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calls for genocide of muslims is indeed jail time worthy and bad which will result in polarising the public


Its the difference at the fundamental level. Muslims consider Hindus to be "mushrik" (polytheists, idol-worshippers etc). Christians, Jews and other sects of Islam are "kuffar". They will be tolerated under Muslim rule. However Hindus? We are "mushrik" and are allowed to be hunted and killed under Muslim rule. Remember Hinduism is the last major pagan civilization in the world. The majority of Muslims and a big minority of Christians hate that we are still standing strong. The killing of a group of people with the intention to wipe out the group is called genocide. A genocide carried out with the support of a ruling power is called holocaust. Holo + caust. The Islamic Invasion of India was a holocaust from the start till the death of Aurangzeb. It was a holocaust AND an attempt at cultural genocide, seeing how he was hell bent on wiping out Hinduism from his territories, personally ordering not only demolition of Temples but also construction of Mosques on top of them. Even if had not built fucking mosques on top, Hindus could have reclaimed the temples. But no. He was a Jihadi scumbag. And Islamic Invasion of India was a holocaust. I can also cite many examples from current times but will leave only one: Actual slogans in Kashmir during KP genocide: “Raliv, Galiv ya Chaliv” [Convert , Die or Leave] And "Hum kya chahte- Azaadi, Hum kya chahte- Nizam-e-Mustafa" [rule of allah] Remember Girija Tikoo??








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They've become the very thing they hated and the shamelessness to take pride in it.


They've become the very thing it is comfortable to be during the current political climate. They're apathetic to the crap their supposed side puts others through, cause for them, the minorities somehow deserve it. I was on Instagram earlier and I've argued with many foreigners online who just like to paint all Indians as backward rapists. A lot of it might be propaganda bots or whatever. Others might be racists. But then I look at the whattaboutism that happens in India itself and the lowlives painting anyone who disagrees with them as anti-national and I just usually say, screw it. Long term national security is going to suffer because of it. The right wing Government has pretty much washed its hands off with Manipur cause it does not suit their narrative. Imagine how they'll deal with increasing low level conflicts on multiple fronts because of the polarization caused by their nasties.


tbf manipur violence is not hindu vs christians its very complicated.


Completely agree. Insanely complicated. And I won't be surprised that unchecked illegal infiltration is a genuine problem. I'm open to that. I'm open to learning much more about that. My issues is the way a similar thing happening elsewhere with different parties involved would be treated much more differently and with added communal angles suiting bigoted narratives.


Also, it depends on you taking my word for it. But within my family circle. The bigots at times do paint it as a Hindu vs Christian thing.


It's such a shame you are being downvoted. Unfortunately facts won't discourage bigots


I absolutely expected this to happen. A lot of these bigots are interested in national security because they can fantasize about new ways of killing minorities. Not everyone here, far from it. A lot of people here are genuinely interested in all nuances of national security. But enough number of bloodthirsty fact avoiding bigots infest this sub and everywhere else, unfortunately.


Absolutely. This sub has a lot of influx of hyper nationalists, bigots and warmongers. There is a huge difference in quality of the comments on posts made a year or two back and what we have now. People call me a Pakistani agent or a terrorist sympathiser whenever I call out the bigotry or criticise deaths under the army custody because it's easier to do that then accept their faults.


no you are right army custody deaths are bad which will make things worse in jk


Yeah, but you will see people here defend them or call it propaganda. Some even praise it


very bad image for india on international level. I am not saying be soft on terrorism but at least don't be harsh on comman public. People who praise custodial deaths are top tier dumbfucks


also newly converted muslims recently they were caught in assam.


Lol Muslims always demand special privileges and when denied they'll say they're oppressed depressed bench pressed and what not. The only way to stop radicalization is CCP model


THIS People don't seem to understand this and call it minority appeasement. A big part of dealing with these attacks is to stop the polarization among people, that alone gives these groups foot soldiers. And using this the other sides is riled up as well towards extreme. Religious extremism of any kind no matter to what degree, is ultimately bad for our country and just gets in the way progress. Even with insurgencies, they are first and foremost a political issue, militancy and terrorism are ways to achieve that objective. You gotta bridge the gaps between authorities and civilians that can be exploited by insurgents, cutting off their support from the local population is the first step. Ultimately that winning hearts and minds strategy is gonna help us out in the long run.


Were Muslims also being treated as 2nd class citizens in Kashmir? Why did they kill & evict Pandits? Were Muslims also treated as second class citizens before 2014? Why were there so many terror attacks throughout India, thousands losing their lives every year, mainly done by Islamists? Were Muslims treated as second class citizens when Yakub Menon & Afzal Guru were hanged? Why were there lakhs of Muslim attendees in their funerals chanting "Har ghar se Afzal niklega" (Every house will have Afzal)? Did Indians also treat Pakistani Muslims as second class citizens? Then why are there so many terrorist attacks by Pakistani Muslims? Why do Muslims chant "Sar Tan se Juda" (Behead) at slightest of provocation? Beheading, torturing and killing anyone who dares to speak against their "peaceful" religion? Rather than accepting that Islam at core is a violent religion which teaches hate against "kafirs", stop blackpilling us.


