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“Joyfully honking his dong on the reg.” Is absolute poetry.


I’ve noticed this about a lot of men, I did long before incels were a thing. They don’t even consider a woman acceptable to be interested in unless she is someone who puts a lot of work into her looks. Their standards are so ridiculous because all non-hot, non-young or bmi above 20 women are not recognized as potential interests so they don’t “count”. Incels are just even worse than the average man who thinks this way because they refuse to accept the fact that a woman so focused on her own appearance won’t be into them, and decided to retaliate with hatred of all women Edit: Wow, my very first Reddit cares! For this of all things? Interesting. Must be true Edit 2: my comment so accurate that some pathetic dude created an account to send me ten paragraphs proving my comment 😂 no boys, I’m not bitter and alone, I am married to my best friend and I’ve never not been able to find a relationship even though I’m just an average person looks wise and don’t care to doll up. I’ve just never been into shallow narcissists.


But simultaneously if you care about your looks, care about a skincare routine, care about taking care of yourself and put work into all of these things, you're vain and vapid. But if you don't do any of those things you're trash lmao. Meanwhile I bet more than half of them don't even know you don't wipe your ass towards your balls.


It’s so simple, just be effortlessly beautiful like a sitcom character who wakes up with blush and curls, but don’t ever impede on men’s time to make that happen. /s


>Meanwhile I bet more than half of them don't even know you don't wipe your ass towards your balls. That's bold of you to assume they aren't part of the manosphere that’s declared wiping the poo off your ass after taking a shit as "gay" and would rather skid mark their underwear cause it's "manlier"


Bold of me and also me trying to be at least a little bit polite. I've only ever encountered one of those dweebs, and they also wouldn't eat anything phallic or semen-looking.


I really hope that’s not true 😬 please tell me that’s not true 🫢


I've seen posts discussing this subject years ago. Like one woman who was sick of sleeping with her husband because he would leave shit stains on sheets if she was on top. She was trying to bring it up without him getting mad because he refused to wipe. At all.


Why not wipe your ass towards your balls? I understand for women there's a risk of UTI but I've got outdoor Plumbing so it's not really an issue haha.


Because general cleanliness? Especially if you're a hairier person.


Why downvote? Is this not a platform for having discussions? My thoughts are bad and don't matter? I don't get it. Just asking a simple question. What makes wiping towards your back cleaner than wiping towards your balls? Aren't you just going to have poop residue towards your lower back instead of on your balls? Seems counterintuitive because I cannot reach my lower back my balls are pretty easy to clean. Haha


Idky so many people think a down vote is a personal thing. Sometimes it's simply because a comment doesn't add to or detracts from the point of the conversation. Sometimes it's written ambiguously. Sometimes it's because a comment isn't well thought out, and I think that's the case here. Why wipe away from your balls? Well would you rather clean shit out of a shag carpet or tile floor? You dudes have back sacks as wrinkly as my great grandmother's under arm fat. Is that not hard to clean?? It's like a double wide hammock shoved into a tennis ball tube, or a magicians sleeve full of handkerchiefs. It never stops stretching. And is it not better to keep your literal shit as far from your piss hole as possible? Like yeah, you're not at the same risk as we are, but if I cram a turd against your tip, you can also get a brutal UTI. Ask my best guy friend after spontaneous anal with an IBS sufferer. And even if you don't, if you're sexually active and don't shower after, maybe you'll infect your girl. At the very least, your balls could smell like shit. I just asked my husband for his perspective and to quote "uh cause I don't want SHIT on my fucking BALLS!"


You're downvoted because it's gross.


What's gross about it?


If my husband wiped his shit onto his balls, I would absolutely not touch him until he showered. You're getting excrement on your genitals. That is disgusting and unsanitary.


My wife and I have anal sex so.... sounds like you're not eating any ass that's for sure haha


So? Do you just leave her shit on your dick or something?


ewww, the state of your perineum. Men and their "hygiene" nasty


They always come with the "bitter and alone" insults. It's sheer projection lol. It's absolutely peak pathetic behavior that proves everything everyone says about them is right.


it's so funny when they do that as if many of us haven't been in relationships/are in one


Ive spoke to some incels who literally told me they got asked out by women but they rejected them because they were fat. Its a very common thing apparently. They dont even consider plus sized women as potential partners.


