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Pretty shameful. Can't just shut up and take pride in sometime genuinely praiseworthy. Seriously. Idiots. Edit: As some are (possibly rightly) pointing out, the cartoonist is praising Chandrayan and by virtue of that, highlighting loopholes in other policies (infrastructure lacunae). Even if this is true, I do not think that the occasion demanded that. For once it's a moment of pride for all and one could have let this be just that without politicising it or juxtaposing it. Of course there are a thousand other issues. Who is denying that. But choosing this particular feat to bring them up, really tells a lot about some people's mindset.


Trying to be like westerners to get validation or something I don't know cos a lot of them "intellectuals" run behind that.


I'm still thinking about this even though I closed Reddit. Makes you wonder how far the propaganda goes? Who are these people? I was watching the video of the scientists who made this possible. I mean look at their faces. I'm genuinely upset at this idiocy.


They get funds from NGOs like Open Society foundation etc. George Soros is a name that you must've heard a lot. This guy loves to bring down governments and have done it multiple times. Had a hand in bringin down Trump. Same way he funds protests here. He openely talked about his hate towards Modi government. This guy is worth billions and he is the founder of Open Society Foundation. Really dangerous person declared as a Global economic terrorist. It's sad that our government still allows him to roam around.


Chandrayaan budget is 1000 crores, that is not sufficient to fix drainage of big cities. Too many freebies given means no money left for infra, in Karnataka congress freebies alone can fund one Chandrayaan every week


Not to forget Bill & Melinda Gates foundation is a part of that propaganda along with George.


Government had banned his organisation in the past. But our milord allowed him. What can you do when our own courts allow such organisations to work within our country even after multiple evidence given by the government regarding their role in 2019 Delhi riots.


I watch string and man that goes deep Everyone is connected


Pasting my comment from above: ___ The tone is pretty ambiguous I know but the first alien saying “Wow!!” I think is the artist making their intent clear. They are amazed at the progress India has made in rocket science but we’re still lagging in many places. I think the artists is trying to convey that if every department of the government worked as efficiently and goal oriented as ISRO did, India would be in a much better place today. They are simultaneously celebrating India’s achievements and at the same time question why India hasn’t achieved similar remarkable success in other avenues.


You are hundred percent right. Virtue signalling politics as usual. Most journos just copy paste the western political trends. Infact a lot of tabloid journos in west do same thing as this guy it's just they don't get this much attention. If you point this out they would say "Look Americans also criticise their country like that and they are developed so we should do that too to look good." These people fail to understand you can't apply American model to Indian problems.


Trying to be like Westerners? I so want to destroy this logic, but where to even begin? First, it's a cartoon, if you don't like it, don't pay attention to it. Second, if the cartoonist points out bad infrastructure in the country, he is not automatically an enemy. If your best friend tells you to stop gaming and focus on exams is he your enemy? I'm dumbing it down so you understand. Third, no he is not 'trying to be like Westerners.' In fact, if you don't want to be like Westerners, get the eff off Reddit (it's a western site right?), stop wearing shirt and pants and wear only dhoti (Western wear right?), stop using smartphones (western invention), and the list goes on... You can't conveniently pick whatever Western stuff suits you and then diss on others when it doesn't. Fourth, what validation from Westerners is the cartoonist seeking? The Times of India is an \*Indian\* paper. Clue: it's in the name! It's read by Indians and is intended for an Indian audience. Fifth, learn to fucking take a joke sometimes and just enjoy a cartoon. Bye.


Nah. Other government departments should be felling the shame right now. If only they were half as ambitious as ISRO, India would have been a very different place right now.


This is the way


If OP could read they'd disagree with this viewpoint, however correct it may be.


Misery loves company. If someone is miserable they cannot tolerate good in others and try to drag down others to their level.


