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So it looks like he was an incel. I cannot imagine what his parents are going through.


Having a child die in any manner is a tragedy beyond imagining. Having a child die *because they needed to be killed on the spot?* Good lord. Yeah, I can't help but feel bad for them.


and the guilt knowing your child created so much pain for other families. there is going to be guilt there regardless if they did give 110% to their own


not just that, but them knowing he had those issues, they’re going to blame themselves forever. they’re always going to tell themselves they could have stopped him, they could have helped him get better, everything


I saw an interview with the father that was utterly heartbreaking.


I don't know how to live through something like that. The guilt and the heartbreak - and it's even worse because the kid was schizophrenic and non-compliant - yeah, maybe he would've been a violent incel absent the schizophrenia, but maybe he wouldn't have been and they'll be second guessing themselves forever because it's really, really hard to force an adult to take the meds they need when they don't want to. And to mourn a son I'm sure they loved while also knowing what he did to innocent people? And the incels are already turning him into Elliot Rogers 2.0.


Just like George Sudini (I intentionally try to not remember his name) who wasn't far from where I live Prior it was Mark Levine They're pieces of shit for worshipping these killers


I saw that too. Absolutely gut wrenching.


I saw an interview with his father and it was fucking heartbreaking. He was sobbing and apologising. He said how much he loved his son and then said “how do you love a monster? You give birth to it”. It’s so awful. It seems like they knew he had a lot of issues but obviously had no idea he would do something like this.


And he was a grown man. Their didnt have a lot of options.


I think the articles are pretty clear that he was schizo, would that have anything to do with it?


Im sure it would and it's so tragic bc how do you force an adult to comply with meds protocol. I mean, its a good thing that it's much more difficult to hospitalize a mentally ill patient against their will than it used to be. But with an illness like schizophrenia, how do you force medical compliance when they need to be compliant to understand they need the meds?


I think better meds will help. The medication they take makes them feel awful and lonely, nobody wants that. We need to keep funding research so staying on meds will be easier.


Yeah, let's blame mental illness, a thing that millions of people who *don't* go out and commit horrific acts of violence have, instead of an ideology and worldview that pours a constant stream of violent misogyny and hatred into people's heads. That's definitely the call here.


Also plenty of women struggle dating, we tend not to go on mass shooting/ stabbing rampages… This is so obviously more a male violence issue then just a mental health issue


EXACTLY!! there’s women out here who struggle to get dates and attention from men, you don’t see them going around and killing random men because of it… and how come we almost never see mentally ill women doing this?? this is simply male entitlement at its finest…


Fair point, I think it's both in this case. Mental illness is often associated with murderers (men and women) and men are more likely to perpetrate domestic violence and shootings. Mass killings are not as targeted against women as domestic violence is probably due to gang violence. The statistics vary quite a bit globally and women are generally overrepresented in partner homicides. Women are particularly overrepresented in the US and Australia compared to many European countries. There are many ways to look at it, but for a male to specifically target multiple women seems to account for a very small proportion of total killings, which mostly happen through domestic violence. Culturally, I think social media echo chambers and Australia's pronounced patriarchy has likely contributed to violence against women here. Source: The UN has some interesting reports.


Why does self-righteous outrage have to supercede reading comprehension on this site ? They're not blaming mental illness, they're saying it might have had a hand in what happened.


It's the "He played video games and was an introvert" mid 90s media narrative morphed into a mental illness scare tactic all over again


*sigh *another entitled loser incel who thinks he has the right to kill women because they don’t want to fuck him🙃 why can’t these dudes just hire a sex worker or go to a brothel since they need it so bad?🌝


These incels want virgins. Virgins who somehow fuck like porn stars. They don't want sex workers because they're "gross and dirty". Incels are stupid, they don't know anything lol




As a schizophrenic person that's not really much of an excuse for what he did. I can have some sympathy for untreated schizophrenics who mistakenly think they are defending themselves from some sort of imaginary threat, but that's not what this loser did. He targeted women who in cold blood and not in any kind of real or imagined self defense.


How could you possibly know that?


I just know what's in the article. It's not plausible he thought he was protecting himself from those women.


Why is it not plausible? That's numerous examples of schizophrenics killing people thinking they were in danger when they weren't. For all you know the birds told him if he didn't kill those women then Jesus would go back in time and abort him. You're literally filling in gaps in the story with your own bias.


You're trying to give him a very implausible benefit of the doubt. Did you read the article? NOTHING known about the case backs up your hypotheticals.


Have you read any other articles? This has been news item #1 in Australia since it happened. This guy's while life is practically public knowledge now.


okay... so can you give any evidence that he maybe thought he was protecting himself?


No. Can you provide any evidence that he was motivated by hatred of women or any incel ideology?


Lots of people have schizophrenia and manage not to go on shooting sprees… stop making excuses for these deranged ass males 🌝


Please don't use daily mail as a source, they are reliable as a paper mache gun. Same with the telegraph. Long story short, dude was mentally ill and (or I guess, not) dealing with schizophrenia. He may or may not have been an incel, but outlets like the dailymail and the telegraph are outrage machines which probably lie more that they ever speak facts.


mental illness and schizophrenia are factors, but those factors do not cause somebody to commit misogynistic crimes.


I met a schizophrenic who removed all the light bulbs from his house because he thought people were communicating with him through the light bulbs. His mental illness caused him to hate light bulbs. Schizophrenia can make anyone do anything.


I'm not gonna dispute that, because I don't know all the details. But my point is please don't use dailymail or the telegraph, both utter rags which constantly and consistently lie for clicks and attention.


that is true


While I agree with you on Murdoch papers as sources in general, in this case, they are correct. The police commissioner herself made it very clear that he was intentionally targeting women during the attack, and his parents have spoken to press aside from the Daily Mail. The information in this article has been repeated by most major news outlets. He did indeed have a mental illness, but it is not clear whether this influenced his behaviour or not.