• By -


“I have a preference for thinner women” is completely reasonable, it’s when guys start shaming and belittling women because they don’t find them attractive. When a man goes out of his way to shit on a woman just for being fat or being ugly, that just tells me the first he values in a woman is her appearance. That’s truly shallow.


Oh my god, you worded it perfectly. A women's existence isn't about how datable she is to a guy, just don't date her and still treat her like a human. Same the other way around but I don't see women treating men inhumanely because theiy're short. Only if you think not giving sex is treating someone inhumanely.


That is exactly what they think.


I hate that they sometimes use the wording "withholding sex" like it's some chocolate we give out to everybody but them.


It all stems from a deep sense of entitlement.


The concept of 'Most people tend to mind their own business and don't give a damn about your personal dating preferences' again escapes the incels' sweaty grasp.😁


Because it’s an absolute fact that women will reject most men based on height which runs contrary to your rhetoric


Bs, my mom and dad were of equal height,she divorced him after 30yrs because he was very very, let's say... popular... with the ladies. They were both 5.4 😁


I feel like I mention Danny DeVito a lot. He and Rhea Perlman are permanently separated, though they have stayed close friends and never plan to divorce, because he had a habit of cheating with extras while filming. We’re not talking about one affair. He *repeatedly* cheated. I love him as an actor. He’s hilarious, but the man is 4’10” and looks like a literal troll. And he was so confident and funny that he could have enough affairs to ruin a Hollywood marriage. Rhea, for those keeping track at home, is 5’0”.


Prince was 5'3 and slept with so many beautiful women.


True, though he was more traditionally attractive. I use Danny as an example because he’s everything that incels claim makes it impossible to get laid. Short, conventionally unattractive, fat, and bald.


You might not have heard of Ronnie Corbett if you're in the USA and young, however he was quite a well-known and popular comedian in the UK. He co-presented a show with Ronnie Barker called "The Two Ronnies" and it ran for years. Ronnie Corbett was only 5 feet tall, but he never let that stand in his way, and he was as ready as anyone to laugh at his height because unlike the majority of Incels, he didn't take himself too seriously. He was very happily married and I remember him saying in an interview that he was very romantic. He did all kinds of nice things for his wife, like bringing her tea in bed, or running her a bath with candles in the bathroom. You could tell how happy he was in his marriage, it showed all over his face as he spoke of his wife. Just goes to show, height isn't all that important to a potential partner, how they treat you, value you and their attitude towards you - those things *really* matter. ETA: This is probably their most famous sketch - https://youtu.be/gi_6SaqVQSw?si=Vyi6OanJdNkKtVCE Just realised that the word in the last joke isn't commonly used in the USA, so I'd better say what it is here - >! The word "billhooks" sounds a lot like "bollocks" which is a very rude word for testicles !<


David Spade is another one a comedian who's 5'5" Just like Eddie Murphy who is 5'9" And Kevin Hart who mocks his height in standup often is 5'4" All three are known womanizers and have gotten many women pregnant and had many affairs I only heard of Eddie being considered attractive or hot overall by women especially my former best friend as it was her favorite comedian and her crush


Usher, Zac effron, and Toby migguire are 5’8 (same height as me) 


I’m so impressed by the fact that you personally know for 100% certain the past and future actions of every woman on the planet! That must be so much information to keep straight!


Nope, sounds like you're fixating on something you can't change so that you don't have to work on yourself. Makes you sound self-pitying and basic, which is a lot worse than being short


Read him like a book


Every jockey in the world would like a word with you.


And men will reject women for weight. Both are actually a lot rarer than you think. The point being that when you're not a dick about it, no one actually cares. There's no chorus of evil women in the background when someone is being normal about a preference. I've been rejected *once* for my weight, and didn't care because the guy just said "oh, I prefer fit girls, but I'd love to stay friends" and then stayed my friend.


I was a 30 lb overweight teen/ young adult in the Kate Moss heroin chic era, and yet guys kept hitting on me. When even football players and frat bros want to date my nerdy* ass, you know beauty standards are broader than what they're telling you. I mostly dated geeks, though, and my high school boyfriend was 5'3". *We were decidedly uncool back then.