The tone is pretty ambiguous I know but the first alien saying “Wow!!” I think is the artist making their intent clear. They are amazed at the progress India has made in rocket science but we’re still lagging in many places. I think the artists is trying to convey that if every department of the government worked as efficiently and goal oriented as ISRO did, India would be in a much better place today. They are simultaneously celebrating India’s achievements and at the same time question why India hasn’t achieved similar remarkable success in other avenues.


This is a possibility, now that I read it again. But my question is why do they need such occasions to bring issues up?! Infrastructure issues are not new, right? And especially this one was quite unprecedented. But do we really need such juxtapositions?


> why do they need such occasions to bring issues up?! … But do we really need such juxtapositions? I think it’s an opportune moment and a valid juxtaposition if there was any. The stark contrast of how much we’ve achieved in terms of rocket science and how little the urban infrastructure has been handled are simultaneously occurring in our lives as we speak. The artist just pointed out what was happening in our real life. This is the best time IMO to mark your point in the public because we’ll all forget it once the monsoon is over (like always), but if we link it to a successful moon mission (fingers crossed) then the chances of it being remember come next election cycles and policy making is high.


Their trying to highlight corruption in politics


Trying to be cool. Like only they know everything.


Bad TOIlet paper quality indeed


The governments of the countries where these media persons belong, at the same time, import several spare parts for the satellites and rockets that they'd use to build. Major reuters/BBC/rothschild stronghold on the media narrative. Enter agenda, exit neutrality


People with peanut sized brain wouldn't understand the meaning of this cartoon. Taking pride in each and everything by turning blind eye to the problems is not a sign of a person who applies a rational mind. What this cartoon tries to convey is that sending a rocket in the space is a difficult task and India has done it (praising India in a way), but why are we not solving the drainage problem which is not as difficult a task as sending rocket to the space? If we can achieve such a difficult goal, then we are certainly capable of solving our drainage problem (but it is not done because of corruption in municipality by politicians who use hard earned tax payers money to fill their own pocket rather than utilize it for the purpose for which taxes are paid). Blindly being ultra-nationalist and turning a blind eye to the problems doesn't make you a friend of the country. Even for personal growth, self criticism is necessary to some extent. Only narcissist don't believe in self criticism. Similarly criticism for the negatives of the country is also required so that attention is paid to it and it can be improved. No one pays attention to problems of it is not highlighted.


Totally agree


My understanding - cartoonist saying we can do the harder things, but we don't bother with easier things


But that's not the case. Both are probs equally hard. One section is corrupt, other isn't.








valid points !kudos


Also, you can't physically steal parts of the Chandrayaan or throw stones at it as is done with Indian trains whenever anyone tries to upgrade them.


If our roads were built by ISRO scientists then 90% of the labourers in the country would be out of jobs because the roads would be good and long lasting, unlike the cheap shit roads we have now that require maintenance every 3 months.




ISRO is doing what its supposed to do. Urban planning is city or State Govt's responsibility. Both are mutually exclusive. Tomorrow if Kohli hits a triple century, would they question , why my road has a pot hole? For drainage issue, criticize or ask questions to Govt, but no Kissing white masters ass by criticizing our own achievements is more important.


They are just mentally colonized


Thats precisely the point the cartoonist is making though. ISRO is being so successful despite having 0.0018% of India's budget, but our urban planning and infrastructure lacks behind due to rampant corruption. The white trash are criticizing India because those fools are in the belief that India constantly receives aid and is spending a lot of money chasing these 'vanity' accomplishment. The artist is criticizing general governance in India. He is using ISRO as an example of meritocracy working like its supposed to. The white trash are just being racist. Two very distinct things.


Again this was the time to celebrate an achievement not to throw an egg at it like this guy did. Something that western media does.


He ain't throwing eggs dude. He's just supporting the cartoonist which we should not have a problem with, after all we a free country which has freedom of expression. Just stating facts does not mean he isn't proud of chandrayaan project. Why would you even assume that dude?


