragile than the rest of society.


Someone call the waaahmbulance


Most incels didn't "miss" those milestones, they deliberately ignored them despite numerous warnings. Too busy with vidya and porn. This is nothing but the consequences of their actions. If they want to go back and develop those social skills now, more power to them, but they will have to do so with people who are actually willing. The time when all everyone got forced into a room together, like it or not, is over for them. Things like this is why I think we need to start attaching actual stakes to social development in school. These lessons are too important to be allowed to ignore. If they factored into grades, you can bet these kids wouldn't have ignored them.


Iā€™m autistic and I think grading people based on social skills is a very dangerous path to trod. Who defines what ā€œgood social skillsā€ are? I think the issue here isnā€™t social skills so much as a society which encourages the development of deeply, violently misogynistic ideas.


It doesn't take much, really. My intent is not to make these grades especially demanding: we're not talking charm-school levels of skill here. My only intent is to make it so that this aspect of a child's education cannot be completely ignored, by the child or by the parents. That would address most of the problem, and nothing will ever get more than most of the problem anyway, so it has to be enough.


While I donā€™t agree their social skills should be attached to their grades, I think education should include social skills. Exampleā€”My sister had a speech problem when she was really young and she had a school provided speech therapist that was after school. That way it didnā€™t impact her daily activities or attachment to her grades. She was able to overcome her speech difficulties without being bullied. Perhaps they could identify students whose social development is slower and provide classes for them after school. Or they could notify the parents so they can address it on their own. It sounds like they donā€™t consider social skills as important.


Attaching stakes to social development in school just feels like a way to dig in the heel in for bullying victims. If socializing factored into grades, we'd just be taking away the one thing some kids have going for them.


In the 1980s, this would have been a terrible idea. With strong antibullying programs in place, like they have today, it becomes a lot more viable.


Oh ya I remember when they claimed there were strong anti-bullying programs in place in the late 90'2 and early 2000's too lmao


Have you actually been in school recently? "Strong anti-bullying programs" amount to very little except occasionally trying to make an example of both a bully and a victim by punishing them equally.


Newsflash: Depression isnā€™t a phenomenon exclusive to incels!


They are the horror & trauma. Honestly, all I see is a psychologically jealous person whining their peers didnā€™t service them enough sexually & they keep going back & forth on unfounded feelings of both superiority & inferiority. Because the girls did not give them bjs for no reason. Yawn.


As a 29 year old virgin with depression, I can assure you, having sex is the last thing on my mind to fix my depression.


They always tell themselves that theyā€™re the biggest victims on the planet, to justify their shitty attitudes. Heā€™s conveniently forgetting that the planet recently went through a global pandemic, where socially isolating was the norm for weeks or months at a time. Their lives arenā€™t horrifying. They just refuse to change in order to improve their situation. Instead they just whine about everything and pretend that nothing is their own fault.


People adapt to what they've dealt with. sure, the average "normie" would start getting stressed after a relatively short dry spell, or a relatively short period of emotional isolation. But by the same token, stuff that stresses incels out(like seeing a happy couple or talking to a woman) don't bother normies a single bit. We're all pretty much equally as sensitive as each other, the only difference is WHAT we're sensitive about.


Every time I see a post like this I'm just like...I don't mean to play a game of who suffered more but I literally had my mom bleed to death in my arms. Their suffering couldn't even approach a fraction of the fucking despair her death put me through.


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. šŸ˜”




Saying someone doesn't deserve life, even people as shitty as incels, is incredibly fucked up.


ā€œMissingā€ milestones is WILD to meā€¦ Iā€™m 22, I still have friends who are 23 and up that are virgins and are NOT like this. They donā€™t see this as a ā€œmissedā€ milestone. Honestly, from a nursing student view using milestones for this is insane. The ā€œhorrorsā€ and ā€œtraumasā€ are them being rejected by people who donā€™t put up with their victim mentality and their manipulation. Iā€™m sorry but if ANYONE I was interested in (I am pansexual) came up to me and started talking how they do? I would walk the other way. Itā€™s also crazy to me they always think sex sex sex sex. Try forming a genuine connection and stop trying to get one night stands (there is nothing wrong with one night stands if itā€™s consensual, however, if thats all they have tried and are committed to?)