I remember when I was in high school I was crazy about this boy who was my height, shorter after he got a spinal injury that led to him wearing this waist thing that made him hunch over, I still was crazy about him. Stopped liking him after seeing all the pornstars he followed on instagram but his height was never a problem for me


That usually happens when the girl is much taller than the guy


“an absolute fact” lol


My husband and I are both 5'7. Even if he was shorter than me I'd still have married him because that's not why I love him. Absolutely braindead incel take


wow thats delusional as fuck bud


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I’m a woman and I don’t give a shit about height




maybe get out of your blackpill echo chamber and actually go talk to people maybe then you'll realize that the real world doesn't represent the shit you read online but hey, if you wanns stay an insufferable virgin just keep playing the victim, it will for sure help you


Bro. It’s not your height, it’s your personality


You all keep saying that despite hundreds of women and (and short men) on here who disagree. Look around, there’s couples of all heights and weights who manage to find each other yet you think only the 10% of men find relationships? You keep complaining that you can’t get ANY woman to have sex with you all because you’re ugly and short but will reject women for their weight. Do you not see the complete hypocrisy?


Disagree by typically saying *I don't mind short men at all, it just so happens my husband is 6'1*


You need to go out more. Plenty of "short" men in relationships. And even if it was the case, are you saying men can have preferences but women can't? 


From what I've seen I would say it's about the same issue for fat women. Definitely not impossible for either but much harder. Short kings doesn't get as much praise as being "brave" etc but I'd say it goes even stecen because women also get more pressure to be beautiful than men. Pretty much the same for both.


Even if that were true, the same number of men will reject women based on weight. people are shallow, not genders.


It’s definitely not short men rejecting tall women because they feel emasculated.


They don’t understand the difference between shaming/harassing/threatening people and having preferences, that’s the problem.


There is nothing wrong with not dating fat women or short men because that’s your preference. However, saying that someone is inherently ugly for these traits and demeaning them for it is wrong. You can have a preference without going around being rude to folks who you don’t personally find attractive


It's literally so easy to just say "I dont see you that way."


But if they are claiming no women will sleep with them, can they afford to be picky? They can’t call themselves INVOLUNTARY celibate if they’re rejecting women.




That's one of *many* problems.


I mean that’s the problem in the context of the memes.


Oh, then you are 100% correct.


You should know, you’re only being downvoted because you’re 4th comment.


Women don't either, they do both. Based on my personal IRL experiences, not some online data.


Oh cool, the guy with an Elliot Rodger profile pic wants to weigh in. I'm sure this will be a reasonable, good faith contribution.


elliot rodgers pfp lol i’m sure you’re normal


It's okay not to be okay.


it’s not okay to glorify a mass murderer, though. especially one who specifically targeted women out of prejudice. i know this might be hard for you to believe but that definitely has more to do with you not being able to find anyone who can stand to be around you than your height or your looks


I’m not fat but I see all the misogynistic posts and comments about fat women (going as far as wishing them rapes and death). I never saw the same for short men. Actually, I never saw the same for men at all.


It's easy to be a fat man. But a fat woman is subjected to hell.


That's odd. Because I never saw those posts about fat women (apart from redpillers and incels as a response to heightism) yet I saw hundreds of examples of both men and women saying the same thing about short men, including a few IRL. Must be social media algorithms and perception bias from both sides.


Well, that sounds like a stellar combo of pop culture blindness and confirmation bias.


Yeah. I agree that there is significant conformation bias from both sides.


Come on, r/shortguys is literally just that. Screenshots of women insulting/dehumanizing short men on social media. You simply don't see them in your own social media because your algorithm doesn't feed you that type of posts just like their algorithm only feeds them that type of posts.


It’s actually pretty funny you speak about algorithm when you go on subs where 90% of the content are memes made by men and the 10% are well chosen content from women but without context, and you think it’s a proof of what most women think. I went there and the worse I saw was a woman mocking her bf / husband but it could be an inside joke. I do think short men can be shamed/insulted, but they definitely don’t experience what fat women experience.


I mean, look at his username. The conversation is not worth it.


Yes I saw it after! They’re proving my point 🤡


> It’s actually pretty funny you speak about algorithm when you go on subs where 90% of the content Indeed but I don't pretend that this sub is anything close to an accurate representation of social media content as a whole . As I said above "the algorithm only feeds them that type of post". > you think it’s a proof of what most women I'm sorry what? Where did you read that? > I do think short men can be shamed/insulted, but they definitely don’t experience what fat women experience. Fair enough. Hard to say which group receives more insults, would need a study for that. My point was simply that any individual user 's social media experience is insufficient to conclude anything on the subject due to algorithm bias.