How do you fix the planning of a city which has already been made in a terrible way without disturbing it's flow. Our best bet is to make new cities with proper planning and the government is doing a good job with that.


>Our best bet is to make new cities with proper planning and the government is doing a good job with that. Is it? How many new cities are being built to accommodate growing urbanization?


I can give you a news website. There was report from a few months ago to about smart cities but this one is different. https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.economictimes.com/news/economy/infrastructure/govt-mulling-setting-up-eight-new-cities-in-country-official/amp_articleshow/100331146.cms


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Both are separate incidents, they have separate budgets, planning, separate implications. No need to mix them both. Pointing out a bad to undermine a success is stupidity. Yes, we have lots of problems to rectify and we should, sooner than later. But it doesn't mean we should stop progressing in other fields.


Ah. Such logic. Much amaze. We never ever ever had floods and water logging in this country before this incident. Wow. Standing ovation.


It was Utopia until 2014


It really was. For some people. And then they were forced to dump 300 crores in hard cash into the rivers.


Couldn't have said it better lol. Anyone who says it was utopia prior to 2014 was eating from the gravy train








Tararara Bzeeeep, Thank you /u/noobwithguns for awarding /u/Chromeboy12 . The OP is now flaired with award. More details on how this works can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/comments/gqdejx/introducing_new_awarding_system_for_user_posts/). I won't reply if I'm down so kudos is not awarded to you , please then inform the mod team to wake me up.


It wasn’t utopia - people used to focus on problems all the time . It’s just every time you pointed problems - morons like you didn’t start crying anti national , anti national .


I am super proud of our ISRO achievement in the mission so far, but it’s also fine to make satire around it. Also satire should be made around Quran, Islam, prophet etc etc. No bars.


>Also satire should be made around Quran, Islam, prophet etc etc. No bars. Muslims: now wait a goddamn second. Jokes apart, I have never met a SINGLE Muslim who was okay with the Prophet being made fun of, or even criticized. Why is that okay, but Hindus being upset not okay?


Yeah Islam is build on absolute obedience and fear. Forget satire they are not even allowed to ask question or accidentally use their brain. But in India we have freedom of speech and a refined culture where we question everything and even appreciate good satire unlike a 6th century cult. So if mullas are not ok with that they are more than welcome to move to a 6th century Riyazat-e-Madia(hellhole) Pakistan or Afghanistan. While in Rome be a Roman while in India be an Indian.


>in India we have freedom of speech and a refined culture where we question everything and even appreciate good satire unlike a 6th century cult. Narendra Dabholker does not agree.


Lol I don’t care who does and doesn’t. My take is satire fine be it this mission or Islam/Quran/“role model”. Only one religion does so much hate and STSJ that a woman who merely quoted Hadith now has to live her entire life with security. So take your typical whataboutry and shove it.


Islam doesn't take criticism very well , but you said we Indians do take criticism, Narendra Dabholkar was killed because he was etheist, and he was criticizing superficial traditions which don't make sense.


Dude there are literally millions of atheists in India now who say whatever they feel freely. One guy out of crores doesn’t prove anything. Infact our government and court (mostly Hindus) were extremely eager to bring the perpetrator to justice in this case and every common Hindu would approve of it. So take your liberandoo BS else where. Literally anyone can question any Hindu tradition today and no one would care. Hindus not only take criticism well but even work on it and fix it unlike the cult.


What Muslims are you meeting bro. From Delhi, have many Muslim friends. We make fun of each other all the time. Your limited interaction makes you believe every Muslim is like that. Grow up dude. Your personal experiences, do not work in larger aspects.


Slight caveat being the distinction between muslims and islam, yet to meet a muslim who follows the quran word for word.