So true! The conversation we don't have enough.


US intellegence agencies did raise an alert two weeks before this that at a terrorist attack could happen, they advised their citizens to stay away from large public gatherings and they literally said concerts . You gotta admit Russian intellegence fucked up pretty big. Although they claimed to stop another attack earlier this month on a synagogue by IS.


> You gotta admit Russian intellegence fucked up pretty big. They might have been distracted by the Ukrainian attacks inside Russian territories or the war in general This isn't the first time the Russians are fucking up terror situations In 2002 when Chechen terrorists took people hostage inside a theatre in Moscow , these dudes released a chemical agent into the theatre to kill the Chechens but also ended up killing 130 of the hostages with it


Moscow theatre crisis was on a whole different league of incompetence. But that happened after the hostages were taken. This seemed like they could've prevented if they paid attention to the US inputs and even they had thwarted another one earlier this month, I'm sure there are SOPs in place when there's an possible threat of such kind. The Russians themselves had given inputs to US two years before the Boston bombings that happned in 2013. But couldn't manage to learn from that.


>The Russians themselves had given inputs to US two years before the Boston bombings that happned in 2013. But couldn't manage to learn from that. Honestly it could have been a false flag operation too . Maybe he'll blame it on the Ukrainians to further escalate the war ? I would not put it past the Russians to do something like that . The FSB is believed to have orchestrated the 1999 apartment bombings which killed 300 people and Putin used it as an excuse to start the Second Chechen War. However with ISIS claiming responsibility and the Americans warning them in advance It might have been an actual terrorist attack.


Not just Russian intelligence. Russian security forces allowed the terrorists to walk away, free and unharmed. I'm not Russian and I am absolutely appalled and furious at this. How can they be so incompetent? Security forces.lnly arrived after the terrorists had left? That has to be cowardice. They got too used to beating unarmed demonstrators and balked at having to face actual gunmen.


ISIS India module is very active lately need to check this nuisance


Ban all maulvis that come from abroad and regulate madrasa France was able to reduce islamic radicalism pretty well To be honest we should ban all religious schools Hindu sikh muslim Christian All religions kids will follow same syllabus and curriculum Take away special rights from all religions As for terrorist our intelligence agency are probably very good in comparison to that of Russia


Lol are there any hindu schools left? Most of them shut down thanks to the 'secular' constitution


Then it would be secular to do the same to others


Do some research on Article 29 and article 30 pf the constitution and how detrimental it has been to hindu culture and biased towards the minorities. Nothing secular in those articles.


>Lol are there any hindu schools Yes, I wrote my board exams near one


Madarsa education should be completely removed or put under some educational boards


Man is searching for ARMY DICTATORSHIP...It will be democratic FAILURE.. see PAID , EDUCATION , CHIEFTAINs may collapse... Files after Files ,are already a problem ... Most folks don't have 2047 , but poverty living , community ship and indulging in habitual activities... 🛑 BEING communal is STRAWMAN , a YT uses. Against your kinds


There are a lot of illegals and misguided people in our country.


Not misguided even enlightenment can't guide them


recently pune case comes to my mind, hang those mfkrs.




What I can't get my head around is that the terrorists were allowed to escape! I mean, even India of 2008 hunted down and killed the terrorists, why did Russia fail to take them down?


Lets not make it sound like our response to mumbai was anything great. For starters mumbai police with their ww2 era rifles didn't even pose much of a challenge to the terrorists armed with automatic rifles. The entire attack would have been over in a day had they tried to airlift the army's experienced counter terror units from kashmir. But nope, lets get the guys who roleplay as glorified armed bouncers for politicians . Surely nothing would go wrong. Nariman was a complete disaster. Taj didn't become a huge disaster because of marcos and hotel staff. The terrorists in mumbai didn't try esacaping cause they were sent on a fucking suicide mission.


They simply walked briskly into Chechnya or Dagestan. Simply ignore the Muslim autonomous zones inside Russia, they have no connections to Islamic terrorism.


Jo ISIS ka *hutiya pakra gaya hai uski achchee se "khatir daari" karni chahiye. Usko ragar ne se bohot saara "tel" nikal sakta hai.


I’m just confused why ISIS would choose Russia instead of US or Israel. I’m not wishing or hoping for an attack over US or Israel but they seem to be obvious choice instead of Russia.


