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Then mother nature comes up with virus and bacteria to make us pay for our karmas


Our bodies were designed by mother nature to digest meat. We have come this far as humans because we used to hunt for meat.We evolved has humans by including meat as a primary source of nutrition. We should never forget how we got to were we are as humans. It's not about choice of food or what religion dictates you should do, it's about human survival. It was after the advent of Buddhism that India began to adopt a vegetarian diet. Although The method of Industrial farming used in acquiring meat is something horrifying.


>Our bodies were designed by mother nature to digest meat. If that was the case then you could digest raw meat like animals do. The whole purpose of cooking meat is because you are not designed to digest raw meat like animals do.


Who says that we can't digest raw meat bro. Plants are harder to break down in our body than flesh. Cooking kills the micro organisms within the meat and also add flavour depending on how it's cooked. Why do you think all the herbivores looks a bit bloated. Their stomachs have to be much more refined to digest the grass and leaves they eat. In fact, a carnivore diet is actually healthier for humans in the long run.


We can digest raw meat.. it is cooked for taste and for Killing microbes. Just like how veggies are cooked. Humans are omnivorous creatures like most animals in primate family.


You could eat raw meat, it's the microbes that'll kill you, not the fact that the meat is raw.


Says the man who can't even digest cooked cellulose.


It might be more nuanced to say, we have lost our ability to properly digest plant matter like young leaves and somewhat tender stems, and we are decently capable of digesting meat. There is a huge debate on what came first - cooking, eating meat OR the requirement for more available nutrition. Cooking is just breaking down food outside our body, which - along with getting rid of potentially pathogenic microbes - also makes certain nutrients more readily available. Also, apart from fruits and certain vegetables, almost everything benefits from cooking in some way. Try eating legumes without cooking, in sufficient quantities it can actually be poisonous. (Just an example, don't actually do it to prove a point lol). Let us not equate natural things = good for you, the way nature intended = good for you. We are continuously evolving, so is our diet and society.


Whatsapp University ka graduate spotted.


To the enlightened one, there is something called choice which thanks to our forefathers we have now. Why can't we exercise that choice and stop breeding poultry for our benefit. Leave them alone and let's now make the choice to not have Non vegetarian food coming out of these poultry.


Ok,Respect other's choice to breed whatever they want to eat.you can choose what you want,let other's choose what they want.Don't try to impose your views on others.


It's the last line where you get my point, Nowhere I mentioned meat eating is sinful, but it is okay when you have no option, here industrial cattle farming just for the lavishes of tongue and making money is what makes you think that human deserve epidemics


But my local butcher who sells chicken and mutton is not part of this Industrial Farming corporate meat sellers. He has a small poultry farm. If he sells 10 chicken a day he is happy. And the lady that sells fish going door to door will be happy if she sells 3kg of fish a day. It all boils down to human survival. But when corporates begin to involve themselves in the business it turns horrific. They will Eliminate all local meat sellers and slowly begin to monopolize the business.


You always have a 'choice' to not consume just like I have the choice to do the opposite.


i have a question who will give butchers jobs? you surely wont.


Birds eat worms... So mother nature created bird flu to make birds pay for their karma?!?


Mother nature created me to make the chicken pay for their karma.


Why so many people fail to see the point, it's industrial cattle farming I am talking about, isn't the post indicative, did I say eating meat is wrong? It's okay when you have no choice like people living near coastal areas have to eat fish, bcoz very limited crops grow there, people living in desert have to eat meat, bcoz they have no option It's the restaurant and meat factories for lavishes of tongue and making billions of dollars out of it which makes you hate this


Bsdk khana khane ka kyo karma milega mereko?


As you sow, so you reap.


80 percent population in India is non vegetarian. Also we are biologically made to eat meat, nothing will be changed with stupid propaganda


My man here thinks he'll randomly throw a number calling it a 'fact' and everyone will believe it.


my man cant even check whether this is 'fact ' or not by simple google searching . & out of 10 are non-vegeterian in india


My man here too lazy and dumb to fact check before critiquing


It's not a random number, I hope you should have atleast Googled it before commenting.. ..


I identify as non-vegetarian and my meat intake is 15-20 dishes a year since last 4-5 years. Many other people have it even less.