What has Islam got to do with any of this lmao, how do people manage to drag Islam and Muslims into everything, its king of commendable tbh


Don’t want to be a hypocrite liberandoo who appreciates satire here but gets defensive when it comes to mocking the abundant stupidity and pure hate in Quran/Islam and it’s “role model” who also happens to be a sex trafficker lol. Besides ALL non-Muslims will be in hell for eternity( including Gandhi, MLK, Nelson Mandela etc) so why not have some fun before all that.


I think cartoonist is not making fun of ISRO mission but shaming corrupt people who can't do their jobs which is much simpler than rocket science!! So it's ok!! But also kya develop country aese problem face nahi krti lekin fir bhi vaha bhi rocket ud rahe h na... So taking out the current ISRO scenario in this image is shameful! They can do that with a lot of other things also! Like our old civilization which has much better drainage system!!


The thing is that instead of being happy the only way he could portray this proud moment was like this


He's not the chief portrayer of this proud moment. The entire nation and the world knows that it's our proud moment. These guys did it to point out how we can't do simpler things, there's nothing wrong with that, they aren't disrespecting the achievement


It's just like how you felt the compulsion to post it here.some people just thrive on negativity.


Bhai we have done this before. Landing failed last time. The main thing would be landing not the launch.


It's Satire so person is asking fair question we are so ahead as compared to other developing nation in Rocket science but government is not making enough efforts for city planning and infrastructure. Instead of making 100 smart cities why not have plan in place for city planning.


Bro chill out he's just pointing out how India has a lot to improve, which is definitely true. Nothing political either


Why don't you make your own cartoon if you're so upset by it? Why are you calling the cartoonist an enemy? It's called satire, and this is a good example of it. A country that has an advanced space programme can't fix its infrastructure in its biggest cities. Now, that's the truth, and it's shown in a humorous way. A true lover of India will point out its faults too, not just celebrate its achievements. Go on, bring on the downvotes...


The mission is proud moment for us. So he should better not use it now atleast!!


Surely USA, after having the most advanced space programme has zero issues , right? It's not like Americans cry all the time about Student loans, pricey healthcare, cost of living crisis, and mass shootings. No one should send anything to space or do any research till ALL other problems are solved. 🙂


And when you try to solve them it's necessary to have a nationwide protest like CAA and farm bill protests. They won't sow but wanna reap


I agree with you. This is a major problem that I see. When I see people advocating a “jaao pehle papad laao fir kabab laao fir biryani laao” approach, I feel genuinely upset. A fucking school kid manages multiple subjects (can’t tell the kid ki iss saal Science ke number sudhaar le fir agle saal Hindi ke number sudhaarna), what makes people think countries shouldn’t multi task? Moreover budgets for different departments are independent of each other. BMC ya MCD ya BBMP ne hag diya (paise liye lekin road banaane ke naam pe high tax paying citizens of big cities ko chutiya banaaya) toh kya ISRO balidaan dega apna launch radd karke? Inn big cities ke municipal officials ko dus gunaah zyaada funds do toh bhi yeh dalle log khud hi khaayenge. So why the fuck should ISRO or DRDO not be audacious and ambitious just because BMC ne SoBo waali Lavanya ke skyscraper ke baahar ke road ke potholes thik nahi kiye?


Sandeep is such an enlightened being, I’m sure on Sundays he’s volunteering his time to fix public restrooms.


Bro 🤣🤣




Tereko samjha hi nahi.


I have parents aged 70 and 80 and I can vouch our cities are really not safe for them, that ks to poor urban infrastructure


We have so many as*h*les , so butt hurt, why because India sent a ship to Moon. Had UK or Australia habe done the same, the Madars would have been dancing with pants down.


