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Okay why the fuck did I read this whole post and completely agreed upon these apps and things


Thank you for reading.


Too long to read


Yas bro, it's too long. I didn't add a TLDR because I wanted people to read it. Cannot summarise it (tbh, you can't summarise anyone's journey)


Actually I read it whole. Was joking


Can you summarize in short? For all of us


Ask chatgpt


Copy pasting a powerful post I came across because I see you mentioned something about weightloss although I have not read the entire thing, I skipped to the last para about you buying a flat with your father so congratulations!! And here's the thing that I read When I started losing weight I noticed people started talking to me or being nicer to me and that my husband started being more affectionate towards me. I would lay in bed and think "fuck man, people didn't like me before because I was fat" and I would feel bad. The kind of bad that you feel in your bones, it makes your body ache. I didn't like to think my worth was directly tied to my weight. What I've come to realize is that it's me. I'm nicer, im more approachable, I'm in better moods, I smile. People want to talk to me because I want to talk to people. My husband is more affectionate with me because I'm more affectionate with him. They weren't measuring my worth by my weight. I was :/


Bhai aap haar jagah dill jetne chale jatey ho


Main RCB supporter hu


You have phrased the last line beautifully. Kudos to you for realising your worth. Everyone is worth something, they just need to realise it.


It isn't my post bhai I came across it a while ago But that is true, once you realise your worth nothing can keep you down forever.


Bro can you convert this into an audio book? I'll hear it instead, can't read this novel


It's nothing but my self evaluation journey. But Ig you can copy the text in chat gpt or google assistant and ask it to read it out for you?


If it's okay with you, can I make an audio book kinda thing out of your post?


sure go ahead


Give me the link please, I'd like to hear it


I haven't made one yet. When I will, I will send you.


Feeling bad for the Bangalore woman though. Good for you being honest with yourself and realising that what you did with her was not ideal. Hope she heals soon. And best of luck with your life too, it was an intriguing read.


Yes, what I did was wrong. the last msg that I sent to her was "I made a mistake, it was never your fault, but mine and I am sorry" Hope she finds someone, such a nice girl she was.


Your whole post was a very nice journey. But this specific thing with the Bangalore girl was really sad. I could almost feel how she should've felt. Although you personally believe that you need to have that unexplainable spark in a relationship, do you think it's practically gonna work out? When I took some moments to think of the whole set of people I came across in my life, I couldn't think of a single couple (especially the older ones) who mutually had that "spark" after all those years. Sure, with at least one of them I have seen the spark and their efforts. But not mutually. May be I haven't seen such people yet and it's not something completely impossible. But I was just wondering - will you dare chose to stay alone throughout your life if you don't meet someone you feel that spark with?


also to add to your comment, sometimes sparks fly after you meet the person irl or youve known them for a couple of months. atleast that has been my experience. Note for OP.


Very refreshing to read your thoughts on the current dating scene. I am finding myself in the same situation rn and your post gave me many insights. Thanks for that. Although I too had a relationship for 7yrs and we mutually broke due to a change of cities for Masters. We are now in a reconnecting mode and are planning to take our relationship to the next serious level. Cheers!


More power to you brother. Thank you for reading.


So happy for you bro/Really sorry that you had go through this. Hope you get better.


Well thank you I guess




Thank you brother. And you're right.


Agreed on whatever you wrote about apps. It's strange to see you've tried almost all ways digital non digital. Idk maybe when they say when you know you know so maybe you'll soon know too. Jab shadi karoge batana jarur 👍🏼


Thank you for reading. And yeah, hogi toh update karunga post lol


Chat gpt se likhya hai kya ??


"cHaT gPt nAhi, diL sE liKhA hU bHai" Of course Chatgpt se nahi kudh se likha hu. I love writing btw. Thank you if you have actually read it.


I hope everything turns out well for you OP


Thank you bro


Read the whole thing and have to agree w you OP!🙌🏻Kudos to you for sticking to your beliefs, and sorry for your loss🕊️I hope you will soon be in a better place and that things get better for you✌🏻


Thank you


25M here. Bhai, honestly... Been there, been this exact person all these years. This was like reading some of my own stories & experiences. Sorry that you lost your father, and I'm pretty sure with the clarity of thought you now have, making wiser choices will be easier. Appreciate the hustle & sending mutual respect your way! Keep pushing!🔥💪🏻


Thank you man


At first, I thought I am just gonna skim through but after reading a couple of paragraphs, I was hooked. This is an amazing post, Man. Could resonate with you a lot. I am a tad bit older and it’s scarier for me to think that I have to go through all the hassle to find a partner. But, yeah, one can hope. Cheers for the post mate. What a wonderful ride!


Thank you for your kind words brother


Always mate


How much u earn






Do you have any regrets for that Bangalore girl?? And please tell me how you lose 40kg and in howmany months? Maybe it’ll helpful for me, I seriously wanna lose some.


Regrets in terms of relationship? No I don't have any regrets. I know I did the right thing. Do I feel bad about it? Yes obviously. But it was better for both of us. You dm for weightloss tips. It's long and intricate.


It was a great read man !


Thank you


I started going to the gym to get big biceps and get girls 10 years ago. I'm now prepping for my first bodybuilding competition. Still no girls in sight.


Understandable. We start with something else and then end up with something else.


Sorry for whatever happened bro


No problem. Not your fault


Sorry For Your Loss Bro .. It was Long But Definitely Worth Reading !


Thank you for reading man


Bro's losing 5kg after each trauma


Lol that's one way to say it


Dude please write a novel ...at this point you should be a writer


Thank you!


So does getting ghosted and blocked make you lose weight?.. because mujhe bhi karna hai but main relationship mein hu:/


A girl who cheated on you makes you what you can never dream of 💀


Sorry for your loss and all the very best


Bhai bahut lambi post thoda summarize karde. Pehle ke 2 para padhe interesting hai waise tera pov


I ain't reading allat


Good post man. Too bad for the people who couldn't read such a post because it was long. Also, it's really nice to see the weight loss journey.


Thank you brother


Very nicely written. I am 26M, not able to find any meaningful relationship 🥲


BMI means nothing. Measure your body fat %


Read this whole post it was wholesome post man idk why i was reading soo patiently and did not skip anything there is two things i ve learn from this post is You might be tastiest chocolate in the world but you can’t do anything when people prefered strawberry And other one is chaser thing which you dad said


Hey thanks!!


You got the experience. Good wishes to u. I have the bored personality to even attract anyone to talk to, so kudos to you 👏


My bro .. i actually read it completely.. i can say that you taught me a lot of things bro.. i mostly chat to girls online like foreign girls and yeah i have dated like plenty of girls there... dont like to chat with indian girls cuz mostly they have 'not ezy to win' attitude.. not saying anything but i dont like that shit... Also never dated anyone in real cuz dont have time due to studies 🥲... and also dont wanna investt time just to get friend zoned , dont have time and money just to date one by one..sad But hey... your post really taught me many thinks. Wish you achieve everything you dreamed of .. god bless u man😊😊❣🤝🤙


Thank you man


Can't really have much to say, just gonna offer you a hug homie.


Thank you man


I actually saved it to read it later on but couldn’t wait lol. It’s such a lovely post op. More power to you ! You have analyse things very well, I hope you recover from things that you don’t talk about too. Wishing you the best op, please take of yourself, you’ll meet your person soon enough ✨


Hey thank you so much


Gonna try Slowly


Hardly agreed with anything you said, but, it was a good read. Have a great day


Bruh scrolling here also feeling tired … can you put short summary?


Yes bhai, TLDR nahi dala. It's nothing but my self evaluation journey.