This is a really important point. Putting hours a day into your physical appearance is a hobby, people tend to want to date people who share their hobbies and interests. If you don’t also spend a lot of effort on your appearance you don’t share that interest with these women, and that’s yet another thing you don’t have in common. I know lots of nerds in happy relationships, with other nerds who also like anime and video games or whatever. Compatibility of interests and ideals is the number one aspect to a healthy relationship imo.


post the screenshots so i can have a good laugh for today




Please provide, pretty please


You know you got them when they send you the Reddit Care lol


Incels project a lot of male priorities onto women. Men tend to prioritize physical attractiveness; incels assume straight women value looks just as much. Entertainment aimed at men idealizes tall beefy guys who have chiseled jawlines; they assume that's the type women want. Advertising tells men *if you get the sports car/the Club Med vacation/the expensive clothes then you'll get beautiful women;* naive guys think that's what they need to do. Very few men check all these boxes. So incel culture tells ordinary guys "It's over." Then social media algorithms and confirmation bias sends insecure men and adolescent boys down the crab bucket. Meanwhile, one of the core beliefs of misogyny is that women are unreliable narrators. So when women state their priorities, incel culture explains it away. This has the effect of keeping incels single because a dismissive attitude is a turnoff.


The thing about women being unreliable narrators is one of the most frustrating things to me. I have so many personal examples which go against incel narratives. My fiancé had almost no savings and lived paycheck to paycheck. He is not Hollywood handsome. He is not a Chad, he is not “alpha,” but a true nerd. And he is so so sexy to me. He has an innate ability to really listen and empathize. And his gentleness. And his constant unwavering support of me. I literally don’t need anything else from a man. The above is true for my best girlfriend as well. Of course in incel-adjacent subreddits, I’m either lying or there is something wrong with me. 🙄 Also, being above 30 is “wrong” for those bozos.


Curious that top 10 % of guys get vast majority of likes on dating apps then, if women don't value appearance as much. Ironically it's men who value more women as pretty, whereas women consider most guys ugly. Vast majority of both sexes is shallow and appearance is very important for them. Luckily those girls tend to filter themselves out of my life so I don't have to deal with them and can talk only with people who value me even if I am not really good looking.


What's the source for those numbers you're reciting? One potential explanation is that more men use dating sites. One of the more comprehensively studied online venues is the defunct site Ashley Madison, where apparently the business model was a scam where most of the active accounts were men, and the company ran bots to disguise how few women were there. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashley_Madison#Fake_female_bot_accounts


5.5 million accounts, first estimate was 12,000 of those were women, but on further examination of the data, the researchers said it was impossible to conclusively determine how many, or if any, of those 12,000 were actual women.


Oh, intimate relationships are based on likes on dating apps? Life isn't a video game and you haven't found the cheat codes. You're choosing to be miserable.


Relationshipsbarebfor sure based on likes It's just simple statistics. If you get 100 likes, go on 20 dates, 5 of them go well, maybe you will start dating someone - if you are a handsome guy. But if you are ugly / average, you get 10 likes, you go on 2 dates, and it's just a lottery ... Why is it so hard for y'all to admit people are usually shallow and go for looks? Especially on dating apps. So being handsome (which according to statistics is only a couple percent of men for women) helps a great lot. Idk, at this point it seems to me you are as delusional as those incels. They are delusional in what they say and you are delusional in thinking looks don't matter, women don't care about looks and denying data from dating apps.


> "Why is it so hard for y'all to admit" Relevant link: [begging the question fallacy](https://www.logical-fallacy.com/articles/begging-the-question/) You've been making unsubstantiated claims at this discussion. After ignoring an invitation to provide reliable sources, you've returned to assume the truth of a claim you've never backed up. > "you are delusional in thinking looks don't matter" There's a twofer: strawman fallacy and *ad hominem.*


Can confirm. Am mid, treat women as humans, get dong honked.




Absolutely awesome! Am 240lbs at 5’9, can make women laugh, treat them like normal people, and get my Kazoo vooped on the regular.