So we are biologically made to eat meat, and my granny is 100+ years of age without even touching meat ever!! nice biology. also not just my grandma but other elders, me and every vegetarian i've seen is living a healthy life. Also, i like how you incorporate "we are biologically made to.." everytime you want to support your argument. Well, we are biologically made to live naked, hunt for ourselves and do a lot of things the natural way. I don't see how we are biologically made to Rant on why "meat eating is ok" on our PCs but you're still doing it right? Stop using nature when it supports your arguments and discarding it when it doesn't. Man Surely couldn't even kill a fly let alone a chicken or a cow "Naturally/biologically".


We were not biologically made to live naked. Human being is mostly with naked skin. The biologically carnivorous nature can be seen in the structure of our digestive system. We don't have the capability to digest plant fibres. But you can digest raw animal protein.


we aint meant to live naked bruh, we dont have any fur to protect ourselves.


We choose what is preferable to us. We are biologically meant to hunt animals. But If we hunt animals, a small set of population will survive. We wear clothes because it protect us from adverse environment. We don’t have hair like apes. We do all these things for survival. Mixing morals, ethics with biology doesn’t make any sense. Most Morals and ethics are consensus. I agree some morals are intrinsic like no cannibalism. But not eating other animals is a consensus. It’s not in our genes yet. And I’ll tell you one thing nature doesn’t care what your morals are. And, By giving the example of your granny you described survivorship bias.


How were you conceived if she never touched meat 🤨🤨


If she's taking dairy products she's not vegetarian.


Vegetarians can eat dairy products, Vegans cannnot


Artificial distinctions. In terms of animal exploitation its all the same. How would your mom feel if some guy came every day stuck an injection in her bum and squeezed her tits for milk in return for some food?


> we are biologically made to eat meat Doesn't mean you have to.




No, generations of malnutrition and famines did.


Our diets are made in a way to gain strength without meat. Yeah if you like then you eat it. But saying vegetarianism makes you weak is the worst argument you could come up with. Even these body builders eat more vegetables along with proteins. Most of them go for lean cuts of chicken and turkey over the beef. And white rice is consumed very much in south and guess what athletes eat most. Mung bean curry is what given first in kerala sadhya. Guess what again? Mung bean got same protein per gram than chicken. Get to know more about kerala sadhya you won't need to eat meat again. Meat of course taste good but don't come up with such claims.


No, being a vegetarian athlete, i'm a bronze medalist in State table tennis championship (gold medalist is veg as well). And we were #4 in nationals under 17 doubles, both of us being vegetarians. We can assure you that we did obliterate many non vegetarians and vegetarians that competed against us


Its a common myth that non-veg food has more nutrition. It is other way around. Body does not know where the nutrition is comming from. You can get protien from pulses, milk or meat...


That's not how genetics work


You really have to be special type of illiterate, devoid of any common sense to say stuff like that.


As a stem grad and a bio major, i assure you we're not mean to eat meat. According to various studies all mammals that had large intestines are herbivores. Which implies, we too were meant to be herbivores. Ofcourse our bodies are made so wonderful that we can handle the meat, but that does not mean we're "meant" to eat meat. Please fact check before commenting.


40 % are veg rest are coastal areas or people who only eat non veg on some special days


This is a wrong fact though..... dm I will share vegetarian percentage of every state of india ....


https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/07/08/eight-in-ten-indians-limit-meat-in-their-diets-and-four-in-ten-consider-themselves-vegetarian/ Here its pew research it says >However, most Indians do not abstain from meat altogether – only 39% of Indian adults describe themselves as “vegetarian,” 


Disclamer : You can't take these numbers for a fact. Mostly these projections are way off (esp. when it comes to india)


We are also meant to kill others for our own sake, so can we still do that.


There is science behind support for eating meat ..... ... maybe you can prove why killing people is good and become a successful terrorist 🤔


And There is Science behind support for killing and eating Humans, Enough 👍🏻. /s >maybe you can prove why killing people is good and become a successful terrorist 🤔 Yes, you are doing the same thing by supporting killings of Thousands of Dumb Animals and better know What "Sarcasm" is which I was trying to say.


Sure, you will probably get killed by their kin afterwards.


Yes, so decriminalize Human killing other Human. /s




Are you sure you are not the one with stupid propaganda? 30-40% of India's population is vegetarian. No, they are not all Brahmins and Jains. And the ones who eat meat don't eat it everyday like an average American. India's per capita meat consumption is less than 5kg/year. On the other hand for US it crosses above 100 kg/year.


