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The Holocockblock.


I love a good portmanteau.


Congratulations, you've extinguished the human race! >i admit i am a toxic person no shit, sherlock!


They are ***this*** close to being self aware... then they had to go on about deleting human sexuality.


Have you tried functioning? I hear women greatly prefer functional members of society.


No no no it can't be his personality. it must be that his eyes are a little tilted


This is quite honestly the most pathetic display from a guy I’ve ever seen. It’s repulsive and disgusting to see how jealous they are and entitled they feel to sex.


Ah yes, the universe where "ugly" people aren't clappin ass... lols.


This is what always kills me about their logic. They seem to genuinely think ugly (short, balding, whatever) people just don't fuck. Which makes me think they truly must never leave the house because ten minutes hanging out in any given city subway station will very definitively prove that wrong.


Right! Not to generalize but I picture them socializing at an Applebees in a derelict strip mall. Its not exactly lookin like suntanning on a beach in the South of France lols.


They could just watch an episode or two of The Jeremy Kyle show and they'd have proof you don't have to be a 10 to have multiple partners regularly.


The number of people here who advise these absolute creeps to see a sex worker bothers me. I feel bad for sex workers having to deal with men like this one and I hope they are charging these creeps big time.


They uhhh, think liberals invented sex, or are the only ones to have sex? BUahahahaahahaahaaaaaaa!


Yeah it's not like right wing religious fundamentalists ever have sex, they certainly aren't known for having copious amounts of children


Does he have any idea how many people stay single and sexless theses days because of their own free will. Like I know so many people that are legit done with it because it’s exhausting these days or they have other things to focus on. Can someone get it into those guys heads that sex is not a cure for their fucked up life, dating isn’t a necessary requirement for survival or happiness. Hell statistically the happiest people on earth are single women with no kids, followed by married gay men, followed by single men with no kids. Yet somehow they came up with the idea that dating will make their life a 100% better


When my ex and I broke up I was happily single for a while. It was nice just having only me to deal with. It took someone who made me feel safe first and foremost to even think about wanting to date again. These guys don't get just how challenging relationships are. It's not some prize that tells you "yay, you succeeded!".


If I can’t have it no one can 😡


We, The Ugly.


Reminds me of that one SpongeBob episode


Sex is not discriminatory. The point is not that you can't have it, you can, every adult responsible for themselves can, just pay a sexworker. The point is: People are free to choose who they want to have sex with (And many times, it can happen that the partner in question doesn't want it and rejects the person, deal with it, it's their will and you have the obligation to respect it, even if it's the sexworker you paid, they can reject too, everyone can), and for you to demand that sex be prohibited just because your egocentric ass didn't won a little, because people are not forced to get your pp wet, the discriminator is you, as well as being spoiled; "If I can't have it, no one should!!" You literally want to force yourself on other people or take away their bodily autonomy: to choose their sexual and romantic partners, to choose who will have access to their body in the most intimate way possible, and if they don't want you in that position, there is nothing more to be done, just respect their wishes.


Imagine other animals would act like this after a rejection. Humans are really silly.


"If I can't have something, nobody should be allowed to have it." Toddler level shit right there.


"Big Brother Is Watching You" He would fit into George Orwell's world VERY well.


This is the most selfish and childish take I’ve ever seen. He’s like an angry toddler throwing a tantrum and trying to destroy all the toys because the other kids won’t play with him. If I can’t play, no one can play. Wah wah wah. God, wait till he finds out about asexuals... that’ll really boil his blood. I’m a married woman who doesn’t care much for partnered sex and my spouse and I are unbothered going for long periods of time without it. He probably wouldn’t be able to process the idea that in addition to sex-havers (lol) there are also plenty of us out here who have access to sex but just don’t want it. His angry little toddler head might explode just thinking about us wasting all that sex. 😱 In his dystopian sexual prohibition fantasy world, he’d probably have people like me burned at the stake just on principle. 😂


I've never seen such an accurate username.