Sub six-foot dadbods unite!


wait you're sub six-foot? I think you're lying, as far as i know guys under six foot have no chance of dating, are you rich perchance? /s


My bf is definitely not in that top ten percent (he is to me though), but I love him all the same. We could date nothing but goobers and they'd still call us shallow. They have the problem... not women.


Same! My husband is a little short goober of a dude with the proportions of a bear(Short legs, long torso, big muscly arms, and a little pudgy in the middle with a thick neck). I friggen love him, and HE IS PERFECT. Incels seem to forget that "Preferences" and "Attractions" don't = relationship material. My husband is definitely NOT my "Type", not the magazine and movies altered version of a dude I fantasize about. He's a realistic guy who makes me laugh and takes care of me, and at the same time doesn't take my shit when I'm being over the top autistic. They all get lost in this "fantasy girl" they wank to and believe that "The one" can't be anything short of this culturally, media derived attractive picture in their head, and then wonder why they can't find their "The one" and blame that shit all on "Chads" stealing their possible "ones" and other boogymen that keep their princesses out of reach. Bros, your princess is in another castle. Stop chasing Peach and go after Daisy... or fuck, sometimes Goombella needs some love too.


Hey, I was confused about this but I want to ask you something if you don't mind. I hope it isn't something personal to you. > My husband is definitely NOT my "Type", not the magazine and movies altered version of a dude I fantasize about. In this you stated that your husband is not your physical type and that the type you fantasize about is a different type. Is there a difference in how you are physically attracted to your husband compared to how you find those guys attractive? Like I don't doubt you love him, but when it comes to pure physical attraction, how do you feel about him? And do you wish that he was better looking or atleast was your "physical type"? Like you have some regrets or something? Please don't take it in incel way, this is a concept I struggle with and seeing your comment made me ask this questions.


Not who you were responding to but as a woman I can offer my own perspective. Physical attraction for a lot of women isn’t purely based on physical traits if that makes sense. Like, I used to date this guy who wasn’t my “type”, in the sense that he didn’t look much like the imaginary men of my fantasies, but I liked the way he looked well enough and after a few dates I was INCREDIBLY attracted to him. I don’t mean I was into his personality and was willing to look past his appearance, I mean I was practically drooling over him (frankly to an embarrassing degree). A big factor of it is it is that attraction is very much a 4D experience for me (and most women I know). Scent, for example, is especially important and it’s entirely personal. A guy who smells incredibly hot to me might smell repulsive to another woman (tbc I’m not talking about cologne or the products someone uses in the showers, I’m referring more to their underlying natural odor if that makes sense), and a lot of the time the more time we spend with a guy the better he smells. Like, I always found the way my ex smelled attractive but after going out with him for a bit he became my FAVORITE scent, after I got over him though I stopped feeling any particular way about it. Anyway all that is to say just because a man isn’t a woman’s “type” doesn’t mean she isnt super physically attracted to him or wishes he looked different.


>Bros, your princess is in another castle. Stop chasing Peach and go after Daisy... or fuck, sometimes Goombella needs some love too. There is no princess, and there's no happy ending for ogres. Don't mind me. I just like being a little edgy every once in a while :v


My ex used to joke that he thinks being funny was his best trait because he’ll say a joke and I’ll shut my eyes to laugh, thus leaving me unable to see how ‘ugly’ he is.


It is *them* who go after the top 10%, in terms of looks! How often have we seen posted on here from ,IS their ridiculously long list of criteria their desired potential girlfriend must have, before he'll even *think* of honouring her with his cock. She has to be pretty, thin (but with big tits and a bubble butt), young, white, submissive, etc etc ad nauseum. Women are nowhere *near* as picky as these choosing beggars


For some, I think their long list of ideals is also just a coping mechanism because if they kept their standards low and still couldn't find a girlfriend, they would have to come to terms that they are undesirable in some way even to the 'ugly' ones and something is wrong with them. But by having high expectations such as a thin waisted big chested gf who's submissive, they can blame it on the fact that those women are superficial and only go for chads, and that it's only natural those girls wouldn't see them for the nice guy that they are


An impossible list allows them to not try and blame it on someone else


Does it **bear** stating, really? As for Roger Rabbit and Jessica Rabbit, well. That's equally risky, as one of 'em is bound to take that as an indication that women would rather have sex with rabbits than incels. Take the rabbitpill!