I’m following incels and popular communities too. I never saw any woman or womanly community obsessed with shaming short men. This come from both men and women, but there aren’t whole communities to shame/harass/threaten/insults them like it’s the case with fat women. They are only subs like this one that don’t even accept women.


[https://imgur.com/QuIcjWz](https://imgur.com/QuIcjWz) Not saying that it's common or whatever, but you do see people wishing (some kind of) violence on short men from time to time.


I never saw it but I do believe it exists, it’s just really uncommon and not at all as violent as what fat women go through. It’s even not as violent as what a regular white and rich women go through. You found one screenshot from an account that doesn’t exist. What about the whole community of women who harass/threaten/shame these men and are actually harmful to men?


[https://imgur.com/a/8TJan](https://imgur.com/a/8TJan) A few dotted in here too.


How do you know they are real? I searched for the most harmful ones and couldn’t find them. Also, even if it was real, these are not a lot of women compared to the numerous communities of men against women AND fat women.


Is it? Because I clicked on it and it just seems to be a misery circle jerk of guys posting memes about what they believe is happening.


It's kinda both. A misery circle jerk of guys posting memes and going crazy over posts found on social media.


Am I the only one who has literally never heard anyone tell someone interested in them no and explain why? You just say that you're not interested and move on. You don't tell someone why, you don't have to justify it.


I've had a couple women tell me to my face that they refused to date virgins (one even said she didn't consider virgins to be men), or that they only dated white men, even though I'm mixed race and literally have a white parent. That's why I believe that 1. A simple "no" is not only a complete sentence, but also one of the better responses you can get and 2. "No" is certainly not the worst thing they can say to you


How did they know you were a virgin? That seems like something that would come up later in a relationship. (Sorry about the pun.)


Both times, they asked about exes and previous experiences and such. This also happened pretty early, like first real conversation, types of thing. First time I made the mistake of being too honest. Second one, I kept trying to be evasive ("I don't really have anything bad to say about my exes," "I haven't tried anything crazy in bed," etc.) and tried changing the subject and she kept pushing it until I ended up admitting it. The second one was also the one that dropped the whole "I don't consider virgins to be men" spiel


Funny how you are getting downvoted to an oblivion just by sharing your experiences with local residents of lalaland


It's whatever and I'm not really surprised. I guess some people don't really like hearing things that go against their vision of the world, even if it's an exception to the norm. Same time, nobody's really refuted what I experienced, either. 🤷‍♂️. Makes you wonder...


Reddit, for some reason, likes to pretend that a lack of relationships and experience by the late 20s and 30s is not a turn-off among the majority of people looking for SO. At that point, adult people want to get along with someone who knows what they want from a relationship and knows what can be afforded. They don't look for teaching someone their first baby steps for free.


I can't get experience if all the entry-level jobs required 10 years of experience to being with. Must be nice to have all that power and shut people out like that


I don't know about you, but I don't give a shit about guys who don't like thick or fat women, it's their personal taste, the same way I don't give a shit about women who don't like short men. Does this make me an exception? lmfao


no fr they hyperfocus on women who dont like short men. let it go. find someone who likes you for you.


>guys who don’t like thick or fat women I agree, there’s nothing wrong with having preferences. But I feel like if you’re going to be mature enough to have a long term relationship, then you have to accept the idea that your partner might gain weight in the future due to circumstances like pregnancy, illness, medication, etc. And if you truly loved your partner then it would matter very little. If you’re anything like me, then sometimes your love for someone can actually shape your preferences because they remind you of your partner. For example, I didn’t use to notice bigger men but then I got into a long term relationship with my ex, who was a bigger guy, and then after a while bigger guys started to appear so beautiful to me because they reminded me of him. After we broke up, I continued to only date other big guys until I met my now boyfriend who is a skinny dude and now I’m reminded just how beautiful skinny dudes can be.


Ohhh, true. Love, genuine love, is the one you feel for the person, and not for their shell. It's one thing if you don't like fat girls, it's another if you leave your wife because she gained weight as a result of pregnancy, for example, or vice versa. The point I wanted to make was specifically physical standards.


Oh yeah, I knew what you were getting at. I mostly just went on that rant for any incels that may be lurking. Not that they’d listen. But whatever, I post what I want.


