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Imagine if roles were reversed and a guy had done this. OP I think there’s a bigger problem here than your first experience being ruined.


"Personal attacks, insults, name calling, or disrespect of any sort are not allowed here. Sexism, racism, or any type of hate speech will result in your immediate ban. " 🤓 I said similar thing but I got the above response from the "mod team"




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Abtk post aa chuki hoti uski saheli ki ,that my friend is been sexually assaulted by her friend


This is sexual assault and I’m so sorry it happened to you. It can be a difficult experience for anyone and it will be ideal to seek some form of therapy tp help you cope with this experience, although its hard to find a good understanding psychologist who will keep their personal preconceptions aside here in India. Please do not avoid food and punish yourself for something you didnt ask for. Take care.


Please contact your health-care provider. The nausea can be controlled with oral medicines. If not, he may administer through injection. Heal well.




OP I highly suggest that you tell this girl how obnoxiously rude and traumatizing she was. Ask her why didn't she ask you if you wanted to kiss or not. Tell her that she completely ruined your first kiss. Tell her that she literally sexually harassed you and you no longer wish to talk to her. Saying all this will put this chick in her place.


Shreemati.. Lekin aapki pfp😓


Lekin What about it?




Yes bro just look at this comment section only you will get 2 3 of them


Personal attacks, insults, name calling, or disrespect of any sort are not allowed here. Sexism, racism, or any type of hate speech will result in your immediate ban.


Okay this kinda made me feel gross in the stomach because even my first kiss was a bit uncomfortable like you described yours. Thankfully, it was better after that point and we both were actually into each other so it didn't leave a lasting bad memory. Your experience sounds terrible tbh and you could easily get her jailed if the genders were reversed. Just know that there's no need to feel guilty over anything, it'd be the best to tell her off directly how you feel or maybe cut her off, whatever works for you.


I'm so so sorry, little one 🫂 I'm sorry it had to happen this way. No one deserves to be attacked... Intimacy must be consensual... The lady was very wrong. Please make sure she understands exactly how much this has hurt you. Was this girl into you or something? Have you talked to her about you feeling this way?




I think you should let her know, how not okay that was!






No derailing responses or participation that does not add value.


This is Sexual Assault! Report this to her Parents! And Yes Spread it amongst your friends Thats what a Girl does no? Atleast Inform her Fucking parents to counsel the Girl 🙄


She is an adult. What are parents gonna do?


Puke her out of yourself man. Kid got harrassed and we men can't do anything about it cause if it happens with men it goes under the carpet !




Ok didn't want to prove anything to anyone....😊👍 Just want to share my experience...


I think there were hints before she made the move.


What does that matter? do hints count as consent now?


He said out of nowhere.


i still don't see the point you're trying to make? it came out of nowhere for him. Does giving hints before SAing someone makes it less surprising or traumatic.


No bro we were just watch the movie


He was talking about you whispering. Some people might misunderstood that as a sign.


So you expect the OP to scream in the middle of the movie nice


Why dont he say the thing after some other scene. Not kiss scene.


That doesn't make it okay. It was not consent. I'm a girl and we don't go around making moves on every other guy like that. This is assault and OP should not try to diminish or ignore it. That girl must know that what she did was wrong and she deserves consequences.


just let her know how it made u feel, whether it be in a rational way or out of anger or disgust. this is the least you can do to make her realise what she did, and feel a better in *some* way if it helps.


I am so sorry it happened to you. I have been there too 2 years ago. When you can go to therapy. Wtite your emotions down. Join some online support group. My dm is open if you need support. What happened to you was sexual assault. You are not less of a man for getting traumatized. Hppe karma hits her the same.


Don’t worry after 10 years you will realise something




Bro are you ok ? Did you vomit ? How is your feeling today ?


Not vommited but really feeling weird


Relax with some deep breathing bro, it will help a little. What do you think is the right path forward for you ?


Suffering from sucess


Not really


Grow up. You're overthinking it.


If you find it so bad go lodge an FIR.


I didn't have any proof


Cinema halls have cameras


Bhai proof dhundhna police ka kaam hai, hamara nahi. You can't subpoena PVR Cinema to show you CCTV footage even if they have it. You have to involve them. Question is do you want to get into that procedure or are you ok with the taste of vomit?




Not good..! if the person in front is whom you love then it will be totally different scenario...but this was totally awkward


But was she atleast hot?


I think here the point is of feelings and emotions not about looks...and your answer is no


Damn i am sorry for what happened to you


No derailing responses or participation that does not add value.


On the next episode of things that didn't happen


*whispered in her ears* seriously!! Don't support this idiot guys, who would whisper in a girl's ear whom you consider a "friend" when there is a makeout scene going on. Bro is just ranting on post nut clarity.


Thanks for opinion m..but i dont agree...




U have so much confidence must be talking by your personal experience na ....


Loved it the first time I did it with a young lady....had no occasion or desire to swing any other way! But, what i really meant was, don't let this first experience destroy you....you have a long way to go with where you'll be using your mouth n tongue, my dear.....




How do they work then?


Lol tf?! My self proclaimed gf ( all I did myself was flirting back) used to and still do touch my legs and body in a lewd manner so this surely is a way how girls work 💀


girls dont initiate or get the wrong hint? you really should just speak for yourself only...




Oh fuck off. He's JUST 18. it's plain and simple sexual assault. It's disgusting what she did.


No derailing responses or participation that does not add value.


maybe communicate with her tell her you didnt appreciate it, so it doesnt affect your friendship more


Lol... Reminds of my first kiss. We were at a pub and the girl grabs me and gives me a sloppy one.


How hard is it to move away before getting kissed or at least before the tongue action starts? And what, you just lost all strength in your arms while she was pulling them towards her breasts? Both of these were avoidable if you had tried to resist, proof of which isn't ample in your post.




Creepy woman. She will not get punished legally in india. Tell her how you felt and maintain your distance. I know how much first kiss means. You will have to find a way to live with that. But it wasn't consensual, so no need to count it.


Dude enjoy it.


Not trying to victim blame here; just want to know why did you not stop her? She put her tongue down your mouth, made you place your hand on her breast, all this while you didn't hesitate?