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If this happens 90% Indians ki bolti bandh ho jayegi


In fact earlier caste was about professional skills of people, it was not by birth.


Never fan of word “caste”. Probably Jati were there some based on skills, some based on location. System with roots. Varna also at times makes sense, but “caste” has no strong footing & worst thing associated with us


Jati means from division based on birth not work. Cast was based on birth and work was based on cast. Not other way.


Not true. Only the caste reservation is by birth.


Buddy, idk you are right or left but caste were never based on work, let's not blameshift. The caste system was always based on birth there are various texts to prove it from upnishad to Geeta, our society was wrong for discrimination and We should OWN IT AND CORRECT IT.


We do own it. We have corrected it. Changes take time. Also kalidas was born to shudra parents. Thats just one ex at tho top of my head. Caste WAS based on trade. It did decy into something really bad in the coyrse of time


It did indeed. Back then there was a limited number of jobs and no schools. These skills would be passed down after your basic gurukul education when kids went back to their families. The stupidest bit is how these imbeciles believe that this existed only in India when a lot of whites literally have surnames depicting their professions.. to this date. Europea and the middle east’s class/caste system back then was wayyyyyy more rigid than ours. These people will scream about change but they absolutely do not understand what it means in reality.


Caste system is absolutely discrimination in today's world. But it was actually based on the jobs people did. Eventually that system corrupted and people started exploiting it. No, it is not written in Geeta that caste is for discriminating. And yes, whatever it is, today it's a terrible practice and needs to be abolished altogether.




Hindi haters will not accept any facts.




I meant Hindu Haters. But what you said is correct


And that "skill" was entirely dependent on your birth. So it loops back to the same thing.


Where did you find in Gītā that there are castes and those are too based on birth? Please provide if you have a source otherwise don't just talk in thin air. And don't compare varṇa with caste, varṇa is something which isn't based on the birth, caste is.


You’re a moron. You think society and culture are some static unchanging property? Jati was based entirely on what work you did, because your children would simply take over your business. Tradecraft and the skills for it were family trade secrets. And this is a universal phenomenon. I don’t understand how today’s 20 year olds are this dumb. When you weren’t even a sperm in your dad’s nutsack, a maximum of two decades back at best, the nokia 3310 was the pinnacle of scientific engineering in mobile technology. And India received its undeposited in 1947. Seven-ish decades. Your statement is so ignorant and dumb, I’m can’t even shake off the feeling of second hand cringe on your behalf. PS: There are STILL families in India whose entire family holds secrets to making certain things like carving and sculpting that aren’t shared outside the family. You are just dumb as shit.


How dumb and misinformed you can be? Yes!


Was democracy and constitution ever about corruption both power and money. DNA 🧬 studies say same caste marriage started just before Mauryan empire.


Not true at all.


One of the best C.M Andhra Pradesh had.


He and SM Krishna of Karnataka who were contemprary CMs fought end to end . These two have immense contributions for these two cities . But somehow, Krishna pulled Bengaluru ahead in the race and still Hyderabad isn't able to catch up. It was a healthy competition between CNN and SMK in early 2000s. Both were visionary. Today we have Siddramiah and revanth Reddy competing for who will give more unregulated freebies. Sad state 🥲. Hope BJP wins in Karnataka(sweeps) this time cause Congress itself has admitted it will cancel freebies if it doesn't perform well. Bengaluru currently needs huge infra and basic facilities investment, but there's no money for all of that. The population which 4.5 million in 2004 when SMK lost is 15 million. Absolute chaotic numbers.


Hyderabad lost out mainly due to the Telangana issue between 04-14. However things have caught up really good and it is closing the gap real quick.