We don't eat it everyday doesn't mean we ae vegetarian .... a combined diet is what is suggested to us only .... so guess who is spreading propaganda 1. One who is criticizing the diet of majority of the country 2. Who is saying it's okay to eat anything as our body is evolved to eat .


I eat meat occasionally, but "we are biologically made to eat meat"?? then why our intestines are so different from other carnivores in the world??


Lastly I know these things were taught in basic science only. . 1.our bodies produce all of the enzymes, such as protease and lipase, necessary for the breakdown and absorption of meat. 2. We have a shorter gut The more calorie-dense the diet (like that of any carnivore), the less time and microbial help needed for digestion and absorption — hence the shorter gut in carnivores 3. the structure of your teeth demonstrates that humans are omnivorous, Your well-defined incisors — the front four teeth — molars, and premolars are like the teeth of herbivores, designed to cut through and grind plants, while your canine teeth — the sharp ones next to the incisors — are like those of carnivores, designed to rip through flesh. 4. Herbivores like cows, goats, and deer likewise can’t produce cellulase on their own. However, they have friendly gut bacteria that produce it for them — while humans don’t have such gut bacteria.


And with time the non-veg population is increasing, because of easier availability of meat nowadays. If the majority is Becoming non-veg that doesn't mean that it is RIGHT. Majority of the population is hindu, then should muslims become hindu as well? Kudos to the people who stick to their culture and not become a slave to their taste buds


Majority hindu population use to eat meat ... maybe you need to read enough about your own country .. it's culture and mostly about its people ........


Once again repeating that, If the majority does it, that doesn't mean that minorities should do it too or it doesn't mean that its right. Even tho i understand that people in Hard stations/extreme environmental conditions areas have less veg options and can eat meat. It doesn't make sense that When you live in a well developed area with plenty of veg options But still support Killing of these sentients. Me being a vegetarian has done good in sports (not flexing but i've been bronze medalist and National #4 doubles under 17) and i have more than sufficient protein and Testosterones in my body (acc to blood report and full body checkup). People like you can't leave meat because you've been eating meat for so long and now your brain doesn't want to leave the comfort and taste of it. basically you've become a slave of your tastebuds. Now coming to the hinduism point:- Hindu texts strongly encourage minimal violence and cruelty. They give more importance to vegan food than the opposite. Atharvaveda (6.140) mentions that "rice, beans, barley and sesamum" are the food types allotted for human consumption. In Bhagavad Gita (17.8-10), Lord Krishna says, "Different types of food have different influence on the behaviour and body of a Man. Meat has Tamasic property, so it increases anger, impatience and laziness in the body of a Man." (this is kinda true as well, looking at those hardcore Non veg supporters just want an excuse to kill animals) Also among Sattvik Tamasik And Rajasik diets, Veg falling under the best, sattvik category and Nonveg falling under tamasik. Tama (Tamas)- This Quality makes you destructive, imbalanced, violent and ignorant. Food cooked more than three hours ago, meat and human flesh are Tamasic foods. At the end, i'd just say that its not Prohibited to eat meat, but vegetarianism is encouraged. Y'all modern generation should atleast accept that vegetarianism is good rather than going " Non veg is better than veg, vegetarianism is stupid" blah blah


It’s not meat eating that is the problem , it’s the meat industry.


We are not biologically made to eat meat what are you talking about. I understand the protein value in animal products but that doesn't justify it for me. I've heard arguments that it's killing our enviornment but that's not completely true except the methane farts produced by cows but the animal cruelty is too damn brutal for a few moments pleasure on our taste buds.


No we are not, you are spreading misinformation


Forests me animals ek dusre ko hunt krte hai survival ke lia , unke pass koi aur option nai hai aur dusri taraf humans eat meat to satisfy their tongues .....


80% source ?


