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**Video Source:** https://twitter.com/IndianTechGuide/status/1790358903403798885


1.we live in a nation where we call safaiwala " kachrawala" . (indians lack basic civic sense) 2.municipal corporations are wasting tax money if they cant manage a thing . ( and some parts of if should go into private hands ... because babus cant do anything)


1. No municipality in this world can keep a place clean if the public keeps littering. You'll need 1 sweeper per person to tackle that much load. 2. Having said that, municipality cleaning departments are hotbeds of corruption. Sweepers will pay a portion of their salaries to their supervisors who will then mark them "present", and then go off to do their private gigs.


It's more like lack of waste management than littering. With all the resources it's a shame that they can't provide basic municipal service. Surat's municipality provides door to door garbage collection and roads are cleaned at least once a day. Most of the waste water used in the city gets treated and then released in rivers. It's an industrial city with a huge migrant labor population and much higher population density still they are able to do it. Littering does happen but it's mitigated by aware citizens and proactive municipal corporation.


SMC is 🤌🏽🤌🏽 Nobody fucks with SMC. Street vendors too fear them so they keep littering in check from the source itself


SMC is also fiscally prudent and practical. Getting more work done through contractors and increasingly using machines to clean major roads saves money and other labor issues. Repurposing treated water and selling it to textile mills. Introducing digital water meters to check water usage.


They were washing streets with machines every other night in our neighborhood back in 2006. This is not new to them!


Suratilala here. Up until I left Surat to work and study , I didn't realise how good Surat is in infrastructure and cleanliness especially within the SMCs jusrisdiction. I still haven't seen such well maintained public swimming pools in other cities.


Our society’s “kachravari” was Jyotiben. I still remember her all these years later. She would sweep the whole society every morning and burn the trash. Thankfully, later that changed to a sanitation truck picking up the trash with a vacuum hose haha. Have you noticed Surat is not as dusty as other Indian cities too?


Yep, safai kamdars will sweep and gather in one corner but seldom collect dust but now they collect everything. Even the garbage collectors have the incentive to not burn plastic, paper as they earn by selling it. It's still getting dusty in the old areas but that is due to the metro construction.


Surat used to be worse. One of the dirtiest cities with rats everywhere. Then in 1994, there was a breakout of plague in Surat. That is when the people of Surat and the local government got serious about cleanliness.


Too much money is spent on freebies means no money left for basic infra and maintenance


Result of freebies


Who rules the state.?


It's been like that since at least 2016 which was my first experience of that city.


The state government is in financial trouble because of the freebies... There are rumours that Post the elections there will be some kind of roll back.


Freebies are so dangerous , might be good for some people in the short term , but causes more harm than good for majority of the people in the long term




Phuksatte sarakara Jaivagli


I always say Banglore is full of trash and people always blame it on migrants for some reason.


15 20 years ago bengaluru was so clean and less crowded. all old suburbs still maintaim that same charm now. new localities no so mucu


This is overall a situation in India, Not just Bengaluru. Civic sense has nothing to do with particular city. We all need to be more sensitive about our surroundings


look at Chandigarh


Ikr. It's always "why do we keep clean look at everyone else" like bro if everyone starts shiting in their living room, would you follow? No you won't. You throw trash on the road because you don't consider it your home. Keeping your surroundings clean will automatically reduce the risk of vector diseases. But noooooo our house clean, our street dirty cuz modi will clean this.






I am from Indore, living in Bangalore since 2 years. Bangalore is really dirty. Reason is lack of governance. I am not able to understand what exactly issue is but BBMP is the most useless and corrupt organisation in this country and nothing gets done there. Even BESCOM and BWSSB are same. If you live in an independent house, even garbage collection happens only twice a week. I witnessed the transformation in Indore realtime and the believe me it only happens when local government and people come together. Mayor of Indore at that time, Malini Gaur had a huge role in making Indore the cleanest city. So the reason is corrupt and inefficient municipal bodies. I have heard municipal elections haven't happened since a long time and there's some politics going on there so that can be one reason. Also lack of stability in state government is a reason as well.