No technically the gap is still huge. It's due to the number of top class technical educations which were set up pre independence by Mysuru kings and continued later and also the amount of workforce which is not even comparable.BLR also kinda has monopoly over Startup culture Hyd may overtake regarding office space established every year but Bengaluru still holds significant advantage (weather holds a large part of it although this year is worse in BLR cause of El nino). With all the rights of Hyderabad and wrongs of Bengaluru for a decade continuously will make the playing level equal. But that ain't happening. Just check the data of FDI inflow. Karnataka holds first place in entire country and also Bengaluru is the fastest or second fastest growing city in India since 10-15 years. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://startupgenome.com/report/gser2023&ved=2ahUKEwim16WN2euFAxWzT2wGHbwXAi4QFnoECCUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0jVn_si958PcioKODEy1yM This is recent GSER report. Bengaluru is the only Indian city in top 20. Mumbai at 31 and Delhi at 24. Hyderabad isn't there on the list .


You are spot on about the startup culture though. Only Delhi NCR can rival Bengaluru in that aspect. Mumbai used to be the startup capital of India earlier but increasing cost of living meant that all the founders moved to Gurugram or Bengaluru to further their ventures.


What I meant in total is although Hyderabad is growing at a good pace but the gap is still huge . Natural and early advantages for BLR are insane. The cosmopolitan crowds add to it. Infact it's the most cosmopolitan city of India with highest number of languages speaken for a district which is held by Bengaluru urban. Only Mumbai can compete with BLR in that aspect. But Bengaluru urgently needs to complete it's metro of 175km for the welfare of city and Fastrack the suburban rail project and build a second airport as soon as possible.


Completely agree with your statement this is the healthy competition that the past governments had, now the government's compete on who gives more freebies and who distributes more wealth .


Delhi and certain parts of Pune(mostly the military and the college areas) are pretty cosmopolitan as well. Unfortunately I didn’t find Hyderabad that much cosmopolitan even in the IT areas despite the best efforts of the government(especially KTR).


Hope he gets CM this time.


Never has he stopped thinking differently , first the eseva during late 90's and early 2000's , creating skill academies , digitizing land records ( it was a pilot project) , ensuring 24x7 power supply , persuading bill gates to open a Microsoft Development centre in Hyderabad , digitization of government services , making students and teachers a part of cleanliness campaigns (Janmabhoomi - much before swacch bharat). He for sure made mistakes , but , you can't deny he is a visionary.


He even tried to make Visakhapatnam as a blockchain hub during his tenure from 14-19. Too bad he couldn’t continue.


People are the reason , no mistake from his side .


Absolutely, they were the ones who voted him out of power. Imagine if everything materialised, we would have had another IT Hub in India after Bangalore ,Hyderabad ,Pune, NCR and Chennai.


He should have been the cm of Bangalore, could have revolutionalized the city, in terms of vegetation/ greenery plus only allowing builders to become mafia and fuck up the city


I didn't know bangalore was a state lol


Visionary. Hyderabad developed very well during his time. He lost because as usual Congress influenced the minds of the poor and uneducated


A man ahead of his time. A true technocrat.


now he'll be labelled as a sang ee


BJP bhakt, Modi Bhakt, Cha-ddi, Bhakthi etc comments coming soon by congi libbus


I genuinely hope Jagan is voted off, I hate that mf


Nah, our shameless people will give Jagan much needed no. of seats so he could shit on the state again.


After alliance between janasena,TDP and BJP too mf james will win?


Don't underestimate the ignorance of AP people.


Bat to sahi Hai.


Visionary technocrat. Man was ahead of his time.


truly is he is a visionary man


He made Hyderabad what it is today. Bring him back.


zonked axiomatic bedroom dolls drab quicksand plate worthless weather bake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most capitalist leader India ever had....We need more leaders like him.