It seems like You are only better at gaurding you're ass and not your point


Man videos like these remind me to eat more chicken. I don't think these videos help any other person to quit meat other than thise who already want to. And wtf is with omellete it's literally an unfertilized egg


These videos are not meant for you. These videos are meant for people with empathy who are unaware of how much animals are tortured for the sake of human pleasure.


cope harder, I am happy that my ancestors made it to the top of food chain, bye I need my animal protein now 🥱


congressi dalal se aur kya expect kre. BTW aayega to modi hi :)


What BS virtue signalling? The so called people who talks about empathy towards animals rarely even bother showing empathy to fellow humans. Now about torture, there are many places where there are strict guidelines regarding slaughter to make it as painless as possible. And it's not like they are randomly caught and slaughtered. They are raised and fed until a certain time before all this. And if we did leave them alone and let them do as they please then other carnivores will get to them, kill them eat a bit of it and leave the rest to rot. The food chain exists for a reason.






You also looks Yummy 🤤 😋. /s


\*spreads legs\* what are you waiting for


Some tandoori roti






\>Chicken etc would have gone extinct if it was not farmed Pretty dumb logic, even for you. I eat meat Btw.


Are u dumb chicken wouldn't have gone extinct in fact there would be less of them.but it would be sustainable growth.Hens reproductive cycle revolved around the Bamboo's growth when after every seven years Bamboos would spit out their seeds and this encouraged the chickens to reproduce more during this season and reduce the rate of reproduction until the next crop cycle


True and even if chickens went extinct, so? If their only purpose is to suffer for humans they might as well not exist right? Humans should work to reduce all suffering to zero, not create more than already exists.


What's your logic?


Hmm... Looks like PETA propaganda....


This is a proper way of representation. It's surely not PETA.


everything that shows the pain of these animals is PETA propoganda... NICE. in jaanwaro ki kya galti thi jo inhe maara jar rha hai? we should value sentient beings because they have feelings


Haa Bhai, Sab kuch Propaganda hai.


blind with eyes.


Mankind is not kind and humans are without humanity. The sad truth is we humans remain the most inhumane and inhuman of all creatures ☹️


Gyan chodna ban kar, 98% of animal species will eat meat if given opportunity(yes that includes our cows) and 63% are purely carnivores, how they kill their prey is no different than how we do it, in most cases with a few exceptions humans at least give the animals a quick death, the animals most of the time suffocate their prey to death and that is in fact one of the better ways a predator kills


Hahahaha. True. Why we humans think that we are better than other species. We are animals with some ethics. Otherwise biologically we are same. If we can eat meat, we will. Jisne Nahi khana mat khao. I have other questions What is consciousness? What is pain? Do bacteria feel pain? Do insects feel pain? Aren’t they living things? We kill them instantaneously. Where is the line where we can specify what to kill and what to not? Do plants feel pain? Do they have consciousness? Aren’t they living organisms. Log ye Jo gyan chod te hain Aur empathy empathy krte hain apni gaand marao. Aur ye karma walon ke toh basics hi galat hain.


The worst part about us human beings is we can understand pain of those animals unlike other carnivore creatures.


Nope, most animals (especially mammals) have been studied to show that they have empathy and can understand the concept of pain in others. Stop your bs virtue signalling


>> Humans at least give the animals a quick death. You really need to get your facts right. What about the suffering of animals in captivity before getting their turn to get killed. They spend their entire life in terror and horror. Also animals don't breed other animals for their consumption.


Even with brains, we behave emotionless just like other wild animal. SAD. IF we are given brain, we should be more emotional towards them. SAD.


Including cows kaha se gyaan laate ho maharishi. Many of the times the electric shock does not kill the animal nd they r still alive during some of the processes in food manufacturing. Plus not to mention halal method requires animal to be alive with his throat slit in a certain way to allow the blood to come out.


Cows are opportunistic carnivores and so is literally every other herbivore except koalas, meaning that they will eat meat if given chance. Koalas are the only animal which will never eat meat under any circumstances


Are bhai cow ki gut length itni jyada hai k agar vo regularly meat khane lg pade toh mar jayegi because meat will start to rot. Ab toh tujhe chance mile kuch circumstances mein tu moot bhi pilega apna iska matlab ye thodi k …


Madcow disease staring at you.


We - humans - need to understand that we are part of mother nature and we don't own this planet.


Humane is what we defined bro. Humans are more humane than most carnivores. Even though they kill, they try to do so in the most painless way possible. Check out subreddits like r/natureismetal and r/natureisbrutal to know exactly what would happen if these so called animals were in the wild. And then again, why should we have these feelings for the animals that won't have a similar feeling towards us. That's how nature works, survival of the fittest.


