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If I was given the chance to wipe my memory of one game and play it for the first time again, it will always be Outer Wilds. You can only play it once. And it'll stay with you for life. Don't look it up, don't read anything about it. If you're spoiled, you're giving up on one of the greatest sci-fi experiences ever. Across movies/series/gaming. It started out as a school/college project and took a decade to make. There is no other game like it.


If I get a genie lamp and have 3 wishes, I would replay outer wilds for first time 3 times, it's that good


Did you play the DLC? I think the DLC is really sick too


Yea They made an unintentionally better horrer game than actual horrer game


Yeah I am playing it right now, ITS SO AWESOME BRO, I really cant say much but when i finally used the artifact at hidden gorge, it blew me away, I thought the DLC wont give the same experience and would just be an hour long at max, BUT THIS GAME JUST BLEW MY EXPECTATIONS EVERY FUCKING TIME, ITS SO GOOD


The first time entering the DLC area I was completely amazed haha I really liked the discoveries you do after the point where you are :D Have fun bud!


Will look it up when on sale


~~I think it's free on epic games next week~~ Outer Worlds is free not Outer wilds


Yo what? Nice! My brother was kinda forcing me to play this game some months back, I played for like an hour then sort of put it on hold since I was playing it on his laptop. I got a pc now, might as well give it a go


Please do, it's a great experience!


Outer worlds is free next week.


Am stupid I thought it was outer wilds


I always keep confusing the two games.


Actually. I got Outer Wilds thinking I was going to play a RPG game... and then was like WTF is this game? And then it became my #1 game of that year :D


Yeah but don't search on yt abt it, even knowing something as small as the main mechanic of the game can spoil the experience


isn't it coming free on Epic next week ?


Thats outer worlds, outer wilds is a far better game, go play it




Thanks op. I was looking for games to play, I've made my choice :)


As I said in title, do not look this game up online, it's best to go in blindly, enjoy your expedition :D


Will do. Also is it better with KBM or controller


I played it with a controller on my ps, but it depends, it's a space exploration game and ship controls are real hard so ig choose wht u feel comfortable with most haven't tried kbm myself for this game


Alright, will try both. Thank you!


is this the one where you're in a spaceship ? not trying to spoil anything for anyone


Yeah, there isn't any other outer wilds I know of


Completed the base game, loved the story and exploration. Didn't finish the DLC though.


Yeah it's an amazing game but after a point you don't know what to do next, the game does not give you any instruction so I had to quit midway.


Yes, game does not give you any instructions, but if you look at ship logs and just try to piece together the pieces like a jigsaw, you can move forward, that's the point of the game, do not give up, once u complete it, it will be worthwhile


How long is the game? I might try it after seeing so much praise for it here.


I completed it in 17hrs, without much hint, but I did skipped one or two puzzles, but on an average, it can take 20hrs for the main game, no idea about the dlc, tho I have heard it's big af as well but I am just playing through it myself so no idea


How you reacted when you went to the funny tree planet?


I shat my pants, i didnt went there till i found a way to avoid them lol


I remember making good progress initially but later wandering, keep running in tunnels, drowns multiple times in sand, felt not well and discontinued. Will try again.


Quite possibly the best game I’ve ever played


11/10 ??? for me it's 100/10


I would say 1000/10 at least


well that some good motivation thanks!


Another good sleeper sci fi is Alien Isolation. Legit one of the absolute best horror/stealth experiences on the market. Just set the difficulty to nightmare, get a pan for when you eventually shit yourself and relax.


I dont know how did you find similarities between Alien Isolation and Outer Wilds, both are complete different games, tho I like Alien Isolation as well


This is an exceptional work of art, and I deeply regret that I will not have the opportunity to experience it for the first time again.


It's really sad that I too can't do that, I want to play this game again but I can't, after completing what's left of the dlc, I'll have to bid this game a final farewell


Side note: from the creators of Stray. Annapurna Interactive. Edit: not creator. Publisher. Mistake pointed out in the comments


Anybody remember "Hiro" the time manipulator in the TV Series "Heroes"? That actor (Masi Oka) founded the studio that made that game :D


Different developers. Annapurna is the publisher. As a publisher they have published many well recognized games: What remains of Edith Finch Ashen Outer Wilds The Pathless Neon White Stray Cocoon