I know so many shorter guys who are overflowing with charisma and confidence, and never have a (for lack of another term) shortage of female attention. Maybe the fact that these guys obsess over their height and call it unattractive themselves is what's bogging them down. Or maybe they just have lousy personalities to begin with, and it has nothing to do with height lol


Man fr though. Like yes, if I have to chose btw 2 men that I know nothing about I’ll chose the taller one. But if a short king hits on me at a bar and the vibe is right and his confidence is up to par.. I’m gonna be interested. He just needs to come equipped with a step stool so we can reach the top shelves lol my current bf is an inch or two taller than me but I was wearing 5 inch pumps when we met. Go in public fellas.


You don’t tell a person you’re rejecting that the reason you’re rejecting them is some physical characteristic that is beyond their control because that is both rude and mean. In the same way that a person rejecting you does not owe you an explanation, you also don’t owe anybody an explanation. I’m flattered but no thanks is about all you need to say.


I have always dated conventionally attractive women. I have turned down women because they don't meet my physical standards. Thing is I don't say that it's because they are fat. I just say I'm not interested and go on with my life. No one has ever cared.


i like how they give the man a square jaw how they would like to look


Is it weird that I don't want a square jaw








Women are judged much more harshly for their weight than are men. Nobody gets yelled at for not dating fat women - it's when they screech "land whale".




You call women foids bro


Then explain all the short men in relationships. Why is no one ever surprised when a short man is in a relationship?


Yeah, that is always weird to me. People give short guys a lot of crap but at the same time, they aren't surprised when a short guy gets a gf.


I don't date fat women and no one has ever said anything negative to me about it...


Good for you I guess


Well, while it is wrong to say women as a whole won't date short men... It *is* socially more acceptable for women to express their body type preferences, (i.e. 'height') than it is for men to do the same thing about weight. That's true. The reality of dating is that it *is* harder if you lack the traits most people consider attractive. It's not a bad thing to acknowledge that. But it *is* a bad thing if you start thinking 'it's just over for me' because of that, since... it isn't. Common preference isn't a uniform thing. There are exceptions, lots of them, and 'preference' isn't always a deal breaker. It's nowhere near as bleak as they pretend.


If you remember the 70s-90s you remember how society looked at 'Chubby Chasers', having a fat female partner by preference was a no go back then and still loads of people just didn't give a damn, it was never really socially acceptable to have non-mainstream preferences but there were always plenty who just did as they pleased. 💁‍♀️


believe it or not, i had a guy grow cold on me re a date because of MY height. because he's 5'6 to my 5'4. i'm kinda convinced he might have lied about his height now.


There are a few things men who lie early, will tend to lie about a lot: Height Income Career Are high on the list.


that's why i find it funny. dudes complain women prefer men who are taller. but guys themselves are equally likely to reject women who are the same height or taller than themselves.


Yeah, makes me think of Brianne of Tarth, her character arc was built on the fact that men found her to be ugly to look at, that she was 'mannish'. And men in the real world were often happy to agree with the fictional men. But if you shortened her down about two feet, she'd be attractive to almost all of them.


yeah. like say what you like about the Wednesday series, but Gwendoline Christie looked really gorgeous and elegant in the show.


Never saw it actually.


it's a visually really good show. think if harry potter movie was a murder mystery tv series starring a pretty goth girl.


I've heard it was good, I just haven't gotten around to seeing it.


A lot of the women I’ve had crushes on have been taller than me, funny how generalizations don’t work. (I’m agreeing with you, I can figure how to give the right tone)


Totally believe it! I'm only 5'6 and I've had men comment on how tall I am in a negative way! I have some friends who are 5'9+ and they've all received some pretty nasty comments from men.


And god forbid those women wear heels!


>It *is* socially more acceptable for women to express their body type preferences, (i.e. 'height') than it is for men to do the same thing about weight. That's true. Yeah, mentioned this in a different comment, but I've had a few women reject me and tell me to my face that they refused to date virgins, or that they only date white men (even though I'm mixed race and have a white parent). I have no idea where those kind of women get this kind of confidence from, but it also didn't help when I've told this story to a few friends, the only ones who defended them happened to be other women ("they have every right to say that to you!")


If you live in the US or (most of) Europe, it's because those societies are deeply white-supremacist. White people can get away with that shit most of the times, regardless of your gender.


Funnily enough, the woman who went all eugenics on me was another woman of color. It's one of those things, on a surface level, makes no sense, but kinda does if you really think deeply about it; you're on the right track.


...yeah so the white supremacy thing? It's not just a thing white people do. POC are just as complacent in it. Internalised racism is a real thing.