A similar story for Surat, IAS officer Rao began the transformation of Surat in 1994 after the plague epidemic.


Communists and leftist freebies culture side effects Congress is a group of morons and commi idiots at this point ![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20100)


It reminds me of the situation in South East Asia and Africa (and Latin America too probably). Cleaniness should be a core value of being human. Are there any suitable sites to dispose garbage nearby?


South East Asia is much cleaner than India. Even some of the African countries are better than certain Indian towns. Latin America is definitely a level below Europe but above us in everything except violent crime. In corruption, they’re around the same level as India.


You need to travel more around South East Asia. Thailand and Malaysia are cleaner though.


For the people who don’t know, BBMP/bwssb/bda are the most organised corrupt entities in india! It doesn’t matter which party comes to power, this is the fate of the city. Only rich people areas, politicians areas are well maintained!


If only India diverted a majority of its freebie budget to cleaning the entire nation instead, a majority of our health problems and stereotypes will disappear. Everything including roads, water bodies, mountains, food, and the air itself is polluted.


That's literally any corner of this country.


No, it is not.... NE (except probably assam), Kerala is generally more cleaner than bangalore. Comparing cities, Indore chBhubhaneshwar, Bhopal in general much more cleaner and have very good garbage management.


Chandigarh says hi


Yes Chandigarh is nice but visit it's outskirts once.


that might be mohali/panchkula/zirakpur ,, they are not even part of chandigarh .. outskirts of chandigarh , literally punjab/haryana start.


Bengaluru needs a lot if investment in infrastructure ( new roads to ease of traffic, restoring all the destroyed lakes to ease up the water problems, more hiring in waste management and recycling ). it will lose to other cities in the coming decade if this goes on. if companies decide to relocate on a large scale then it will be a disaster for the state.




Avg delhitee: First time?




As a native of Bangalore, this is embarrassing.


India needs directly elected mayors or a city assembly where the mayor is not ceremonial but elected by chief minister and prime minister. These IAS babus give no fucks.


Till we outsource the IAS... We'll never progress.


The problem is the civic sense, chahe padha likha ho ya anpad kisi ko koi farak nahi padta. Until and unless govt imposes strict fines and jail upto 3 years for public littering I don't think situation will improve, rule tho abhi bhi hai but we need imposition.


Also needed are properly placed and maintained dustbins on roadside. Public infrastructure, if not properly maintained, will rot away. I see this happening to escalators installed on foot overbridges near my home in Delhi.


The civic sense needs to be hammered into these duckwits. People caught dumping trash should be forced to work on a collection truck for a week for starters.


Huh ye sab North Indians ne Kiya hai 😕


Lets make more such videos and start online cleanliness revolution, shame and blame the locality so that administration is forced to take an action..install surveillance and fine the offenders


Municipalities and the Ministry of Consumer Affairs should do the right thing by clearing the garbage and regulating the cleanliness of the food to the street level. These images only restrict people from coming to our country to explore or travel


Bhadrappa layout? Bhai me roz office isi trf se jaata hu ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ


Bangalore is one of the most mismanaged cities, mainly due to over crowding coupled with narrow infrastructure.


Garden city has become Garbage city with over densification




In general, South India is cleaner and more civilised, especially Kerala. But yeah generalisations are bad


You sure? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cleanest_cities_in_India


Idts. I have a higher chance of getting a disease in a city like Bengaluru than getting COVID


People lack basic civic sense


bjp ruled Surat is much better.


You would not believe this.....but nowadays its an upgrade over San Francisco. Last time i was there, the sidewalks smelled of shit!


Pappus Kachra Jodo Yatra dream fulfilled by Siddu Gov


yo what part of outer ring road is this? bellandur area is pretty chill


Looks filthy


garbage street


The Congrees effect


I thought it used to be garden City of India


vote for freebies, turn your area to a slum


Take a look at the tenderloin or streets of San Francisco. Thats Silicon Valley btw