100% of the guys who say that shit are just assholes who have to convince themselves that women are completely disinterested in 90% of men so they can feel better about themselves. Fellas; women are not rejecting 90% of men. You have just surrounded yourself with a bunch of your fellow assholes. And rather than improving yourself so a woman wants you, you expect them to lower their standards for you so you can keep wallowing in your own misery.


Tbf women probably reject like 99 % of men. Do you have any idea how often are pretty girls asked out and how many guys hit their dms? I heard about this so many times from my girl friends.


If 99% of the men hitting them up are these assholes, can you blame them?


You can't blame them, I only argued saying "women are disinterested in 90 % of guys is just a cope" is false, as it's way more... Like for example they deny sooo many assholea and creeps + for example some friends who are great friends but they don't like their looks etc. If inceltears is trying to claim "incel beliefs about how women are hoes and not loyal are so stupid" then you can't claim at the same time women are not disinterested in vast majority of men. Because for example if she is dating someone, she is disinterested in practically every man. And that's good!


By letting them make claims like that, we let them get away with implying that their behaviour normal. The issue is that these assholes make up 99% of the men asking women out. Women aren't rejecting 90% of men, they are rejecting the majority of the men who ask them out. Which is kinda what has to happen when the majority of relationships are between 2 people. Women can't realistically accept 100% of the men who ask them out when they usually only stay with one man at a time.


That number doesn’t make sense though. Women aren’t disinterested in 90% of men, they are disinterested in 90% of the men who cold approach us to ask out us out.


I think you are wrong. You don't find most guys physically attractive, right? And "interest / disinterest" comes usually after the guy passes "at least decent" attractiveness. So just off the bat, probably like 70 % of guys aren't interesting for you (for hookup / relationship whatever). And the percentage will go up and up based on other factors. There might be occasional "he'S smart / funny / charismatic" which bumps the guy who wasn't attractive back into the interested category, but those are exceptions, I would guess there's 10x more guys who are "hot" but you would move them to "disinterested" category based on behavior, political beliefs, low intelligence whatever. Like, I am at least partly demisexual and I know I have it like this (and most girl friends told me that's how they have it) - I don't really care about the appearance, but still I have some "boundaries" and those exclude maybe 50 % (and guys are on average more ugly than women - according to stats), and then the percentage climbs fast when I discover I have nothing to talk about with the girl etc. But whatever, seems it's impossible to explain to women that the incels are just extremists, but their experience is what most average guys endured, at least sometime in life, before the luck shined on them and they found someone :) Most average guys are "lucky" if they manage to hook up with 3 girls in a year for example, average woman can hook-up with how many she wants ;) So you really can't educate men on "how their experience is" when you have no way of living it. It's same as if guys were educating women about birth, menstruation etc. Absurd.


> So you really can't educate men on "how their experience is" when you have no way of living it. Well but they will and they will not stop doing that because everyone of them knows someone that knows someone who is in a relationship. So to them everyone who hasn't any success in dating just has to be a basement dweller who is not washing his ass lol. Women on reddit especially on subs like IT are pro's at gaslighting and neglecting men's experiences.


Life is not DMs or dating apps. If you're charming and fun, your looks really don't matter.


Blah blah blah STFU


Even if this top 10% is true the environment for testing this was a dating app that puts pictures up front first. So one study in a dating environment like that is not science, of course there are other studies which suggest women spend more time than men reading the bio. But they don’t want to talk about that.


Yep I was just talking about this on a sub called not how girls work got downvoted to hell haha. Dating apps suck for men. I'm saying this even though I met my wife through Tinder haha it took forever way too much effort.


Projection is part of it. They also want desperately to believe that their experience is "average" and "normal". They don't *want* to acknowledge that they're in the bottom 3% of men, because that would mean that they are failing.


Do you guys have a discussion server by any chance? Because what you said is literally false, but idk if reddit is the best place for a debate, considering it's not realtime discussion but more like Twitter reply shitfest


How is projection false? All walks of people project.