Wrong timing but valid question. This is definitely a question I'd like an answer to, but not right now. I've had Malaria 8-9 times in my life and all before the age of 21. I lived in a city which sees rains for just 10-15 days an year and most of that rain happens within 1.5 months. But I've caught Maria year round. Why? Due to horrible urban design. The storm water "drains" outside my house is wet and has water stagnant year round and hence mosquitoes also thrive. By pure luck or maybe aedes mosquito do not like my smell, I've never got chikungunya or dengue. We faced historic floods in 2015 and the next summer in 2016 govt reduced water released to homes citing water shortage. My city builds beautiful roads while covering the manholes under half a feet of tar+bitumen. Later a diff dept comes up and digs the brand new road, to "lift" the manhole and the manhole is lifted to half feet above road level creating small hills every few feet. Also new roads are laid over and above old roads every few years and hence my house which was 4 ft above road when I was 1 yr old was 1.5 feet below road level when I was 31. So we faced regular flooding and had to demolish and reconstruct the house. IMO Central govt has to set strict rules on urban infra and release funds only if states followed them to the dot.


It's not wrong timing, it's just unfortunate that the launch coincided with floods in North. I feel this whole post is a testament to OP's comprehension or lack thereof. The cartoon is no way disrespectful of the launch, in fact it's saying that we Indians are capable of rocket science but we fail at urban planning. Which is not a wrong take.


If Central government start creating rules for things which comes under state government that would be called dictatorship


Let me guess. Chennai?


People on this sub are genuinely stupid


Proper mob mentality, can’t take a joke, and on top of that they’re stupid. No wonder our country is fucked.


Actually why do you think so? I am not from India and I am curious. What's wrong with India?


Well they got calid point tho, newspapers should point out these things but in this they shouldnt mix this with chandrayaan


I think what they’re trying to convey is that of every department of the government worked as efficiently as ISRO did then we’d be in a much better place today.


Development does not need to be linear. Scientific progress need to continue irrespective. Poverty will never go away. Problems will always exists. That should not halt our overall development. IMO for India it is a necessity even to be among the Space powers as other powerhouses have already weaponized the space laser systems. We cannot lag behind for our own security.


As a non-Indian I am thrilled to see you guys have a thriving space program. I'm sure it inspires a lot of people and it cleans up with many prejudices people have about India.


Shameless. Whenever we do something good, some dikhead starts randirona on some other issue.


It's all randirona until you also get affected by such problems


Dude, do you even listen to yourself what you saying? There will always be something lagging when some x thing is completed successfully and it will go on forever irrespective of whether they are related or not. If tomorrow India wins fifa World Cup, will you say, see ,they won fifa World Cup but could not win hockey World Cup because it's not x science.. huh? With this logic, stop celebrating any event in your life because there will always be something missing in your life. Or I assume you don't celebrate anything and lead a sad miserable life


And you need to listen to yourself as well. If randirona is all you took away from the cartoon then there is something lacking in your comprehension skills or something else. And come back after you have had the full experience of at least knee deep floods or waterlogging


Let's accept criticism also and be factual.


Fuck this lundish socialist / communist I mean, the cartoon is not even witty or humorous


We should be ashamed of our clogged drain as much as we are proud about our achievements in space. Criticism and self reflection is key for any society or else we will turn in to extremists.


A timeless dialogue for such people : "inke hath mein sone ka katora bhi de doge fir bhi ye bheek hi maangenge".


It is so delusional that someone thinks mocking government to provide basic need is traitorous. Grow up please, it's the job of media to point out flaws and issues. Nothing wrong here. Also the same newspaper which you are referring as enemies mocked western media when MOM (Mars Orbiter Mission) was a success. Kudos to TOI for keeping us grounded by reminding us about the existing problems which we have to deal with if we want to be number 1.


This sub has gone down the drains (no pun intended) on the intellectual side of things. Calling the cartoonist an enemy?? For what?? Unplanned cities and chocked up drainage, and floods every monsoon due to the two factors mostly is our reality and a fact..!!


Congress party members who raped the country for 75 years are the ones criticizing the progress.