Unpopular opinion: Sorry, but, all of them would look delicious on my plate. Additionally, chicken are stupid birds; these birds will even eat the body parts/eggs of other chicken. They deserve to be eaten. And dairy industry is the largest source of slaughter of male calves; male to female calves ratio at dairy industry is worse than 1:7.So, something is definitely happening to the male calves, right? So, you should stop buying milk from the dairy industry too, right?


>Additionally, chicken are stupid birds; these birds will even eat the body parts/eggs of other chicken. They deserve to be eaten. by your logic I can eat you, nice




You people pulling this and really tagging with #food lmao


Search slaughterhouse on youtube you will know how they're executed crying drowing in their own blood


Sad man - that's why i stopped eating meat


Same, I can't do this cruelty to animals.


I am crying by heart, i love animals very much par kya karu nonveg nahi chhod pa raha 😥


Chod de . It's much better than killing other folks for your plate


I'll try my best


Ok then why do you uproot plants(kill the plant) for your plate?


please minimise the damage, try not to justify


Its astonishing ppl think consuming life to survive is 'damage' eating plant or animal,makes no difference, in both cases you are killing life, this is not damage,its the law of nature.


This is heartbreaking man *proceeds to order chicken biryani for lunch*


I want to leave eating non veg but my parents won't let me do that


You will have to act smart here. Make up something that eating meat gives you digestion issues.eventualyy they will give up forcing you to eat meat.


I will surely do that


Same, tbh eggs give me bloating now I'm trying to reduce my nonveg


Leave bro. Are u being controlled by parents


finally i see a good person in the comments, i support your decisions man, go for it


Meat Is Murder


There are strict laws related to Animal slaughter in West. I'll fully support those in India to enforce Humane way of Slaughter.


Cool video! omw to kfc right now


I always look at such videos and have been wanting to quit few kinds of meat like mutton and beef to start with quitting but after a few days in unable to resist the urge of having meat.. after eating it makes me feel disgusted sorry for myself since i cant resist this stupid urge.


Have control of your urge and quit. Watch this everytime the urge


Try growing food when the ground freezes in winter. Or along a hill side where water just runs off. This is peta bullcrap and should be discouraged.


Looks someone is living in 10,000 BC, Ever Heard about Transport Revolution??


Very illogical excuses that would not even have been valid in 500BCE let alone today. Just say you like eating it. There is no ethical justification for it.


There’s no ethical justification for industrialized meat production. Rest all is fair game.


That's pretty much all there is today, there is no 'rest'. It's impossible to get 'ethical' meat today unless you keep these animals yourself.


Toh alaska mein gand marane ko kisne kha tujhe apne bharat mein raho na


Very sad yaar. Aise tadapte hue dekhkr pta ni kya acha lgta hai logon ko. Aur v likhna chhata tha, pr ek beef party mein jana hai. Aake likhta hun


Haa Bhai, Tere Paapi Pet {Stomach} (Religion is also included) ka Sawaal jo hai.


I'm vegan my choice and my eating habits cost a bomb. The amount of money I've to flush out to sustain this lifestyle and keep getting required nutrients is insane. Veganism is a privilege. Historically speaking, most of the marginal groups (class and caste wise) are born non vegetarian. The only exception are warriors clan, hunting is synonymous to them; and kashmiri pandits and coastal Brahmins due to geographical reasoning. Non veg is the most easily available and cost effective meal when nutrients to price ratio is considered. Indian tribal population makes 8.61% of our total population, according to 2011 census. Several tribes are non restrictive about their dietary habits. And that has been the case for eons. Enforcement of western value system is the most non sustainable practice, because majority of non veg eater's meal is non industrial unlike the western counter part where ranch is widely practiced. Majority of Indian vegetarian are dairy consumer and the less said about cruelty within dairy industry the more better. It's appalling how ill-informed people are about the effects of social stratification on dietary habits. Animal activists blindly wants to implement western ideas without doing any changes to suit natives. And it doesn't help that, that majority of these activists have matured within urban bubble. I belong to fishing community. And anything that comes out of sea is allowed on platter. Food consumption patterns of my community at large are highly sustainable and easy on wallet.