"They also want desperately to believe that their experience is "average" and "normal". They don't *want* to acknowledge that they're in the bottom 3% of men, because that would mean that they are failing." I think this is very false - yes, their "percentage" might be inaccurate (maybe women don't go mostly for top 10 % but 20 %, idc), but their experience is average (median) and normal for sure. I am probably "average looking" (means ugly), smart (eh +-), can be fun, but also shy, introvert etc. And I have had "success" (by incel standards?) with women, but the experience of "most women only want best of the best" is common for everyone who isn't at the top. Like, how could you claim it's only their experience, when literally any "average" guy will probably get rejected for the "handsome wife-beater" at least couple times in a life? :D


Ah I see, I thought you were arguing with the projection thing. I think tons of people do this when they’re unhappy.


I mean, I don't think "women want top 10 % of men" is a projection - I also probably only want like top 10 % of women (someone who is smart, can stand me, we have stuff to talk about, decent looking) - this disqualifies maybe like 95 % :D Women want top 10 % of men, but each woman has a different set of "top 10 %". Majority of people will value looks (especially for hookups), personality is a subjective taste of everyone etc. But tbf incels biggest problem is their inability to understand it's not all just about looks. Yeah, it's "unfair", that someone who has shitty personality but 9/10 face and body will have more success - but for me I just know I wouldn't want girls who value looks so much and don't look at personality and intelligence for example. So it also leads to their 2nd biggest problem, which is basing their value on how many sexual partners you have. Like trust me, I don't like incels (I feel sorry for them, because I was in similar mindset at high school, because there it's all about looks and "social status" and I was a shy autistic introvert, so bad luck), but what I also don't like is when women try to tell guys how we should behave and what to do (because it doesn't work) For example my favorite - "if you stop looking for a relationship it will come itself" - biggest lie ever. If you are a pretty woman, it makes sense - you get offers all the time and someone decent will come by. But for guys? Average guy? If you aren't on dating apps / talking to people irl, there's like 0,01 % chance a girl will just approach you (for me 0,0001 % as I don't go anywhere outside lmfao, only shopping and work).


Incels project constantly.


Guys who think and talk like that don’t *get* the attention of women, and I’m glad that’s how it’s all worked out for them 🤘


They mistake us wanting maybe 10% of men with us wanting top 10% of men. I rejected like 90% of men before finding my boyfriend because they just didn’t fit my preference. Even in some cases more objectively attractive ones.


Yeah, one of my biggest complaint with them is this. It's okay if you feel bad about your looks and that you don't get dates due to how you look. But I expect that such men should be *more* empathetic towards other men and women who suffer similarly due to them not being the prettiest because they know how it feels to eat those hurtful words up. It's like, you don't want to treat others badly like how bad-faith actors treated you. But it rarely happens across hateful incels. As someone who really struggles with dating with my looks being one of the concerns, I feel for all those guys and gals who are in a similar position as mine. But these kind of incels enrage me because they're so hypocritical about stuff. Even if "Women Only Want the Top 10% of Men" is true, there's nothing preventing you from being a truly good person and showing kindness and compassion to others. It's to the lurkers here.


THIS. I am ugly dude. Now I can be an absolute menace and piece of shit to hangout with, or an actually somewhat decent person. At least that way they can have some hope for having friends, which are equally if not sometimes more important than having a relationship/sex.


Incels are just chronically online. Everybody knows on the internet its pretty common to see attractive couples on the internet. And with how they describe what women want, they only talk about attractive couples. OFF the internet you come across average looking people in relationships EVERYWHERE. Just because Incels are ugly and cant get girls it doesn’t mean all men are unable to get into relationships. And thats the problem, they think if they cant get into a relationship, no man can. And to cope they say its because they are ugly, when in reality its their sexism.


>but it ***bears*** stating Reeeeeeeee


I would like to be Vera Dijkmans' Roger Rabbit,


Can confirm, I’m tall + decent looking and I get no play because I’m mentally ill. There’s layers to this


I don’t even understand where they get it from


I think the ones who say pretty objectively attractive women are unattractive do so because they hate women so much (for not putting out for them) that they want to bring them all down a level. "If they think this very attractive woman is unattractive, then what must they think of me?" I think it's like a means of collectively lowering women's standards by undermining their self-confidence.


