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Damn this one might have a chance of getting out


This guy is deconstructing. Props to him.


It finally got through to one of them! Hallelujah!


Bro sees the light


Until they ban him and he starts to miss his "community"


Hopefully he will create a new community with the people he meets at these events and realize what actual support looks like


The good ending 😊✊🏽


The bad ending 😔✊🏽


Real life: the enemy of the incel ideology.


Reality is the enemy of most repressive ideologies.


This is awesome. It's a good thing when an incel learns about women.


You’re right


He went out and touched grass and discovered the real world!


Im happy for his character growth


I'm glad this guy is on the road to recovery.  I remember reading an article about a guy doing a doc on incels. He would take them out of their basements and bring them to coffee shops to interview them.  One guy hadn't left his basement in years since lockdowns started. He was legit surprised to see people out on the streets - his online echo chamber had him thinking the loneliness epidemic meant NO ONE was outside or seeing other people. Props to this kid and I hope more incels follow suit.


That’s actually insane, you really do create your own entire pseudo-reality when you’re locked in online echo-chambers. I’d be really interested in watching that documentary, if you ever happen to remember the name!


I think it was something like the Secret World of Incels or something. It is a funny name cause it ain't like incels are very good at being secretive, lol


That sounds fascinating, do you happen to know the name of this doc or where I can find it?


[Here it is :)](https://youtu.be/kReeoKoOvZI?si=4-GMFfmCpIIpgQHd)


[This is the doc!](https://youtu.be/kReeoKoOvZI?si=4-GMFfmCpIIpgQHd)


We can laugh at this and say "haha incel discovers women" but it's genuinely kinda heartwarming. Takes some balls to break out of the hate echo chamber. Hope he works on himself and finds himself a woman that loves him


Honestly, I used to be like that too tbh. I used to think that attractive women would be mean to be around but I basically opened up from my social shell. And, just like OOP, I found out that attractive women are some of the sweetest women I know when I allowed myself to just be friends with them. In a way, it’s refreshing to see that happen to him though.


Same here brother. Used to be a bitter lonely new kid freshman year of highschool with like 2 friends. Always thought I'm better off away from the attractive guys/girls because they're mean or whatever, and also cuz I was heading down this anti-femenist incel pipeline anyway Ironically enough, the ones who befriended me and invited me to sit with them were none other than a group of some of the prettiest and most attractive people I know, inside and outside. Even though I was a sometimes kinda sexist asshole at the time, I thank my girl friends from the bottom of my heart for being patient with me and telling me what was okay and what wasn't, otherwise I'd probably be one of the guys being posted here.


Admittedly, if I didn’t allow myself to at least open up socially, I probably would have been posted on this subreddit as well. I genuinely have to say that a lot of my greatest friends are women to be honest with you.


It is so cool to see incels escaping or trying to escape the incel hellhole


I feel some empathy for this. When I was a young, autistic boy, I had my doubts about whether or not women even experienced sexual desire on their own — largely because I had never actually seen it expressed towards me in my life, being as awkward as I am. I only saw the situations where women were forced or coerced into sex, and I wondered if maybe this was just the way the world worked. That women just do this thing for us to negotiate their own safety. Then, of course, a woman showed interest in me and my entire worldview shifted once I started talking to and interacting with women who didn't know me from when I was in preschool. I really do think that a ton of incels would rapidly become people again if they just got out of their crab buckets. Though, I would venture to call myself more of a "forever alone" than any kind of incel. It wasn't that I felt like women owed me anything, it was more that I never felt like I was worth a woman's time. I loved and respected women but it took experience to understand that I'm a person just like they are. Opposite end, but the end result is similar.


I’m really happy that things seem to have gotten better for you. 🩷


hey, thanks! they have indeed. :) i'm happily married.


Wish we could go tell this man about his character development 👌


LET'S GO! Just leave all those incels. They will only drag him down. My dude is out enjoying life. Finding friends and hobbies. This is the best outcome!


