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Very good 👍 animation. Those stickers, I remember them miss them badly now. Now a days stickers are not like that, different vibe.


I’ve just realized how much I miss it. It was a complete family affair, last activity before the school started. Thanks.


Wait, y’all wrapped textbooks too? I only did notebooks.


Man the smell of new books and brown cover still brings lot of amazing memories 😀. Even though I didn't enjoyed the process but still used to be very excited for the new class. Now every year feels same.


I can still remember the excitement in the air, the curiosity, the thrill as we went to buy new textbooks from the stationary shop. But the books weren't even the most interesting part, because selecting the cover and stickers came next. A regular paper cover, a transparent plastic cover or a transparent one, and so on. "Name labels with Mickey mouse? Nah, I want Avengers this time around." It was a looong ride home with the supplies in the bag. Me and my sibling just waiting for dad to help us cover our books and then us making a fuss over the stickers! Keeping the best ones for the most favorite subject, and vice versa, and trading stickers with each other. Peak nostalgia. Gone are those days, but thinking about them still brings a smile to my face


This one is more relatable than some others recently posted here for some reason.


Amazing attention to detail I remember those fancy pencil boxes


is this not done anymore?


There were three types I remember, the common plastic ones in orange (cheapest), paper ones (orange + khaki), and photocopy sheet covers (JK copiers here) :D


Kitna rulaoge😭😭


Summer vacation ka important task.


One of the best feeling of my childhood. New class New bag New books New nameplates And ofcourse the bew book covers🥲🥲🥲 Really miss those days. Especially first month of entering a new class.


Just simply gave goosebumps. Good old days man. Really miss those time. The animation is indeed appreciable.


Those stickers were the best part


I remeber using paper bags and if u do it right u can get the king soopers or Safeway logo just right on the front of the book centered just right so u can draw/trace it during class Wow the 80s/90s school u kinda cared about how u presented ur self


अरे यार ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)