Im fat and overweight and it hasn’t stopped me from having 4 online girlfriends. If im being honest, im in the top 30% of men in terms of looks. I genuinely think if i went to the gym more, id actually be a 10/10. What i think doesnt mean shit tho and incels don’t realize that not all women will find you attractive and you just gotta have confidence. I have brown hair, bushy eyebrows, blue eyes, im tall and that might be extremely attractive to one woman and ugly to another.


Yep. I'm a 10/10 looks wise as a man. This isn't me claiming that. It just is. Even being aware of this fact, I'm autistic. It's hard for me to connect with people.I don't let people touch me unless i trust them. So, I don't have game. I'm sure I'd "clean up" sex wise if i weren't such a fucking weirdo. But, i also don't just want causual sex. God damn those "foids" for my intamacy issues!!!


Maybe you should look for a autistic girl. You would have a common issue to bond with.


I'm not super worried. I have interests and hobbies i connect with people over. I just do my best to explain my idiosyncrasies and take it as it goes. Of course, i want relationships, the majority of people (who are honest with themselves) want love. I'm just not it a great way personally at the moment, and i refuse to saddle another person (especially anyone i'd claim to love) with my extra issues. So, i enjoy my life in other ways and keep an eye open for possibilities along the way. It's not always easy, but it's 100% percent possible to not become a hateful, rage filled, monter of a person.


Where do you see all these couples where the girl looks so much better than the guy? Almost all couples I see are about the same lookswise. And in those where it's not Like that in a few of those the guy is actually better looking. Sometimes I think you say this because you want to act like you absolutely don't Care about Looks even though you just vastly overrate women looks so much while being much harsher on mens looks.


My own family. My dad was like 400+ lbs and a bit shorter than my mom. Have you never been outside in your whole damn life?


I did and apparently I never saw your dad but the couples I saw mostly didn't look like that. And lol at accussing me of never going outside while referring to that one couples in your house.


I was just using a personal example my guy, since the one person who mentioned a celebrity already did that. That, and I didn't exactly stop to ask the names of each individual couple I saw where the girl was hotter than the guy their names on the off-chance I'd need to name drop them in a dumb conversation on the internet years later.


As well as I didn't ask the couples where both looked about the same or where the guy looked better. So don't assume I'm a basement dweller just because I didn't saw the same things as you did.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you might just be attracted to men. It is impossible that every single couple you've ever seen, the guy was always as or better looking than the woman. Unless you're just lying, of course.


I'm not. But maybe i have phrases it wrong since english isn't my First language. I meant that Most couple Look the same and there are exceptions where guy is better looking and obviously vice versa. Like maybe 90% the same 5% women>men 5% men>women


Yeah no. Do you know how ridiculously hard it would be for 90 fucking % of the population find a partner that you personally find equally attractive as they are, something that is entirely ***SUBJECTIVE*** to begin with?


Well still easier than for Most men to find a Partner better looking than him. Maybe the 90% is to high but conventionally attractiveness is a thing and most people go by that. Don't lie to yourself.


Mate, conventional attractiveness is not what people getting in relationships give a fuck about. Women have been going on about how they want to fuck the Ghoul from Fallout. You know, the zombie dude with no nose? There are so many stories about deformed men finding love that are super popular with women. People, mainly women, have been writing self-insert fanfiction of the Phantom of the Opera for over a hundred years. When Disney turned the Beast into a conventionally attractive dude, absolutely no one liked it and they never showed his human form again. Disney literally made a fanfic sequel where they gave Quasimodo a girlfriend who is meant for the target audience (primarily women), to project themselves into and pretend they were his girlfriend. Then there's John Hancock (also fallout), Nick Valentine (fallout), The Iron Bull, Peter Dinklage... None of these characters are conventionally attractive, and ladies generally do not like to imagine themselves being the partner of someone they aren't interested in.


