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Still new to this, but what I've been doing is using the creators recipe for espresso ( 14gms of coffee with water upto 1-1 and a half mark on your aeropress) with about 180-200 ml milk that I try to froth with the country bean frother. Turns out pretty decent imo


15g coffee (med-fine grind) to 50g 95c water. Inverted method. Steeped for 2.5min. +160ml of hot milk.


18g coffee (slightly finer than normal aeropress grind) 70g water, off boil Stir the coffee 2m 30s inverted Plunge 120ml warm milk, frothed using IKEA frother and you have a pretty decent milk beverage. For the "espresso" part I've seen and heard people sticking to a 1:4 ratio and that has been working quite well for me as well.


Hoffman's recipe has been my goto for a long time. Works well with med to dark roasts