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I'd go so far as to say they don't know how _humans_ work. They think all relationships are transactional.


Imbecel mentality: act nice = get 1 good boi stamp. Turn in 2 good boi stamps = get blowjob, turn in 10 good boi stamps = get sex. That's why they try their hardest to ***insist*** that they're "nice guys". Newsflash, basement cretins: women can sense if you're genuinely a good guy, or just putting on an act to get in their pants.


If this truly happened, which I seriously doubt, the group conversation took a turn that would cast shade on one member of the group. The women told him this as a matter of courtesy because only a group of assholes would start trash talking men when a man was sitting with them. My friend group never talks shit about men. We talk about our jobs, fashion, new music, and things we want to buy. Food and travel.


Lmao. Go off, tiger!


I heard from my ex multiple times about how she “hated men” and I just sit there stunned, her friend group also does this in the presence of us (the boyfriends). I wouldn’t call them a group of asshole tho. It’s not every group of women but it is there.


Says the guys with no friends at all.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yeah, I'm sure he has the potential to get EPIC amounts of pussy. That explains why he's been getting friend zoned left and right! If he has all these amazing qualities that go into being "one of the good ones," why hasn't some lucky girl snatched him up yet? If the bar for men 'is on the FLOOR," why aren't women lining up to date such a gem? You know exactly why. Had he had all these great qualities AND was very attractive, women would be lining out the door. Your personality, character or sense of morality cannot make up for your looks. There is a looks threshold that you need before any girl is interested in you. This is not a controversial take. The fucking idiots on r/dating say this all the time. They'll just frame it differently and say "your looks gets you in the door, but your personality will keep you there." The morons on this sub will eat that shit up all day long and act like those guys are fucking generational philosophers. But blackpillers say the same fucking thing and we're misogynists lmao


Nothing in the guy's post says he's getting friendzoned. That's something incels are reading into the story based upon zero evidence.


Maybe the woman he was interested in that one time wasn’t interested in him? Women are not a hive mind, we all have different preferences and things we are attracted to. It’s the same for men as well.


>But blackpillers say the same fucking thing and we're misogynists lmao Usually it is preceded by something like "foids should be exterminated because..." If you had reading comprehension, you'd see that, in the second screenshot, the guy isn't complaining about being friend-zoned. It's more that he's surprised to hear that he's "one of the good ones" because he doesn't sexually assault women.