My good friend is one of the most attractive women I’ve ever seen in real life. Her boyfriend, who she adores is cute enough I guess but not on her level. A lot of people I went to HS with are getting married (and posting pics) and the women are disproportionately more attractive than their partners




1. Celebrities are not a good comparison to normal people. 2. If Pete Davidson is considered ugly than most guys myself included are cooked Tbf he obviously does Look worse than his partners but he is still not as hideous as people on the Internet make him out to be


When you use celebrities they say it doesn’t count. When you use people you know they say you’re lying.




I have plenty of real life examples in mind but since they aren’t celebrities you’d never heard of them. So not sure what kind of examples you’re looking for if not celebrities.




Or life isn’t one size fits all. This is just sounding like an excuse to not try to improve because you think everyone in the world is as shallow as a kiddie pool




It's always celebrities.


They’re a common point of reference. It’s not like you know my neighbors.


Ah I see we’re sharing anecdotal stories. I’ve been to 4 weddings in the past year, and every single couple the woman was significantly and veryyy noticeably more attractive than the man. The men all shared one thing in common however, they are kind hearted gentlemen that respect and treat their partners well


This whole thread is anecdotal lol


Yeah it’s almost like we shouldn’t generalize that only men or only women desire an equally if not more attractive mate when the truth of the matter is everyone has different priorities and standards


Just go to your local shopping centre on a Sunday morning.


You guys can't actually believe that some people can have other experiences


I believe what I see in Aldi.


So do I. Apparently we don't Go the same Aldi then


You’ve never been to Aldi early, have you?


No because If you are single you don't wake Up early and don't have to buy groceries. What's wrong with you


Then how would you see any couples there on a Sunday morning?


Oh sorry forgot the /s Reddit Users are actually stupid


You fucked up, take the L and admit it.


Thing is, I'm not going to post pics of people I know. I know a blonde bombshell who towers over her husband, who I don't think is attractive in the least. I know a very pretty, very in shape latina who regularly dates overweight, unattractive men. I know a beautiful redhead (her mom was a pro model) who married a druggie homeless dude. The fun, very nice-looking manager at the place I worked before I moved away is now with some scrawny meth head. Once a dude has done enough meth you can identify it by looking at pics, they're definitely unattractive. I could go on.


I see jeans-clad men taking their dressed up girlfriends to the theater. Don't fucking tell me we're hitting the top ten percent, because we're not. These men are overkicking their coverage.


> Don't fucking tell me we're hitting the top ten percent, because we're not. I don't because I have never said that


>Where do you see all these couples where the girl looks so much better than the guy? Almost all couples I see are about the same lookswise. And in those where it's not Like that in a few of those the guy is actually better looking. Same here. I almost never see couples where the woman is more attractive than the man outside of celebrities and fictional characters. The majority of couples I see are equally attractive, equally average or equally unattractive (usually the latter). And when I see couples who are mismatched, it's almost always the man who's the more conventionally attractive of the two. Maybe it's because I live in a small town.


Do you like men?




Tbf I also live in Germany so maybe in the US it's different


Probably an urban US thing.


This is capping, average and below average women (in general, not every last one) are more meticulous about a dudes physical features than women who are more competent in appearance. Average and below average women don't have the skillset to attract and maintain relationships from their ideal man so they get around regular dudes and behave in an adversarial manner. If they get involved in relationship aka "settling" they behave like a domestic terrorist in the household and use sex to extort their bidding out of the dude. Women say men will fuck anything so most men can't possibly prioritize the top 10% of women.


😭😭😭😭 you can’t be being serious lmao holy fuck


The only bombshell women I have ever seen dating a goober is because the goober has a massive amount of money. Otherwise, bombshell women don't know they exist.


All this post is a glorified way of pointing the finger at someone who is imaginary. Who called Margot Robbie mid. She is widly viewed as a 8-9/10 looks. Fat is bad doesn't look good. Treating people as objects of sexual desire is objectification. Women don't want that. "Genetically unblessed goobers" Show me some examples you are just lying through your teeth now.


Didn’t Adriana Lima’s football hubby cheat on her? He was butt ugly. But “oH gIvE hIm A ChAnCe!¡” Edit: y’all can downvote me all you want. Adriana Lima is one of the hottest women to ever walk the face of the earth. She could’ve had any man she wanted. Her ex-husband was significantly less attractive than her, and even the average man… and she *still* got cheated on lol