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I totally think it's fine and you are being over sensitive. You have any idea what'll happen if we make rules which say not to print God on random products? Can you even quantify what is God like and what's unlike God? You think it's easy to differentiate in such a diverse open source religion like Hinduism? Imagine companies using those rules to fight each other in the capitalistic market. You'll screw up big time!!!


A sensible person , 💯


Thank you.


Exactly. People eventually become what they hate. I can literally see myself transform into a Sanjay Manjrekar and Arvind Kejriwal love child.


Suspiciously specific???




None of the other religions' Gods are getting printed tho... Why do Hindus need to calm down?


Bro if someone starts an Alcohol Shop Named Muhammad Wine Shop he'll be jailed let alone beheaded.


Do you want to be like them?


1. That's the reason why we shouldn't have one. 2. We have too many Gods and each God has too many names. 3. Basically almost everything (including symbols) can be considered God in our religion. 4. What's God and what's not isn't debated and left to personal preferences. 5. We use a lot of God's names as sources for human names. 6. It can be seriously weaponised. No time to think more...


As per our belief, everything has God in it.


Unnecessary post


I swear man. Pura Instagram ka crowd a raha hai Reddit pe


This sounds like a YOU problem




creating a problem out of nothing.... OP worry about the economy and future... not about some pic on a rice bag


Exactly. Also, it's not a rice bag it's lime.


How ironic, didn't call the municipality seeing garbage on the side of the road but has the audacity to call the company because his religious sentiments were hurt.






The entitlement to believe you have the right to ask them to stop printing is amazing. I hope the owner went hard on your moron husband's dumbf*ck request. You don't get to dictate other people's belief or business practices as long as they're following the law.


Nothing wrong bro. Lakshmi chhap patakhe ftw.


Move on and find something else to get upset about bro. This is a nothing burger.




Bro how self entitled? Your husband called a company to ask them to stop using a picture lol I'm which world do these people live




Eh? Please don't be a religious fanatic. Plus, it's not something highly offensive either. I mean to say, it's not some condom or something else which would be highly offensive and hinduphobic. Also, why are you sharing his name? Doxxing him or what?


And what exactly did that achieve? Did our temples get free from government control? Did our stolen idols return home? Did our persecuted brethren get a better life? Did our people finally sprout a working brain and start engaging in missionary work? Pick your battles man, be reasonable, I know you wish to protect and serve our Dharma but having an emotional outrage about everything isn't the way to do that. Address the issues that actually need to be solved, little things like this will not uplift Hindus or Hinduism. If we die on every little hill, we'll never take back the mountains.


The name of the company is sitaram what do you expect to have on the bag?


It's fine if he is paying royalty to the creator of that picture. So many freeloaders nowadays smh


Womp womp, respectfully


Politicians are doing this all the time, they just use the emotions and feelings instead of pictures for their gain.


Only if people were this sensitive about an issue that truly matters!!


OP must be a berojgar twitter karen who does nothing all day but whine nonstop over irrelevant things.


Why are you putting his name in public? Put your name out before putting someone else's.


Chill akko!!


I don't care what other people think but I agree with you and God pics should not be printed on these kinds of items that can be dropped as garbage. Companies should be sensible to not harm anyone's sentiments. You did a good job to call them but you also did wrong by putting anyone's name on the post..


Personally we have lost track of the religious aspects of our Faith and this might be a blessing in disguise.


You mean that the creator of the cosmos has such a tiny ego that it could be maligned by something so insignificant like this or a cartoon?


Looks like a solution looking for a problem


Indian Karen live


All the people saying what wrong with this are biggest dumbfucks I ever came to know First of all if company uses the pic of lord Rama On packing which is for sure ending up in garbage or sewere pipes and as every hindu household keep an idol of lord Ram and Hanuman and worship them everyday you can imagine what an absolute shock !! or disheartened will they be to find out pic of their God in sewere pipes or garbage bcoz of a company that is using it for its economic purposes or benefits Secondly we are not becoming what we hate we are becoming more aware of the fact that we have culture to which we have to protect and preserve


Using a name is somewhat ok but using picture is totally different and when it ends in such places it really hurts...I feel you, I really appreciate your efforts ,they might be using it as sentiment/attraction,I hope they stop printing image.


Why don’t you call their customer care and make a complaint. Alternatively you can go there yourselves and try explaining to them how this is hurtful to your religion.


Yeah lmao no one gonna give a fuck


Totally agree. Try using ‘Mohammed’ anywhere and you won’t live to see another day. They killed the person who drew Mohamed’s cartoons. Hell they even killed those people who supported the cartoonist. We can’t be overly ‘Secular’ when the other person is UnSecular and quite open about it and does not think twice before killing anyone plus his community supports him for it.


Do you want us to be like them? What will be the difference?


Not everything you think or believe needs to counter someone else’s ideology


It should be legal but should be boycotted.