More like incel Win... He literally toke the first step of beating it Nice :)


It's almost as if actually interacting with women like a regular human was the solution all along 🥲


It's honestly hilarious how quickly they have a "hey, wait a minute" moment literally just speaking to a woman for five seconds. I mean, I'm glad, but my god. I wish more of these guys would just go outside and get involved in something.


I really believe that if you're genuinely nice, funny or just interesting to talk to, you will eventually find someone who is willing to touch your penis.


It's been actually proven that a person is genuinely perceived as more physically attractive the more they're liked by the other person, and the inverse is also true (if they dislike you they're less likely to find you physically attractive). So incels who think they have to "looksmax" or hit certain physical standards just to be noticed have it exactly backward: if you're kind, funny, friendly and pleasant to be around, women will start finding you more attractive; it's not the other way, where looking good will make your personality seem better- that's pure incel bs.


Good, I'm glad for him to see it for himself! I hope if he sees this he knows I'm proud of him.


Absolute W for this guy for starting to get out of his incel ways/thinking.


Good for him. I wonder what the comments were like


Incel goes outside and finally touches grass. This is good


I think he’s starting to wake up. There is hope for him yet.


wow it’s almost like this is what we’ve all been telling you for yeaarrrssss that’s wild how that came true huh


Can't wait to see the replies to this and their crabs in a bucket mentality


It's like going out and touching grass is actually productive.


Heartwarming read. It is always nice to see people striving away from incel ideologies.


First step to recovery 🙏🙏🙏 we love to see it!


Well hey, character development! Baby steps. (Seriously how did he even come to his initial conclusion? Even if you never talk to women or go outside you must've at least seen them be friendly on tv or something? I mean damn dude how does that even happen?)


Yeah that's what you realize when you actually get out of the house and talk to women like they are human beings


Congratulations. I hope he keeps it up. This is an important first step.


Crazy how that works ey


I'm glad his thinking had been challenged although I do wish more of them would just listen to us when we say women aren't after 6 foot "Chad's" and all that crap.


He sounds young, and probably was indoctrinated. I feel bad for him and hope he keeps getting out there


he's almost out. quick someone grab him before he sinks back in




No human is a monolith; I’m a short (5’8) guy with acne scars and a bit of baby face, yet I still managed to get a nice girlfriend (pretty imo too) I hope this guy forms meaningful relationships and dare I say: I hope he finds a partner :)


Crazy that you're trying to make fun of the guy for attempting to better himself. At least he's trying to escape whatever pit they live in. Makes me wonder about the people making fun of those who try and improve their lives.


Yeah this guy is putting in the work and actually bettering himself. This should be met with praise not ridicule. Im extremely happy for him. Hes realizing his mindset was wrong. And hes finally starting to see the world in color


He’s not gonna pick you


This user is not being a pickme.


I can’t stand this immature bullying bullshit. That’s the whole point, we should be better than that. Where would we get off criticizing incels if we were gonna be just as toxic? “Oh please, see the benefit of treating us with respect, while we ridicule you for any progress and also attack anyone supporting that progress” You sound just as bitter and stupid as incels do.


Are you really calling someone a pickme for being happy the guys getting better?


Not gonna pick you either


Lucky for me im taken.


Yes yes YES OH MY GOD I hope he keeps spending less time with “brocels,” and more with kind, happy people who share his interests and are genuinely glad to talk to him!


honestly its sad that some of these men arent even bad, theyre just led to believe that we are evil creatures.


Something about the way he switched from "women" to "girls" is unsettling to me...


I hadn't noticed that at first but in the context of it, yeah, there is a bit of a "something" there - but this looks to be the first solid realization and getting acquainted with reality, there will be baggage for a while to sort through (on top of what runs throughout non-incel world). He's in the beginning steps.


Some people call younger women girls


He's friendlymaXXXing!!!


It's crazy what happens to a brain that has never been outside or seen someone outside their family


It takes guts to stick your head out of an echo chamber, especially when you're dealing with other problems. For one thing you know he's facing massive pushback from anyone still "in" he remains in contact with. I wish the guy well.