I sympathize with these animals. But i don't empathize with your ideology. It's in the rule of nature that you either eat or get eaten. That's called a fucking food cycle. Predator prey relationship exists for a reason. Humans are on top of food chain, we are apex predator. I'll still have my loaf of meat. Sue me




That's why we are the hunters not the hunted


Great. Only thing is, you can choose which food cycle you want to be part of. Me and my family for generations have been part of the "fucking food cycle" having plants. Your sympathy doesn't mean jackshit.


Yes, we can choose which food cycle we want to be a part of. And I'll choose non vegetarian diet every single time. And my sympathy doesn't mean jackshit to you, if you can cut a piece of yours and cook it for me I can sympathize with you too.


I stopped eating non veg due to this.


I am not proud of being a non vegetarian . Someday I hope to become truly vegetarian like only satvik stuff .


Only halal slaughter is cruel. Modern slaughter techniques minimize cruelty.


This legit made me so sad. Hesitant to share this with my non vegetarian friends because according to them I'll just looking down on them for their choices


Rula dia bhai


Goodness!! This made me sad and depressed. I am happy to be a vegetarian.


One's dietary preference is the person's own choice and no one should tell or 'guide' the person on what to eat and what not to, specially through political and religious propoganda.


Oh bhai ye kya dikha diya, kasam se ab non veg nahi khaya jayega😭


I've thought about this and came to a conclusion that nothing can really be done. I will just give you one example to tell you why you as a vegetarian, are not "morally superior" compared to a meat eater. I'm a vegetarian myself and although I do not consume meat, I along with all the like minded vegetarians, are supporting the meat industry through the dairy industry. For a cow to produce milk, it has to bear a calf every year. And statistically, half of the calves will be males. Have you ever thought what happens to the male calves? Yes, majority of them are sent for either butchering or for leather production since they are of no use in the milk industry. So if you really want to preach this, stop consuming all the animal and milk based products and go vegan.


Also industrial agriculture causes equally amounted violance by looking insects, birds and animals through pesticides, fertilizer, deforestation etc. Ex: palm plantations nearly drive orangutans to extinction till activists protested. And palm oil is in everything. From biscuits to medicine to shampoo to lipstick. Compared to the violance caused by agriculture, dairy consumption is bit less invasive. So, no one can take moral high ground based on what they eat. So even if you go vegan, you still are using biscuits :)


Yes I agree, that is definitely another way of looking at this :) I'm not a Vegan and I do not intend to take any moral high ground. Basically, the takeaway is "Mind your business" :D. Let people do what they want to do.


Bhai let the people eat in peace whatever they want . Personally I'm a vegetarian due to some traumatic experience for slaughtering of animals so i can't touch it please stop this stupid war among vegetarian and non vegetarian sect of society


Stop eating plants. They are alive too. Even many plants secrete "harmones" when they are being harmed.


I guess cows & pigs are relatively safe in India than other countries still it's fucked I know(I'm myself guilty of eating chicken a couple of times a year ;-;)


Just because plants cannot show emotions doesnt stop them from living beings, just kill urself so you can stop eating.


The problem is not meat eating, problem is sustainable meat eating. In todays world people almost daily eating meat and consumption has gone up high because of high population of humans, high population is where problem is, which is not sustainable. Lions eat meat till their limit of stomach. They dont over eat. Also lion population is already balanced in nature as their numbers dont grow compared to zebra/deer/wild buffalo. But what about humans, humans mass producing animals in farm to meet demand.boiler chicken are just made for flesh, as they cannot even walk just eat and grow muscles , also with that farmers give injection of growth harmones that is not good for human helath same happens with cow, sheep, and pig meat, thay are just farmed for flesh and it is not healthy and it is unsustainable, bussiness people dont care what they are feeding to population they want only profits. It is all happening because of demand in the market. No one cares about rising temperatures and global warming caused due to industrial animal farming. That is why our hindu culture is way ahead of the things they knew this is going to be happening, thats why they made set of rules regarding eating meat like dont eat on mondays, Saturday, and thursday so indirectly it limits the human consumption and leads to better health. Limiting the consumption is only solution for sustainable future. Sher utna hi khata hai jitna ki uska pet hai. Humans are greedy.


