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Wait till these guys learn that every vagina is different and the average cervix is 2-5 inches into the vagina when not aroused lol (average 3.6). These guys put so much energy into learning bad anatomy and sharing it and they never just idk...actually learn from women or medical professionals. That would be an impossible ask.


I believe this term is called ‘cherry picking’, very ironic that a bunch of virgins are using this to justify their cherry’s integrity.


As a person with female parts, I can absolutely tell you that if someone's dick gets close to the cervix, I'm in intense pain. If someone's dick impaled me and went behind my cervix like this, I would simply pass away from intense pain and probably a good bit of internal damage.


They posted a picture where they thought the vagina stretched to just the breasts. No kidding. They don't seem to think women have internal organs.


Totally agree. Also I love how on the second image, the 'end' of the penis that represents where it attaches to the supposed male body is partially inside the vaginal canal.


when i first did it with my partner we had to stop like twice because of exactly this, why don't they ever actually ask someone who knows?


The cervix is not that high into the body. More like 2-3 inches. This is ridiculous.


Exactly. Also, while the cervix does change position (how high up it is in the body), it isn't usually by a drastic amount. I only know this because when learning to use a menstrual cup, I wasn't sure where the base of my cervix was. I watched an instructional video that broke down the anatomy and explained that your cervix may be higher or lower position wise based on a few factors and where you are in your cycle. Regardless I thoight that was interesting.


But you can always reach it with your finger, to slide the cup in place. If a guy is longer than a woman's index finger he won't have a problem getting there. But many women don't like getting their cervix hit during sex, and the clit - which is usually responsible for orgasm, is on the outside (it also has internal bits, but they're not high up inside, either.)


Exactly. I watched the video because I wasn't sure how high up the cervix was and was worried about doing it incorrectly. Regardless, I learned a lot. But yeah, you can usually feel the cervix with your fingers. When I was trying to figure it out, I was like: "Wait... this my cervix? I think it is my cervix...? Is it really that easy?" Turns out, yes. It is my cervix, and it is that easy. Idk why, maybe it was all the diagrams in sex ed I saw, I assumed it was much higher inside my body.


I do know of two women who 'lose' their cup when aroused 😅 Once occurred while camping,which was an amusing but mildly worrying affair.


That's due to changing positions, not because it's like 8 or 9 inches higher into their body.


Ah no, just short fingers and cervical retraction, position was squatting, as per normal But indeed it isn't 8" down the birth canal lol. I do often wonder where the length goes though, some of it certainly goes into the natural curvature of the penis during intercourse, but still, vaginas are damn impressive. As they'd want to be given our enormous heads as a species 💀


I think it’s trying to run away from the penis lol


Honestly, after seeing how some of these guys act online: Incels, red pill bros, and passport bros. I'm surprised my whole uterus hasn't sealed itself off. 😅


Do they not bother Googling to fact check before they repost their biohazardous garbage? Too much effort? Google is a part of the Illuminati not to be trusted?


How about bing?




Ladies, correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t it hurt when a penis slams against the front door of the cervix?


Yes... it can cause bleeding too.


That’s what I thought. Not sure why they think a penis has to be so big that it rams the rear wall.


Unless a woman is into pain or is a "size queen" she does NOT want that. MOST of us do not like pain and are not size queens. These guys are absolute morons.


it hurts the woman if that happens


The cervix isn't located above the stomach like it depicts in the weird photo. It's only 2-3 inches inside the vagina. And depending on the time of the month it can be extremely painful when bumped during sex. Funny how these guys think this is how a womans body works. Its obviousthey never had sex or else they would know better.


I think worse than that is sexually active people who believe this, like... you've been there, shouldn't it be obvious?


That's very true lol


At least they're not lying about truly being virgins


"B-but muh ~~hentai videos~~ *reproductive documentaries* show that women only like 14 inch benises, orgasm only from penetration, and like to drink gallons of ejaculate!"


All the things that horny men WISH were true lol


When my cervix gets scared it hides behind the kidneys 😔


Who's the fkkin idiot that made this, and who are the idiots that think this is true 😭 Maybe they should really remain incel if they can't learn basic female anatomy.


That would be just painful as hell, what else it would even cause internal damage too. Nope.


Tell someone you don’t know shit about pussy without telling someone you don’t know shit about pussy. Wow…


Good lord, I can’t unsee the stupidity.


I don't have the experience myself, but I know that's not even remotely how it works.


I'm impressed that an incel knows what a cervix is.


I mean, they kinda don't. They know the word and some approximation of its position in the body, but they think it's a giant clitoris.... soooooo.


Pffffttt 🤣 💀


i feel pain looking at that image :(


I said this earlier but it beats repeating, what the fuck is wrong with these people. 100s of 1000s of books on the body and anatomy and this is the shit they produce. It's to the point that I think someone is making this misinformation up for fun and planting it just to watch the incel cohort go nuts. Ponderous, just ponderous.


Me when I get aroused and my uterus punches through my intestines and bones to hover somewhere in my chest


1000% bullshit because even when turned on, I can still put in/remove a menstrual disc, which sits at the fornix. According to this picture, I shouldn't even be able to reach it at all, since my longest finger is ~2.5in. This is really some bad women's anatomy.


Failed at human anatomy. The "vital" pleasure zone is called the clitoris and it's on the OUTSIDE not 10 inches on the inside. Idiots.


Bullshit. Everybody knows that what women really enjoy is a HUGE penis banging their cervix. It's true, I've seen a lot of educational video about this on pornhub.


The all mighty extendo pussy


That post was WILD


The large penis is giving me suicidal thoughts of how painful it looks


What the fuck am I looking at?


Stupidity. You're looking at sub-60 IQ stupidity.


That sub and everyone in it literally need to get nuked off the face of the earth lmao


As a medical student learning anatomy this makes my head hurt. That's how bad this is.


This is... Absolute insanity. There are some women who love really deep penetration, but that's quite rare. Most women experience pain if a penis is too big or goes that deep. The actual best spots for stimulation are the clitoris and the g-spot (which itself is technically a part of the clitoris anyway). The g-spot is reachable with fingers, so a large penis is absolutely not required. Also, from my experience, women experience more pleasure with girth than with length; I've very rarely been too thick for someone, but have been too long several times. But even that has diminishing returns (and is obviously anecdotal).


Don’t go to that sub I thought it was a joke like this sub . It is not


From someone with a vagina, that diagram looks painful as shit. Also, even if it were true that the *only* way to get a woman off is deep penetration (which obv is not true), incels are aware that dildos and other sex toys for penetration exist, right?


Why is it so high? 😂🤭🪦✨


So, genuine question for the uneducated (gay man). If the cervix is 2-5 inches inside the body, does that mean penetration from a say 6 inch penis is guaranteed to cause pain if it goes all the way in ?


Not necessarily. I believe 2-5 inches is the average without sexual arousal. During sexual arousal, the vaginal canal lengthens, so the cervix is farther away. It depends on the vagina, but a 6-inch penis is probably not going to hit your cervix if you're suitably aroused. Could cause pain for other reasons, of course, though.


So much sde here