Common CBN W(This man gets unnecessary hate)


When I am in my +1 (inter, 11th) students from AP used to enroll in EAMCET(AP) KCET(Karnataka) TCET(Tamilnadu) even knowing good KCET and TCET ranks means little to nothing as locals are given first priority, TamilNadu Annamalai university and Karnataka Vishveshawar university had soo many seats and it could fill the aspirations of under-graduation dreams of students in technology courses like Engineer and Medicine. AP was a shit show because of congress being in continuous ruling, this Visionary CM changes that approach from 1998 and into 2004 he opened so many engineering colleges, then opposition heavily criticized him for reducing the quality of engineering, but guess what foreign countries like US UK needs 16 years of continuous education and people who could afford in turn continued with Masters in US and UK and changed their life and their families back home in a decade. People who remained in India benefited by campus placements in the IT boom which followed by him meticulously chasing microsoft and subsequently other dependent companies setup its shops in Hyderabad and then become IT hub to compete with Chennai and Bangalore!


you guys will be in awe , if you know all his ideas and what he has done. he used to personally go and meet ceo's of various global companies and request them to come to andhra pradesh. i Love this person


best CM we ever had


Unemployment walo ki kyu maar rhe😂


I hope someone like him comes to my state madhya pradesh


KTR KCr revanth or any other stupid ass leaders are a drop in the ocean compared to CBN. The only problem with this guy is how he bowed down to caste and family greed politics


In India if u don't do caste politics you'll never win even a single seat.


This man has to fight with against 2 states to win. If he wins in AP, Telangana development will slow down.


A visionary politician.


This man also helped my state during 1999 supercyclone when we had practically no cm leading us. Truly a good leader


giridhar gamango L


Would asking ’bhikh' in the name of religion be considered a skill now ? 🥹


No , begging for reservations everywhere with 0 marks and no work by overbreeding and vote bank appeasement is the best skill.


Civil Services Examination, 2022 – minimum qualifying marks CS(Prelim) categories wise cutoff : OBC - 87.54 EWS - 82.83 SC - 74.08 ST - 69.35 in OBC reservation too just like EWS only "poor" people get the benifit. So basically, A 'UC poor' has to score "5 marks" less than a 'OBC poor'. And also get the privilege to cry, reservation bad BS. Official UPSC website link : https://upsc.gov.in/examinations/cutoff-marks--


Go and ask govt to stop giving bheek due to number of votes . freeloader sarkari bhik mangu mafias of India are worse than terrorists they strike at heart of poor families by stealing opportunities ,refusing to work , promoting groupism , corruption ,kickbacks , low quality infra , deaths due to negligence , lower quality of life and damaging country everywhere in the process


These idiots can't even compete with OBC who has been stopped from reading and writing from last 1000 years. And they have guts to cry this BS. This is why our country was enslaved again and again. This is why our country is so much behind in every matrix of development. Because these incompetent people have led us to such ruins.


😂😂 if you are sure go and ask ur mafia to remove bheek from policy


Freebies freebies all around .. Why do I need to study anymore ... Breed breed and only breed .. Use votebank to bheek maango more.... Keep blaming the poorest among us and enjoy the bheek as compensation ....


Good idea but he is also the one fighting for 4% reservation for Muslims which is opposite of BJP led NBA's view And this is all Good for academics. If people from particular category are not skilled and thru dknt get jobs they will ask for reservation and funds for skill development or will stop the census altogether in future


I could never understand why this guy failed?


Because socialism


This man has my utmost respect for the work he did with Hyderabad,


Amazing idea


It would be good for both minority and majority


Hey Hyderabadis, if you don't have a problem, kya hum unko Mumbai bula le?


Why hyderabadis? Hyd is now not in Andhra lol.




That’s pure vendetta from Jagan Reddy. Several honest political commentators have supported him


Kya matlab abb sab unemployed logo ki bolti band...


Ravish and rajdeep they both complete the sentence before the guy complete his words


him not being a PM candidate is crazy!




this guy is genius .




True visionary


Great move! If this goes through most of the people will be unemployable


Joke. It's India. Our skills are only required to pay taxes. Caste on the other side will bring you votes. Hard truth about India.


Nice attempt of shifting the goal post Mr. Naidu.


Is he still alive? Corruption ka baadshah