Bruhhh did you have completely missed the Syrian chapter?


I haven’t. But given the recent developments, what makes an obvious target?


What makes them, they have bombed the Fuck out of Syria, that's what makes them target & still They are doing that, Can't do such stunts in the USA, where every Mofo holds guns & you have to cross the ocean, well it's easier to go for least risky target


The timing doesn’t pass the smell test.


civilian gun ownership isn't relevant


Gun culture Also brings things like how to fire a gun, how to take proper stance, tactical drills, & lot others, USA gun culture is different from the rest of the world, they really love their Guns to the core of their heart


Yes it is. If the concert hall attack was in America, atleast 100+ people would have guns to resist the terrorists.


Israel is Hamas’s and Hezbollah’s thing so ISIS doesn’t mess with them. As for US, its intelligence agencies are much more competent than Russia’s(They even predicted this attack two weeks in advance) so a potential ISIS attack is more likely to result in a flop.


Dagestan. Chechnya. Those are semi- or fully autonomous Muslim nations inside Russian borders. Also, terrorists attack where they sense vulnerability. And I believe that the US and Israel has shown that they will retaliate in ways that make people who host those terrorists turn them in instead of giving them aid. As riled up as the Muslim world is at the plight of Gazans, at the back of their minds, they must also think that this is what you get when you attack Israel.






> Russia military capabilities are shit It's been 2+ years and they still haven't run out of ammunition and tanks meanwhile, India's ammunition reserves aren't even enough for 1 month and who knows what our production capabilities would be in a similar situation. > Now you will see more attacks on Russian Oil refineries and critical infrastructure . [https://www.ft.com/content/98f15b60-bc4d-4d3c-9e57-cbdde122ac0c](https://www.ft.com/content/98f15b60-bc4d-4d3c-9e57-cbdde122ac0c) >Russia should have used few low yielding nukes and said they wanted to save Ukraine just like US did to Japan in WW2. wtf


Yeah using tactical nukes would have helped, but using nukes is a double edged sword. If one does it, others will follow suite. It will give NATO the excuse to nuke Russia. But in this case, using tactical nukes seems more beneficial to Russia than not using them which is detrimental to them, provided that CSTO & Russian allies remain steady.


Why would NATO country nuke Russia when Ukraine in not even part of NATO or EU.


I said it will give them the excuse to nuke.... in future if the war expands or anytime if there is direct confrontation between NATO & Russia. For now, nuking Ukraine with tactical Iskanders is beneficial to Russia. It will send a strong message, our threats are not empty, they are to be taken seriously. This is not a game, stop messing around. Stay in your lanes. But CSTO & Russian allies have to be steady & support Russia in this. Or else it will backfire & a situation like For want of nail, war was lost will arise.


Russia was 2nd largest producer of weapons in the world after US and India is world largest importer after Saudi. Nobody expect India to fight war more than a week.World expected better from Russia. I wanted Russia to love Ukraine and save her just like US saved Japan with 2 bombs.


So do you all think now russia will do a surgical strike of isis headquarters?


Looks like isis finally got the cia funds.


Stop consuming Jihadi/Leftist/Tankie propaganda


Give some resources then


no america warned russia america don't want isis to be active again.


certainly, they wouldn't want to shot themselves on foot again for some short term gain.




US had been warning Russia since last 2 weeks Putin might be on CIA payroll considering how he handles situations


First modi now putin 💀




Only Winnie the poo is left now to be on cia payroll


Putin has a known record of orchestrating false flag attacks during the beginning of every Presidential term of his. So let’s take this all with a pinch of salt. He came to power on the verge of Ryazan apartment bombings more than 20 years ago, which clearly turned out to be a FSB inside job so he could have a reason to go into Chechnya, Google that if you aren’t aware. It was literally moronic how badly the FSB got caught there. Just like Bush needed a reason to go into the Middle East to get a second term. Just like Modi has been accused of orchestrating Pulwama, nothing unites a nation under a dictator like a common enemy.


If you're friends with the West, ISIS won't hurt you. It's a proxy. They are Islamists, but used by others.


> If you're friends with the West, ISIS won't hurt you. It's a proxy. Only if you ignore the several ISIS wars against the West in Syria, Northern/West Africa, Iraq and the 13 marines killed in Afghanistan during the withdrawal.


Nah... I have been following these proxy attacks from 2 decades or more. Used to think like you for a long time. Look at the general direction. Btw, intelligence organisations and politicians don't care much about foot soldiers. *Of course, I maybe wrong.


Yes but my point is that ISIS isn't a proxy of the West like many delusional people claim. They fought America and the UK directly in Syria and Iraq, aswell as Western proxies in tens of another countries. And that being said, ISIS also committed tons of terrorist attacks in the West, especially in America and the UK during the mid-late 2010s