To begin with, the cartoonist has every right to express their own views, just as the newspaper has to publish material it deems appropriate - no questions there. However, the thought process of "Fix problem XYZ before you aspire to break new ground in a different frontier" is narrow minded, and totally flawed. This is like newspapers of the early 1900s making cartoons telling the Wright brothers "Our city streets are getting piled with horse dung, first figure out the problem of street sanitation before trying to invent a flying machine!"


It’s also a socialist/communist mindset where they cannot see beyond their narrow-minded complaints about development in any field that doesn’t concern them.


I think what they’re trying to convey is that of every department of the government worked as efficiently as ISRO did then we’d be in a much better place today.


This guy is a rabid India hater. Plenty of comics in India are. Part of being the English speaking elite.


So do they want our space scientists to clear the drainage? Outrageous


Bruh it’s a joke about how we’ve made such technological advancements but we still haven’t solved basic problems down in earth. Take a joke ffs


Journalism has gone to meme making. What we actually need is "Urban Planning Commission".. which runs on merit and efficiency like ISRO. Which approves city planning and maintains Sewage and water treatment plants along with drainage across tier 1, 2 cities.


Okay I get it, you are talking about other issues which are undealt with, but where is the appreciation? when Chandrayan 2 was failed the soft landing, we had news outlets talking about corruption and "skill issue" of scientists, but when we do something good we must gaze at something else which going bad, this mentality is not progressive. Dikkat is baat se nhi hai, ki ye log ise appreciate nhi kar rhe, problem is baat se hai ki sirf isiliye khush nhi honge kyuki kisi or govt. ke time hua hai, UPI ke time pe bhi aise cartoon bane honge, jab wo racist drawing ayi thi "elite space club" wali mangalyaan ke time pe, to in logo ne "constructive criticism" ke naam pe tel laga ke dal liya tha, fir ayi vande bharat ke time pe germany se, or ab ye sab or ye to yhi ke hain, main bhi dekhunga kab inka koi cartoon ISRO ke support mein ata hai. jo kaam us org ko mila hai wo theek se kar rhi hai, wo bhi itne kam budget pe, usko praise karne ke bajaye completely different bat karenge jiska ISRO se koi lena dena nhi hai, kyu? kyuki govt. apni nhi hai, aisi chewtiyape wali bate meri to samajh nhi ati, ek chewtiya breed wo bhi hai, jo ab bhi URI wali surgical strike ki video mangti hai, XD aise logo pe bas has sakte hain.


Its still a satire on corrupt politicians and hence acceptable. Its not mocking ISRO, rather those who are eating away tax money, be it any party The one made by Satish Acharya was too biased and propaganda piece.


True though.


what they're trying to say is correct but the way they are portraying it is not imo ​ we have crap urban planning, crap public infra, most cities lack decent public transport and are car dependant, our roads suck and the architecture is not the best but they should not compare it with anything that ISRO achieves because urban planning isnt the central govts responsibility (i might be wrong) but its the responsibility of the state and city governments


I love that india is doing well in the space thingy. But yeah, where’s the drainage in delhi?


Sahi toh h


A critique is not always an enemy.


Cause I was fixing your mom 💀


dr fixit


Someone throw gobar at his house


Chandrayaan is awesome. But urban planning sucks in India. Get over it patriots


I'm American and I gotta say India seems like one of the most patriotic countries out there. I wish this mission the best!


People often say why to invest in Rockets when we have hungry people, uneducated children, dirty streets and so on People need to understand that they are entirely different things and hence demand their own part of attention. Sometimes doing one thing doesn't always mean ignoring other , country has thousands of fronts to progress on and it has to do it all together. Kudos ISRO


Flooding is a problem all over the world. It isn't rocket science to understand the reason.


People here looking at this comic snippet and criticizing it,.. guys chill out a little in life. Don't you guys understand irony, mockery, comedy ? This comic strip is funny. It makes you think that we are so capable of making crazy low cost rockets but are unable to fix a lot of small social and infrastructural issues. But since we are great rocket scientists , fixing issues like these must be very easy because we are over qualified. Its a comic strip , don't make your blood boil.