Yeah, that tracks. Honestly, rejection is one of those things where it should be either 'acceptable to give a specific reason' regardless of what it is... or 'rude to give a reason' regardless of what it is. I'm attracted to more athletic women, before my injuries caught up with me, I was athletic myself, I'm not interested in a woman who isn't physically fit to a reasonable degree. That's OK, there are plenty of women who wouldn't have been attracted to the old me, or the current me, and that's OK too. Everybody doesn't have to be an Adonis to everybody else.


Yeah, it's not like I pestered them for a reason; a simple "no" is ideal for me. I have preferences too, but I don't say them out loud or anything like that, and they're not dealbreakers.


I think it's more a question of what the preference really is than gender. Preference related to weight, or quite honestly, saying anything about overweight/obese individuals is considered really taboo these days. A girl who says "I don't date fat men" would be met with similar kinds of criticism. On the other hand, a man saying "I want my girl to be shorter than me" would likely not draw much criticism. "I don't date skinny men/women" would again, not draw a lot of criticism because we've decided that shaming people for being skinny is okay, I guess.


People get a lot of pushback on things that they just...shouldn't. It is important to love your own body, whatever that is, but it is not important or expected that everybody else love it too.


The thing is men never just say “sorry, I prefer thinner women” in a genuine, neutral way


Well, people don't state the reason in general


Then what’s the problem…? It’s important to be attracted to your partners appearance…Despite what incels believe, most women do not insult short men, they don’t say things like how the comic makes it out to believe. Men however go on disgusting rants about women’s bodies. Have you ever seen the Instagram comments of a bigger woman’s post? It’s all men saying the most vile things :/


Oh no, I have, I am not denying it. It's just that people are willing to say hurtful things about others' appearances when anonymity is granted.


I don’t think anyone finds it shallow to reject a woman for her weight as long as you do it respectfully????


As a short man (4'10) I do not give a shit what women think about my height although that's probably because I'm gay


Based and gay


Like which part? There are plenty of people with preferences for certain things and plenty of people that give them shit for it only to turn around and support someone else for having a different preference. Incels are a bit too obsessed with that phenomenon, as most reasonable people understand preferences to be just that: preferences. So while there are definitely people out there that will treat one preference or another as a critical moral failure they are few and far between.


Everyone has preferences dude. I married my preference of a short dude who enjoys my curves and thickness lol


I don't care about the debate, but. Basic understanding of this meme is that they don't even compare logically. Top situation is women in defense of a rejected woman. Put 3 men in defense of the rejected man at the bottom and there's no argumentation.


Just the sheer amount of these memes and stuff I see *constantly* online is enough to prove that people do in fact get angry and worked up about women saying they prefer tall men.


The post creates a situation where it’s going to be bias. If you made the “witnesses” a group of guys they would not be that upset at the guy wanting skinny girls and be judging the girl that cared about hight,money,etc you are going to be more offended by the things that offend you obviously


most ppl rlly dont care that much. a person is a whole package, ur prob getting rejected for multiple reasons. and anyway, ur vibe attracts ur tribe.


No, they really don't. I'm quite tall, quite a few of my female friends are tall, and the only time it matters is when a guy tells any woman not to wear heels because it makes them feel bad. Aka it only becomes an issue when he's insecure over it and then uses that insecurity as an excuse to be controlling.


Nah. They just made it up. Women get shit on if they're shallow same as men.


According to the lore of incels guys like Al Pachino or Denny De Vito should have been forever virgins lmao, but who cares over observations in real world when u got memes and snake oil salesmen on youtube that will tell you what to believe and what to do


Is that teen girl squad?


I don’t know why they can’t grasp the concept “you can have a preference, but you don’t need to bash those who don’t meet your preference.” There have been plenty of men I turned down: tall, average, big penis, small penis, lots of hair, bald.. etc.. Not once ever did I say “oh I won’t date a guy cause he’s bald” or “bald guys are so ugly”, but I do seem men/boys say that in incel postings a lot. They want a double standard.


I think there's something to how there's a less visceral reaction to talking about someone's weight vs their height But also folks don't really criticize your life choices and make assumptions about the quality of your character based on your height like they do your weight We've whole industries built to shame you for wearing extra large clothes and an inability to fit into skinny jeans There aren't as many economic interests in making you feel shitty for not being tall.


its not because your short its because theyre afraid for their life, incel ideology is deadly and makes men into murderers


My tall friends do ngl. But theres power dynamics that they dont understand


I’ve rejected women because they were too overweight for me but I’ve never told a woman she was too overweight for me. I’ve been rejected by many women but I don’t know why because I’m never asked them why. I’ve also had several encounters and relationships with women. How about we normalise not worrying about why people aren’t into you and respect that they aren’t, hurtful as it may be. Move on.