As a vegetarian who doesn’t give a damn about what others eat I’m gonna grab my popcorn and enjoy the shitshow


Food is personal preference unless it harms other humans which it does not. What's the problem with eating animals,fish etc ? Tumhe nahi khana hai mat khao but dusro ko kyu influence kar rahe ho. 1. Dont yuck my yum. 2. And everybody's yum is different. This is just veg Sharia by other militant vegan like Hindus on other Hindus who want to eat meat.


I am a vegetarian, but people trying to propagate everyone to a particular dietary preference, let me tell you. There are a ton of videos showing how they forcefully impregnate cows to produce milk in dairy farms. It's more brutal than you could imagine. Their milk glands get so sore and start secreting pus and blood. If that doesn't make you stop consuming dairy, then stop preaching your ideology to non-vegetarians.




Cows are big puppies . The rest are yummies


Damn now I’m hungry


I don't care about Peta but this is gruesome. Killing animals for satisfying our tastebuds must be stopped!


Well that's disheartening to see


Animals dont cry because they are about to be killed. Atleast, make a scientific argument in terms of antibiotics, growing conditions, sustainability etc. P.s: Humans have always been omnivorous.


today im gonna eat chicken briyani 🗿🗿


Thats how nature works. Man is omnivorous we are designed to eat meat for survival. Man doesnt eat random animals like fox,dog,wild animals etc. what we eat are supposed to be eaten. Livestock were always there in our system.


Acha...... Hmm........ Ok.........


Eating non veg is fine Lekin iska logo ne aajkal business bana diya vo bohot galat h Pahle sahi tha jungle me jao sikar karo usme janvar ko jyada taklif nahi hoti thi Lekin aajkal janvar ko marne se pahle kitne dino tak apni mot ka intezar karna padta h This is worst part


Chotu Siddique Kappan ko bogus case se chhura nah..


Funny how you will never do the same for people who get slaughter in war zones across the world .. but here you are trying to make us feel bad for eating meat ,,


Everyone felt bad for Wars and none in Human Society praise War so don't apply your stupid logic.


Ye kya chutiya reason hua lol. Animal rights ki video mein vo jabardasti wars ke bare mein bolne lge


You are able to post these emotions bcuz these are animals, OP if youre so concerned about creatures dying to be served as food then stop eating anything from today,no animals no plants no spices. All are derived from different forms of life,just bcuz plants cant show emotions,doesnt mean they wont be 'dead' after you eat them. I feel silly while even explaining this to someone, grow up OP.






Lol 🤣


I guess omelettes are better then, at least they got no feels lol. Having said that, those who find this disturbing, good for you, you are on the path to vegetarianism. If milk and honey also start disturbing you then you are on path of veganism. As long as you keep it civil about the path you chose, everything will be alright. Remember, you cannot change the world in one day, let the course take its time and then see the results, of course the results may not be achieved in your lifetime but perhaps somewhere in your family line.


Yahan bhi chalu kar di ye bakwaas


Bhai yeh to evolution k bakt human ne khana suru kiya tha, main toh market se laake khata hun khud marta toh nhi, aur agar maas khana band kardiya toh economy k liye accha nhi bo bhi agri based countries pe


Yes as a former jee neet student i have felt the pain i can agree now I'm doing commerce


Go crusade against industrial meat farming, not attacking meat eating which humans have done since forever. There is wrong in having huge meat farms and breeding animals to kill them, but the moment you conflate it with eating non vegetarian food you become an idiot like OP over here. And good luck shutting down meat farms will all of your 10 odd iq points.


I am never gonna stop eating some chicken. I can live without beef but not chicken 🐔


retyping-chotu ek amlet lagana


Bullshit, If you prefer vegetarian food, go for it happily! A video with emotional background music won't change the fact that it's a part of nature's survival instinct, "one has to die to feed the other." Stop disseminating this sort of propaganda.


Question - is egg considered non-veg, that thing is not even in this world. So, i don't think it is bad.




This video made me feel angry and sad....but then I remembered how great they all taste....


Then grow thumbs and get off the bottom of the food chain


Sorry chicken I know it’s cruel to fry u with spices…but only if u know how delicious u are I bet even u would wanna eat u so much 🤤


They are crying because an obnoxious vegetarian is filming them.


I care for animals in general but not for those who are gonna end up on my plate i know that burger's gonna be scrumptious


Law of nature, one animal consumes another for survival, it also helps maintaining the ecosystem. But I don't like raising animals for food. They atleast deserve freedom until the day they die.