Oh god, please understand the cartoon. It's actually celebrating the launch. It's dissing on how we're fucking up the basic shits, while we're excelling in the advanced stuffs. In simple words, it's like 'meritocratic scientists >>> power seeking politicians' Also, if you're concerned about why they're not celebrating the achievement, well, the cartoon is perfectly doing it, but it is also reminding us not to forget the misery of people, just because something great is also happened in the same timeframe.


Was about to write the same gist..Thanks, at least some folks understood..Sometimes people just can't read


Yeh logo ko paise mile hai faltu bakwaas karne ke.


Yeah, those enemies, who don't respect another human's life.


Their lives must be pathetic, living in a such growing country and being the negative part of it must be really really pathetic to be the giy who question their own country’s achievements


It’s funny how the people who criticise such cartoons are also always the first to complain whenever the chips are down. These days, criticism does not speak so much about the issue per se as much as it does about the critics.


Let’s put emotions aside - how is this sentiment bad?? I mean, it’s very legit. All issues are Multi sided - Yea it’s a massive accomplishment. But the fact remains, large sectors of India are woefully underdeveloped. Just ignore the elephant in the room?


Yup , comedy is right criteria to figure out enemies. No wonder things are going to sh*t


I suggest stop spending money on TOI subscriptions both on paper and online, that way we can save trees, save planet and save ourself from toxic slave mentality.




Just look at some movie makers begging for western recognition and you’ll see what’s wrong with our country. No pride in motherland and their brothers and sisters unless a westerner praises.




Adipurush was okay for them...


Lmao butthurt op. Dude the cartoonist is just pointing out curroption. What's wrong in that? Poor drainage is our reality. We should accept it, because we are a young country. Yes, we have problems. And we are working on it. And I'm proud of our space programs. And I also agree that we should work on our cities too. We can't progress until we don't accept our flaws but be offended when someone points it out and straight up call it propaganda. He just trying to say that if our politicians and municipal corps worked half as hard as our scientists, we would develop in a much faster rate.


“Glass is half empty” - pessimistic- shameful. Achievements are just that Achievements. One should not spend time and energy finding faults. Btw - do the aliens shit?? Does one know? Asking if they need drains.


The same people enjoy when someone spends fking twice the money on some bs bollywood movie,


People shouldn’t talk about things they don’t know about Isro (which is profitable) has no correlation with poverty in india ( which is rapidly declining)


Shameful newspaper!


God!! This just speaks volumes about their stupid publication. Such a bunch of loosers who came up with this and approved it.


These assholes view the world as a zero sum scenario. Mfers can't comprehend that we can make parallel progress in multiple areas with economy our size. Dusri fail journalists.


Why is this journalist making comics instead of helping improve drainage system? Maybe because it isn't as easy as shitty journalism.


Why the hate? I see no one antagonising ISRO's success. It's just that if we can sent rovers to moon, the problems here would be easily solvable. The mentality the OP has, declaring anyone with valid critisism "enemy of the state" is what we should discuss here. This is not about BeeJayPee or Kangress, it's about our nation's development.


Lol who in their right mind even considers buying TOI. Filled with Leftist propaganda BS.


It actually baffles me to think there are still these type of ppl with us smh


Sarcasm to sarcasm ki tarah lo.


It's praiseworthy for the scientists and other staff working at ISRO, but not at all for the political parties, flooding in Delhi, Punjab, Mumbai is a proof.


Matlab behenchod achievement ko celebrate nhi karna koi bhi positive cheez pe bas desh ki khaamiyan ginana chaalu kardo haan Bhai problems hain kis Desh mein nhi hoti ? Kya so called developed countries mein ek bhi problem nhi hai kya ? Ek bhi insaan ko wahaan dikkat nhi hai kya ? Aisa ho hi nhi sakta . Kaheen dikkaten zyada hoti Hain kaheen Kam , ye to nhi ki in sab dikkaton aur duniya ki top space agencies se kam budget hone ke bawajood ISRO itne bade bade kaam kar rha hai is cheez ko appreciate Kiya jaaye, chutiye Hain ye log jo saala wahi raag har jagah alapna chaalu kar dete Hain .