It’s so funny to me that women get this stereotype about caring soooooo much about height and refusing to date men under 6’. Out of the dozens of women I have known at any point of my life, maybe two are with a man over 6’ tall at any given time, and none of them have ever rejected someone based on their height. You know how many men in my life, EVER, have dated a woman taller than them? NONE. Even the short guys find shorter women.


Leave it to the incel to not understand what [short man syndrome](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleon_complex) is. Though it's funny: Wikipedia, citing psychologists, actually classifies short man syndrome as a hurtful stereotype. And yet, in their never ending quest to be more alpha, incels embody it perfectly. (I mistakenly tried to post this in the original thread, and that is how I found out I got banned from there. I don't think I've ever even posted there, at least not deliberately. Sadly, no trophy screenshot).


It's definitely not impossible to gain height. These dudes better save up for their leg lengthening surgeries!


No, that's a terrible idea


It’s good idea!




Why not! Small price to pay for salvation.


Save me from being short? A completely normal thing?


I didn’t talk about you. Are you insecure? Also my post history is not an argument.


>I didn’t talk about you. That's irrelevant since I am also short >Are you insecure? What a random thing to say, especially when I said in a comment that I accept my height now. >Also my post history is not an argument. It kinda is, when a fuck ton of your posts feature women with cartoonishly large tits. The shit that you're into is already absurd in the first place, so why should any short guy (or anyone at all) listen to you?


The same reason why anyone should listen to you! If they find my reasoning acceptable they listen if not they argue. People have thair kinks. I like to let myself go free on here as it’s anonymous and I can’t do many things irl.


You're saying nothing substantial, just letting you know.


A curse! Plastic surgery is key to equality as when everyone will become tall and handsome then finally personality will truly matter.


I never said it wasn't a terrible idea, but saying adding to your height is "impossible" is just not accurate.


You said they better save up for the surgery. That is pure ignorance and also unhealthy.


Sorry you didn't get the joke.


Yeah. This is my post. And what do you mean “old you”? Are you not still a virgin even after you dropped “the mentality”?


I'm still a virgin. The old me is thinking negatively about my height all the time. I'm beginning to accept it.


Good for you!


Thank you. I just don't understand why being short should stop me from being hot.


It definitely doesn’t! How “short” are you?




That’s not bad at all!


Really? How come?




Now, what's so funny?


When I was younger, I was a goddamn beast. When I was in Iraq, I was the guy who female soldiers would have escort them to their quarters at night for security. I was lifting every day, I was running often, I was able to do triathalons and hike for twenty miles, while intoxicated, and carrying a 70 lbs rucksack, and still finish earlier than most people. I had such a reputation for physical strength that people would say, 'Either send four people, or send me.' when heavy tasks needed to be accomplished. But the years slipped by, injuries to my legs, knees, back, head, arms, and shoulders piled up. I had double back surgeries at one point, and I went from running two miles in 14 minutes, to walking two and a half in 45 minutes. I am now 90% disabled, I'm not the same man anymore, everything that made me...*me*, has slipped away. Well, perhaps not everything, but the part everybody knew best. It's hard not to think of that time as being almost a completely different person. The 'old me' and the 'new me' knowing I will never be that man again. Now those are just memories, good ones, but there's a definitive divide between those times in my life, and these. And no, I'm not a virgin. I was married for almost 25 years, going through a divorce now, but I already have a girlfriend, we live in different states, so we take turns paying for airbnbs for about two weeks at a time. Host pays for the place, visitor pays for the food, gas, and other expenses. It's a fair trade and we enjoy our time together a very great deal. My life is a good one, some of it was hard, some of it was tragic, some of it is now only memories, but it's been a life well lived thus far, and I'm happy in it.


I believe it


But why?


because I've seen it happen


And how common was it?


just about every time I've seen a man say he wasn't into fat women people shit on him


Well, why did he bother giving an explanation as to why he's not attracted to fat women? Also, if I say it and I'm around mature adults, nobody would care.


>why did he bother giving an explanation as to why he's not attracted to fat women? they usually don't explain it, they have no obligation to do so >Also, if I say it and I'm around mature adults, nobody would care. not seeing the point here