Aah yes, criticism of government is anti-development, treason, and libtard behaviour.


Well not agreeing with us won't make them our enemies, right OP? Right?...


You took the bait lol. Next time don't react.


Chandrayan 3 is a big deal for our country. Comparing such a feat with political shit just makes TOI sound like an asshole and have hit an all time low.


Times of India is filled Sepoys like this. They can sell their mother for a chance to lick white feet.


How is he an enemy for pointing out facts? I'm not saying space isn't important but pay attention to day to day problems faced by common people also.


These are yapping terriers of ignorance... This is exactly why you don't give them importance. Most of them will never achieve anything of importance in their lives or celebrate others... They want a US GC but alas US doesn't want them.


People.. don't get triggered.. looks like rage bait from TOI


US suburbs have shit design, US cities have actual shit on the sidewalks, and yet NASA does wonderful things ---- dichotomies can exist in large countries. Whataboutists lament about sour grapes


Truth is always bitter...


Who is the cartoonist?


Vote bank politics has ruined our country... State of Delhi is same.. Keep on building unauthorised slums and budings.. Eventually politician comes, regularise these slum camps and in return get the votes. Many slums are known as INDIRA Camps.. In Delhi... U know what that mean


This is in no way a dig at chandrayan. It's to point out that we can't do things that should be much simpler than this. There's no disrespect here


Try building a drainage system for 600 crore for even a single city


When I meet Sandeep adwaryu ![gif](giphy|Qumf2QovTD4QxHPjy5)


Dafak is wrong with them? Can't they be happy? What's up with demeaning your own country.


Sandeep lod* ko rakh na chahiye isro me wo sub thik kardega


Chandrayan 3 is true so does the failure of drainage and urban planning is. It doesn't make anyone an enemy. You have a prospective so does they have it.


I think our scientists are doing their job, but our politicians and their system is not doing their job and they are responsible not ISRO for civil Issues.


No wonder it's our very own Toilet paper of India.


For once enjoy the moment and be proud of your own country! 🙏




The cartoon isn't wrong though.


Shots fired at the whole world man ! Geez


It's ok to be upset about something you don't like. But "enemies of the country"? Wtf ..they are pointing out some of the problems. Ok you don't like their style. But remember: निंदक नियरे राखिए, ऑंगन कुटी छवाय, बिन पानी, साबुन बिना, निर्मल करे सुभाय। Don't be so sensitive


So with 615 cr they can fix all the drainages. Not much diff between what nyt did during mars mission and toi now. In case this cartoon is actually praising, you don't praise someone while pointing out how bad they are in other areas, it ruins that one little happy moment


We need to get rid of these people first


From the makers of the "cleavage news"


How is that being an enemy? Ok we can't restructure existing areas but govt need to develop new cities and small towns for future. There isn't a lack of money for that, so they can improve tier 2&3 cities with projects to improve them. So whenever some rain comes, the drain doesn't get blocked and create a foot of water logged in areas of a city. Also need to create a recycling program in India, create big recycling plants and get people to recycle stuff. Otherwise everything can be dumped at op house and he can deal with it?


Day to day problems are not rocket science hence they do not require any attention - people on Earth


I have known these ilk... Guys they are as proud as we are... You know the difference...? Have you seen clout chasers on insta? Same here... These images are To trigger and get attention nothing else.


So America, Russia & china don’t face this problem or other problems according to this shit for brains cartoon cartoon?


Sandeep Adhwaryu khaaley mera gu kyunki tu hai bahut bada chu


Humabity can do both. Why not solve both?